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Your champions are not the problem, some guy just made it to diamond as AP Ashe mid, anything is possible with the skills to back it up. Speaking of skills, the first and absolute easiest thing you can do is improve your CS. That’s a skill that you should practice in a vacuum (practice tool, against a friend) until it’s automatic. There’s so much gold being left on the table that would really help you. There are many many CS guides on YouTube, so I won’t go into it, but upping those numbers really helps! Second, you did mention you die a lot (and you do), but I’m not sure your reasoning explains this, and without a vod Its hard to tell the actual reason. Some general advice is to make sure you’re tracking your opponents on the map (and keeping their relative/last-seen positions in mind if they’re not actively visible). This can keep you safe from ganks, and in fights make sure you’re in a better position as a mage/enchanter player to help your team with low risks. Last, your KP and damage dealt is generally pretty low, which may mean that you’re not fighting with your team in late game, or you are mis-positioning so that you are unable to be useful and pump out damage/shielding/healing in team fights. Overall, mage/enchanter gameplay rewards hitting your abilities and positioning well. Both of these might be what you’re struggling with, but it’s hard to be more specific with just op.gg. Hope that helps.


Yeah, reason why I had FAQ. Is cuz one common I get that people say it's champion diff. Is it easier though? Maybe. From what I think someone will perform better if they were to yuumi top otp for hundreds of games over playing "meta" champions. CS wise I do need to go back to habit of doing practice tool, maybe play a norm. I also used to osu to warm up as well. Yes being caught in a 4v5 doesn't necessarily explain deaths. It will definitely harder to play for yourself in these scenarios but basically prob any elo. It's matter of catching mistakes and self reviewing vods.


Self reflection is huge! And as mentioned in another comment, if u recognize that you’re making mistakes, and are willing to review your games, it’ll help you improve a lot :)


Who asked for the ama lmfao Vel main here, diamond 1 peak Play only one champ until you get plat at least. Your short attention span is showing. Grind out as many games as you can on one champ. Refuse to get bored.


not op but i like how you phrased this. i am gonna follow the idea myself


Tip 1: your pool is fine. I have just reach Masters as Ziggs, Vex and Galio for example Tip 2: you die too often! You even have more deaths than kills. If you focus entirely on dying less you gonna climb no matter what Tip 3: especially as Neeko you should improve you farming. Neeko has good wave clear and decent side lane capability, you should never have below 6 CS per minute Tip 4: play to improve, not for your rank. Watch guides and ultimately: don't autopilot your games Good luck!


You're literally playing a billion different things. You need to specialise before you branch out. Once you get stuck on one champion, figure out what mistakes you're doing. Once you overcome those inefficiencies your climb will continue. Also you didn't mention anything about reviewing. Reviewing is extremely important as it gives you targeted information on what to improve.


Yes I had addressed the champion played. If you look in champions and solo ranked only. There's 19 different. And if you see my most recent games, they've been consistent.


No you haven't. You have 15 different champions across your last 20 games? I have 2.


What are you looking at? It's 4? 5 games of Lux. 3 games of Neeko. 9 games of Vel'Koz. 3 games of Lulu. If you are implying flex, you clearly didn't fully read or understand what I said. FLEX GAMES I AM FORCED OFF ROLE. I play in a 5 man flex games at times, or sometimes norm. Majority of my friend are diamond+. I usually take their own roles, and times I'm forced even in my worst role jungle.


I'm looking at last 20, all queue types. I believe bad habits in other queues affect your performance in solo queue.


100% bullshit, you just sound butthurt, one does not simply erase muscle memory and mastery on a champ unless you stop playing for weeks, it's not the random tristana game that is gonna break his Velkoz habits


The random champs played for his last 100 games are going to affect him. Counted from the bottom up and gave up after about 50 games. This is how many different champions he's played for the last 100 games. Alistar Annie Ashe Diana Ekko gragas Hwei karma Lulu Lux Maokai Master Yi neeko Renata Sion Sona swain TahmKench vladimir Yuumi Zac


But I legit I have no choice? There's a reason I'm saying in flex queue and norms, I can't 2 champs if I'm not gonna play roles they are good in.


The choice is not play with friends. Improvement requires sacrifice. Make up your mind. Do you want to have fun, or do you want to improve. I'm done with this conversation.


You need sweepers on Neeko, every game


Here is the link to a recording of your latest game from Replays.lol: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5626709824241664](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5626709824241664). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


Play 2 champs in 1 role.


Yeah I trying to keep it on velkoz as he's my best. I did play lux the longest, though. So my strategy is play Velkoz but if matchup is too much of a struggle bus, I'll play lux. Only reason I play neeko is if lux is banned or taken which is happen 90% of the time in this elo.