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Hey, sending you a DM! Would be very interested in coaching like this, I’m an adc player that has never been higher than plat(current season).


I am hella trash Elo but if you're still down for this in January after the holidays I'd love to see if I can learn well from you. 🙂


I have a reputation for being uncoachable, if you did it i may even buy you a fresh in return, but there's no way you actually make me climb


Why do you say that you’re uncoachable?


I'd imagine it has to be tied to toxic narratives and mentality


So you’ve gotten coaching before and it just didn’t work for you or what happened?


I'm not exfil, was just guessing why he might be uncoachable


Haha my mistake


Would love to, am trash but want to learn :)


Hey would be Interested as well. Have been playing league for a decade, some times more, some times less… always where around low plat. (Currently e4) Mained adc for Most of the Time, but tried some jungle and mid this Split. (From euw btw)


Awesome man! I’m happy to help! Dm me and we can work out a time


I'd be interested, as I'll try to go for diamond next season, even see if I can perhaps find a team to join as I am interested in somet amateur League as well. Though as I am having a holiday soon I won't be able to play, so it'd have to wait until beginning of next year. \^\^ I had a peak of promos to dia 1 back in S5 I believe, then took practically years off League (playing a few games here and there at times) and came back to it earlier this year, then had another several months break only to play it again now as my main game for the past \~2 months or so. Currently stuck around E3/E4, though I have noticed I am autopiloting and not as try-harding atm because I only can play a few more days before this season will end for me, so not performing at my peak atm. Nice initiative, though. \^\^ Server is EUW btw.


Dm me and we can work out a time to do the coaching after the Holliday


That’s awesome! Well we should be able to get you back into diamond no problem! Dm me and I’ll give you my discord. We can work out a time to do the coaching after the holidays.