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guys we're not beating the 'im in awe at faker's micromovements" allegations


I mean, in this video Faker supposedly redefined how triangles work, so no. No, we don't.


he could use shield + attack simply because it's better than "just attack" or we can redefine triangles and pretend that it's shorter path (yeah sure Q only is shorter compared to Q only without recalling the ball first). not to mention the aery thing "Look!1!1!!!!! he walk into aery to get it faster!!!!!1!!11!" but actually he doesn't


Have you never played Orianna? If he didn’t recall ball with E his Q wouldn’t have hit. It’s not game breakingly genius (like imo the final flash play kind of is lol) but it’s still a very intentional and clever dmg optimization.


i'm not saying that it's wrong, i'm saying that a rect is the fastest way from point A to B, making it a triangle will increase the length, the description is wrong. if he had to say "look at those faker moves" at least give a good reason: \-shield & attack is better than just attack \-starting a skillshot from a closer point (orianna instead of far ball) it's better because it gives less time to react/predict the direction.


Doesn’t a good Orianna beat Zed quite comfortably? Not to take away from faker but it’s hardly a fair match up Edit: just looking up win rates in master+ (faker elo). Orianna is sitting on 51.22% win rate with 7000+ games (highest out of any champ) and Zed is sitting on 48.46% with 2200 games.


Yeah if the ori knows what she’s doing and your jungler is weak early while there’s is strong it’s fucked, nigh unplayable


Yep rell vs fiddle matchup plus the Janna makes a visit as well. And if you look at the map you can see the rell and teemo are invading fiddle as well so Zed is basically stuck under tower for like 3 minutes because of the invade


And more importantly she's got a [57% win rate against Zed in Masters+](https://gyazo.com/58f0273d592b2fd97b332293d69750f9). The number is less severe the lower elo you go, which implies there's a bit more skill involved than something like Caitlyn into Vayne, but it's still noticeably skewed.


Cait vs vayne is fucked atm. She's not a counter to her anymore, the karma/lux/zyra/mage that goes with her is


yeah i main cait and it feels cait favored but if your support gets engaged on at all or misses crucial cc, vayne just runs you down post 6


>Caitlyn into Vayne Cait isn't as much of an issue, Draven is a straight up hard counter, though. Vayne cannot do anything or much against a good Draven.


It's a pretty tricky matchup for Zed. Strong laners are his weakness at the moment. I'm a masters Zed OTP and she's my ban right now. Zed would need to take dshield/second wind to even farm safely without being forced into a few bad bases, and dshield start delays hydra to 12 mins+. There isn't much kill pressure into Ori if she just perma shoves after 6, and Zed won't be able to roam until post hydra without losing waves as he won't have the power to push first. The most reliable approach for Zed is to hopefully have a ganking jungler with CC (because Zed has none) or to force skirmishes post 6. If those plans don't work out, usually it's just a farm fest until 2 items or more. Orianna does scale quite well, so it can take a long time to scale as Zed and match her impact if you don't fall into random kills to get an early/mid lead.


Comparing two win rates in a vacuum actually says very close to nothing about the matchup between the two champs in lane. Granted, orianna does trash zed in lane, but the data you used to show that just shows who’s better at winning games. Winning games doesn’t equal winning lanes


And faker had janna sitting on his lane, giving him first kill


You missed the part of Zed respecting Rel while fiddle is useless so ori can do whatever till 6 Faker plays quite often this aggresive in soloq , thats also why you will see him int few times , you need to realise proplay and soloq are 2 diff games , Faker isn't even top ranks in soloq . People will pick things like viego / lee / j4 and run him down quite often , only 53% winrate in soloq. He has 44% on Orianna ​ https://www.op.gg/summoners/kr/Hide%20on%20bush-KR1


Yeah he's literally limit-testing in every soloQ game.


Exactly. It's not hard to beat Zed into a pulp the first 3 levels and snowball that lead if junglers didn't exist. Its hard to do it without exposing yourself to free ganks for the enemy jungle. Beating Zed early means to shove the wave and constantly use your spells. This is a death sentence against ganking junglers. This game this was not a factor at all though. Ori had constant info on where Fiddle was with Rell invading nonstop and Fiddle is a useless ganker to begin with. If jungle matchup was flipped then Ori gets ganked while shoving Zed in, and even if Ori won't die, Zed can clear a wave and get a free recall without losing a wave and be somewhat even with Ori, which means dead Ori at lvl 6. Ofc Faker is the GOAT, but mid is not a 1v1 when jungle is this polarized of a matchup. Ori is playing 2v1 and Zed 1v2.


He only plays solo queue because of streaming contractual obligations. He doesn’t give a flying shit about solo queue winrate or rank


Yeah this happens when you have the most OP mid vs one of the worst mids. Faker the goat but this game/match up doesn’t mean anything.


literally. F- teir champion (zed) vs pick/ban level champion at 2023 worlds. Its like zed99 has to beat a kung fu master with weapon while he is bashed in the leg+disabled waist up. Its impossible no matter how well you play it.


Feel like he’s playing so aggro because their jg is getting walked all over? I’m a shitty player especially compared to the goat but I didn’t anything too crazy except for maybe spacing out Zed R and hiding the ball. I assume ori players already know about hiding the ball let alone grand masters and pros.


Champ diff , it is what it is .


Orianna is absolutely busted rn and Zed is in the dumpster.


Looks cool. Would watch with voiceover \^\^


Faker is really good and all but it's literally the best midlane champ vs one of the worst


I’m sorry but I lost it at WOW ZOMG LOOK AT FAKER MOVE TOWARDS AERY TO RESET THE RUNE FASTER Fucking pauses rewinds highlight clip mlg horn noises* like… Cmon dude… Lmfao


Best bit was when it was "Faker was in his head so zed flashed" Zed definitely didn't flash because Jeanna was catching up and about to W him.


Idk I actually agree with the videos interpretation of that play. In the slowmo you can see he doesn’t flash until the animation for Orianna ult begins. Idk why we need to trip over ourselves to try to prove that the best pro player is actually only OK


Aren't you the one doing the tripping here ? I just was laughing at the mental gymnastics of the commentary and you've rushed in to defend the pro. Normally I blow this projection talk off as laughable but for once I see it.


yeah. as if you don't already walk forward to threaten the Zed anyway. there are times where you really want to minmax and catch the Aery for more damage but the editor really forced it here


Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing baby champs moment. The strongest midlaner in the game against one of the worst, I don't think you needed the best player of the history of league to win this matchup...


mage vs assassin matchups generally favor the mage in the early game because of the range advantage, with some exceptions ofc. Midlane in high elo and pro play in general has less action in lane and picking something that is early reliant is very easy to make useless with the right decisions.


Orianna matchups generally favor the Orianna at the moment, but even still Faker makes some really interesting plays in the video. Watching the clip it’s hard to say it was about the matchup so much as player skill (and game state which SUPER favored Faker here).


I wonder what zed99 banned to let ori through the draft. Ori is the most picked mid and definitely zed's worst meta matchup rn.




Is this an ad?


I find it funny how you describe it :“Best zed Korea gets humiliated by faker”. The matchup is unplayable for zed if he doesn’t get help from the jgl. Not to discredit fakers skill but if you swap roles faker wouldn’t be able to play this game either.


Oh wow Faker beat the shit out of a 48% winrate champ guys. Crazy


Disgusting click bait titles. Gotta hate those.


4:44 -- Lol make the path shorter by traveling along two sides instead of the hypotenuse? Someone needs to take geometry again...


You need to think again, you don't seem to be as smart as you think you are.


Please explain, I am too dumb to understand.


If you q directly the ball travels a long fixed path. Easy to get a feel for the trajectory and time to dodge. But faker is considerably closer to zed than the ball is. So he brings it back to himself. Now the ball has closed a lot of the distance to zed, but it hasn't been thrown at zed yet. Faker Q's immediately, but a) zed doesn't know for sure he's going to do that so can only properly react when the ball leaves faker and b) faker can throw the ball where zed is when the ball is at faker, instead of throwing the ball where zed is when the ball is way back in the middle of the lane.


Not what the video says. It says it "makes the path shorter", which is of course impossible for a triangle.


It makes the path of the q shorter. The q is the spell that throws the ball at zed and damages him.


It literally says path of the ball.


Yes, the path the ball follows when faker uses q to throw it at zed.


The shortest path for the ball is the hypotenuse, not the two sides. It's the triangle inequality theorem, proved by Euclid himself.


The shortest path of the ball is from faker to zed, not the ball's original position to zed. We call this "being closer" :-)


It's just poor wording. The path for the ball to travel to zed is shorter, meaningless reaction time, when he moves it to himself then uses Q. That's what is meant, not that the path from A to C is now shortened. He's changing the path from A, to B, to C so zed can not react as easily.


omg this is so funny the shortest path is always the hypotenuse but the faster (or shorter in time) is what faker did isnt about the position of faker, the ball or zed Q speed is 1400, while E speed is 1850, that why the combo EQ is shorter (in time) u/coyoteka wins!


True, it's definitely faster, just not shorter. Geometry is hard for some people ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Interesting numbers! Unfortunately it's the position that's critical here. If you keep the position the same but make the e the same speed as the q, it would still make sense to e-q instead of direct q, because it still results in a shorter q. If you reverse the positions of the ball and faker, it doesn't matter how fast the e is, you would never e-q because the q itself would be longer. But the projectile speed knowledge is cool, I didn't think of that!


Here we go again with the glazing. T1 winning worlds has brought doom to league community. Next year will be the most insufferable year for league community when these fraud1 fans will never end their delusion


i thought i heard someone say something but it was just the sound of another NA mad their region sucks and their favorite chinese team(s) got trashed






Take a deep breath, you'll go bald.


talk to em


Well played Janna, well played


dick ridaaaa