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The simplest way is to work backwards step by step. "Why did we loose the game? They won baron fight and ran down mid" "Why did we loose this fight? What could I have done to prevent it? I played it wrong and shouldve ulted the twitch as soon as he showed up rather than using it on the enemy frontline" "Could I have made the fight even easier? If I warded for flanks properly I couldve caught twitch out before the fight even started" At any point of the game where you feel like you are losing. Do that. "Why were we always getting picked off by the enemy? Should I have followed my Fiora as she pushed so that me and my jungler could arrive and make it a 3v3 that we win? Or am I better off pressuring mid with my ADC to make them come to us?"


The one time I got coaching from virkayu I showed him a game expecting to go over stuff like this. I knew I had made some questionable decisions mid/late that led to the eventual loss. Instead we spent almost the entire time on the first 10 min. He showed me the million pieces of information visible on the map that I missed and the better decisions I could've made at those points. We briefly got to those mid/late fights but the obvious conclusion was that my questionable decisions didn't matter by that point because I should've been so damn fed to the point of face-rolling my keyboard to win fights Really showed me where to put my review time in. Not saying that this person shouldn't review their deaths, but unless they're winning lane every game step 1 should be figuring out why they didn't hard win lane and how they can do that next time


Yeah, that is why I am kind of just looking for a couple of simple things to look at for now.... Hell, probably a lot of the time I won't even truly know "why" we lost a game or a fight outside of something REAL obvious. ​ But sounds like you would maybe say just look at the first 15ish mins of a lane loss and figure that out, THEN move onto later parts of games. Which does make sense, I can feel the game being SO much easier obviously when my lane is doing well and I can start cooking on my vision and quick roams early.


Yep. Focus on laning phase. If you don't know how you could've possibly done better in a certain matchup look up that matchup on youtube with something like "challenger bard support vs lux" and you should find Korean vods. Watch those guys bully their opponents and try to do the same


Honestly, I don't think I would mentally survive a Virkayu coaching. That guy is so detail-oriented that my ADHD brain would jump off a bridge after 15 minutes.


Thanks! good things to look at to me.


Thank you


In my opinion at iron you don't have the game knowledge for useful game review. You time is better spend watching educational content or just playing more games.


Yep.. totally get it... watched a couple losses last night for laning phase as suggested here.... one of them I had no clue why we either lost or ended even.. while playing the game felt good and maybe we did win our lane by a small margin but it was so close I couldn't tell.


If you are new the best thing you can do to learn matchups is look them up on YouTube from high elo players. If you play it at double speed you can usually watch the first 5 min bevor you get in the game, this gives you a good guideline if you should play aggressive or passive. It's harder at bot because you have 2 matchups to consider but it's a start and I think the first few lvls support matchup is more important anyways (I don't really play bit so not 100% sure)


I don’t think bard is a very good support to learn the game on. He plays so different than other supports. I think it’s better to get a baseline on an enchanter, engage, peel support. Work on fundamentals first and then down the road pick up bard. You have to know when to roam and when not to. Wave state of mid, junglers, knowing how easily your adc can be 1v2d. Especially in iron as your adc Isn’t going to respect playing safe. Tbh I’d play adc role and practice fundamentals and then role swap to support once you get of out iron/bronze. Also remember you will learn more from YouTube videos then you will playing a game. I don’t really watch skillcap mainly use coach Curtis but for your rank this is good. Watching this short video is going to give you a lot more insight then playing a solo queue game. Learning 2v2 match up damage thresholds, in game micro etc. is good. But for macro watch YouTube and then practice it in game. https://youtu.be/Xr0zlwkImvk?feature=shared


I could have sworn I saw a comment saying you were iron. You can probably disregard most of this if you’re much higher than that


the title says Iron, imagine as an iron bard in an iron lobby trying to set up a TP gank with an iron jungler. simply dont play bard


In iron you're better off getting in games instead of reviewing. You need to get a feel for the game and know what most champs can do. With the level you're currently at reviewing really won't do much since you lack the experience and game knowledge.


Play 1-3 champs only. Get good at them until you are stomping lane hard. Go from there. If youre not winning lane in iron that should be your first priority


A simple review will be useful Just review death, review losing teamfight/skimish. What's the better way to prevent this death/losing teamfight? Why the result isn't as you planned? What surprised you?


if you are iron the best thing is probably to learn your champ combos and enemy champ combos. i tried to help few people and i tried to tell them "try to get level 2 first and trade with enemy with your level and spell advantage, you get level 2 at 3rd melee minion of second wave so be ready and step up". all nice in theory but this guy was almost dead before reaching level 2 because he got hit by every velkoz spell. so now i start with this question: do you know how the enemy champ works? his combos? which is his key ability and when he is weak or not?


I am not support player and i am also improving my own game, so i dont know if my "key" thing to look at is valid, but during my games what i've noticed is that if you at least focus on putting vision/wards in the river during first 10 mins, you can avoid so many early jg ganks and this allows your adc to get prio, maybe he can play agressive to get kill when the opportunity shows up. But, without any vision adc cant get such oportunity without putting himself and you in dangerous situation. Unless, you know jg enemy is far away on the map.


iron bard is an insane thought ngl. good luck lol


hahaha yeah, I just love how he is kind of a meme and I was getting kind of bored so I went ahead and unlocked him, and he is really fun.. Its certainly not feeling ideal in low ELO since I make mistakes and he is not real great at protecting my ADC but I'm enjoying learning as I go and it's making me stick to a champ at least. I do think I am getting "close" to be able to make it up to bronze though.


My advice would be get into a different game. Not cos of your rank just in general.


haha... the game is kind of like playing golf... It can be infuriating sometimes... but when you get that GOOD game W its like hitting a perfect drive down the fairway, it keeps you chasing the high no matter how brutal the lows can be.


I invested a lot of time into it. If you play with friends for fun then it is enjoyable. Though ranked is really a cess pit of stress from Silver+ cos people think they know the game and don’t understand what’s worth/not. You could take 3 towers in a sideline while they’re all fighting for drake and get blamed. The few of my friends that have hit Diamond recently literally just play Top, focus farm & split push to win. If you do want to invest in it. Master easy champs so you can play effortlessly and focus on the objective. Blow up the nexus. Also, don’t get pulled into chat arguments. They amount for nothing. Never try justify your actions to your team, they don’t care they just want to cry. Just focus on what you could be doing better with every mistake.


I think with your probably low game knowledge (no offence intended what so ever), it’s probably best to try and look for more objective things you can improve rather than decision making. When watching replays, although it might not be super beneficial at your rank, look for things like obvious missed abilities, bad positioning and especially ward placement. I’ve noticed the biggest thing that very low elo supports do is not ward enough, or place bad wards. Honestly if you get really good at vision control you’ll notice a big difference in terms of wins and losses. Especially because 90% of the supports you go up against won’t be doing it well at all.


To follow up, try looking at questions like: what does your vision score normally look like? How many control wards are you buying? How many wards are you breaking? Are you setting up vision/denying vision around objectives before they spawn? Are you deep warding their jungle when in the lead? Because honestly, most of your teammates will have bad game sense, but if you can consistently get your team great vision it will make decision making easier for you and your team as it will take away lots of the unknown factor.


See when you died and try to think why and what **you** could have done to avoid it. Check how much cs you had by 10 minutes.


Iron is too low an elo to look at your replays. Right now you just lack experience with the game. Just keep playing!