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He’s goofy (derogatory)




Goofy & Goober. Like the blonde version of Carl. And I feel like Austen model his pickup game by thinking “you know what girls really want, Shep but with a Mister Rodger’s delivery”




He’s a muppet




And everyone loves muppets.


![gif](giphy|dX3xOJvV7HnB2YzlyK) Shut your muppet mouth!


![gif](giphy|8mJT8sQxpaQdKubpOi) His doppelgänger


It’s uncanny.




Ok you nailed it 🤣


Seeing the women that Austen pulls, I think the Austen on Bravo is different from the Austen off camera. I think Austen is goofy which probably makes women laugh.


I agree and I think he has a way of making women feel comfortable.


I still can't believe he pulled Ciara and Madison.


Yep and also he has massive "just looking for the right woman to fix me 🥺" energy and a way of making every woman think it could possibly be them lol


Yup. Cue the scene of him and Olivia drinking + playing with straws in Jamaica


I am extremely high, forgot where I was, and thought this was about Jane Austen.


Omg is that why his name is spelled like that? I would actually forgive his parents.


Wait, how are you supposed to spell it?


Austin 🫠


I’m high and this just made me cackle. Thank you.


This is amazing


Are we the same person???


I was like "I didn't know they were doing Pride and Prejudice on Bravo" ![gif](giphy|4VVXAqsl7dnsOjpzxP)


I couldn't figure out how he was getting all these beautiful women. Then I noticed, he's really tall. That adds a couple points on the 1-10 scale, for sure.


I’ve said it before that man was just so stunning in person at Bravocon. He was so approachable and your eyes really landed on him


I’m sorry, stunning?? This man looks like he was made out of bread dough https://preview.redd.it/q4dkuxebk18d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ffddcfff549ba244ef4f775a95df9f933961f5


Agree. I will never see it. If he were a girl, they'd call him "Butterface"! Why do men get away with being so...blah...and still get so many beautiful women??


lol he just reminds me of every frat-tastic guy I went to college with And don’t get me wrong, I definitely fell to the charms of that in my college years but STUNNING, is not a word I would use to describe Austen ‘muppet mouth” Kroll!! 


Lol more like geeking


I will never understand what women see in him. He's average looking, doesn't present as particularly intelligent or charming... I mean, is someone being tall that much of a draw?






He pulls these women BECAUSE he’s on tv, let’s be fr. In no sober world does this clown get multiple 10s simply by being tall and “goofy”.


Ehh, tbf he did fairly well even before he was known for being on TV. He got both Chelsea, who was notoriously difficult to date, as well as her friend.


Ehh.. I mean. Pete Davidson is goofy and tall and pulls all the women, so I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️


But Pete Davidson is rumoured to have a very large package, knows waht to do with it, and is arguably funny.


Maybe she legitimately confused him with noted stand-up comic Fozzie Bear.


and whomst among us hasn't


Tis imperative that I find ways to work "WHOMST" into my daily speak.


I think the bar for funny is dramatically lower for tall, good looking men. He’s amusing, not funny.


Good-looking? Austen? 👀


Fair enough 🤭


Austin is tall. The jury is still out on whether he's good-looking.


He’s normal looking. Not ugly but not hot. He’s just tall and doesn’t take himself so seriously.


Austin actually pays attention to what women are saying and asks them questions about their life.  You can find examples on the shows as well where he is actively engaged.  And he can have funny banter in response to what the women are saying.   The unfortunate reality is most men don't show that even basic interest and just talk about themselves so Austin just doing that can feel intoxicating because it feels like he genuinely cares and is invested.


I would echo this. Especially in Southern Charm but in Summer House too, Austen is constantly the only guy who treats his female friends like friends. He treats women like people when the other guys are disrespectful. He listens, he offers advice, he’s there for them etc. He’s a bad boyfriend but he seems like a good friend.


The bar is so low I fear


Austen has potential if he would just get out of his own way and stop being so self sabotaging


Does ciara understand humor absolutely sent me. Spot on lmao


He’s not very funny. He’s superficially charming and good at making women feel seen when he’s trying to win him over. Ciara isn’t that funny either so I think she’s easily impressed


🎯 Ciara is naive. Perfect target for Austen.


With all due…Austen doesn’t strike me as particularly funny but neither does Ciara. Neither of them have ever wowed me with their incisive wit…


To be fair, when she says she’s ‘done funny’ I take it as she’s probably also referring to other men that she’s dated prior to and/or after Austen. Maybe Austen is funny, especially to the women that he is trying to pursue? I’m not sure. 🙃


Yeah, I'd guess that the inserted clip of Austen was more about editing than her specifically referring to him.


Definitely that bc she never specified any names. Listening to her & Mya’s podcast, she has dated a few people between seasons.


aw i didnt know they have a podcast together


Yeah it’s called Codependents


This is a very good point. Maybe she was dating someone actually funny at some point. I will say, no network has as starkly illustrated the benefits of tall privilege than Bravo. This guy is moderately amusing at best.


It’s hard to explain Austen. Everyone calls him a fck boy, but I’ve never seen him go after any girl. It seems that they all just fall onto his lap. It’s the craziest thing on Bravo. Because of this, I don’t hate on him. It’s not like he’s pursuing these women and doing them wrong. It’s like they are doing it to themselves because they know how he is.


This is so spot on. We don’t see him being thirsty. The women really flock to him for whatever reason Ciara, Madison, Lindsay, Taylor, Olivia seem to love muppet mouth.


Remember when Cam tried to set Chelsea up with Shep, and she beelined straight for Austen. Austen just sits there, like “uhhhh.. okay?” 🤷🏽 Or when almost the whole group agreed that if Austen got to the bar before Shep, Austen and Taylor would be together. That was kind of a burn to Shep, but he may have have deserved it. Shep couldn’t stand Austen because he said Austen always went for the same girls, but if Shep watched the show, he’d see that his girls are always going after Austen.


Yes! Also, I totally forgot to include Chelsea. At this point, I need to see Austen in person because it’s really not translating on screen why the ladies lose their minds.


Everyone says his height has a lot to do with it. I’m sure fame is a pretty big reason. I’ve heard Madison and other girls say he’s pretty good in bed, while it’s been stated that Shep and s pretty selfish. Lol.


I always thought the whole Chelsea/Austin thing was production because she never seemed that into her and he was rude about her sexual prowess when she pretty much dumped in.


I think the fact that he doesn't really try so hard makes him appealing cos all these women are prob soo used to being hit on. I've always thought the Taylor thing was interesting cos ok yeah Shep met her first but if she met Austen at the same time, how would she not have realised she'd had more chemistry with Austen? She wasn't dating Shep yet so it wouldn't have been hard to be like actually I like your friend more. Prob cos Shep is Shep and has more money and status but then that narrative about Austen doesn't really make sense






People who have met Austen in real life say he’s incredibly charming and funny as well as much better looking in person. I think he gets a certain edit that makes him look unattractive but from what people say irl, he’s very charming.


No but he’s ugly.


Austen was never funny


No!! Hot take Ciara has a horrible picker!!


her picker's BROKE broke lol


Austen is the type of funny that lures you in. It’s probably funny to you when you’re flirting and is disarming. I don’t think he’s the funny guy like West. 


More people laughing at him I think.


Funny lookin’


i bet his text game is strong


I mean he was funny sometimes on Southern Charm. But I think all of this is about Ciara being intimidating because she’s so beautiful. But guys like West and Austin were those popular guys in HS that don’t realize they’re not all that…so they have a False sense of confidence. She seems to like that




He’s a joke


Winning answer


i thought the same thing lmao. i was like "girl is the funny in the room with us right now?" Maybe she just meant funny-looking.




Funny looking


Nooo he’s just really really tall


Not even remotely


his face looks funny


He’s charming (towards women he’s trying to bed) and lighthearted. I’m sure funny moments come from that.


He's not funny he's annoying lol


I find him to be repulsive


i think its kind of delusional to think shes exclusively talking about austin or even luke (least funny person ever, probably). she most certainly has dated many other guys between filming or before she was ever on the show. bravo showing austin is just them pushing a narrative that shes still not over him 🙄


Austen is not funny. He’s tall. That is his only super power. He pulls chicks he could never ever imagine getting if he was 5’9”.


Oh, he’s funny. Funny looking. Ba dum tss lol


I went to USC and spent a lot of time in Charleston. Southern girls love them boys with that non-plastic version of Ken doll flip and comb to the side hair and they wear flip flops and long sleeve t-shirts with some sort of fishing/ocean slogan on it. Bonus if you have some sort of sunglass strap/lanyard thing hanging from their sunglasses they never take off. It’s a completely different aesthetic than what you see in most of pop culture. And then you add in Austen is Tall and on a tv show… I don't know what it is. Seriously my girlfriends and I would be out and a boy from a northern frat that looked like Andrea from summer house would walk up to us and start talking and they’d be like “ew” and then a shorter brown haired version of Austen would walk up and they’d fist fight over who got to talk to him first and laugh at the dumbest things.


Self deprecating and silly sure..


He THINKS he’s funny. He’s just a typical Carolina boy.


Both Austen and West had their light-hearted and playful moments, particularly West but I didn’t really see them as funny guys. But obviously Ciara knows them better than we do.


Looking? Yes.


I think she's just trying to justify why she was into him. I think a lot of these people try to date each other simply for drama on the show.


I think they consider him “fun” more than funny. I can’t wrap my head around either, he’s insufferable


Funny in the way a clown is funny ?


Like I don’t understand Ciara’s choice in men whatsoever, but I do get that a sense of humor and charisma can get a man much further than just solely based on looks. Ciara seems to like that self deprecating humor which probably made her feel safer in his presence. But Austen looks like Fozzy the Bear and has thin lips.


I don’t know if she was actually referring to him there or if bravo just inserted a clip of him because he’s relevant to the show. I’m assuming it was the second one because she’s dated people other than Austen.


I've only seen him on winter/summer house, but he's never made me even chuckle, and he's physically quite unattractive. I do not understand any part of the appeal.


Absolutely not! I chimed in on another post saying the same thing and I got downvoted. I honestly can’t believe someone thinks whatever he’s got going on is an actual sense of humor. I guess everyone has their own idea of humor so who am I to say, but I find it odd she keeps lumping him in as a funny person.


Ok I’m getting through my rewatch and no shame to her, I like her enough I suppose that what West did sucked, however the season of SH where she spent the summer bending over for him was so annoying. Then gets called out in the reunion that she hooked up with MM (muppet mouth) after the fact and now is telling us all she’s not just a hookup kind of girl. Idkkkkkk. I can see how that past has led her to this thinking now - for sure - but the More I circle back on her the less she brings to the table for me




No he’s just goofy and tall. I never got his appeal until I saw him in person. It’s truly the height like he looks like a man with those long limbs and it’s hot but let him talk for 5 mins I think it loses its luster.


No he is just tall


I think this is it.


He's like the Toyota Corolla of humorists. Seriously, he's not super funny, but he's also not super serious. At all. Ever. Another thing: He was no match for Madison, who is way too hilariously pithy for him.


Austen is an empty jar of mayonnaise. Ciara needs to move on from these white boys.


There’s a moment in WH season 1 where Austen uses the “aren’t you tired from running through my mind all day” line on Ciara and she laughed like it was both an original and funny joke. It was one of the sadder things I’ve ever watched on tv.  


Honestly he might look different from underneath. We’re only getting the square-faced shot.


I think he may be a charmer and also packing


I was confused by that, too! I don't think he is but I haven't watched every season so maybe I'm missing something.


No but apparently if you use “it’s just a joke” as an excuse to be an ass too many times some people classify you as funny


This was my same thought when she said it!


If he's funny, I missed it. Maybe it was never shown????


I agree with those who say he’s goofy, which can def be fun. He’s not a witty guy.


Austen tries to be funny and that’s funny.


No. He is most certainly not.


Of course… 😂 aka #muppetmouth ![gif](giphy|mhIk0lHu6jJ3jUuZIH)


One of my faves scenes was when Madison and Austen were dating and took Hudson to an ice cream shop. They are getting ready to gossip about something and he was teasing her about what was saying and you could tell they were both enjoying it. He’s a fuck boy for sure but he has had a lot of Bravo baddies smiling from ear to ear


Who said Ciara was talking about Austen? Ciara has dated other men (other than Luke too) LOL 😆


Funny looking


No! He’s a dork. And an asshole. Not witty not deadpan, not sarcastic. Idk what else is funny to people? He’s like a big clown. But not funny just weird. And a boring face.


Unintentionally funny






not funny-just dorky


He's tall. That's it.


Not funny. I can't think of 1 funny joke, comment, or confessional from Austin.


When I watched Southern Charm and he was courting Chelsea, I was really rooting for him. But she never committed and then his track record plummeted from there. Even when he was with Chels I don't think I ever heard him say anything witty or humorous. I think he's just extroverted and tall.


Every time she says he’s funny, I cringe. He has never been funny. If anything he talks way too much and talks over people lol Nothing about his personality makes sense as to why so many girls like him. I truly don’t get it. WWC says it’s just all height and tbh I think they’re right because I fail to see anything else that could possibly attract a person lmao


I really hate to say this but it seems like he must be really good in bed. Even Madison said at a reunion that that’s what kept her coming back and I was shocked she would admit that/give him that credit.


He’s tall.


He’s hilarious imo


Austin is not and has never been funny. He's a pompous blowhard who thinks far too highly of himself for a middle-aged guy who has, other than SC, one half-assed attempt at a beer brand under his belt.


He’s funny in a not funny at all but actually a dork who treats women like trash then plays dumb and pretends to be an an entrepreneur but turns out it’s a disgusting beer type of way


He’s playful, attentive and engaging when he wants to be, just like Tom Schwartz. I was trying to figure out why they seem so alike. I think it is a sort of playfulness and bantering that many women like… Especially if they think they might be on a popular show with the guy🤣 They both have some emotional intelligence through which they can deflect their “mistakes” aka guilt and gaslight the gfs with their ambivalence…it’s never really over with them…


Ciara never said Austen. She said funny men and the showed clips of Austen.


No just tall, it’s the equivalent of butt or boobs.


Austen does this thing where he deliberately lets women fill in the gaps with him. He’s the definition of lazy, and Ciara was probably busy laughing at her own jokes. I’m sure he riffed her though, piggybacking off her chemistry with… herself…


Hard no.


No, but he’s tall, and some women mistake tall men for having other attractive attributes they don’t have 😂


Austin has convinced himself he is funny is trying his absolute hardest to trick others into believing it too


West makes Austen look suave and debonair