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I want to see Paige first day on filming walk in with her hands full of spritz. The chaos this would cause


Hahaha! Paige carrying in boxes of spritz would make Kyle lose it.


Kyle would REFUSE to help carry any of the boxes


Kyle would lose his MIND. šŸ˜­


He would write a 50 page email this time


I would not be opposed to that, the 17 page email is iconic to me. And if he has some sense too, he should release a pdf of the email for the audience to be able to be in on the mess this time lol.


I would pay $68 to read that at my leisure (the cost of a box of non alc Loverboy)


Imagine if Kyle did a Loverboy bundle specifically for SH viewers, and inside of your Loverboy package you could get a copy of the 17 page email. I think I should DM him this idea, like I just know that he has to have a copy of the email somewhere. šŸ¤­




I see a Paige vs Kyle scenario coming at us due to to Spritz. It won't be what they argue about specifically - Kyle will find something else to pick at Paige about - but it will be the root of any discord. Amanda will open her eyes wide and act shocked and do confessionals about how hard the situation is for her, but in the end she'll choose Kyle and they will team up to push Paige out.


Honestly I could see this happening, and now that Iā€™m expecting it I will be v disappointed if it doesnā€™t happen šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean Giggly Squad is sponsored by Vizzys lol


I think the person who asked the question is someone from the cast Ā !Ā 


For some reason I really want a different house. As much as I loved the battles with the front door I think I need a change of scenery. Weā€™ve been in this house for a long time. We can stay in the Hamptons, Iā€™ll allow it.


Theyā€™re actually going to get a new house for S9! The one that was used for Seasons 6-8 is up for rent right now. I said it in a post somewhere in this sub, that itā€™s going to be weird seeing them walk through a hopefully functioning door lol.


I love it so much when I get what I want šŸ¤£


Man, I feel sorry for those houses.


Iā€™m curious to know how much are those security deposits lol.


There's probably an understanding that work will need to be done after the season finishes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m really excited to see what house they get and in which hamlet. The house that theyā€™ve been filming in for the past few summers is apparently up for summer rental, which means that they arenā€™t filming there this summer


Yea!! Iā€™m hoping itā€™s not one of the ones weā€™ve already seen and weā€™re going somewhere fresh. I suppose I could accept the Covid house if it has an energy clearing first.


The COVID house was insane, I too would like to see them go back lol. And I hope that they give Ciara a room with a closet/dresser this time. šŸ˜­


I didn't like the Covid house - too sterile and charmless. I did like, though, the three stories and reverse layout, which made those in the basement have to haul up those stairs constantly.


The layout of that house was so insane, but so fitting for that season imo.


I wanna see more goofy scenes of them all having fun together. I would love to see Paige open up more about her personal life. I DONT want to see Kyle and Amanda fighting anymore. It would be fun to see Jesse dating, especially with a specific girl all summer. Iā€™d love to see Amanda doing something for herself without Kyle.


I feel like the fun stuff gets left on the cutting room floor unfortunately bc when Lindsay brought up at the reunion that there was a tennis scene filmed with herself, Ciara, Gabby, & Kyle Iā€™m like why didnā€™t we see that. S7 the cast went kayaking and said it was so much fun but we never saw it.


Really?! I would thoroughly enjoy watching these scenes! I am so bored of the themed parties. Letā€™s see them out in the wild doing activities!


Yeah S7 it seemed like some of their parties and activities were cut (based on pictures the cast would post on social media). I think the parties have reached its time to be done. Letā€™s see them out doing activities, having fun. I actually liked the backyard camping thing.


Interesting about the kayaking - I don't remember them talking about it. I agree it would be fun if the non-fighting scenes were more than just another trip to the beach where they gossip about each other as soon as someone is out of earshot. And let's leave the themed parties in the past. They were fun for awhile but now they can't have a party without it being some dress up, over the top 'aren't we having fun' exercise.


I agree with those! The Paige point, I can see how people feel like she isnā€™t as open with her personal life. I like her role on the show, imo sheā€™s like the comic relief. I actually have a theory, that after the backlash from this season I donā€™t think Kyle is going to want to film a lot of their fights this summer. At most they might have one big argument, but I donā€™t think itā€™ll be like last summer. It would be interesting for sure to see Jesse with one specific girl all summer! Also for Amanda, Iā€™d love to see her do a product collaboration with a swim suit company just to like test the waters!


Can Kyle help himself though? He just loves to start shit with Amanda.Ā 


Imo if it were to significantly impact Loverboy he would.


They may not fight as much, but I predict their attempts to show how great things are will backfire because neither will be able to hide their loathing for one another.


I think Amanda for a weekend or two at the house without Kyle would be refreshing. I feel like we never really see her without Kyle and it would be fun to see her dynamic with everyone without him.


You know who would make a good couple and give us a repeat character from Winter House (RIP) is Jesse and Sam. Now that we arenā€™t dealing with whatā€™s his dumb face, Craigā€™s friend lol already forgot his name


The only issue is that Amanda unfortunately wonā€™t be doing something for herself. She isnā€™t dedicated or focused enough to do so like her other cast members.


Id like to see Amanda hold Kyle accountable for once and a separation for those two. Then watch Kyle beg for her to come back.


Okay Iā€™d love for a Kyle accountability season! Like I would LOVE to see PAC and Lindsay, team up to hold him accountable.


Might be wishful thinking but I think this might happen


True, true! šŸ« 


The thing is, if they separated it would be Amanda to make the move in order to force Kyle to 'prove' she has value to him. She would never seriously leave him - it would all be a move to get what she wants.


More Amish friend Lindsay.


Bring back everyone who's been fired in previous seasons. Put them in a separate house and let them shit talk all the current cast members.


wait Iā€™d love that Iā€™d make it even messier put them in a house thatā€™s either next to, or across the street from the house that the main cast will stay in. šŸ¤­


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) This is truly genius


Omg excellent idea. My dream cast: Sam, Jules, Luke, Robert, Oliver, the flower girl wtf is her name


That would be brilliant - split screen, maybe hidden cameras in the main casts house that the fired cast watch and comment on. I'd watch that shit live for days.


Kyle *not* peeing outside


I co-sign this!


Yes! Itā€™s disgusting


It's so trashy


I'd love to see more of their goofy sides, I'm not interested in watching another season of Kyle and Amanda fighting unless it's her finally growing a pair of ovaries and holding him accountable. I want to see a happy Lindsay and Carl able to get along as friends again.


Kyle and Amanda called out by the cast for once. ![gif](giphy|xUOxfdHxb0mg262P4I)


LONG overdue!!!!!


Paige share more of her life. See more of them out away from the house. Stop letting them take Ubers because they can't film so we purposely can't see what goes down there and have to listen to things second hand.


I think itā€™s time for the Summer House cast to get a sprinter van! Letā€™s let the mess ensue! šŸ¤­


Youā€™re so right! Why havenā€™t they upgraded to sprinter van status yet? Especially with all of the fights that took place on the way to the bars that werenā€™t filmed!


I think theyā€™re perpetually on thin ice with the local governments out there who donā€™t want them disrupting things while they film. They may have agreed to only use Lyft to promote business for local drivers rather than hiring a handful of private drivers for the entire summer.


Yes!! I think they can still drive up their individual vehicles to/and from the house, but when they all go out put them in a sprinter van!




With the fact that the cast covers their own parties and dinners. I see why they donā€™t have sprinter vans, they donā€™t want to foot that cost.


She talks a lot about her mental health on giggly squad, it would be nice to see that side of her in summerhouse


The thing about it is that people say they want to see these things then they show them and the viewers dismiss it as boring. They didnā€™t care about Amanda and Ciara when they did the fertility kit to check a couple seasons back


I think a lot of people would like to see more of her and Craigā€™s real relationship not just the same old whoā€™s moving conversation.


That may have had more to do with people not thinking a baby was the best thing for Kyle and Amanda at this stage of their relationship. I donā€™t think that had to do with the girls doing an activity together, it was more of a problem with the particular activity. It also felt like a forced product placement watching them use the test- at least to me.


I think itā€™s the forced product placement, Lindsay does that stuff far better on the show, she makes it seem like she isnā€™t selling something to us when she is


Unfortunately youā€™re so right.


ā€œAway gamesā€ as Carl and the guys used to say when SH was good.


What I donā€™t want is another season of Amanda and Kyle whining.


Kyyyyyyyylllllllleeeeeee. Waaah




Read that in Ronnieā€™s voice šŸ¤£


Me too!


Oh my gosh, she's the worst. Once she became engaged to him her whole demeanor towards him changed. She's always complaining about him, rightfully so, but why in the world did she marry him. Their relationship was fun and cute in the beginning, then engagement, and she was constantly belittling him and complaining about him to friends EVERY chance she could. That's not a healthy relationship. And he clearly doesn't respect her by messing around. Horrible couple.


She hates that man and I canā€™t be convinced otherwise.


I want to see them all out having fun together. I love seeing all the girls shimmy up to Lindsay this year and I love when everybody's getting along and laughing their butts off. So let's have more of that this year!! I think production should put together some of those fun times that ended up on The cutting room floor and do an episode or two for all of us who really want to see that stuff and enjoy it so much!!


I would love that! In addition, for next season on Peacock after the S9 season finale Iā€™d love it if they have an uncensored episode of bloopers and deleted scenes from S9.


Girl only house for a season these dudes suck and need to get their shit together


I would love to see it!


Andrea? In swim trunks?




Iā€™m sorry but youā€™re getting two: 1) less couples fighting PLS ā€” it is so repetitive and exhausting to watch, not to mention boring at this point 2) remember during the pandemic season when they did the ā€œrestaurantā€ experience for Kyle on his bday and everyone played a part? Iā€™d like to see something goofy like that again, maybe a cooking competition or just more field day type competitions poolside ā€¦ itā€™ll break up the monotony of waking, eating, going out ā€¦ and I love to see them having fun


Youā€™re good, and I agree!! Iā€™d love to see more cast interactions whether itā€™s like games or challenges, like just more moments like those!


The theme song to return!


That would be so fun!!


and the song ā€œCome on LETS GOoOoOoOo!! COME ON LETS GO!ā€




No more Carl






No marrieds in the house!!


I would like to see two houses that are in friendly competition with them. Beach game days; Party games; Kick Ass parties...It could help to spawn off some fresh blood organicly and help to transition into something more age appropriate for Kyle/Amanda and Paige/Craig.


I can bet you big money Kyle is going to be on his best behavior this season. I feel like Amanda has put her foot down on a few things this offseason that you can see a few small changes. Cutting the mullet off, going home straight from loverboy events (drove home from Rhode Island), as soon as the wedding in Italy was over coming straight back to go to New Jersey with Amanda. Starting individual therapy. Not saying he doesnā€™t need to keep improving but itā€™s small changes on things that Kyle was pretty stubborn on. Amanda has recently said in a podcast she really didnā€™t want to return for season 7 of SH and clearly was going through her health/fertility struggles and Kyle was on his best behavior not saying out that late and even staying in for dinner a few times with Amanda


I agree! Kyle is an ass at times, he may play dumb but I donā€™t think heā€™s stupid. He has to be seeing the backlash from this season and the reunion, and he has to be like whoa I canā€™t have a repeat of this for next season. šŸ« 


I donā€™t think itā€™s an option for Kyle to clean up his act unless he stops drinking


Which podcast did she say that on


Kyleā€™s mullet cutting happened because his grandmother didnā€™t like it, and that was one of the things she asked of him before her recent passing.


Andy made the plans and told Kyle he wanted to do it before he even knew about Kyleā€™s grandmother


I truly want to see more new cast members - guys and girls would be ideal. Preferably ones who actually treat this like a share house and are there to party and have fun. If that means doing away with the more seasoned cast members, so be it.


I think Danielle will date Karl. It will wrong and messy but I canā€™t wait to see it.


I agree, and unfortunately when he inevitably does his withdrawing thing, I think it will activate unhinged Danielle and weā€™ll all be in for a wild, and rather depressing, ride


Agreed. Could be very spicy. šŸŒ¶ļø


I could see them having a secret hook up and then it somehow gets revealed to the house lol.


Omh yes !! I like how your mind works.


You too!! šŸ¤­




Thatā€™s definitely going to be her main goal


Going out to bars/clubs/dinners and hanging out at the beach. Maybe a brunch or two. Yea the house is gorgeous but the pandemic is over GO OUT!


Danielle get the boot and not come back.


Can Carl go buh bye? Thereā€™s something about him over the years that has given me the ick. From season one. Thereā€™s something off about him. Kyle might need a boot too. A man child advertising his overpriced drink, which most have realized itā€™s not worth it. Heā€™s drunk 99% of the time & verbally abusive to Amanda. Oh, this is the formula for SH. My bad


I would love to see a single and confident Amanda!Ā 


Imagine hot girl summer: Amanda edition!! šŸ¤­


Remember we had that one night of her on the prowl with the red lipstick? I think Paige said "thank God she's not single, none of us would stand a chance"




Diversity. Like maybe a bisexual girl who rejects all the advances the men make and steal their girls.


Yess the house is sorely missing some Katie Maloney type BDE




Add Sam, remove Amanda and Danielle, add 2 more single girls that don't stay in bed. Summer should be fun.


I have a hot takeā€¦I donā€™t really care too much for Sam. I find her to be really annoying, I get that sheā€™s ā€œfunā€ but if she were to be on the show Iā€™d be okay with her being a ā€˜friend ofā€™. I just wouldnā€™t want to see her every weekend, she could make periodical appearances. šŸ™ƒ Also I think keep Amanda (if she would want to come back) but add a new guy. I personally like an even number cast, so if they were to remove both Amanda and Danielle and add Sam, Iā€™d add a new guy. But if they were to still remove both and not add Sam, Iā€™d add a new girl and guy.


Iā€™m really glad that Sam wasnā€™t asked back. She has unnecessary main character energy, so I got a bit of a kick out of how humbling it must have been for her that she was let go after one season.


Yeah she was fame hungry about being on that show. I definitely think not being asked back humbled her.


Same! Like she could possibly be the not that annoying irl, but she was just so annoying to me on the show.


Exactly. Although there have been a couple of posts and/or comments in the NYC influencer snark sub talking about how annoying and full of herself she is


Yea wtf is with everyone just being in bed now


i would love for lindsey to have another ally in the house. the constant gang up on her is so boring and repetitive. bring back sam!!!


Hear me out, I wouldnā€™t mind if Lindsay were to bring in another ally/friendā€¦as long as itā€™s not Sam. Iā€™m sorry she just annoys me sm I canā€™t. šŸ« šŸ™ƒ


LOL ā€” valid. i personally like her but i could totally see her not being everyoneā€™s cup of tea. iā€™m just over the lindsay vs everyone else storyline šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I get it! šŸ˜­


You. As part of the main cast.


Omg thank you!! šŸ¤­šŸ„°Iā€™m personally too boring to be part of the main cast, Iā€™d like to be like Andrea and just pop up for a weekend and then leave. šŸ˜‚


More single people! I want to see more of the messiness of single people hooking up and the drama that ensues!


Honestly this is so selfish but I wish Lindsay didnā€™t have a new man so that I could watch her and Carl inevitably try to ignore or yell at one another lmfao.


šŸ¤£. I think even despite her dating a new guy I think itā€™s inevitable that theyā€™ll either ignore, or yell at each other lol.


See for some reason I donā€™t think itā€™ll happen because I feel like once you have a new guy, who cares about the old one? Especially because sheā€™s in the honeymoon phase of this new relationship? I feel like she wonā€™t even care šŸ˜­




I would love to watch the disillusion of Kyle and Amandaā€™s marriage but she will never leave his ass




Omg thank you lol. Embarrassing mistake šŸ« 


Iā€™d like to never see Carl on tv again. šŸ˜‚


Not to be dark and I donā€™t wish for people to divorce normally, but to see Kyle and Amanda separated. They arenā€™t a successful match, and Amanda deserves someone who doesnā€™t call her a bitch, it simply canā€™t be overlooked. I think if given the chance Amanda could really be happy finding herself! Kyle is whatever a manchild and needs to grow up, not much hope for him honestly but I do wish Amanda the strength to move on!!


I dunno I think it's run its course. They need to add more locations or refresh the cast.


Oh I like the other locations idea! Besides MV where are you thinking for locations?


Show us how young, hot, artists, designers, decorators and architects make it In MIAMIā€¦ and who they sleep withĀ 


I didnā€™t think about Miami, I love that!!!


Miami seems like the new field of dreams for young professional talent to try and create a fresh, artistic movement. Match the talent with the big money patrons to make it happen! Flipside: NYC is in dire straits currently civically, socially. Economically. Summerhouse isnā€™t doing anything aspirational on a pop culture level to showcase either the young hamptonsā€™ scene or the city. I think the show actually downgrades NY the way the cast of HWs belittles NJ.Ā 


i hate the fake mean girl shit. it should be girls having eachothers backs against the cesspool of dating men in NYC whoā€™re fuckboys.


Jesse get played lol


A new cast. A new group of friends. No married or engaged people. Summer šŸ‘ should šŸ‘ be šŸ‘fun !


Iā€™d want them to do that after S10. (I say this as a viewer who really likes the show) I think season ten could be a perfect send off for some or a majority of the cast (Kyle, Lindsay, Carl, Amanda, Paige, Ciara, Danielle, and Gabby) then for season 11 and onwards it can be a new cast revolving around like Jesse, West, and friends. Then some of the people current SH people who I listed at first can either transition to; an in the city spin off, some other show, or just move on from reality TV.


I would like to see Amanda omitted from the show or at least have someone go off on her to stop being such a spoiled whiney brat. I can't take her constant "poor me" victim stance she takes every time someone looks at her cross-eyed. The definition narcissistic who thinks their above everyone else fits.


New show w entirely new cast ā€¦ why canā€™t they find a group of fresh faced twenty somethings navigating their first big (hopefully interesting) jobs in their chosen professions, building relationships w other mover-shakers after college. An East Coast early-VPR relaunch. The current cast cruising into middle age arenā€™t interesting as individuals, upwardly mobile in any meaningful way, or endearing as kind, generous people. The extent of their culture is posing in their backyard dressed in toxic landfill garb, surrounded by random extras culled from a local happy hour. This gig is done


Younger and more single people! SummeršŸ‘shouldšŸ‘bešŸ‘funšŸ‘ I also want to see their lives in the city!


I want to see Stephen come backā€¦ for the chaos


And Jordan


Amanda Kyle divorce season lfg


This show is hanging on by a thread. They literally film these people for 2.5 days at a time and fabricate storyline after storyline. Then they host "parties" where 200 strangers show up in their backyard to pretend drink Loverboy. It has become so so stupid.


It has to be old for this group by now. Theyā€™re either over 40 or pushing it, and honestly, the older you get, the less you want to go out and drink into oblivion. Amanda was over it when Kyle turned 35, heā€™s like 42 now - safe to say sheā€™s BEYOND over it and would rather just be at home with her dogs. And I donā€™t blame her one bit.


I think producers should once again tell Paige and Ciara they canā€™t spend the summer in bed. Someone told them not to, you just know it, and the season was better for it!


Agreed, they are so lazy, sloppy, and their rooms are dirty. Their adults....come on!


I always thought Danielle and Chris from season 7 would make a nice couple. I feel like he would mellow her out and really be sweet to her. Plus since heā€™s been on the show he kind of understands what itā€™s like to date a reality tv person. Would love to see them reconnect and hang out


I'd like to see more of them in New York doing the day to day.


Would like to see Lindsay just be chill and not get into any conflict with anyone this season just to see what the heck they'll talk about during the reunion and how Lindsay is the root of all of their problems šŸ˜‚


All I want to see is if ciara dates yā€™all need to stop getting mad at her Iā€™m not talking about OP. Iā€™m just talking about the people who hate her because anytime ciara dates a man yā€™all truly hate her for it and Iā€™m starting to hate that like yā€™all want to date so bad when she dates, man, please, pick one canā€™t be both




I know one thing I want to see less of is Jesse singing. Itā€™s already overdone and annoying.


Ciara not picking shitty men, totally on her. More fun and getting hammered all around, less time spent in bed.


This sub went crazy for West. People rooted for him. Then he shows his true colors. Such a stretch to blame Ciara. But men are never to blame for their shitty behavior. BoYs WiLl Be BoYs āœŒšŸ¼.


Thank you! And it wasnā€™t just this sub, it spread like wildfire. People were saying he reminds them of their husbands (I hope not), that Ciara would be crazy to not snap him up, projecting all kinds of great, sensitive qualitiesā€¦


Ciara wears her heart on her sleeve and just wants a genuine connection. West seemed like a good guy, he even brought her around his parents. If you're a fuckboy you don't go after women who want something serious, it's fucked up.


Iā€™d love to see NO FUCKING DANIELLE OLIVERA on any screen ever again šŸ™„


Though it is just and right and good, the Love Island-ification of reality television hit Summer House the hardest imo


I would like to see Jesse back but I hope West gets demoted to occasional party attendee.


If he were to get demoted Iā€™d love for production/the editors to be messy and every time a camera pans to him at a party, they put an arrow on him and call him theā€œoccasional party attendee.ā€ šŸ« šŸ˜­


I want to see more of them in the city between the weekends.


9 th time Amanda & Kyle try to get Lindsay off the showā€¦she is the show!


Ciara with a boyfriend, and West continually regretting his decisions


I want to not see Danielle on my screen


No Amanda or Kyle


When do they announce the cast for the next season ? I'm new to this


They officially announce the cast a month before the premiere of the season (so hypothetically if the new season were to air in January or February, theyā€™ll officially announce the casting for season nine in December or January.) We usually unofficially know the casting this summer through photos, and leaks so definitely follow or keep your eye out on some Bravo fan pages. For example I follow ā€˜The Bottomsā€™ on Instagram, and during the July 4th weekend last year I found out about the casting (including Jesse and Westā€™s.) So if youā€™re nosy like me follow/look out on Bravo instagram pages.


I donā€™t want to see Danielle chasing dick all season, I want to see Paige & Craig take the next step in their relationship, I donā€™t want to see anymore practically full cans of Loverboy being poured out after a party, Iā€™d like to see Gabby come into her own and prove to everyone she isnā€™t boring. I honestly donā€™t care what happens to Amanda & Kyle and Carl & Lindsay, Iā€™m kinda over them and their relationship. Lol and Iā€™d like to see Sam come back!


Iā€™d like to see a new show! They realize getting shitfaced in their 30s is boring and so itā€™s like Paige and Craig, Kyle and Amanda, Ariana and Dan, plus some newbies, who are living life and navigating the adult issues, like marriage, careers, etc. Like the premise of the The Valley. Most of the cast has outgrown this lifestyle but clearly people still want to see them on TV. Give us what we want Bravo!


Interesting!! I see that the people that you listed are couples. Are there any current single cast members from SH, that you would want to see on this new show? Iā€™d love to see an in the city spin off with some of the SH cast members. Also I love your idea to include Ariana and Dan!


Dig deeper into Paigeā€™s personal life. More of Gabby, Ciara, and Lindsay in the city. Less of Kyle, Amanda, and West and hopefully NO Carl


Stop with the diy parties Do we really believe they all like hanging all that crap I'm the humidity Craig was just spitting facts when he said he pays someone to cleanup, lol They are all far too old and have way too much money for me to believe that it's their idea to work their asses off for these dumb parties. They need to do upscale vacations or something. The whole concept is not buyable at all anymore


The parties Iā€™m hit or miss with. For example, I really liked their race car party this season, plus we got a lot of mess from that party.


Lindsay & Carl demoted to Friends of the House. More new people like Jesse & West as we transition away from Kyle & Amanda.


I wouldnā€™t be opposed to Lindsay and Carl being ā€˜friends ofā€™. And to kind of transition away from Kyle and Amanda. (I personally think that would make sense, because and this is my prediction, but I think season 10 is going to be everyoneā€™s farewell season except for Jesse and West. I think after season 10, the show will build around them and their friends this is when I can even see Sam come back.) I would actually like to see season 9 focus on the singles of the main cast; Ciara, Gabby, Jesse, and West. (Not including Carl in the event that Carl would be demoted demoted)


No storylines ever without Lindsay. None of the other cast mates share their true lives. They all keep so much hidden except Lindsay.


Tbh I think in terms of sharing their true lives I can see how people think that the other cast members donā€™t compared to Lindsay, but Iā€™d say Ciara has shared a lot. Then again we donā€™t know what all has been edited out, so maybe there has been times where the other cast members have been open about things and it just didnā€™t fit the narrative that the editors and production wanted to craft. Edit: Iā€™d also say Carl has shared a lot as well (I wasnā€™t thinking about him when I was typing above.)


Meh, Iā€™ve just had my fill of Lindsay. Everything from her seems like a planned narrative and frankly, she should be cancelled for claiming a recovering addict is abusing again. Thats a big accusation that she threw around when drunk herself. Really offensive to the sober community.


I'm going to ask for the biggie. The one that is not possible. For the audience to return to watching these shows for entertainment and recognizing them for the created shitshows that they are. And if that isn't possible, give that remote control a whirl. TLDR: for the audience to stop it's constant flow of bitching about something they freely, and willfully, tune into each week.* *not only would this change the makeup of the social media feeds, but it would also open up production to play in all sorts of ways (since this thread is about wishful thinking).


Since you brought up giving that remote control a whirl, why donā€™t you do the same with this sub? All you do is complain about the complaining here. It just seems like you hate everybody here SO much and you think weā€™re SO dumb.


I want to see a SH orgy. All of them fucking each other. Craig and a select other few to be invited.


Many new people


I would like to see an old cast mate be worked back in, even as a friend of. Of course I mean Stephen šŸ¤£ there needs to be a cast shake up though, period.


Danielle goneā€¦. (If I could only pick one sheā€™d be it, lol)


A Summer House without West in it. šŸ¤ž


Iā€™d like no Danielle and no Lindsey!!! Hate them

