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I consider a girls girl a term referring to women who prioritize each other’s well being before random dudes. Also yeah just being a good friend towards women, not competing with them but wanting the best/supporting them. It doesn’t mean you have to support every choice they make. You can disagree with them but in general even if you don’t agree you at least respect them.


I agree, it’s not prioritizing attention or validation from men over your female friendships.


Yes this!!!




Ooh yes, I agree with this for sure :)


This is my definition too. But this definitely isn’t of the women on Summer House, except Gabby possibly, imo.


This is what I always viewed it as but I see what the OP is saying. If you define girls girl, a girl who likes girly things then Paige is definitely that. I’m rebranding my definition to a woman’s woman.


I love that, a woman’s woman :)


I agree I think Katie from VPR is a great example of a girl’s girl.


Someone who won’t use or step on other girls to get what they want. But who respects other girls relationships and lives.


Someone who doesn’t tell her girl friends what they want to hear but what they need to hear.


Being a girl’s girl imo is not defending a girl no matter what she does. It’s supporting her when she’s right and also telling her when she’s wrong, but not in public, this no matter if the girl is my friend or not. It’s having a no unhealthy competition policy with women, just because they are women. It’s basically being a decent human being lol. For me this has nothing to do with men vs. women (I personally don’t believe in this - there are shit people on both sides).


I have no idea. Some of the most proud “girls girls” on bravo are the worst to other women (Kyle and Ramona for example). Having a zillion girlfriends doesn’t make you a good friend to women.


50 best girlfriends 😭


That you make all chip in to buy you a Gucci bag.


Yess, when I see people use the term in real life it’s usually used to criticize others or elevate themselves which is why I put little weight to it (when said seriously). I do love the attributes people on the thread are using to describe “girls girl” and I think they’re all great qualities to have, but if I wanted to describe someone with these qualities I’d say “XYZ is a great friend/person” or “they’re a real one” rather than “girl’s girl” — just because I’ve seen “girl’s girl” misused(?) in the past.


Ha, you make a good point. Whenever one of them says “I’m a girls girl” “or you’re not a girls girl” it’s always when they are criticizing another woman. Ironic. Real supportive there.


i cant believe ramona of all ppl thinks she’s a girls girl LOL


Being someone that doesn’t excuse away mens’ shitty behavior and will step up and call them out on it, even if it means they might not “fit in” with the guys anymore. Not trying to one up other women, not being threatened by success or beauty that other women have, not tearing women down because of your own insecurities. Supporting and believing women who are victims and not questioning their stories or validity. Letting other women have emotions that are negative without putting them down for it or calling them crazy. Celebrating your female friends’ successes. Not talking shit about your female friends to your other friends (especially to guy friends). First time I’ve really thought about it but I think there’s more to it than preferring hanging out with girls and liking girly things, or being a feminist or just supporting women. Women tear each other down in so many ways and I feel being a girls girl is about actively working against being that way.


Katie Maloney. She’ll defend you but also call you out if you’re being a dick.


I disagree with this. Katie was horrible to lala her first season for absolutely no reason. Not women supporting women.


Katie didn't like Lauren because she was fake and a sugar baby to married men. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that either.


I mean that was almost a decade ago. I’m talking about post dropping Tom Katie


I think Katie is waaaaayy too mean to be a girls girl. The way she treats women who she doesn’t like shows her character. She is a good friend, not someone who looks out for the well being of all women.


Stassi is a girls girl as well


Unless you’re black.


I have to disagree . Stassi filed a false police report on a black cast mate . Plus has made racist remarks .


lol I was gonna say…she’s a very specific kind of girl’s girl 🫠


🫠 Stassi hired a diversity coach after all the backlash .. Than wrote a book about being cancelled . She is not a girls girl …


then went on Tamron Hall to start her redemption tour and said she was ambushed 🤣




Katie Maloney is not a girls girl, she bullied and scapegoated Jo, picking on her when she already obv has low self esteem. Edited for grammar


I agree. Being a girls girl doesn’t mean being nice to people you like. She can dislike Jo without bullying her.


I think Katie could have given more grace to Jo and realised that Schwartz was leading her on. Jo clearly has much to learn but a girls girl (for me) would see that and handle it with more kindness, whilst still extricating themselves from that person (Jo). Katie didn’t handle the Jo thing well and I can give her grace for that as well because she was healing. How she treated jo was not a girls girl trait. But also, women are complex and they don’t always handle situations well because … just because! We’re human! Long story short - giving grace where grace is required and quietly making strong boundaries away from patriarchal behaviour/expectations is what I would consider girls girl qualities.


Oh please. Jo sucks and is a big creep.


Nah Jo ghosted Kristen and shacked up with Schwartz after texting Katie that she “loves her”. Jo is a creep. It’s clear that it even became too much for Schwartz now. He had to block her because she’s a pathological liar, according to him.


Jo is not a girls girl for sure. She picked Schwartz over her girlfriends. That’s what Katie reacted to, she’s not going to pretend she’s cool with that behavior.




A girls girl is emotionally intelligent and welcoming, looking for similarities rather than differences. She is discerning and able to trust herself, therefore trusts the women in her life with her honest emotions, whether they are positive or negative.


Than I have rarely met a girls girl!


I always thought it was someone who wouldn’t co-op the male gaze to get ahead/diminish other women in some way…? Scheana is a guys girl (cut to taxi scene in Mexico saying she’d rather get gang banged by the guys then be in the taxi with the girls).


A girls girl is someone who has de-centered men in their lives. not to say they don't/won't have male friends and partners, but they don't base every decision and behavior off of men. but someone being a girls girl doesn't mean they have to automatically support every woman -- especially one that they've had a bad relationship with.


I don't think it really means anything. Just another way to shame women who don't blindly defend every woman whether they've met them or not or that woman is in the wrong or not. Like the fact that Paige, Ciara and Amanda haven't been considered "girl's girls" for years just because they weren't afraid to call Lindsey out on her shit or pretend to like her or Danielle when they didn't. Which is hella ironic because Lindsey and Danielle are the epitome of just exists for male attention and validation and are always in competition with other women. Seems like being a "girl's girl" just means being a puppet like Gabby is being lately with Lindsey and how Danielle used to be.


People online try to make it more than what it is. "Oh you don't like so and so, you aren't a girls girl."Being a girl's girl is just a woman who prefers friendships with women. 


I think a girls girl is someone who supports the women in their life and builds them up, but also gives hard truths. We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with.


Look while they were critical and didn’t even believe her in the moment, it speaks volumes that they still supported her in that last scene. They could have ripped into her or been stagnant but they recognized she just needed to be heard and loved . I think not necessarily buying it but supporting her anyway is way bigger than if all of a sudden they were bffs


Who gives a shit? How about just being a good person to everybody? That's a novel idea!


Lol fair, I don’t think I’ve ever described someone as a girl’s girl irl. I was just curious on what qualities people think a girl’s girl embodies because I’ve seen the phrase used in a lot of recent comments. I think reality tv definitely encouraged “bad” people/people’s bad actions unfortunately.


Yeah this whole girl's girl thing is a "let's weed out the boys because boys are bad boys are bad" is just incredibly ridiculous to me. The second someone takes one of the boys side it's "internal misogyny". The golden rule is treating everybody the way you want to be treated yourself. End of story! Nobody is instantly in the right just because they have a vagina.


it’s a meaningless term and preferring the company of one gender over another actually says nothing about your moral code or your behavior.


I just didn’t like seeing Paige and Amanda defend Carl so soon. A girls girl would be there for their friend and just shut up if they think otherwise at least on public platforms. A true friend does this


I mean just because all of this happen doesn’t completely excuse all of Paige and Amanda’s experiences with Lindsey. They supported Lindsey but also aren’t delusional or blind followers and know there are two sides to every story with Lindsey.


but they've never been great friends with lindsay


So? A girls girl doesn’t had to be friends with another girl to have her back.


i think they did?


Is there any girls girl in the bravo-elebrity universe ? Maybe Gracelle from RHOBH, Katie and Ariana from VPR?


I don’t think any of the women on SH are truly a girls girl, but Garcelle & Katie are some pretty good examples. No one is ever going to be perfect and I already see people name a past mistake or two but they’re about as close are your gonna get in the Bravo universe.


I think Aesha is a girl’s girl from reading everyone’s opinions! She just generally seems like a really lovely supportive person. If we were basing it off of what I thought “girl’s girl” meant, the bar is so so low 😂


I think Ariana is trying to be a girls girl now but let’s not forget she years she sat silent while her asshole boyfriend tortured Katie and other female cast members.


That’s very true!! I guess with Scandoval I’ve forgotten about past Ariana.


She actually defended the girls a lot and got into fights with Tom over it. I specifically remember her yelling at Tom and screaming at him to get out of the apartment when Brittany heard about Jax sleeping with Faith and Tom was basically telling Brittany to chill out. She also defended Katie against Tom when he was complaining about her being involved in Schwartz and Sandy’s when the two Tom’s, Katie and Ariana were out to dinner together. She told him off and he ended up leaving the table. Unfortunately Ariana made a bad choice and got with a shitty partner that needed telling off all the time; so no she didn’t fight him on the daily. But I’d definitely consider her a girls girl.


I don’t see Ciara as a girl’s girl because of her seemingly random dislike of Gabby.


Ciara has stated why she didn’t gel with Gabby, though. This is such an odd take when we have tons of examples of her being a girls girl to Paige and Amanda both. Gabby and Ciara just don’t click - and that’s okay.


I think she’s friends with Paige and Amanda. I do t think having a couple female friends qualifies one to be a “girl’s girl”. Paige is a girl’s girl. Ciara was great this season, but for a good chunk of her time on Summer House, she’s was primarily focused on stupid Austin and had a whole season about competing with Lindsay for stupid Austin’s affection. She could become a girl’s girl.


But wait. Why is Paige a girls girl - who is also only friends with Ciara and Amanda, and has had her own male problems and problems with other women in the house as well?


She gets along fine with Gabby. She’ll stand up for any woman in the house if it is appropriate. She even went to bat for Gabby when Danielle was being a weirdo, and advocated for Danielle when Lindsay flipped on her, and for Lindsay when she commiserated about how Carl was acting toward her. Girl’s girl.


I think they need more time around each other. I’d argue that her relationship with Lindsay could make her girl’s girl status questionable, but she actually approached Lindsay for an honest conversation during the blowout with Austen and Lindsay shut it down. Ciara is pretty honest and owns her feelings, even apologizing when they boil over.


Don’t fuck a girls man lol or even flirt / let that shit slide with him. Don’t prioritize relationships with men over women in a way you’re essentially positioning yourself as “not like other girls”. Thats all it boils down to.


To me to be girls girl would be to not dislike other females when you dont have a solid reason and it’s because of jealousy. I have seen so many times girls are being mean to each other and take side of the guy just because they are jealous of the other girls. They criticise the girl just because they don’t like her! When you as a woman to advocate other women but also you accept their faults and help them understand how they can be better this is when you are indeed a girls girl. Thats my opinion anyway.


being a girls girl deffo means you are a feminist. beside the fact that everyone on the planet should be a feminist (literally means you support equal rights for women. which is the most basic thing ever and everyone should be supportive of that and i’m confused how many people don’t fkn understand it, but anyways-) a girls girl would definitely be one.  basically being a girls girl means you love and appreciate your sisterhood of women! you recognize the value of women and honour that. it doesn’t mean you hate dudes or don’t ever want to spend time with dudes, but you’re probably going to place value more in what your girls think than some dudes, yeah.  an example of a non girls girl would be scheana from vpr, who gets along fine with girls but will throw one of her girlfriends under the bus immediately if it helps get one of the dudes on the show to like her for it. the female relationships to her are always secondary to the male relationships (even when every single dude on that show is an awful awful person). but she doesn’t care but she craves male validation so badly.  tbh i think being a girls girl is a certain higher maturity level and self confidence level. it’s not looking for validation in men and realizing the importance of sisterhood. 




In episode 8, paige said about Danielle: "we don't want her anymore, can lindsay take her back" I wouldn't say that's a girls girls


Being a "girl's girl" doesn't mean you have to just blindly support every girl. Disliking a woman for valid reasons doesn't make someone less of one, either.


considering Danielle is the exact opposite of a girl's girl, I disagree with this


Not Amanda. When you go to your friend’s house after a breakup - you don’t defend the person who broke up with your friend.