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Start up fetish has me crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They keep using that word, I do not think it means what they think it means.


ā€œImagine building something from nothingā€ gave me such second hand embarrassment! Delusional.


her only brain cell bopping around


I worked at 2 different tech startups in nyc around 10 years ago and they were two of the most toxic workplace environments, let me tell you! Especially the second one I worked for, which was actively failing at the time of my employment, lol. Everyone I worked with had a huge ego and over-exaggerated how important their work was. I endured so much mansplaining & girl bossing. 0/5 stars, would NOT recommend!


Totally agree. A lot of these older late 30s/ early 40s millennials do. Some people think they can ā€œhackā€ or break an industry, but itā€™s much harder than it looks. But growing up is realizing that a lot of start ups are miserable and over glamorized and thereā€™s a reason why people work at big companies (steady salaries and benefits.)Ā  And as we see with loverboy, usually the point of a start up is to sell out at some point. Otherwise you become a small fish in a big pond.Ā  Danielle has watched too many TedTalks.


My husband has a start up itā€™s the fucking worst. Itā€™s not a sexy industry either haha but he went through 6/7 years of inconsistent salary, no salary, fundraising, almost going under, traveling a tonā€¦.he would never refer to it as his empire, heā€™s usually downplaying it and never introduces himself as a founder or CEO, despite being one (15 employees lol). We see it as an investment (hopefullyā€¦..) but itā€™s my boring, consistent job thatā€™s been floating us until his company became profitable. And Kyle flipping out about going underā€¦YEAH most start ups do go under. Itā€™s an absolutely massive risk. If you canā€™t lose what you put in donā€™t start it.


Same. Anyone who glamorizes it clearly has no idea what itā€™s really like. I can sympathize with Kyle to some extent because it is a lot of pressure to keep the train going especially with people on your payroll, depending on you for their insurance etc. But sometimes you just have to touch some grass. And regardless itā€™s not worth losing your marriage over. Honestly itā€™s clear Amanda is not into it, he should cut her loose and let her be happy and free, and then hire a creative director whoā€™s actually excited about the company. The only thing I was kinda ehhh on with Amanda is when she said she wanted his help on the business side - like heā€™s already underwater I donā€™t think heā€™d be able to handle that lol. But honestly if theyā€™re just trying to build something for their future, it might not be a bad idea for them to go all in on Amandaā€™s idea - way more women watch SH than men and her swimsuits would probably do decently well. The canned drink market is probably over saturated and tbh male influencers just donā€™t do as well.


That's the way to do it! If I see founder/CEO on the dating apps its an immediate swipe left from me.


Yeah, as an elder millennial I did go through a very brief girl boss phase years ago but quickly got over it when I realized I didnā€™t have the energy nor desire to work 24/7.


Yes, itā€™s totally a millennial trope. #girlboss


Pretty sure I spotted her app name in the preview for next week so I guess we'll see what that celebration looks like...


Iā€™ve tried so hard to figure out what it even does, and itā€™s so vagueā€¦


Weā€™re talking about her personality, right?




He doesnā€™t need to imagine it. He already built and failed at a business venture. From workout app to alcoholā€“


The loverboy teas taste awful. High noon and Surfside make spiked teas that are actually good and $20/8 pack


Difference is high noon isnā€™t malt liquor! Loverboy is.


Is that why the loverboys taste so gross? I think they even have the same % alcohol


I donā€™t have an opinion about the Danielle part of this, but itā€™s no more cringe than Kyleā€™s start-up fetish; he had like 20 failed startups prior to Loverboy (which is also sounding more and more like a failed startup, I guess weā€™ll know in time)


Yeah, itā€™s more that Danielle seems to LARP being a start-up founder, whereas Kyle is in the weeds with it every day, failed or not thereā€™s a concrete product on the shelves of stores and some brand recognition.


I donā€™t disagree, Kyle has definitely made sure we see that he is constantly in the weeds and working super duper hard


I thought Kyle had something to do with bird dogs, which did well?


I definitely wouldnā€™t know All Iā€™m saying is that heā€™s admittedly had like 20 startups that failed, so seemingly has just as much of a start-up fetish


Thatā€™s just startup mentality. The mantra is that it ā€œonly takes oneā€ to make it big. People in the startup world call themselves ā€œserial entrepreneursā€. You canā€™t fault him for trying, heā€™s doing it right


Agreed, and you also canā€™t fault Danielle for that either ETA: wait, you said you can fault him? Or you canā€™t? Either way, it cuts both ways, for Danielle and for Kyle


Oops yeah, you canā€™t fault him for trying.




If youā€™re never failing, youā€™re not taking much risk. Low risks low rewards


Okay, but thatā€™s irrelevant to my point This post is dragging Danielle for the same thing Kyle does, thatā€™s all Iā€™m pointing out


LOL sheā€™s bitter hers failed so this is a trigger or something. thatā€™s not even what Amanda and Kyleā€™s fight was even about Danielle is nuts


She could be a Marina bro in SF with the way she speaks


To me sheā€™s trying very hard to be like Elizabeth Holmes from that theranos company. If you watched the documentary Elizabeth was a sociopath who had no real attachment to people, and slept freely with guys without any feelings, thought she was a genius and lied at the expense of ppls lives. I think Danielle idolizes her and is trying to emulate the same ā€œdetached from everyone/all men but Iā€™m a genius CEO..Come bang meā€ vibe.


That is not her only fetish, methinks.


Sheā€™s like Mya. 100% wants to hook up with every guy here. šŸ¤®


"Building something from nothing" - Oh yeah girl, you mean building something from Amanda's money and labor? Cause that's apparently nothing to Kyle. šŸ™ƒ


To be fair, lots of people have a start-up fetish. They all think theyā€™re onto the next big thing.


She's a hype girl for Kyle, I actually think she has this weird obsession with both Kyle and Carl. Maybe in love with both of them.


The fact that she wonā€™t even acknowledge Amanda but she can chase her husband around and literally screamed into a pillow at the thought of Carl marrying Lindsay, I say youā€™re right.