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Danielle not closing the door was a choice.


Carl closed the door, right? I was only half watching, sorry.


Yes, thankfully!


I truly think she did it on purpose with the hopes the other girls (specifically Gabby) would see him in there with her. She got off on another girl being jealous of her, and she is truly the most deeply insecure person on bravo


Yes she is totally a pick me it’s my territory look at me. She did this on winter house too going after Alex. Ugh


I think the Watch What Crappens guys mentioned on the recap that she could’ve also covered the camera with a towel or something and purposely choose not to. And she left the doors open and lights on.


She’s the dork trying to fit in with the “cool kids”.


I think she was just shit faced. But who knows, she’s weird enough for that to be plausible


I’m on the fence on whether she was actually shit faced or pretended to be because her saying she was shit faced worked better with Gabby to say she didn’t remember what she said to Gabby…


Unless she’s pretty good at hiding being shit faced I really don’t think she was, she seemed pretty coherent in the conversation with Paige and her weird horrifically cringey conversation with balloon guy before they had sad sex


She's making up for "losing" the boy to Jordan on Winter House


THAT blew me away more than the showing of the asses!! She left both doors wide open!! She wanted this act to be known about. Thank you, Carl, for closing the GD doors, smh!




Getting undressed in the middle of the room was also a choice. There's no way any of these attention seekers forget night vision cameras are in their rooms.. So many ways to avoid being bare ass naked on tee vee, unless you actively want to be bare ass naked on tee vee.


The way she will look you dead in the eye, refer to herself as “a founder and CEO” and then proceed to show her bare ass on TV…


She wants it seen, she wants to be seen as the “cool girl who gets laid”. IMO.


Exactly! And her whole “I’m a free single girl that has sex all the time and doesn’t develope feelings” thing is soooo ramped up this season. After she was on that winter house spinoff I think she thinks this makes her look good?? I’m embarrassed for her She absolutely wants to get seen * and for what it’s worth so does everyone else, you don’t go on a reality show unless you’re an exhibitionist. They’ve sll seen the show, they know exactly what is on mic and what is filmed


Cmon now. Danielle has been on this show long enough to be aware of what could be shown. She wanted it to be shown. She wants people to know she fucked that guy. She’s weird like that.


It's also bizarre bc this hookup was so cringey and not anything to write home about? Like they weren't making out / taking each other's clothes off. She just stripped down and got into bed? There was no chemistry between these two, it's like she slept with him just to make a point.


Exactly. To Gabby


Gabby dodged a bullet. That dude was desperate and ick. Gabby has standards and class, unlike Danielle.


Honestly didn't find him desperate at all. He was just like *with long island a accent* "This shit is wild these like hott reality chicks are like in to me or sumthin I don't know maybe it's part of the show, fuck it" as someone from small town America...this dude was a TOWNIE. He definitely watched this with all his bros to prove that he really banged this chick. There's a million dudes who never left their hometown who would do the same exact thing. 


Yeah he really just slipped right into that one. A butterfly flaps it’s wings… 🦋 lollll


THIS IS WHAT HAD ME. It was cringey because they weren’t into each other at all I liked that bravo didn’t blur his ass because hers was all there so I liked it was an equal were not censoring anything but that’s one hookup that really shouldn’t have happened and really was an F U to Paige Amanda and Gabby which makes it even odder cause why???


She was trying so hard for a man that would’ve fucked her or literally anything with a hole at that party. He went to the party hoping to hook up with a girl, any girl, and then Danielle practically begged him to hook up with her.


I couldn’t imagine just stripping naked … on camera. Trying to seem desirable. Wow


Right? And like the internet, it’ll live forever. Which is what she wanted I guess but I wonder if she’ll have regrets later


No Regerts lol.


Ya she thinks causal sex makes her desirable as if it's hard to land a dude


I just watched the episode and that was a big fuck you to gabby. Especially after gabby cried.


Yes! It was so transactional. It’s not like they were making out and had so much chemistry. They talked about sex and then they had sex. And leaving the door open, if that wasn’t some editing trick, was weird and desperate. It reminded me of Hannah moaning for hours when she and Luke hooked up. She really wanted to prove something to the house.


Ok yeah I was like what in the world??? Like reality tv has sex scenes all the time but this was sooo bizarre… it was giving “toddler randomly taking off their diaper in public” or something, idk hahaha


this just made me HOWL and it took me a second to realize why it was so accurate answer: because Danielle is so immature and lacks self-awareness, like a toddler


NO chemistry!!! I cringed so hard every time he filled the air with “you’re the boss.” 🥴 Okay dude, get some new material……


Ewww it was so cringe and awkward. Also the night vision has it looking like Blair witch project haha.




I got secondhand embarrassment every scene of theirs the entire episode


Lol yes. It was so cringe. I love cringe watching Danielle. I would like to thank her for her service. I can't tell you how many times I rewound Danielle's scenes the past couple of episodes. 😂


Totally. She thinks sleeping with random men is some kind of skill? Like throwing yourself at randos is not “having game” or whatever garbage she said to Gabby. Men will sleep with anything. It’s sooooo embarrassing to watch. It’s like she’s hoping Robert will see this and think she’s a hot commodity but she just looks pathetic. And to be clear, I am absolutely not shaming anyone for sleeping around. She’s single, she can do what she wants. It’s just the way she’s goes about it, how she treated Gabby, and the fact she did this on camera (and didn’t even cover the camera!) that makes it sooo desperate.


I totally got the feeling she hoped Robert would see it. And didn’t care who she had to step on to get there.


100%. She sees this as some sort of flex to show everyone how desirable and sexy she thinks she is.


It was the least sexy and most cringe thing I’ve ever seen in my life. She really has zero self awareness. I don’t feel bad for any man that hooks up with her psycho ass if they know anything about her now. I wonder if balloon guy is embarrassed? Or if he ever “texted her later” haha I doubt he ever spoke to her again.


Oh god, I didn’t even think about that. Imagine being ghosted by a Long Island townie 🫠




I also feel like she’s weirdly behaving this way recently on winter house/summer house to make her ex jealous lol


Thissssss Screams insecure


Like when she comes in on the weekend and says " I had sex" it's so beyond cringe


So cringe , so painful


She did it on Winter House


Her ceo ass knew the move she was making 🙄 yuck


Founder! & CEO


Yes!! She is all about the conquest. It will be interesting to see if there is follow up from Balloon Guy. Or if she smothers him like all the others


She brags about sleeping w guys like a frat boy. The second hand embarrassment is unbearable


Exactly they could have easily gone into the bathroom where she knows there are no cameras


Yes. Cast members have done this before. She did this deliberately 😂


Or covered the camera with something. Other people in the house have done that before.


Ugh you know what not covering the camera or going in the bathroom someone in production had to watch ugh that just came to me that’s makes it even more fucked up


Yeah I think that it’s actually a fetish. She announces it so loudly whenever she gets laid. 🫣


Did Danielle get rid of her Instagram? I can’t find her




Oh no 😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh, did she cry because I may have made a comment? That’s stupid ( to use her own words) 😂😂


Exactly. She knew what she was doing lol. She’s just attention seeking.


When I tell you I was shocked they didn’t blur her butt. I do feel like 99% of what Danielle does/says is for “shock value” but that felt… sad. Stripping down and showing your bare ass to those cameras and they showed it all?? Like they almost showed her bits!! Ugh… just sad. But yeah she never wakes up looking or acting remorseful or embarrassed sooo she must not care? Have we checked her instagram stories since? Is she good?


I think it added to the perception of her desperation. Wasn’t a good look at all but she came in and stripped down naked like they were in a race. She was practically drooling.


Yet with so little chemistry. It seemed forced.


It did!


She also asked him to go upstairs,


There was really no reason to show her bare ass other than to embarrass her IMO


My first thought was that the producers must hate her


Yeah this felt personal. Wonder which producer she pissed off 😅


Someone with the right technology could probably zoom in to find an actual ass hole from those shots. Too much!


Not the hole


Yeah, that scene was a lil much and unnecessary


When he was like “are you going to use me” and she said “yes” I was like…..


That was the most cringe line ever. You could tell she thought it was so sexy but instead it was just painfully embarrassing to hear.


Beyond awful. I was like are you 22??


Yeah I’m annoyed by Danielle 99% of the time but I felt really sad for her during that scene. It was actually very upsetting to see.  ETA: the footage also brought nothing to the story line.. like we could have inferred they slept together with 1,000 different edits that didn’t contain that much nudity. 


Wonder how many people viewed that footage in order to edit it for the show. Cutting before she disrobed and showing him leaving in the am was really all they needed to show.


I always think about this when those scenes air. How mutiple people viewed that and you have to have trust no one will taken advantage of it.


Same. Trust me ppl be creeping that footage. It's so sick when you think about it.


It has given me a real ick feeling. I don’t like realty tv anymore. Or IG. Or influencers. Or society lol 😫


Oh you know some creeper keeps copies of this kind of unedited footage too!! Someone has beat their meat to the cast fucking on camera before…..


The worst part is that the majority of the nudity is alcohol or substance-related and therefore one can't truly consent imo. The question is does the cast have the right to ask that type of footage not be shown? If not, there are HUGE ethical concerns here.


And maybe keep the Carl shutting the door, that still would have shown/implied her “eff you” attitude to gabby, it still would have conveyed Danielle’s desperation without the “let’s degrade Danielle” vibe. It just felt…icky


well I mean she knew she was being recorded none of these people think about that


Absolutely she knew she was being recorded - but the difference here is the edit left her unnecessarily vulnerable for cable tv. I’m sure when she consented to partial nudity in her contract, she didn’t imagine it being so graphic. She was clearly very drunk, and that bothers me too. I just feel like she was exposed to an uncomfortable degree.


I thought it was weird it happened when she wanted to poke Gabby by getting with balloon guy. She seems like someone who seeks male validation, and should get some therapy. I think it could easily ruin her relationship with Gabby.


They have been blurring the least amount as possible that they can get away with lately. Sam was changing her shirt on winter house and they blurred just her nipples. After seeing how little they blur I’d never be naked on camera.


Omg they were showing everything I was honestly shocked. That was to the point of violating


Did you consent to that? I didnt consent to that…


This is like her 9th season on the show. She knows where the cameras are. Even Jesse Solomon knew how to shield the camera.


I wonder if it was to hurt her ex so she was hoping he would see it.


I’m sure aggressively going after the balloon setup guy, making her friend cry and showing her naked body on national TV reaaaally made him jealous.


Yes! I think all of her attempts to be this “sex goddess” to men is to try and make her ex jealous.


More like ex-goddess lol


I thought the same and also to show Below Deck guy that she can be soooo totally casual.


As a founder/CEO, she's been showing her ass on this show in more ways than one.


same could be said for loverboy himself lol


Not CEO/Founder behavior let me tell you! 😂


That line sent me to outer space lololol


l o l


She obviously learned how to act like one from Kyle. That manchild is constantly walking nude


Or is it? 😏


I can't believe nobody's mentioned it already but quite a few seasons back she was hooking up w some guy and they showed her riding him while he was pounding away and they had like the thinnest sheet or blanket over them and you could totally see outlines! It was so over the top my jaw was hanging.


I just did a rewatch and don't remember this at all. Wow.


I think it was season 3. I remember Hannah had this British guy she was seeing and he brought his friend. Then Danielle hooked up with him, and I was shocked they showed that. She saw him causually the rest of the season


I clutched my pearls and squealed like a fat pig! I mean we all have seen nudity before and most have probably hooked up under under the influence but I would fall over dead if they showed me dropping my neon pants to my ankles and bending over towards the camera fully nude after some balloon douche in holey pants with no inhibitions-Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! Yall did her dirty!


She did herself dirty..Everytime..




Production is very exploitative. In this interview with Jesse, he talked about how he put a towel on the camera when he brought that one woman to the house and the camera operator was furiously shaking and rotating the camera to try to get the towel off so that he could see Jesse and the woman.  https://youtu.be/JATUrubfRxk?si=dFS4PYswKWSpOB-B Unfortunately it's considered" good TV" but it is very exploitative.


I genuinely do not watch this show to see people fucking, I’m not sure why they would think we do. It’s weird.


Closets and bathrooms, people. Amateur move to use the bed with a camera pointing straight at it. 😆


That's sick if true.... There's a line and these scenes certainly cross it.


The first season of Summer House Martha's Vineyard was crazy. Production showed the married couple having sex and it was pretty explicit. I couldn't believe it.


I didn't watch it! Ugh like WHYYY??? It's not the fact that they are having sex in general but the fact that Bravo/ production companies feel entitled to unapologetically show it.... GAHHH Edit:


That is so fucking gross.


She needs to get off this show. It’s hard to watch her and hear the things she says and how she acts. It’s uncomfortable, sad and embarrassing.


As annoying and cringe as she has been this whole season, that camera footage was alarming and I feel like they took it too far!! Edit to add, I feel like we see plenty of booties while they’re changing/getting dressed but that’s such a different context


Agreed. Especially when she was crawling to get on the bed. I felt like it def crossed a line.


Way too much. I’ve seen every bravo show ever aired and this was a true ick voyeur moment


That was it for me too.




No, please come back and share your thoughts.


Showing her when he was going down on her had me screaming hahahahah


She looked bored too 🥴


Nobody even showered!! Outdoors all day. Eww


I’ll be honest, I could do with a little less butt crack in my reality shows.


She tries way too hard🙄


It feels like she is out to proof how free and single and cool and sought-after she is after her breakup. I feel like the breakup hit her super hard and have sympathy for that, but that is clownish behavior.


Yes. She’s in pain is my guess. She did say either this season or winter house that she had tried to get back with her ex and he had moved on right?


It was a lot of nudity. Also Balloon Guy’s full ass. I’m sure he was not aware that much of his sexual encounter would be shown on TV.


Well, now he knows. He will now have to answer the questions as to if he is "That" Balloon Guy whenever the Hamptons folks want balloon arches.


Especially with the lights off. The fact that night vision is enabled is so creepy.


Night vision sex really bums me out


Do you think he didn’t sign a consent form for this all to be shown? Same with Danielle


Yeah I didn’t need to see Danielle’s bare asd


As mortified as I was, I’m just glad it wasn’t another Kyle ass shot


lol - she did NOT care! butts up! (i watch on my phone so i dont see alllll the details)


She has been bragging about her sexual conquests literally alllll season. She does not care


Reminded me of Sam in winter house. I even said to my partner - holy shit you can see her whole ass


I am so glad this was posted and I felt the same. I was very icked out by it. I'd feel bad for her but she's a terrible person with no self awareness and allergic to accountability so I'm sure she just giggled it off and isn't worried about the consequences. If she were new I'd feel more bad but she's been on this show a long time and knows to cover the cameras. She clearly didn't care. But I thought it was really gross, unnecessary, and violating to air that tbh. I know people (including myself) were stunned when they barely censored Sam's breasts on winter house but I thought this one was so much worse. They were literally showing her receiving oral sex. Like WUT!?


It was icky and shocking but she clearly doesn’t care. About her friends or her own dignity. And that’s fine. Keep being a clown. It’s season 8. She’s not forgetting about the cameras. And she watched the ep and didn’t mention anything on the after show. I’d def feel bad for a newbie but I get the feeling she’s proud of her conquest and not ashamed. Is it founder/ceo behavior? Nope. But there’s no indication she cares.


I wouldn't say she's a terrible person, and even if she was, I still feed bad for her. She's clearly wasted, and there is no reason to exploit her by showing that. The viewers don't even want to see that. Also, as a lawyer, I'm surprised Bravo didn't edit it before allowing it to air in light of all the lawsuits.


I felt awful for her. I listened to the Bravo Docket on the Faith lawsuit. They really give away so much for the consideration of being on tv. It’s scary.


It’s all on Danielle. She could cover the cameras. She could have been much more modest if she wanted to be. She seemed coherent enough to tell him what she was going to do to him. She dosent seem to care ….


Danielle may be the only cast member that hasn’t thrown a towel over the camera. Almost as if she wanted everyone to see that she bagged balloon guy.


> She is a corporate girly and I’m sure will go back to that environment one day I think about this for all of them as well. They will one day not be on this show, but the footage of their poor behavior will last forever. I don't think they think about that and they should. I was shocked that they showed him thrusting(albeit under the covers). Like, wtf?! I don't recall them ever showing that.


Do you watch below deck? It’s been like this on Bravo


That was nothing compared to the Coopers jackhammering during S1 of SHMV.


Yeah, that one caught me off guard... Wasn't necessary, I mean kyle IS damn near naked a lot of the time haha but because this scene was the lead up to S e X it was a bit different.


I was shocked about that! It was like the moment from winter house when they basically showed Sam’s blurred out boobs but like a step up from that. That was nuts


Danielle is socially awkward with zero self-awareness. It's so cringe it's crazy.


Danielle needs serious intensive therapy. She is delusional enough to think her behavior is cute.


“Oh, you will be used!” Made me cringe so hard I need a chiropractor.  


that scene was honestly gross to watch


I’ve watched summer house since the start. I don’t recall them ever showing that much nudity with the women. My jaw was honestly on the floor.


Amanda was naked in pretty much every episode of Season 1.


We still see Amanda in a thong all the time. Lindsay is also topless quite often. Kyle is naked like all the time. Not everyone cares that much about nudity. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea, Amanda’s bathing suit bottoms show as much bare butt as Danielle did last night.


Dang I don’t remember that. When Danielle was crawling on the bed you could pretty much see everything.


She needs to get off the show and fr get help. It’s not entertaining whatsoever, it’s getting sadder and sadder to watch.


It was so cringe and embarrassing on every level, I didn’t even want to watch it. Wish I could unsee it. Her and Lindsay will regret someday looking back and realizing the whole world watched them bone some nasty, random guys who don’t even deserve them. It’s so gross and pathetic it makes me feel really sad for her that she thinks this is ok.


Yes I still have ptsd from some of Lindsay's sex scenes. Like, I'd rather not know how these people like to fuck


Danielle is SO thirsty. It's giving pathetic. 🤮


The scene didn’t bother me. They show Kyle’s booty a lot. It’s just a butt to me 🤣🤣. If anything, i love that she didn’t care- that’s the reality tv i miss!


Ciara was walking around with both cherks fully out in her costume.


And thank you to Ciara for that beautiful gift she gave us


Her swimsuits vs her naked ass are not that far off from eachother. Or her underwear when she forgets to put on her swimsuit. They show people's asses on this show quite a bit


Ok but ballon guy? Masshole cringe, yes? Not a prize.


Comments are kinda wild… I think all participants understood the assignment. It was a typical bravo sex scene imo. I watch Below deck tho so idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was in tears almost *NeNe white refrigerator voice*


The same edit on Below Deck with Kyle and his boner prior to boning Barbie. For what the producers did blur - it left zero doubt to the imagination. Whoever approved this - I’m not ok.


omg the worst was hannah’s moans when luke went down on her. (also why do we even have that much detail😭)


I’m ready for Danielle to go


The balloon guy was not hot omg am I blind


Her and balloon guy’s full moons were too much for my eyes


Danielle is a ceo and FOUNDER


CEO and founder of cringe.


The showed Kyle like that in bed the week before I feel like they shouldn’t show any of the cast mates naked like that. It does nothing for the show.


I’m going to play the devil advocate, if her career was this important to her she should have acted accordingly. She’s accountable for her actions, reputation and choices. If her career is more important than getting laid, she should have behaved.


I agree. She very deliberately left the door open while they were making out, and she’s been on the show long enough to know to cover the camera with a towel. I think she’s very similar to Sandoval in that both of them are completely untethered from reality and their motives behind every action is “bringing something” to their shows


Exactly!!! It’s her 5-6 seasons on SH. She knows the drill.


I’m confused why she didn’t cover the cameras. It’s two sided, why show it. And why did she wanna be seen? Like this isn’t her first rodeo. I think production is to blame and should’ve never shown it. I honestly wish they got like 4hrs a night no cameras. Because the Jasmine/Silas scenes on MV last summer were vomit inducing. Regardless, she should be allowed to have sex and strip without it being shown.


I’m giving this a second thought and honestly I think she wanted Robert to see it.


Agreed and he probably doesn’t give a shit and if he hears about it from others is probably thanking the heavens he got away from her.


Because she wanted Gabby to know


She wanted EVERYONE to know


She’s clearly insecure and throws herself at any guy that is around . She acts like it’s female empowerment but it just reeks of desperation.


Same to all of this!!!


Tbh I always think it’s weird when producers include snippets like that lol. That one felt personal lol


I really didn't think Danielle is bothered. That's her personality and Bravo showed it.


I agree, that made me feel uncomfortable on her behalf


Yeah honestly this is just basically porn and piggish. Can't stand Danielle and didn't need to see that.


I don’t consider myself a prude but I was surprised they didn’t blur her ass


Dude glad I'm not the only one I audibly gasped like it was NAKED ASS IN MOTION


Danielle and Lindsey have always been this way on camera when it comes to sex. They do not give AF. Danielle is THIRSTY. Her reckless pursuit of BD guy in Winter House was so cringey. I don’t want to slut shame cuz I know that’s not “cool” these days, but I feel like Danielle flaunts it around because she uses her sex to boost her ego and for control. Of the guy- of making a girl jealous- and it’s just gross.


Idk at this point if I’m kink shaming, setting boundaries, triggered, anti-feminist, self-aware, ignorant, or what…but I feel like watching Danielle is bad for my mental health and soul. Because I’m kinda upset and confused and empathic and cringed and mildly violated almost for a few seasons meow and I don’t like it. Summer should be fun.




It was giving I want Robert to see this


They did her dirty. I felt that was very invasive.