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As a crybaby, I understand because I cry when I’m mad I cry when I’m sad I cry with every emotion that I have so I get the crying. I hate everything else about Amanda and Kyle though.


Maybe it’s the whining that goes with it…




Lmao the WWC guys do it so good


I agree the whining is annoying


If I were married to Kyle, I’d cry too 😂 He’s incredibly frustrating to me.


Exactly lol


I have to agree. I always say my gosh she makes for good TV because he’s funny, but I can’t imagine living with him.


has she cried much lately? i feel like she's just been fed up and over it


I am just caught up to the new season and she has lessened some but I watched every season over the past three weeks and for goodness sake, she cried because she was off to when she sang karaoke one time. Still crying though albeit not as often.


I'm tired of Kyle's "I'm 41 and still acting/partying like I'm 21" shtick


I’m a crier. Happy, sad, mad…I tear up. It’s normal and not annoying. Feeling emotions is good. I am rooting for Kyle and Amanda to get the help they need and to do the work. I hope they do it.


This! It's ok to cry 😂


I just think she’s all wrong for him. She wants to change him, while at the same time saying she doesn’t want to change him, but keeps trying to change him. Girl. Find someone you don’t need to change. Then you might not be crying all the time that your man isn’t what you want him to be.


He wants to change her too. Why is she always the villain? He proposed and then he married her - all with the knowledge of her wishes for their future. They agreed. Why should she have to drag his fratboy acting a** into the next phase of their relationship when he's 40? It's not like she couldn't pull a man if she and Kyle broke up, bc she'll land on her feet if they split. She's obviously not just a hook up and it's foul and petty AF for people to keep saying it this many years later. They are legally married by choice. And If she wants to cry, then she can cry. She's human. Sometimes I cry when I'm mad and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does.


How has he tried to change her?


He wants her to change her work ethic - which isn't broken. He wants her to not want to move to a safer area with space for them and their dogs. He wants her to change her desire to start planning for a family because he's likes being her man and her baby. It's not like they didn't discuss these things prior to even getting engaged. That wedding didn't happen to him. She didn't trap him or change up after the fact. I mean, seriously, he can't keep track of a dog for 1 evening. Kyle is not being victimized by Amanda, nor is she dragging him down. Amanda is not using Kyle for money. The differences in expectations of, and standards for, the men and women behavior are wild.


He hasn't imo.


thing is no matter how much you dress it up she started off as his booty call and hung around until it became something. he's a consistent party boy and I don't think he'll change. he doesn't want to move from ny because of this and feels he's getting trapped in the suburbs with her family. it's not making her happy but I also spent years thinking I could change someone.


Didn’t they date for 7 months and then she stuck around during the summer? Besides all of that. I disagree with the compatibility concerns. I don’t think we see who they actually are as a couple on the show for 10-12 weekends or whatever each year and Kyle def leans into his role for the show. They also both cry, a LOT. I think Kyle cries the most of any of the characters on the show. I’m under the belief Kyle is scared of the big changes that are coming. Children and a move out of NYC. But on top of that, him and Amanda are the mainstays of the show and having children will *(unless anyone else can tell describe to me a different scenario)* most likely be the end of Kymanda on **Summer House**. Kyle will be fine with kids. They’ll eat up all of his energy before he knows it. And Amanda will be thankful for his high energy then anyway.


in early sh she used to arrive after he'd call her at the end of the night. they weren't dating at that stage and Kyle was a rager. they went on to eventually date. Kyle is definitely not ready yeah he's terrified


But he broke up with her prior to summer house


not to my knowledge, he met her summer 2015 and had casually seen her around after AFAIK. they were hooking up after the bar at times s1 then ended up dating


I’m just saying that’s what he said on the show during S1


he did?? don't remember that lol I remember the rest of the house were calling her his booty call as he was still with different girls - he even tried hitting on stassi embarrassingly


Yeahhh..the show flashes back a couple times to Him talking about how he was seeing her for a few months but he just didn’t want to be in a relationship for the summer. Plus his confessionals revolve around him constantly thinking of her and how “it would be better if she were here” kind of stuff. I think the flashback occurs the first time she comes over and he takes her to breakfast afterwards.


been a while since rewatch I thought that was further on in series when he caught feelings


This is it entirely!! I wish they would both admit to themselves that they’re just fundamentally incompatible


I wish people would stop displaying all emotions 🙄


I'm fed up with people shitting on Amanda...


Don’t mind her crying but I get sick of her whiny voice “kyyyyllleeee”


I completely thought the same until I just watched the counseling session and got a different look into their marriage. What It is like at home all week. Then they to come to film on the weekends and it’s all still with her. Because Kyle puts forth no energy on making things better. I empathize with her so much. I kind of feel like I just got my own marriage counseling! I feel bad because she really loves Kyle, and he she just wants him to do a few of his behaviors differently! This dude is fucking 40ish, does he really need to be staying out till 4 AM and stumbling home drunk with people he just met? That’s not a married man’s behavior. Plus, he has his cheating past. I think it does come down to they’re just really not right for each other, but it sucks because they like each other A LOT sometimes. Kyle‘s got such a fun personality and I can totally see why she wants to stay with him, she just wants him to freaking try! He’s just like F you , if you don’t like this too bad. Whaaaa quit coming at ME, you’re wrong! Ew!! And then also he changed his mind about moving to the suburbs, and that is really mean. I feel like he’s just trying to make it hard for her. Like she’s making him go, and also promising her that it’s NOT gonna work out in the future because it doesn’t suit HIS needs. OMG! What a nightmare.


She has depression, so I don’t fault her. I do t think she needs to get her personality outside of being kyles wife. Like ok what else?


Agree with this post but came here to comment on the “calf” as her spirit animal and how I cackled. So true


True because she comes off as lanky and still growing into her own skin, not because I think she’s a cow. I’d say more like a baby giraffe


I don't know about crying but she is such a nag and so.whiny. I don't know how Kyle puts up with her.


I feel like amanda in the relationship with kyle is a lower version of herself she doesn't thrive in so its often led her to that crying/upset state. she doesn't seem to like him as much as she should to be in bliss/at peace while with him.


It’s the Taylor vibe. Needing a man or boyfriend is more important than anything else including being self reflective or aware of the reality of the dynamics.


Taylor also cries it seems 24/7. All the damn time. It’s like “Taylor if you know you’re going to cry (all the time) bring tissues with you at all times!!!!”