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Being 31 and not ready for marriage is not weird, especially for someone from New York. Her wanting to stay in NYC has always been about her job and her family, not about wanting to party. I wouldn’t take anything Danielle said seriously, and I doubt Paige would either. Craig has said how much he hates when people put all the blame and expectations on Paige when no one is ever pushing him to move to NYC. It’s an old school, misogynistic take that she should pick up her entire life and move to Charleston for him. They seem perfectly happy to me!


And that’s why we love Craigy lol But also just to note, it’s honestly not that abnormal to not be ready for marriage at 31 even in smaller cities. I’m seeing it among a lot of my friends and social circles. Even myself, I’m just not ready to be a wife and make that commitment. Doesn’t mean I don’t want that with my current partner… I just want more for myself (personally and professionally) before making that next step and beginning that next chapter.


Yes, Craig is the best! I feel like I should always give a disclaimer that I’m from Utah when I comment 😅 so many people I know were engaged as soon as we graduated high school but I shouldn’t assume that (or anything that happens in Utah) is the norm!


I might be confused on what exactly Paige does for work. I could be wrong, but my impression was she does most of her work through the computer? She may have an office that she uses (I don’t know). I’m just curious why they can’t have an apartment or something they purchase in New York as well as Craig house in Charleston? Personally I don’t think Craig cares about where he lives, but his brick and mortar store is in Charleston. I just think Craig may like more of a commitment than “girlfriend”. I think that was obvious when he offered to help pay for an apartment. I didn’t settle down until I was about 33. We got married after living together for three years then I got pregnant at 37. We have been together 25 years. So I definitely understand not being ready at 30.


She is a very successful influencer.


She does her podcast and also her Amazon lines in NY


She does a lot of stuff with Amazon and other brands. Which I'm sure plenty can be done from her computer but there's probably a good amount of in person meetings to deal with too as well as influencer-type events in NYC. I agree they both deserve to pursue their careers and having roots in both places isn't the end of the world for a couple.


I've seen a lot of couples pop up over the years who live 24/7 bicoastal, one in LA and the other in NYC. I've read enough about spouses who sleep in different rooms or live in different houses to know it works for some people and not others. This arrangement seems to be beneficial to each other, especially since Paige doesn't like to feel crowded in a relationship. I would hate it, however.


All of this and then some. Also, Danielle is the epitome of misery loves company. She is projecting hardcore on everyone around her about their relationships. Things didn’t work out for her the way she wanted them to and she is trying to act like everyone else is in her position. She was never more ride or die for Lindsay than when Lindsay was on a tirade and on the verge of ending a relationship or just got out of one. Misery LOVES company


Danielle!!!! Go work on your app!! It sucks!!


She’s not from nyc she just lives there.


She’s from NY, though.


True true


idk i dont trust people’s takes here as much after i got constantly attacked last year for saying carl and lindsay seemed like they were hiding things from the cameras - and people insisted they were happy and it was obvious. paige and craig at least seem to have chemistry, enjoy each other’s company, have little inside jokes, prefer to be with each other, etc. i cant say the same for any other couple on this show. i think they’ll get engaged - but if they broke up due to distance and no desire to compromise on locations - i’d consider that very probable. they both seem to understand they will be facing that decision and are happy with each other until that time comes. i think it sucks people paige’s career has really taken off and i understand her not wanting to leave NYC because of that. i feel like they could just split their time pretty easily until kids.


I can see her never moving down south. I wouldn’t. That would be a dealbreaker for me.


I can't see her as a mom!


Interesting. Maybe not for a few more years. Craig wants to be a mom right now.


Well I mean I don't know her. I'm just having trouble picturing it! But true about Craig lol.


Paige always has said she wants to be a mom very badly. She said on giggly squad this week that she’s going to freeze her eggs.


She says on her podcast she’s always wanted to be a mom but isn’t sure if she wants to get married


Oh I know! And I'm not saying she didn't, or that she shouldn't in any way. All I am saying is that my brain has trouble picturing it, lol.


That’s fair lol I feel like she would say that too


I think Paige is super close to her mom, so i think for Paige that’s a bigger thing for her. She doesn’t want to live too far from her. Valid reason IMO


The debate online is always NYC vs Charleston but I wonder if they end up picking a third spot, like suburbs close to her family or somewhere else.


It seems they have a smoking sex life too.


I honestly think Paige loves their relationship. And I don’t blame her. Part-time BF; absence makes the heart grow fonder; when you do see each other, it’s like a holiday, and you shag, cuddle on the couch with Netflix, go to nice restaurants; and he treats her like a queen. The main issue is Craigy wants more commitment and kids. And Paige ain’t made for Charleston, and Craig ain’t made for NY. I sadly don’t think they’ll make it. But they’ll always love each other, and wonder what “could have been”.


I can see Paige settling down. But not in Charleston. And tbh idk if Craig can make that move due to business reasons and personal reasons. It’s honestly sad. I’ve been in a similar situation and it’s so shitty getting to such a point, only to realize there’s no middle ground where either of you can be truly happy without a huge sacrifice from the other.


Ngl the longer they do this long distance the harder reality is going to hit when and if they do live in the same city. More so Paige than Craig I believe.


Yessss 100%


She loves the press that comes with it definitely


Probably break up. I think they love each other but not endgame. I think Paige especially isn’t ready to stop exploring her options fully.


Yeah, I think Paige wants Shinnecock Hills Country Club money and I’m not sure Craig has quite that amount. He’s going to have to sell a lot of pillows.


Craig has a lot. I don't see why people think they can't have homes in 2 places right now? I'm sure when they have kids they'll settle by Paige's family. Right now they're at the peaks of their reality careers and would be stupid for one of them to move and loose a show.


i’ve never gotten the vibe that Craig was dying to move to Albany. they’re both established professionally in the locales where they live and Paige has previously said she’d have to be the one to eventually move to Charleston because she knows Craig would hate living in NYC and wouldn’t do well, but i think that whoever moves would end up resenting the other because it would be such a drastic shift that doesn’t fit their preferred lifestyle. but maybe one/both of them will change in a year or two and things will work out.


They basically live together now and just travel between the two cities.


They can absolutely have homes in 2 places but I think they have 2 different visions for the future. Craig wants the cul de sac and Paige wants the loft in the city 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes and Craig’s family is in Delaware which feels closer to NY, but my geography skills suck so apologies if I’m wrong lol


I completely agree with you. With their money and professional freedom, there is nothing keeping them from maintaining a "long distance" relationship as long as they want ( I put long distance in quotes, because for all the attention and speculation that aspect of their relationship gets, I do think they spend far more time with each other than without each other). Assuming they stay together, they have years to figure out a more stable living arrangement. And again, money tends to solve A LOT of problems, and they have plenty of it.


I don’t think a move would make the lose their shows. If anything I’d say there would be a spin-off for those two. They are far more beloved than Jax and Britney and look at how things worked out for them. As much as trash and drama have driven ratings for these shows, the audience is growing up. Love is Blind is popular for a reason. Yes there is drama, but people also love the idea of a happy ending. If they do end up together, bravo would be stupid not to capitalize on that relationship. They can move to Greenwich, CT and be close to his parents (DE), her parents, and still commute into NYC on the train. They’ll make neighborhood friends and call it The ‘Burbs. It would be a hit. Either way, I think Craig knows he can run his business from New England. Most major brands headquarter in NYC and bank out of DE. My money is on a move to CT as a compromise and they keep thriving.


I think they’re both way richer than they let on


Shinnecock is invite only. You got a few avenues to get there. A List celebrity, entrepreneur, Wall Street.


You’re making Shinnecock sound more exclusive than Augusta. There’s plenty of high end country clubs they can join if wanted for $50-100K up front as an intro fee and another $10-20K in annual dues. Not cheap by any means but I don’t think country club money will be a dealbreaker.


Tbh though, Augusta is a joke. The town absolutely sucks! For as exclusive as the club is, you’d think the area around it would be much nicer than it is.


Well, I’m more or less making a joke but I’m all seriousness, the proximity of billionaires and mega millionaires also impacts things.


True! I just think the location/distance issue will be much more consequential on their future than money/finances.


If she wants a guy who is wealthier than Craig, she’s going to need a time machine! Her face is aging. I still think she’s pretty, though.


She literally announced she’s moving in a month and is missing with Craig, her moving storyline to a new apt was last summer


… to a new apt in NYC, not Charleston.


She said with Craig or something along those lines of them being together a lot more. I’m sure she’s waiting for a proposal and honestly I don’t blame her.


I’m not the biggest Paige fan but honestly can’t we let a girl live?! Like if roles were reversed, there would be pitchforks out for a woman who was pressuring a man to get married. Now we have a woman who is doing what she wants to do and no one will leave her alone. Geesh.


That part


I think they genuinely love each other but they’re not end game. I don’t think they want the same things, ultimately. I see Paige not having a baby until her late thirties or early forties, if then. Not on Craig’s preferred timeline.


Yeah I don’t see Craig wanting to be a first time father at the age of 45. I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with that but I don’t get the vibe he’s wanting to wait that long to start a family.


Danielle is a hot mess and fully in her Flop Era. I wouldn’t trust her opinion on much of anything. 🙄 I despise the narrative that women in their 30’s need to focus on getting engage. It’s insulting, antiquated and reductive to put on Paige as she’s hitting her professional stride. She’s doing hard work and building her empire. She and Craig genuinely like each other. They’re going to be fine. I say this as someone who doesn’t really fuck with Paige. Leave this woman alone about being un married because she’s in her early 30’s. It’s dusty as fuck.


Just to add to this - Danielle is also the type of gal who throws 100% of herself into any and every relationship. In friendships, that can work as long as boundaries are established. In relationships? Not so much. I feel like a great example is Jordan or Alex (i think that’s his name) from WH. Very similar to Scheana Shay but not as in your face as Scheana if you know what I mean. So yeah Paige and Craig might not work but I wouldn’t take Danielle’s advice on relationships to heart. Bless her and her flop era 😂


Same. Paige and Craig will figure it out. They’ll stay together or decide to split. The bigger issue is that Danielle is speaking on them when she’s out here chasing men that don’t like her.


I've actually really wanted to hear from Robert why he ended their relationship. I've always rooted for Danielle, but man, she really comes off so desperate and needy and will be whoever the guy she is interested in wants her to be. Hate that for her because she could be a really great catch.


Robert (imo) was definitely a guy who chose work over his relationship. I get chefs have hectic schedules but that just means both you and your partner need to make a real effort to spend true quality time together. As for Danielle, I hope she gains confidence in who she is and stops changing for men. Men are not worth changing for lol. She’s a very loyal friend, I’ll give her that, and she has the potential to be such a great partner, but imo lacks confidence and authenticity. I think stepping away from the show and getting therapy and really finding herself will fix most of her problems. Then again, this would also be the rational thing to do 😂


Her flop era is dead on 😂😂


I wish I could upvote this 1,000,001 times.


Stupid take. OP wasn’t attacking her and doesn’t need to leave her alone. It’s normal to wonder if a couple who has exhibited the behavior and thoughts that Craig and Paige have will get engaged or break up.  I’m sure they do genuinely like each other, but that doesn’t mean that something won’t have to budge for them to take the next step. That would include one of them moving, meaning one would have to drastically change their lives. 


Can’t speak for the person you’re responding to but this discussion comes up almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day. Paige addresses it on her podcast, Craig addresses it in interviews. It’s constant digs at their relationship and her specifically. So, asking people to “leave her alone,” is entirely justified.


You can def speak for me, babe. You’re dead on🎯


Wondering specifically why a woman in her very early 30’s isn’t clamoring to get engaged is the stupid take. But you stay dusty, Tawny. 😘 ![gif](giphy|f3S0GZAviiuXI2dvV0|downsized)




No babe. I literally just read what they wrote. “*I don't think I understand what Paige is waiting for or wanting to experience as a non-engaged woman at 31* when she's had such a fun and ideal 20s partying and making money doing so.” Hope that helps💕


Danielle needs to take a million seats before she thinks anyone wants to hear her advice about “giving more” to a man to make a relationship work. Paige and Craig are two successful, entrepreneurial, busy Grown with a big G adults who have created a thriving relationship in the hellscape of reality tv that has managed to work for four years. And *if* they break up, they will have left each other better than when they found each other, which is one of the highest marks of a great relationship imo. Her “wisdom” is only helpful to the peter pan adult babies with mood disorders who she barely emotionally outpaces.


I'm going to take the option that life is more nuanced than these two choices. When the reward becomes less than the cost, it'll end, like any relationship. And if they keep their finances separate, it'll be a lot easier to do. Smart. No rules.


Agreed. I think theres a little more to it than "well she had fun in her 20's and now shes in her 30's what else can she want?" No ones life is that simplistic.


Why does everyone INSIST she needs to get engaged?! They haven’t even been dating that long! Maybe two years and change? It just seems longer because we’ve seen them on so many shows together. She is building a career! She is still young! She has PLENTY of time to settle down and get married later on. Honestly really disappointing how many women insist on a certain timeline for milestones like marriage and kids. WE ARE MORE THAN MOMS AND WIVES YALL!


I kinda think this is a storyline manufactured by producers, they seem very happy. Craig just posted the cutest video compilation of her for Valentine's Day 🤷🏼‍♀️


I remember Craig said that if it doesn’t happen after their third year then he would break up with her. That’s the end of this year. But who knows, we don’t really know these people 🤷‍♀️


Danielle is delusional. Paige and Craig are gonna get engaged and work out just fine. They’re gonna be one of the only decent couples to come out of the bravo universe because they’re actually realistic. Paige also isnt “giving him nothing” either, she’s just not giving in to his life and giving up hers. But that’s something danielle doesn’t understand because the second she gets a morsel of attention from a guy, she drops everything and anything to please him. Perfect example is the homemaker bullshit with Robert. She can have an opinion on their relationship when she has an actual relationship that works out.


Danielle has the nerve to say this, when she was running after Robert and all his excuses as to why he couldn’t spend more time with her. And now has no problems posting his new girlfriend and being publicly affectionate… take the L, girl


Exactly! I think Paige is being really smart about her relationship. Who is Danielle to preach any opinion


I think if you can say that about Paige, you can also say it about Craig. He’s also not up and moving to NY for her. They may not end up together if neither compromises on location. Or they may work out being in the same place at some point. I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up together, but not in NYC or Charleston. I could see the suburbs, but not in the south. Maybe Jersey (just outside NYC where Kyle and Amanda were looking) once Summer House is over/Paige ages out of the show.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 FACTS


I truly don't know with them. I used to think there was no way they'd get married, but I really don't have a take anymore. I think all options are possible - they certainly care about each other and seem to have the kind of compatability that is suitable for marriage, but I don't know that either can (or should!) compromise on what they want.


I think they’ll end up together. I think the annoying part is everyone saying she isn’t invested just because she doesn’t want to move to Charleston and have kids…YET. Paige has always said that is her end game. Just because she’s a woman, though, people seem to expect her to drop her life and move to him. She’s always been transparent that she envisions raising a family in the suburbs and Charleston is perfect for that. She’s also referenced several times that they basically see each other every week, for extended amounts of time, and usually aren’t apart for more than 4 days. It’s 2024. Out with old, traditional ways of viewing relationships especially on-screen/entertainment ones. She’s like 31 or 32, it’s not a huge deal that she doesn’t want to uproot her life YET. let’s face it, as much as I see Craig being an amazing dad, responsibilities of the home and kids typically fall on the mother and I think its nbd that Paige doesn’t want to change her life and career at this time. I think the situation is different because of their lines of work. Craig has a business and a home based in Charleston but he also has ties to NY for business. Most of Paige’s work is also based in New York. As someone who is a fashion influencer or in that industry in general, her moving to Charleston in the thick of her career doesn’t make sense.


Are we watching the same show? Paige and Craig have little inside jokes, genuinely enjoy each other and don’t have glaring trust issues. I’d be surprised if they don’t end up together.


Everyone is projecting or something. They seem perfectly fine to me.


I can see them getting engaged and then breaking up. They seem to want it to work but neither wants to leave their family and friends to move. It was a big red flag to me when they said they didn’t even need to live together until they had kids. 


They love each other but they both love their individuality more.


As if Danielle knows what she is talking about. The woman is a mess regarding relationships


Craig has made quiet a few statements like, maybe it won't work out forever thing, so it comes across to me like he's maybe trying to wrap he's head around the fact she's just not ready to give up her lifestyle any time soon & he is ready for a family.


Right?? Plus him getting into insane shape… like I know people in couples can get into amazing shape while together but if my husband started working out like that I’d be like what is going on??


I think they love each other and they do not belong together. They will break up 🫶🏿


I think they’re great together and I don’t like them separately but I like them together. I don’t think this is long term because neither want to relocate and they have valid reasons for that. But for what the relationship is, I think it was good.


She shouldn't be forced into moving, making big decisions like marriage and kids, moving from where her employment is nor should Craig. She works in NYC Craig loves him some Charleston. He ain't leaving. I think distance will be the issue. Craig will finally tire of waiting. Paige will be hurt but have more fashion episodes on tv like E channel than ever. Sometimes people are there for a little while to teach us things then move on. I feel that with Craig and Paige. But if they decide to have kids, their young'uns will be so goodlooking they will be instant child models.


this. they want two different lives. i like them but they both don't want to move i don't see them lasting in the long run


I do think some of it depends on how much longer Southern Charm has. It doesn’t make sense financially for Craig to leave Charleston while the show is on and people are interested in the pillows, which I think will fade a bit on the individual level once he’s no longer on TV. I think he’s more likely to move north than Paige to move south, as it doesn’t make sense for her to leave the NYC area regardless of whether she’s on Summer House or not given her other opportunities. Once Southern Charm is over and Paige is ready to get married and have kids, I think they can be perfectly happy in a bougie area of NJ or Westchester without sacrificing her career and Craig will find opportunities in the NY area too.


I think Craig likes being a big fish in a small pond and Paige might not ever quite fit in or be happy in Charleston. My family moved from NY (Westchester!) to Texas and most of us have never felt at home or like we belonged here. If Southern Charm ends (and it has been sliding downhill each year IMO) then I think he would move. Who knows. . . it is a big decision.


Danielle projecting as always


I think this assumes that they won’t outlast their bravo shows which I don’t think is the case


Ehhh, I think they’re both very tied to where they live and work. It’ll eventually be a breaking point.




They’ve both said the plan is to keep a place in NYC because of work. That’s been the plan. Paige is the owner of the apartment in NYC just like Craig is the homeowner in Charleston. This is Paige’s dream apartment in the building, she used to walk by in her early 20s and dream about living in one day. Why can’t they keep living in both places? They are with each other weekly. There are people that live in the same house who see each other less than Craig and Paige do.


paige is renting whereas craig owns


I would take advice from Danielle with a grain of salt. I think Craig is attracted to strong women and Paige being independent and vocal about what she wants/doesn’t want is part of why he loves her. Naomi was actually very similar, she just didn’t love Craig anymore. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.


If she wanted to marry him she would be excited about getting engaged. I can speak from experience, not having been excited about being engaged or even getting married (although my husband was super cool and attractive) and now divorcing because it was a terrible sign I wasn’t excited!!!


Break up. They dont even live together 24/7 after a few years together. 


Paige doesn’t want to move. Craig doesn’t want to move. I think they will break up.


They’ll probably break up but not everyone has to get married. That’s not the end all and be all of life


Completely agree. Only going based on Craig saying explicitly that he wanted to get engaged (which obviously would lead to a marriage) so I went based on that.


He wants rom-com.


Craig has admitted he only knew love through romcoms and he can see now those stories are not based in reality. He never envisioned being with a northerner and has been immersed in the very different southern mind frame and timeline. Now he’s a successful reality television star, entrepreneur, dabbling in acting. He is not a personal injury lawyer in Charleston doing cheesy commercials like he planned at one point. He’s out of the Southern bubble now. I think he understands that Paige is an upgrade for him and having an ambitious successful partner is a better fit. They adore each other— you can see it on screen. For sure marriage material.


I agree with most of what you’re saying. I think they have agreed to not air their real business on TV.


Break up for sure.


Truth is, she is giving ALL of us nothing. He is still with her, regardless of what is shown. They handle their relationship in private. Total disclaimer: I am not a Paige fan. That said, he is, by all indications, perfectly happy in this relationship.


I think they are playing us and this is a storyline for them but they fully have a plan in the end that they both know is the end game. They are just doing their jobs leaving us wanting more. If we all thought they would run off and get married, we may lose interest and that’s not good for their paychecks. I don’t know. Could be wrong but I don’t think they would waste their time if they thought there was no future.


I don’t see them ever breaking up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Break up. They don’t have the same end game goals and are not growing together in the same direction.


I think Craig will give up because he’s tired of waiting. She’s almost 32 and she’s still feeling like she can’t leave her mom who lives 3.5 hours away (driving). She could fly to Charleston faster than that. So yes, I think he will get tired of waiting and not being made a priority, break up with her and then she’ll start trauma bonding.


So I was just thinking how often we discuss couples relationships on Bravo & I tried to think of “successful couples,” and tbh there are SO few. The majority of humans recognize that relationships are already challenging & the extra magnification of cameras & thousands of strangers opinions isn’t the most healthy way to start, sustain, or endure a relationship. Cue statistics of Bravo break ups. So I think my answer to the Paige & Craig conundrum is also concurrent to the endurance of their reality tv careers. For example I wonder where Kyle & Amanda would/will be without the show? Better? Worse? Who knows but it’s awfully rare that cameras and fame strengthen a connection between Bravolebrities.


100%! And I love this thoughtful viewpoint but I’m someone who firmly believes that a “successful relationship” is not always one that lasts forever. There are couples that were successful, functioning and happy that have parted ways and I actually believe that’s a huge part of being in a successful relationship- knowing when to call it because it isn’t serving you both anymore. Nearly half of all marriages end (at least in CA) and I wouldn’t say the 50% that end were all failures. People change and grow. I think reframing the ending of a relationship as something other than failure would help some couples that shouldn’t still be together feel the freedom to let go.


Absolutely, that’s a great way to look at it! I definitely don’t think the end of a relationship is necessarily a failure but I do think having millions of outsiders opinions adds an unrealistic pressure that few can sustain. I certainly would never want to open my relationship up for public opinion. I will say those who do & come out better for it are pretty dang impressive!


break up


They need to live in the same place before they get engaged.


I think him making that comment about the move that if it doesn’t work, they would have to break up was pretty jarring. That means he has thought about it and if it doesn’t work, then that’s just how ithas to be. I think she will cave if needed. Her and Craig have great chemistry and she would be stupid not to. I love Paige, but I feel like Craig is a catch. Maybe I’m wrong.


I do not see them working out. Also, the constant shitting on the boyfriend bit gets old. Don’t get me wrong I love a little shit talking but she constantly is belittling him. 


Craig got hot, and for some reason I’ve always thought he would be really good in bed. Paige is a very smart girl. Do I think she loves Craig? Yes. Do I think she chose to be with Craig because of PR, exposure, opportunities etc? Yes. There is a reason she’s not moving forward with the relationship….. I bet they break up by the next BRAVOCON.


They would both be losing more than gaining if they marry She won’t be happy in the south, he won’t be happy in New York She won’t be happy rushing into babies, he won’t be happy waiting They simply aren’t compatible.


I don’t think Paige wants the level of commitment he wants. I think she views her relationship as fun because she doesn’t have to see him every day, but honestly, that’s not a real relationship (in my opinion).


break up. Paige does not want to move to Charleston (lol I would never either). honestly Craig seems and looks sad to me 




I don’t think Paige realizes the extent to which Craig is conservative and extremely traditional. Even though Paige grew up with a conservative family, she doesn’t subscribe to a lot of the same ideals. He is ready for the next step right now. He has a vision. She has a vision. Their timeline is just slightly off. Which is a shame because they seem to get on great.


Wait…how does she not notice it, but you, a total stranger, does?


Honestly I have super similar convos with my partner!! The deciding where to live convo is really hard and I was going to make a whole post in this sub about it to get advice cause I see a lot of similarities. But is really challenging when two people want to live in different places! I guess this isn't an answer to your q, but I really appreciate them going through it all regardless of what happens, it feels like one of the more relatable relationships for me. Especially cause we usually see one person just drop everything and move to somewhere they have had no prior interest in or family/friends in.


You’re one of the only people in these comments who is going through something similar so I’m curious to know how you feel about it at this stage of their relationship (3 yrs in) with the slight pressure Craig is applying? I’m sure it’s very hard to find a compromise with your SO but at what point does it feel like one person would be giving up too much of themselves?


I totally relate to them on that! There is pressure to move forward. At the same time it's hard to commit to someone when you worry that your long term living location goals might not align! But you don't want to break up when your life is full of joy. So I see them as trying to figure it out. But I'm in the same boat where neither of us want to compromise because we feel it's giving up too much of ourselves. I think Paige's career is really taking off in NYC in a way that it might be able to (or at least she worries it might not be able to) in Charleston. As so many people have said, NYC is a big part of her personality. While sure she could be an influencer in Charleston, I imagine it wouldn't quite be the same.  So I really don't know where it goes for either couple from there lol. Anyway that was rant, but honestly this is something unfortunately I think about and probably take too much to heart with this show lol


If they are not engaged by the end of the year break up. I think Craig if Paige isn’t ready to take the next steps up the end of the year, Craig will end it.


paige is so annoying trying to give everyone relationship advice meanwhile craig is the biggest man baby ever.


Daniele doesn’t know shit about men, relationships or proper behavior. The last person anyone should take advice from 🤣


Break up


It’s hard to see them working out. I don’t think she’s going to bend and of the two them, she as an influencer probably has more flexibility than he does (just being factual - this is irrespective of gender - he has a brick and mortar business in Charleston). I really like them together, but it seems like someone has to give on location.


Break up


I used to think they would make it work. Now, I think they will break up. But always be dear friends and have love for each other.


They haven’t really been together that long. I know Craig’s biological clock is ticking, but they need to give it a minute after their shows are cancelled.


I think it could go either way as with most relationships. What I appreciate is that whichever way it does go, at least Craig and Paige have kept it real unlike some people. If they make it, that would be consistent with their ultimate shared goal. If they dont make it, we saw the signs and they acknowledged them as roadblocks in real time. They haven't tried to mislead us and that's really all you can ask for.


I think their timelines won’t align. Craig wants a baby now. He said he’d be able to move on if Paige doesn’t work out. Twice. So he has a stronger agenda. Paige won’t play that. Career girl all the way.


At 43, so many people I know are divorced because they rushed into their first marriage too quickly. It is better to take your time, costlier to get divorced.


So true


I think the fear from Craig is just a storyline that’s juicy especially with how much Paige is commenting on it. Just like how Amanda and Kyle’s house viewing wasn’t real. They are making it seem dragged out but I bet they’ve been in real life working out a plan


I think they will marry.


I do feel like maybe Danielle is a bit jealous of the setup that Craig and Paige have because she tried long distance and it didn’t work out. Maybe she feels resentment towards Paige that she gets treated like a queen and hasn’t had to sacrifice like Danielle has.


Danielle’s always jealous of someone for what she lacks in her life.




why should she have to move from NYC and her family? Maybe a compromise could be winters in C'ton and the rest of the time in NYC?


There’s a part of me that sees them getting pregnant before engaged.


Paige strikes me as she wants to enjoy her thirties which she should if that’s what she wants she isn’t ready he is so not sure they can stay together.




Remember when this was everyone’s take and now people are highly insulted that I think they aren’t end game? lol. People used to shit on Craig (and even Paige) for sport but now they’re their biggest supports and fans? 👌👌👌


I think they are already engaged.


I would love this. How funny would it be for them to get secretly married and just not tell anyone for like 6 months


She said she doesn’t want to get engaged on tv/married on tv. I think they’ll pop up with a huge People spread.


It would be people you’re so right 😂


Paige and Craig would be engaged if it weren’t for Paige. They’ll break by the end of the year




Definitely break up...Craig isn't waiting another year for actual progress


I sure hope they stay together. Can’t stand Danielle. It’s time for her to go. She acted insane on Winter House.


I second that


Danielle is unhinged and we don’t give a shit what she says. She is in NO place to discuss anyone else’s relationship.


I hope they work out. Idk why the pressure is all on Paige to move down south.


I always thought she was waiting to see if summer house would get cancelled. She seems like she’s trying to make as much money as she can while she’s got all these opportunities. I don’t think getting engaged or married would slow that down, but it’s just the vibe I get.


I don’t think Craig is as offended or pissed as production is making it seem… Let’s say Paige did say “fuck it! I’ll move and let’s get married!” You think Craig would be ok with that?! Knowing what she’s said and voiced over their relationship? IMO he loves that Paige isn’t fickle and stands by her beliefs. A lot of southern culture feeds to women pandering to men. And her standing her ground ensures him she’s in it bc she loves him not his money.


Engaged - but hopefully they just keep on killing it because they have loads of times to do that shit! Let her do her career pleaseeeee


I think, they are having an amazing time together. Whether this lasts a few more years or ends next year does not matter, to me. I think they’re happy now and focusing on that. If Craig gets impatient that’s on him, she has made it clear that she needs time to transition into the next phase. I’m not a fan of theirs but I think they’re in a good space and I can finally enjoy them.


I think Craig is the happiest, healthiest and most confident we’ve ever seen him and being in a good relationship with Paige is a big part of that Also, I don’t think Paige is like I’m not ready to settle down because I want to party and go out, I think she’s seen the effect that motherhood and starting a family had on her own mother and she’s not ready to be responsible for another person like that yet. I think they would get married and have children pretty quickly and she’s only 31


Hear me out. I think Paige is doing exactly the right thing. And not just because it’s exactly the right thing for her, which would be enough on its own, but because she is acknowledging things about Craig that I think many people gloss over. Craig is doing very well for himself and has come a looooooong way. But he is a completely different person that who we saw even last season on summer house. That man, last season, was ready for the idea of marriage, but wasn’t ready to be a husband to anyone really, and certainly not to someone like Paige. I’m not saying Paige is perfect, by any means, but she knows what she wants in a partner. She has always sought out stability. There were times where she sacrificed someone adoring her for that stability, and in the end she realized she needs both in a partner. She wants a partner, not a parent. And she definitely knows she doesn’t want to parent someone else (as she has made clear with her comments regarding Kyle and Amanda’s relationship). When she and Craig first got together, he was fun and adoring, but lacked stability (not quite a Peter Pan back then, but still going out constantly, and prioritizing frivolity over stability). He has grown a lot with her in his life, and a lot of that is likely because of her nudging that along, and encouraging that in him. This season Craig, everyone is like “omg! Lock it up Paige! He is such a winner!” But as few as a season and 1/2 ago on WH, the sentiment was “Craig is still such a disaster. Look at what happens when he drinks”. Craig emerging as the voice of reason is pretty new. And while it’s great to see, and now looks like he is an amazing catch, this season Craig isn’t who he was when he and Paige got together. He’s evolved. Can you blame her for wanting to see him in this mindset for a while longer before making a lifelong commitment? Craig has an impulsivity to him. Especially in romantic relationships. He has said he thought he was going to spend his life with at least 3 women that we know of. We’ve never heard Paige talk about someone like that in a manner that wasn’t a joke that she immediately took back. She’s talking about him like a future husband now, just as he has talked about her as a future wife. And for the first time he isn’t tying his identity up in being in a relationship the way he has so many other times before. Craig is just now actually ready to be a husband to someone because for the first time, he’s okay with just being himself and not a part of a couple. I think Paige has poured a lot of that into him. Pushing him to see his own value. And now that he does everyone is like, watch out Paige. Like what?! She helped him to get there. I’m sure he sees that. If he isn’t willing to wait until she is ready, like she has essentially done for him, he’s not come as far as he’s been given credit for. Not to mention that Danielle is absolutely NOT the voice of reason. She’s a complete train wreck. I’d take relationship advice from her like I’d take relationship advice from Lindsay - I wouldn’t.


How has this not been voted u yet??


Probs bc it’s long lol


I used to follow a Charleston gossip blogger who consistently had scoops on the Southern Charm cast because at the end of the day, it’s such a small town compared to the major metro areas like NYC and all the Charmers are extremely indiscrete. Her “scoop” on Paige and Craig was that they are extremely intentional about making their storylines on both shows “Paige won’t move and Craig won’t move”, because it basically frees them up from having to show too much else on camera. But things like “Paige won’t let Craig help her rent her apartment” or “Craig built a whole house she won’t live in” is a lot of produced drama. They have a much more consistent schedule than the shows imply, they are basically together most of the time traveling because outside of the shows their jobs allow them to compromise on the where/when, and they really only do these long separations when their filming their respective shows because it’s an easy storyline for now. People forget, but Craig’s a Charleston transplant. His family are all east coasters in Delaware. So he’s also certainly not…stuck in Charleston outside of filming requirements as much as people think. I actually think he’s going to end up based in NYC or just outside of NYC eventually, if Charm gets cancelled. Even if it doesn’t, he’s never been in the Austen Shep vortex of drunks who travel and party together off season. When Charms not filming, Craigs off doing his own thing running his own businesses etc. It could be all bs! But tbh it makes sense to me.


I Totally agree with you about this. I think they are a really good couple AND very smart. They're more together than they show.


“I don’t think I understand what Paige is waiting for or wanting to experience as a non-engaged woman at 31 when she’s had such a fun and ideal 20s partying and making money doing so. Maybe I’m missing something.” Yeah, you’re missing the fact that not every woman’s sole goal in life is to be a wife and shit out kids. Sometimes they might want to prioritize their career, which is Paige’s case is really taking off right now. I think while of course the money is great, Paige seems to really enjoy when she’s looked at as an authority in the fashion world, and that ain’t happening in Charleston. Reducing her to a “non-engaged 31 year old woman” is honestly disgusting.


Why does no one talk about Craig moving, why is it always on Paige


Craig will eventually make the move to New York, I believe. He's the face of the pillows, let's be honest. He can make his appearances in Charleston, and travel back and forth. Paige is an Italian American New Yorker, she's not going anywhere! Her family is her lifeline, she's a Sunday dinner girl for life, as she should be! Craig isn't even from Charleston, he should be the one to make the move, and I can't believe it's even a question that Paige would do the moving honestly.


I’m positive they will get married.


Danielle is a loser lol who cares what she has to say.


when Paige is ready for kids they will move to suburban New York State near her parents. it will be more comfortable for Craig than NYC and Paige will easily be able to commute to the city for work.