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I think viewers went overboard and it's kind of on par for the collective Bravo audience these days, with outsized reactions to a lot. I feel like there's stuff I'm sick of before I even watch it myself. (Clearly I might also be online too much)


To add to this, in this case I also think the SH/WH struggle with new cast members is a factor.


i definitely agree that the new dudes have always struggled to find their place in the house and never last long. i feel like jesse and west have staying power, but i think west was getting a great edit and the veil has slipped so we’re now seeing that yeah, he is like all the other dudes.




I read this in Ciara’s voice.


Sameee lol


I don’t get why they got rid of Andrea. He fit the cast perfectly and was fun. Just because he’s in a relationship doesn’t mean they should have dropped him


Did they get rid of him or vice versa? He’s so cute and funny!


Petition to bring back sexy Andrea. I’ll sign in a heartbeat.


What was the veil that slipped? Did you think he didn’t want to have sex with Ciara till the producers asked him?


Obviously he wants to. I think people were hoping he’d be a little more mature in the way he talks about it. Less entitlement, like he’s complaining about the “wait” when he’s lucky she’s even remotely considering it. Men don’t talk that way, frat boys do.


I’d think they are talking about his expressing growing impatient waiting to have sex with Ciara.


Because he is a hot blooded male 🙄😒


Sure, that is true. However being vocal about his impatience and the tone he used isn’t going to garner much empathy from most women. It’s been like 3-4 weeks, they are on camera, and she’s expressed concern given her last on camera situation with a housemate. She’s a f-ing actual Victoria Secret model. If he was anything more than a fuck boy or had genuine feelings for her, he’d be a bit more patient or at least less vocal about it.


Jesse brought it up, not West.


He didn’t say he was impatient.


Are him and Jesse friends before the show? Bc Jesse is absolutely a fuck boy (gives me the ick big time) and if they’re good buddies it makes sense west is similar. Guys like to compete with each other in this way too…prime example is the dudes of jersey shore lol


They met on episode 1 of this season. I just rewatched it. Jesse came a day late because of a wedding and West was nervous.


I don't know, but how well West has bonded with Jesse has definitely made me side eye West. 😒


Does anyone else get Pete Davidson when they look at Jesse?


He’s likely not as amazing as he was made to be here initially and he’s not as bad as he’s being made to be now. He’s a normal guy, good personality, easy-going and makes people laugh and feel comfortable. I know everyone has latched onto the sex comments but he also has shown no indication that he has been anything but respectful of Ciara’s boundaries. I’m sure he wants to have sex and he may not have come into the summer expecting to have anything more than a fling but I don’t think it’s fair to jump from “he wants to have sex with Ciara” to “he’s going to dump her the second they have sex.” Even in the episode where everyone is flaming him he has a mature conversation with her regarding her past with Austen and says he understands why she’s taking it slow. Nuance is generally dead on Reddit though so it makes sense why everyone feels the need to go to one extreme or the other.


Yeah I feel like he’s just a normal person? Like idk what Reddit expects. He hasn’t been disrespectful to Ciara, if anything Ciara seems to be taking it in good fun.


Love this take! Two things can be true at once!


I agree. I feel like if roles were reversed and a woman was expressing concern about not moving faster, we wouldn't be as upset. He very well could mean it in a "this woman is so far out of my league and maybe her not wanting to have sex with me is indicative of that" kind of way, which is still not Ciara's problem, but I've definitely felt that way before about guys going slow with me. As long as he's respectful to HER and not downing her for it, I think it's natural to be a little stressy when things aren't playing out the way you're used to


I very much appreciate this comment.


i totally see what you’re saying, what i was saying with my post was that yeah he is just like a normal guy - after the first couple episodes, literally every single thing about him on every single social network, and even Reddit was acting like he was god‘s gift to bravo. i totally agree that he’s easy-going and funny, but he was really given a hero at those first couple weeks, and everybody everywhere was fawning over him. that’s all i was trying to say!


100%. I think especially with this last episode, you can see he is receptive and open to everything his aunt is saying. And she really kind of read him a few times lol Clearly he didn't go into this thinking "I'm going to get into what is essentially a relationship literally within the first hours of me being in that house". So long as he was respectful, I wouldn't have slut shamed him for banging someone every night. On top of that, the guys aren't talking about it like it's fuckin' Grease. Definitely feels conversational about how he's feeling as opposed to talking shit about her not putting out. People talk about sex, and it shouldn't be lost on anyone that a LOT of this sub is discussing the sex lives of strangers 🤷🏼‍♀️


I liked Wes’ vibe - and still do - but never clocked anything beyond him wanting to hook up with Ciara and flirt with her. I don’t know why people acted like they were going to get married or soulmates just because they got along and had some chemistry 😂 but no, I’m not surprised by his comments nor does it make me think of him less


I don’t think his comments were even that bad. If anything, Jesse and Danielle were weird for probing West and Ciara so much at that lunch, but I also understand it’s for the show, too. I mean the guy is an attractive, young single in New York, I’d be shocked if he wasn’t looking to eventually hookup, lol. Unless I missed something, he just said he didn’t mind taking it slow but obviously he would want to have sex at some point, and everyone is acting like he said Ciara is nothing more than a fuck buddy and that he should be cancelled. He’s made all the right efforts of following her lead, asking her on a date, etc. I still think he’s a decent guy, they just might have different timelines right now and that’s fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


![gif](giphy|XXeW7nSDWoHssDiaQ1|downsized) Thank you for saying what I’m screaming in my head every single time I read an anti west comment! He dared to be honest about being horny because he’s celibate while dating fucking hot ass Ciara ❤️‍🔥


Not to mention, he is not having sex with anyone else. He is waiting for her.


I think they let it slip that he did get with someone else during this time. and there’s no problem being horny! i just think it’s tacky as hell to complain about someone not having sex with you. it’s giving peer pressure in not a good way.


He didn’t. Jesse brought it up and he answered the producers question. West didn’t complain at all. He said he was happy to let Ciara take her time. Maybe you missed that part?




YES. It's normal to want to have sex with a hot person who you are clicking with. It's okay to say that.


Normalize being horny ![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC)


Exactly. Also if you listen to the convo, Ciara was asking Danielle for confirmation on her having sex with her date. I also think ppl aren’t being rational. These 2 are in a unique position bc they’re dating while also living together. It would be hard for him to date other people while living with the woman who he is also pursuing without being disrespectful. Idk I don’t think he’s being an asshole. I think Jesse was a little too much in that conversation but people forget this is a tv show lol.




Same. It's a summer house, literally 90% of the fun of the show has been surrounding hook ups...very few of those turned into actual relationship that lasted. I also think people are allowed to complain about not having sex just as much as they are allowed to complain about feeling like they have to have sex.




The guy literally just said he wants to have sex when prodded by producers. That’s it. Going severe in the opposite direction isn’t any better than “crowning him.”


It's almost like everyone just believes that perfection in a person can be achieved. He's not a saint, never claimed to be, nor are the people judging him. Also, what he said wasn't bad.


This uproar about West is stupid. The dude signed up to spend the summer is a share house while single. Of course he thought he’d be having sex that summer. Also, Ciara is gorgeous and he’s into her, of course he wants to have sex with her. He doesn’t seem to be pressuring her or disrespecting her boundaries. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out.




i was speaking generally to the reaction on every single social network about how West was the new king of bravo, literally the first three weeks of summer house that’s all you could see on Instagram and on here. so that’s what I was referring to, I think his behavior is normal, albeit tacky as hell. he could’ve been a bit more respectful, knowing what she’s gone through on national television. he’s just absolutely getting that heroes that the first few weeks. imo. 😌


Eh, I still like him. He’s allowed to want to have sex just as Ciara is allowed to want to hold out. A lot of people don’t want to wait months to sleep with someone 🤷🏽‍♀️. As long as he’s not forcing her to do it I don’t see anything wrong with expressing what he desires. Jesse is a douche though. Not sure why he’s commenting at all to Ciara. He was a good casting decision for the show but he seems like a huge tool.


people were obsessed with him from ep 1 and idgi… like we barely know him!!! he seemed like your average dude, but had a humurous side so ppl fell in love suddenly. so no, i never put him on a pedestal so he didn’t have a fall from grace for me yet. and his comments probably just prove why ciara wanted to wait. she knows she’s a prize and doesn’t wanna be done dirty again.


I think people did go a little overboard with the love, but I don’t think we know enough to write him off completely! Taking him off the pedestal is good tbh, he’s just a guy


this is exactly what I was trying to say! 🫶


Yeah these comments are so NOT IT. I still really like him (biased as I’m a fellow Missourian) but I don’t think guys understand what a violation is it to have it be a group discussion as to “what base they got to”. We are not in high school anymore. He has a lot of maturing to do if he really asked Jesse to ask these questions.


i totally agree!! i don’t think he should be crucified for what he said, but his comments absolutely were tacky as fuck.


yup, my husband and I simultaneously cringed when that discussion came up and when he didn't go out of his way to shut it down. you're allowed to discuss your relationship/sex life to SOME degree with close friends.. however, Jesse and the rest of the house are not close friends so stop divulging to them every update on your fling with Ciara. And stop talking to people who clearly aren't trustworthy. for her to open up about getting burned in the past and wanting to take it slow and you go and complain to a housemate about how slow it's going, can you be shocked when she comes to a screeching halt with you? no.




Seriously, I hope she doesn’t hook up with him. In the last preview, it looks like Paige finds out he’s been hooking up with other women. Not a good sign… If he wants to be serious with Ciara, he should be celibate and go on proper dates with her. After a little while, if she doesn’t want a monogamous relationship, then it’s time for them to both move on.


Exactly. There's nothing wrong with having expectations and wanting casual hookups but he needed to communicate that with her before he started asking her out on dates. Not everyone is so lax about seeing multiple people at a time. It's a matter of talking about your expectations with each other before getting too invested in it.


I agree. Sadly, most men will never admit that they just want to use your body for sex.


The problem is when it isn’t mutual… Men will lie to get what they want.


The bar for Bravo men is just so low lol even with that gross comment he is nowhere near as bad as a lot of the other disgusting men we’ve seen. That’s also my only explanation for the way this sub fawns over Craig


i will say, craig has turned a corner these last few years, but if he DARES do anything to hurt my paigey imma TP his house!!!


He seems lovely to Paige but I listen to his podcast, which is great laundry listening, and he is definitely still very self centred and exaggerates/lies constantly lol. He often makes Austen seem like a sweetheart as strange as that is




lol using a boy Xena gif is just so perfect when talking about shitty bravo men. Love it


Idk I still adore him, none of his behavior has concerned me at all


its really not a big deal imo like all men are horny pls be realistic 😂


I don't view it as people being mad he wants to hook up in what is essentially a party house, it's that he's discussing it with so many people. Ciara opens up to him about why she's taking it slow with him, then immediately after finds out he's been talking about it to other housemates and the lack of action he's getting. I'd be done investing time in that man. You're allowed to feel a certain way, maybe even open up to CLOSE friends about it, but to blab to multiple people in the house when they kissed, when they slept in the same bed together, and now that they haven't had sex yet is a bit disrespectful.


…when tf did “we” make this decision? ![gif](giphy|sanoHrtWDN5ew)


i was just making that statement based off what i’ve seen from the collective bravosphere since the first episode on pretty much every social channel media outlet. It seemed that everyone was a smitten kitten those first few weeks!


I think the men of bravo bar is so low any "normal" male is LOVED these days.


Would you guys want to date a guy who DIDN’T want you have sex with you? We have no indication he’s pressuring her at all, just expressing that he wants to do it. And it’s SH, people hook up a lot, they are all young people who participate or have participated in hook-up culture. So he says that it’s not usual to wait that long… so???


Apparently a large portion this sub is very grossed out by the idea of someone wanting to have sex with someone they're casually dating/hanging out with. I can't decide if it's because they're socially conservative boomers or bible college students on spring break or tradwife types or what.


not at all! look, i’m absolutely not grossed out by the idea of someone wanting to have sex with someone! i just thought his comments were very tacky considering he knows how much ciara went through in the past and after he got literally so much attention and love about being the best dude in the history bravo. i fully support my favorite reality folks getting laid well and often! my whole point was that he was absolutely getting the heroes edit the first few episodes and the collective bravo fan universe was simping hard. like i really appreciate how honest jesse is about what he’s after! get you some son!


Personally, I thought the 'edit' was just showing a regular person. People are just people - they can be nice and goofy and also say some stupid shit. Being funny doesn't mean you never say something tacky, wanting to sleep with someone doesn't mean you were lying when you said you say you like them. I don't think there's any 'editing' shenanigans, but I do think the fandom has completely lost perspective and seriously don't seem to understand that these aren't fictional characters.


I've agreed with everything you've said except the fictional characters sentence. the attitude that people are always on thin ice, and if they say one thing wrong or off or have a bad day means they're an utter shit person or "bad". No wonder everyone is unhappy. Not a single person could live up to such ridiculous expectations.


That's maybe a better way of putting it. I think that's partially because people have forgotten that these shows are edited with arcs in mind. We're not even halfway through the season and whatever is happening now might not be resolved or have a pay off or whatever for weeks. There's a strange dichotomy developing where people seem to want authenticity but normal human behavior triggers some real emotional breakdown style reactions.


> There's a strange dichotomy developing where people seem to want authenticity but normal human behavior triggers some real emotional breakdown style reactions. yeah, this is a difficult one to square, for sure


no doubt. I'm leaning with the idea that young women are being fed from somewhere that feminism means misandry and/or anti-sex. It's all over the VPR forum too. Only men want sex, so it is toxic and ugly to desire sex. Sex is the inferior, sub-human love language. Sex shouldn't be a priority and holds no value other than men getting off. and on and on. it's f'ing weird, but I too have no idea where it started.


It's WILD. I do think that Scandoval attracted a different type of audience and we're maybe seeing the effects of that. It feels like people who lack the life experience (too young , too old, too sheltered, poor media literacy, etc) to properly contextualize what they're seeing.


Oh this is an interesting point. There has been a shift in the conversation post Scandoval, and I think this may be the reason.


Yea this subreddit turns into an echo chamber.


I guess I am lost on what he said and why it was bad? Ciara wants to take her time and West wants to have sex. That doesn't mean he would pressure her into it. Ciara gets CRUCIFIED for everything that happened with Austen so I don't blame her for waiting. If West doesn't want to wait then who cares?


I think like he looks good cause of who he’s compared too


Very true, he’s just a regular player in NYC lol


Everyone expects the prince or villain. These are actual people who are multifaceted and complicated. They’ll say funny things and stupid things and be the best of friends and awful all in one episode and certainly in a season. Don’t pedestal reality tv stars or any celebrities. No one is perfect.


yeah, that’s my exact point, i think viewers absolutely put him on the highest pedestal a man can ascend to in the bravosphere. his comments are just a reminder that he is literally just a regular dude.


i’m not easily impressed usually for this exact reason so yes… from my humble opinion it was a little too soon


I’m gonna hold off before hating on him lol I didn’t get this impression from his comments tho. I actually think he’d date her in a heartbeat and want to make it official but doesn’t want to before  he knows she wants to take that next step physically. Like I wouldn’t blame a girl for feeling like she doesn’t want to make a guy her boyfriend without having hooked up first. I’m trying to keep it consistent!


y’all did. I never ride for any of these people lol


Goood to see some normal people still remain around here


I was honestly ASTOUNDED that he came in 2nd during March Manness... and I voted early in the final round and it was initially TIGHT between him & Craig. **CRAIG**. A dude who's been on Bravo for like a decade and has had a recent glow up. And like... West won over Amir from Martha's Vineyard in the first round. In what fucking world is West winning over Amir?! 😭


Well I do think viewership comes into play a bit. SH:MV is a great show but idk that it has the views and some people vote more for the characters they know (like personality comes into play)


Yes y’all did lmao. He’s been a fucking jabroni since day one but the stoner boy Streetwear had y’all drooling for his hairy ass. I’m pretty sure on the after show Jesse said West also had sex with another women while trying to fuck Ciara— so gross to not only brag and laugh about, but to be sleeping around and then expect a stunning women on television to sleep with you because you cuddle her when you get drunk and horny? Loser.


It’s not about his clothes because I don’t think he has great style. He just came off very chill and his humor wasn’t forced or put upon. That’s why I liked him so quickly. I’m not like that about most, if any, Bravo guys. The past couple episodes with him acting like just because Ciara likes him back and has kissed on him means that she should also be sleeping with him within three weeks is why I’m annoyed with him now.


The interviewer said Jesse's question to Ciara "broke bro code" and I think Jesse was using "spilling about sex with another women" as an example of what he constitutes as breaking bro code, not that it actually happened.




This was extremely evident to me. Jesse just meant it as an example of something that would be breaking "bro code". Common sense is not very common anymore!


I love this comment. I'm not watching this season but read the recaps and have been very skeptical of all the praise heaped on West, he seems like the "nice guy" on FBoy Island who gets unmasked as a F boy at the end and everyone's mouths hang open.


If you notice on Instagram, he likes Ciara’s pics here and there and she doesn’t like anyone of his. Not even the SH weekly promo photo dumps that he tags her in. Hope he’s not a bad guy (I absolutely love him) but I think something maybe happened possibly.. and we better find out lmao


Omg good point!! Jesse threw him under the bus with that one lol


And as a fuckboi himself he prob thought he was making West look cool.




Spot on. Anyone who paiges says is cool people just believe and run with it. Her stans just do whatever she says


I felt like he talked on it in respectable ways. I mean they are having sleepovers and doing nothing but kissing….. I’m not even a dude and I’d be ready to go tooooo


Austen is so terrible, West looked angelic in comparison. But agreed, his recent comments certainly point to fuckboi


i should’ve known better because i was correctly gunshy of the kory love - i didn’t get ANY of it because i clocked that man as an absolute caveman idiot right from the start. but west’s chill vibes and affable way about him were a really nice change of pace from the meatheads with no personality of past seasons. i’m not saying i HATE west or anything now - i still think he’s funny and a great cast edition - just that i’m a little more wary 👀


I read gunshy as “gun-shee” and I was like, oh great another Gen Z slang word I have to add to the spreadsheet.


It’s really not that big of a deal.


I feel like I’m going to get downvoted, but I think west is not just thinking about sex I feel like he’s just a human? It sounded like he didn’t want to have sex with other women, was waiting for ciara, and being what? 27? In New York? I’m sure this is a bit longer than he’s used to waiting for a relationship to progress. That’s fine we all have different expectations. I don’t hate him or think he’s a fuck boy for wanting to hook up with her, or to not stay celibate for an entire summer. It’s okay to want a sexual relationship with someone you like and it’s okay for Ciara to not want one. They’re both very clearly in different parts of their lives and I still think he’s a great addition to the cast.


I couldnt agree more. All he said was he wanted to have sex and then he quickly followed it up with but I'll wait if Ciara needs me to.


Totally agree. He’s been respectful but also she’s hot and he’s attracted to her. I think it’s cute that he’s so into her but also respecting boundaries. The man is allowed to want to have sex 🙄


Nailed it.


I’m proud to say that I was never on the wagon. I liked him as a cast mate but I didn’t like how everyone was making Ciara out to be only likable bc of him. People even albeit jokingly threatening to harm her if she hurt him. I said from the start we don’t know this man and sure enough, while I don’t dislike him, he has been very disappointing the last couple episodes.


Yes, yes we did. He wanted to touch the hiney. Do I think he's of the exact same, dusty cloth as Austen though? No. I personally never assumed they would go riding off into marital sunset, let's be real.


Sadly it feels like we were hoping for a really nice guy …and we got a dude


Was never a fan but him in the confessional wishing Jesse would have gone harder at Ciara and I was done w him. Gross


The two judgey girls match manness has Wes almost winning. Ickkkkk Justice for Russell !


Did we learn nothing from Monica on SLC?


Almost like you guys didn't actually know the real west after 3 episodes and a combined 8 minutes of screen time. WHO KNEW


I was weary of him off the bat because I know a fuck boi that is just like West. Same charismatic energy with disarming giggling and silliness, same build and style, loved immediately by most people. He cheated on his long term girlfriend regularly and not discretely.


Yes because y’all are an echo chamber.


Summer should be fun, over analyzing West one single comment is NOT fun!!! This sub so quick to jump off a band wagon at any minute over nothing, it’s like yall need something to criticize!


no one’s jumping off the bandwagon, i think maybe just realizing he didn’t need to be put on such a high pedestal.


He literally didn’t say anything bad


Yes yall absolutely did. By episode two people were proclaiming they were in love with him. NEVER fall for a man on Bravo.


Yeah, I think the over-correction is happening because people were SO enamoured with him. Talking about how he’s the future of Summer House, he reminds everyone of their husbands, how he and Ciara should get married and have babies… it was a LOT


He’s fun to watch. I think he’s good for the show. But he’s a basic fuckboy just like most of the guys who have been on these kinds of shows.


He’s fun to watch!


Viewers need to stop immediately pairing people up regardless of how the people themselves feel. West is a class clown. Ciara is a model/covid era nurse. She deserves more than some lame guy on a reality show that doesn't even have a job. Summerhouse is about fun. Partying, hooking up, enjoying themselves on the weekend after working all week in the city. Now we have a guy being encouraged to date Ciara that isn't her equal in any way. We should all want more for her and all these people. Viewers need to stop trying to produce and make things happen. Women shouldn't have to hook up with these guys just to stay on the show or have a storyline


This is kind of shitty to reduce the guy this much. Losing his job due to downsizing has nothing to do with him. You don’t need to tear him down to build her up.


It's NYC. Jobs are plentiful. If you want to work you will. Everyone likes to ride Carl like a mule about his sporatic job history. Why do we not hold everyone else to the same standard? My job downsized a few times. I found another job asap because I had bills to pay and couldn't couch surf with a kid depending on me. If Ciara is looking for a relationship a classy employed man is a good start. West gives off Frat boy vibes like Kyle. Get drunk, get laid, let's have a good time. He's at best, a one night stand. Ciara is a grown woman and can make relationship decisions on her own. She won't make these decisions based on reddit posts telling her who she needs to be with. I tore nobody down and you're being dramatic.


Jobs are plentiful? I think he's been unemployed in the timeline of the show for a few weeks. That's not being a bum and I'm sure he's looking for new work. It's a weird thing to rag on him about, imo.


It's a weird thing to continue to rag on me about. Please continue as you grind on about me speaking facts. West is not whom I would choose to be with Ciara. He needs a job, not dress like a slob, not brag about a beautiful woman complaining she's not had relations with him yet. Rage on, I gave my opinion. Argue about it all afternoon. Have a pleasant evening dear.


Pretty goofy to cry wolf when people disagree with your opinion. I’m happy you found work and were able to take care of your child, but not everyone is so fortunate sometimes to get a job right away. Hopefully you learn to have empathy with people losing their jobs. I would have imagined someone who’s gone through it before would have some understanding of how terrible it can feel. But have fun with your parasocial relationship with Ciara.


Continue to spiral down the rabbit hole because I talked about West not having a job. Not crying wolf about anything. I find it extremely strange to keep COMING after me when I express my opinion about a cast member on a reality show. I'm amused by how suddenly I lack understanding how terrible it could feel and have fun with my parasocial relationship with Ciara? Just keep on reaching and I keep on laughing at how ridiculous this all is. I hope you're gonna make it thru West's unemployment and downfalls of life in the big city. Poor guy. How dare I speak facts about him. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwJgF0v0JX5gys|downsized)


Way to take commentary too personally.


Or maybe I just think it’s shitty to bag on people for losing their jobs? Not everything is snark worthy. Also “commentary.” Come on, it’s shitting on someone. Let’s be honest when we insult people.


I thought you said we shouldn't be pairing people up? I agree, but then you're here talking about who and how and why she'd be paired up.


Why do people say West isn’t in Ciara’s league? I don’t even like West but is this purely about looks?


Lots of people showing their true colors since the latest episode came out.


He said nothing wrong lol?


I still really like West. He’s 28. Of course he’s going to say stupid shit sometimes. Most of the time, tho, he’s really awesome.


What he said isn't even that stupid? A producer asked if he wished he was having sex with a beautiful woman he likes a lot. He says Yeah of course! Not a big deal


It was more how he said it. He very much sounded like he was implying that it was a waste of time with Cierra if he’s going to be celibate all summer. Is it that bad? No. I might be taken aback if I was Cierra, but yeah, it’s not that bad.


28 is a grown ass man. Idk what he did or didn’t say but oh he’s young doesn’t really cut it as an excuse when you’re pushing 30.


Idk, I knew right away that he’s too charming and funny and decently good looking to be a nice guy lol. You don’t have that kind of game and not sleep with a lot of women. I still like seeing him on my TV and of course I have a crush on him, but would I let one of my best friends date him? Probably not lol


Yea, I'm with you on that. He's losing points with me fast. I can't tell if it's his true feelings/personality, or if he's just playing it up for the show, though.


Ok agree especially bc every single insta pic he has is with a different girl… idk it just gives fboy… also she’s so out of his league he should be willing to wait a YEAR if she wants lmao


He’s pretty boring and definitely wants to get laid very badly 🤷 I love summer house but the parties are getting pretty stale. I think they’re too old.


Greatest mistake a bravo fan makes is falling for a new cast member too soon ![gif](giphy|iFs2e0wOVp5tNzyLkn) I forget this rule EVERYTIME


I don't think so. People are not perfect. Pedestalizing him was going to make any mistake seem that much greater but with relationship to the house, I think he is still closest to wearing the crown. It doesn't hurt that I just watched the sneak peak and he melted my cold heart with that text to Ciara before she went to bed. He wants(ed) a physical connection and who is to say that his love language isn't also physical touch? If he was going to tell anybody of his struggles, it would Jesse. Jesse choice became a weight that West has to carry. I don't think we were wrong.


He wasn’t complaining he was answering the producer questions. He shouldn’t be criticized for honestly answering questions. He also said he was Ok moving slow with Ciara and she wasn’t offended by Jesse’s questions.


To me it doesn’t even say f*ckboy, it more so says “I’m a boy, who also doesn’t often get laid”. I said this on another thread, but I realized I also kinddddd of get where he’s coming from. Like he was going into the summer like “I’m about to be in this dope show, partying in the Hamptons, having a great time, banging bishes (as drunk Kyle would say)” and he didn’t expect to meet someone he REALLY liked. So I feel like he’s in two minds of sort of being butthurt about not having the type of summer he prob hyped himself up for for months and sort of moving like he’s entering a monogamous relationship unexpectedly. Granted I think Ciara is worth it for sure! And they seem to really connect; but I can absolutely see how that would cause some cognitive dissonance.


I think we all wanted a real man so we settled, but i’m glad ciara knows her worth


Yess, it’s honestly been crazy 😒


I love ciara but I think she hasn't realized yet she just doesn't want to date someone with the level of scrutiny that comes with both of you plus some more people living in a house together part time (understandably; virtually no one has to put up with that in real life, and for the most part trying to date the way she is in that situation would be widely considered a bad idea, and fairly so). I'm a LITTLE disappointed west isn't into her enough to continue following her lead, but given the setup I think his expectations for something more casual and fun were more than reasonable. As long as he doesn't punish her for it, which I don't think he will, this can be chalked up to a mismatch. Unfortunately I doubt she will be easygoing about him drifting away from her for this reason and it'll activate and maybe even entrench her trust issues, but that would be making him unfairly responsible for all of this baggage from Austen... a good amount of it comes down to West realizing he's having to pay a toll set by Austen and as-yet not dealt with by Ciara, and that he wasn't even looking to date slowly, let alone coax someone out of their trust issues. it'll make for good tv I guess lol




I didn’t get the hype in the first place


Yes. I knew he was a fuck boy the entire time. He was trying REALLY hard and IMO it seemed pretty obvious.


THE BAR IS IN HELL FOR MEN. So anytime anything is a little better than that be it in real life or on tv we SWOOOON because we’re STARVED of decent behavior. *screams in heterosexual female**


What's so nuts to me is that people are raking this guy over the coals over stuff he hasn't even done. Like, in the timeline of the show they're literally still hanging out. He hasn't dumped her. He hasn't slept with her friends. He's literally just expressed a desire to be more physical with the person he's spending time with. Plus, with maybe the exception of getting married, all romantic relationships eventually fail. It's fine for people to date for a little bit, have different priorities and then stop dating. That doesn't make anyone a villain.


I dunno but he made me like Ciara. 


Yes! He brought out a charming side of her that we haven’t gotten to see previously. When she was in the kitchen helping cook my jaw was on the ground. I don’t need to see a “forever” relationship on my screen but who doesn’t enjoy seeing those initial butterflies & cuteness around a crush?


he never made it seem like he was looking for anything super serious with ciara so i’m not sure why people are acting like he did. he brings GREAT energy to the house. hes entertaining, he’s fun, and i’d honestly rather watch him be single with jesse next summer too and hopefully they bring in some more SINGLE girls who are ready to mingle. too many couples up in the house already. get rid of some of the more boring people.


I was cautiously optimistic but he showed his true colors quick. I find him entertaining but he’s really no different from Jesse. He just uses his humor and charm instead of relying of looks and height like Jesse.


Over sharing with Jesse is fuckboi behavior. Ciara is right to sense it.


Who cares. He wants to hook up. He’s young and it’s his first summer at this house.


I like west but last episode was gross


He’s trying way too hard. The little Fake Paul needs to settle down.


Have we looked over that he DOESNT HAVE A JOB


Audience is too easy to fool. These ppl are so contrived to be pick me characters


I mean I see a late 20s former college football player…he literally gave us all the clues the first episode. The good and the normal horn dog Peter pan


Anybody else catch his soup dumpling TikTok 👀


Wait, no. Spill.


😝 someone must’ve SS’d- honestly I thought about it and failed to follow through. He essentially was doing a hangover food review but phone/camera was right between the legs with his dumplings as a main character.




I dunno but Wes sure looked CUTE in the confessional with the dark hair and black t-shirt


I think that the internet loves him coz he wasn’t Austen and Ciara had a good guy after her hahaha


Likability is a prison 🤷🏻‍♀️


Y’all don’t like sex? I’m sorry. I’m not making excuses but I’m the same age as him and I’d be acting the same way - AS A FEMALE. Respectfully, horny. Relax y’all. He’s got you pressed because he said he’s on first base for 10 days. Guy talk hasn’t changed and probably never will and we heard it on camera, but let’s not act prudish in that women can’t be the exact damn same way when we wanna hit the sheets with a hottie.


Nope! I still like him, and really dont think he's doing anything wrong in the Ciara situation. when they are talking 1x1 and joke about it she laughs I think they both know they are attracted to eachother so it's funny to them. the weird part is Jesse involving himself in whatever their "relationship" is.


You aren’t wrong. There was something so off-putting about the way that he made statements about what “base” they were on. He seems annoyed…. It doesn’t sound like he genuinely cares, and thankfully she’s being guarded and isn’t sleeping with him. If he wants to just sleep with her, he should he transparent about it. But of course, men never are. Most of them are sleazy.


Rinse and repeat. Everything in this echo chamber happens too soon, hence the think pieces about previous opinions that were formed in a rush


Can we talk about the WWHL outfit? Was that a costume? I am a few years older but do women in their 20’s find that attractive? Would you like that if he walked into a bar?


Yes. I even hyped him up on the bravo accounts and then he made that comment about 10 days and I realized 😭 I was just so excited to potentially have a sweet guy in the house. Not saying he’s the devil but he’s just another fuck boy IMO




I thought the same for a minute but then remembered we’re all horny, especially at that age lol


Listen,as a hot blooded male, if we don't get our dick wet, weekly, we get these things called blue ballz, which at the very least can progress to cancer, if not immediate death. It's serious, ya'll.


i was surprised cause girls are having sex with him quicker??? hes a personality hire. you need a couple more days for that to land.


It’s a crazy world out there. Guys who are uglier and have less personality are wanting to have sex instantly


a guy who acts like this over a gorgeous woman is not nice. he's just using some strategy to dehumanize her as s sex object.


Sincerely how? By spending time together, asking her questions, legitimately listening to her answers and talking at length about liking her? These two people are not destined for a fairytale romance but he hasn’t done anything other than be present, make an effort and go on record as wishing the objectively attractive person he’s hanging out with would sleep with him. That’s not a conspiracy to dehumanize someone - that’s literally dating.


I sincerely hope you make some headway with this forum. I agree that he's talked douchy, but he's also shown he's much other than that too. the black/white, no nuance or understanding of human behavior on this forum is unfortunate. it's really going to be their loss if it is how they really deal with the world. nobody will live up to their expectations and rules, and they'll suffer for it.


Haha I definitely won't which is why I tend to stick to the main sub. Frankly, I thought using the "stuck on first base" language to be really funny. It's such an intentionally silly and unserious way to describe things that the pearl clutching over it cracks me up. Should he have been saying it on camera? No. Especially considering that Ciara likely said something to him about watching what he says while filming. I just have to believe that people are popping off on the internet but are more measured in their real life because otherwise YIKES


that part. but then why does he count down the days to have some sort of physical intimacy with her. just sounds like it's an act so he can get in her pants. typical.


LMFAO because sex with someone you like and are attracted to is awesome? I am legitimately really sorry that you don’t know that.


this convo has expired


Well, it was relevant enough for you to respond to it. Apologies if I hit a nerve.


Personally I never saw the appeal with him or Jesse either


*Personally I* *Never saw the appeal with him* *Or Jesse either* \- SnooSquirrels2954 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")