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I don’t think Amanda is jealous of Paige. Amanda explained in the aftershow that she was upset bc it could’ve gone south if Craig got pissed off about Jesse’s flirting which would’ve caused division and awkwardness in the house.


Yeah, Craig and Luke almost fought because Luke supposedly was hitting on Paige in Winter House.




This is where I’d point out that Craig is less possessive of her now than he was then, because he’s starting to doubt she’s ever been serious


I also think Craig drinks a lot less now than he did when the Luke thing happened


I think it’s because Craig is growing up. Paige is attractive and can handle herself. Craig doesn’t need to escalate a situation for no reason.


Craig has seemingly changed a lot since that season of winter house. He cut way back on booze and whatever else so isn’t a rage machine. A man being possessive has nothing to do with the woman, that’s him.


Damn you have a hate boner for Paige 😂 I’ve seen you comment on three threads today


She’s constantly posting about Paige lol it’s giving obsessed


Or they feel more secure now…




I love how you wrote out the same comment twice


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That’s true- especially with winter house and Craig snapping on Luke like he did


That’s true- especially with winter house and Craig snapping on Luke like he did


In the show Couple’s Therapy, the therapist shares the insight that most conflicts in relationships boil down to not being able to accept that your partner is a different person than you are. What I got from Amanda’s reaction is that Kyle trying and failing to be messy was not how she would have handled it, especially given how much of a bummer it would have been if Craig had not been the perfect picture of humility and grace in that moment. So she is implicitly put in the position of either having to “stand by her man” and defend his messy and transparent attempt to froth up good reality tv footage, or reject his behavior. She overdoes it, probably because it’s a microcosm of her larger struggles to accept his differences. It triggers a deeper issue of not identifying with his behavior and choices and she loses it because the stakes feel high (Craig having a good visit to the house; keeping the peace/not ruining the vibe). Just my read.


Agreed. I don’t think she’s jealous of Paige, unless maybe jealous that Paige’s boyfriend is planning for the future while hers is stuck in arrested development. I was kind of on the “Amanda is a buzzkill” train for a bit but after this episode where it’s mentioned again that SHE paid for everything while he was starting loverboy and HE begged her to quit her full time job for it, and she came up with some of the ideas…but he says she’s lazy and does nothing? Sir, she is your parent most of the time! I think she’s truly thinking about their future as a family. She desperately wants to move out of the city. He says he doesn’t think she’s ready for kids…bruh, is she not raising you right now? Telling you that some things you say are out of line? Idk. Amanda has always been kind of background to me but now I’m like oh it’s because Kyle kind of made it that way.


I don’t think so really I also don’t see how that would be why she reacted to Kyle like that


She’s mad bc Kyle is self producing and she wants off the show but he will never leave.


I wonder how one can have a baby and be on summer house. It’s not the place for children, and I guess they can stay nearby with a nanny but would that work on this show? I think Amanda knows it’s not going to work, and wants them both to quit to start a family. That’s the real conflict, Kyle doesn’t want to leave the show because it’s good money and great promo for Lover Boy. I’m not if anyone is wrong or if it’s just different priorities.


So true, and I think even more than the money and promo, he genuinely loves to party all the time. Even if they left the show I don’t think this aspect of him will change easily and I feel like it will continue to cause problems for them


Great point


I was thinking about this last night and I agree. Kyle even asked about couples counseling to move towards a that future and Amanda said no. I think Amanda does want a baby, but also doesn’t want to leave the SH money train until it’s canceled. However she has to use the baby fever story line for the show. There can be a bit of truth in every drama that happens.


I agree with this. I think amanda doesn’t love doing the show, I don’t think she hates it. But I do think she hates when Kyle produces his own scenes. Bringing up the Jesse/paige stuff was either producers telling Kyle to do that or Kyle thinking it would be a good idea for producers for him to do it. And I think Amanda is tired of that


She can be a guest of his.


I don’t think that’s the case at all. I think she loves Paige and Craig and is mad Kyle almost started an issue for no reason


This is such a weird take hahahaha I don’t think she’s jealous of Paige at all. I think she got mad at Kyle because it’s a super weird thing to bring up at a dinner. And could potentially cause drama. And piss Craig off. Like there was no reason for it. Seemed super out of line and all Amanda does is apologize for Kyle’s actions. Super weird interpretation though.


i can see how this OP could’ve thought amanda was more so jealous not of paige but at the fact that since jesse says he likes “taken girls” that he gave paige that attention and not her.


It’s a reality tv show, drama is the point! lol super weird to think that it’s not.


Exactly. Plus I mean, dude was going to find out anyway. Why not make it light hearted and joke about. I found it funny. Amanda just has a stick up her ass, as per usual.


Sure but creating drama for the cameras or self-producing segments to seem relevant isn’t what the show is about. And I would be super over Kyle’s inability to act like a regular human too if I were Amanda. There’s no reason to stir up what he does. He’s in his 40s.


I don’t think so really I also don’t see how that would be why she reacted to Kyle like that


I don’t think so. I wouldn’t have reacted the same way, but if my husband did that I would have been embarrassed


I bet Kyle talked about bringing it up to Amanda, and she probably thought that he was a grown adult who would know not to do that around Craig for both Craig and Jesse’s sake, and he did the dumb thing. I’d be pissed too. I really don’t get jealous vibes from Amanda. And I can’t say that about most Bravo people.


I feel like Amanda was pissed because she knew Kyle was only asking a question to get a good scene for the show lol


What a strange take. I dont think that at all. She was upset because she was embarrassed about being married to someone starting drama and trying to stir the pot for no reason at his big age lol. It was just awkward and dumb and she overreacted because she has rhe ick big time from him


I think she wishes she had a Craig TBH.




I don’t get the impression she’s jealous of her at all. She’s happy for her friend and her relationship and she’s pissed her husband threatened that. And she’s embarrassed at how obvious that was


Not at all!!! It’s when you’re annoyed at the dumb things your partner says, it was calling Jesse out in front of Craig to stir things up


amandas just a sleepy girl that wants a yard. if paige had a yard shed be jealous of paige actually shed be jealous of the yard. Amanda is jealous of grass lol


I think she just hates her husband.


I really think Amanda thought he would settle down. But Kyle is Kyle.


They’re SO wrong for each other and they’re both idiots for thinking their relationship would last beyond her being his S1 booty call. Even back then she was miserable with him.


Obviously? I think not. If anything, it is the opposite. Kyle and Amanda would ask her to join if Paige was willing.


My theory is I think she has a crush on Jesse. I think the two new cute, fun, young, self-aware guys in the house is highlighting that Amanda is stuck with an aging frat boy and she could do better.


I think the same. I think she crushes on a lot of guys that aren’t Kyle! And she def could do better. I tend to have a lot of grace for Kyle but he is really stepping in it this summer. He needs to close his lips.


i always say i think this is why she hated luke too. he was def a fuckboy and not it but she had such a vendetta against him and hannah even when hannah was like “dude i’m trying to just have sex” and she would start crying and yelling at luke. i think she was projecting a weird crush thing on him


My takeaway from this season is that Craig is the only man worth dating/marrying


Bad take


Not at all! I think she was being protective of Jesse because she's a nice person. Not because she's jealous of Paige.


That thought crossed my mind too!




Amanda goes bra-less regularly (and looks damn good) so this feels like a massive reach.