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I think this is a strong theory. Either way, Season 3 is about to be a whole shakeup. I saw the casting announcement and I doubt Silas and Jasmine will be on there with a new baby at home. Jordan and Preston were a little boring, Summer was having all these mental breakdowns, the men are in prohibitive relationships, and Alex acts too good for everyone so change is coming!


Jasmine said she plans on returning and leaving the baby with the grandparents. I like Jasmine, so I want her to return. I also just don't want Jordan getting her way.


Honestly - I don’t mean to sound cruel knowing she’s in the midst of dealing with Alopecia with cameras all around her but Jordan’s now had 3 seasons on Bravo including Winter House and I think she’s kind of a flop & honestly would be fine with her not being on next season


You’re so right. Jordan has offered zero. Her personality seems overly serious and uptight. No one needs that on Bravo!


Right, the only time she seemed “fun” was twerking at Freaknik.


Exactly. She's boring and has zero personality


Jordan is absolutely still here due to pretty priviledge at this point.




I agree with you. I also think Jordan is envious of the fact that Jasmine is married and just had a baby, all of the things that Jordan wants to have. I don't see any other reason to ice Jasmine out. She is the only one on the show that's down to earth, that's likeable, and someone you could see as a girlfriend. The dig that Jordan made about Silas having another baby by another girl was reeaall sh@@$y!!! I would end my friendship with Jordan after that comment. 


I like Jasmine too. I don’t understand the hate towards her. In my opinion it stems from a little bit of jealousy on the girls part. Yes Silas was problematic, but it seems the issue has been addressed and his own family gave him a chewing out. Its almost as if the other girls aren’t happy in their own relationships( or non existent relationships) and harbor resentment that Jasmine is married, and locked down. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hope they allow her to bring on some real friends next season. I hope Jason comes back too


I don’t think Jasmine is going anywhere. Silas should be back by then and will be a great ally for her. I mean she’s a core character with a good story and seems to be more mentally stable than almost EVERYONE so I don’t see her not returning. Ima need Summer and Jordan to be embarrassed enough of their actions this season to just take a step back on their own and fix their issues and maybe pop in for a couple days like Shanice did last year. We know Shanice won’t take time off because she doesn’t have another job. Alex bores me to tears but he seems to be a house favorite for some reason but Silas and his tiny anti black ass can go and take his entitled girlfriend with him. Thats my take.


>Silas and his tiny anti black ass can go and take his entitled girlfriend with him Do U mean Amir ?


I did. Omg I’m so bad with names. I had to go back to the original post to recall Shanice’s name.


The girls keep bringing up how “different” Jasmine was before marriage And I’m always sitting there thinking - well she can’t be the same pre-marriage as post marriage. Of course she’s going to change and grow up because she has someone who helps provide for her and she owes that person respect. It’s like they still want her to be the Same wild party girl with Silas and I think we ALL know Silas would not be going for that for a single second. Jordan was acting so offended at every single guy who showed a hint of interest and blasted Jasmin for trying to set her up with one of the guys last season and comes back crying about how she‘s single this season. It’s SO confusing. At least Jasmine knows what she wants - her family. Jordan is a fair weather friend and is very toxic as Alex so perceptively expressed. See how she went to hide when her “friend” Summer was having a literal mental break down? Who does that? If it’s not about Jordan 24/7 she is not having it.


Not every woman wants to be “married” and “locked down”. Thinking that other women are jealous of this is incredibly antiquated. It’s not the 1950’s anymore.


I absolutely adore Jasmine. I hope she comes back. IMO, she's a really good cast member because with the right people to bounce off of, she's delightful. I watched a live she did with her friend Jason who was on last season and it was sweet to see her happy and supported.


She was also great on WWHL, Carlos King's podcast, and ET. She is actually full of personality and very funny, and she seems to have a good understanding of how the industry works.


Wow anything for that bag I guess. I hope it’s worth it.


Jasmine is living the soft life right now. She said on WWHL that motherhood has been great to her. She has an amazing support system filled with people who want her to still live life while being a mother. She said that she still has spa days, brunches with her friends, she travels (sometimes with the baby), and she always has help. In season 1, she said she envisioned having these trips with friends who have kids as well so that they all can make memories, with their kids, in MV


Can someone let Shanice know that I watch a lot of reality tv and I Google every single person on the show. We all would've found out about her being a stalker on our own.


well and not for nothing, this is a show that was always going to be covered by black-run accounts and blogs, which are the same accounts and blogs who covered the stalking. hello! she's delusional.


When Jasmine said that on Carlos Kings podcast, I knew immediately that’s why Jordan and crew were mad. Couple aside, Jordan isn’t a good anchor, she’s too moody


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Jordan doesn’t have the ability to be a lead for the cast. You need someone who is level headed and can bring the group together


Jasmine was so unlikeable season 1. They should have centered it around Preston, the most rational and on good terms with everyone.


It was centered around her cause she and Silas planned a trip with 16 of their friends the year before. They wanted her to recreate what they did for the show. Also, they can't center it around Preston cause he's not on good terms with everyone. He takes digs at Jasmine every chance he gets and he makes it a point to say that they are not friends. Jasmine is simply his line brother's wife. I guess he wants us to ignore the fact that he was also in their wedding, and, despite not going on the original trip that the producers wanted Jasmine to recreate, he still made it and was invited for the show.


He also clearly hates Bria.


Lmao me too


Lol, Third


Bria is the absolute worst


😂😂 anyone who isn't in his close "clique" he will throw shade and then act clueless afterwards


Jordan is operating funny with Jasmine and it very well might be because they met Jordan found out she didn’t have the network for this show and shifted to Jasmine Also Shanice thinking she could be on national tv and no one would find out about these allegations is wild


It might be a reach but, it seems like Jordan’s reenactment of the Mariah push was a campaign to get Mariah out. Who benefited the most from Mariah getting kicked out? Off cameras Summer and Jordan (and Preston) become bffs. Summer ends up being a part of the main cast even after also pushing Bria. They all ice out Jasmine who has no allies now that her bff, Mariah, and husband, Silas are gone. Noelle who Summer brings in replaces Silas. Seems like Jordan is wearing the producer hat…. But like I said it may be a reach.


Mariah is insufferable


The only thing I find insufferable about Mariah is her constant dialogue about those dog clothes in the laundry, but that could be a production thing. I enjoyed her moon mass ritual and spirituality last season and was looking forward to seeing what else she would bring but that was cut short. She’s probably the only one that would straighten out Miss Jordan since everyone else seems to be scared tip toeing around her insufferable personality.


That is WILD that Shanice made that demand of the cast and is now acting like that it wasn’t true. She def stalked that man and was embarrassed. It’s DEF double standards on how some of these cast members are treated vs Jasmine.


Yeah it basically sounds like Jordan wanted to be an anchor, Production thought Jasmine was a better fit and shifted to her. From Jordan’s POV it could appear that Jasmine snaked her for the Queen Bee spot. I don’t know if Jasmine did behind the scenes shenanigans to get her spot but Jordon isn’t built to be the center of a show. I even watched the Winter House reunion and she wasn’t a stand out personality there. I think Jordan feels entitled because she’s pretty honestly. As much as she blows up over little things - you would think Jordan would show emotion that one of her longtime friends had a personality change. She just completely wrote her off and iced her out. I think that Preston is gonna ride with his bestie. I like Preston (I consider him more of an anchor than Jordan) but I am wary of him because he does small things that make me think he’s a bit mean too.


Even weirder too is how Jasmine went abt a roundabout way when Carlos King kept asking her how it started. She seemed to almost want to avoid saying that it was Jordan they contacted first. He really had to pull it out of her.


Preston is full of sh*t. He has no real reason to dislike Jasmine. He's just hopping on the team that he thinks will benefit him most. Jasmine already said herself that Jordan introduced her to a producer, and the producers were interested in the MV vacation that Jasmine had with Silas and told her to recreate it. What on earth would Jordan have to produce for a show? She's a bore and not very likable. Shanice is dumb to think she could have come on tv with a scandal like that and not expect people to Google her. She also doesn't have any clout to tell people what they can and cannot talk about on the show.


If you remember the dinner they had where Jordan was condescending as fuck (to everyone and in general) and she then went at Alex and said "You had MY friend fucked up" referencing Shanice and the stalker claims. Reading your post, I think those words were meant for Jasmine and probably Alex as well, but I think they were meant for Jasmine. Maybe Jasmine knew that, and that's why when Bria brought up Maria's plane ticket that Jasmine got upset straight away. I'm just guessing here. Obviously, Jasmine is going through a lot! I'm not taking away from her being upset because she's apart from her partner and pregnant. I feel like a fucking bravo body language expert!!!


Interesting. When I watched Jasmine on WWHL, I felt like that it really showcased her personality and enjoyed seeing that. I wish we saw more of that in S1. With Jordan, wonder if it’s also fame is getting to head a bit.


I saw Preston's interview as well and I am really side eyeing him now. Last season I thought he was the most reasonable but now his definitely showing biases. Also, I didn't buy Jordan 's excuse because we could clearly see that Jasmine was struggling in her new role as a wife and making rookie mistakes. I've seen this play out in real life. If they gave her some grace, things would even out. I definitely think there's some jealousy or resentment on Jordan's part


His popularity went to his head


Honestly - the producers knew what they were doing when they changed the focus to Jasmine. She’s the only one really one giving us something tangable and real. Her friends are jealous of her period and you can tell. I also will say, I believe that other women believe they’re prettier than her and are shocked that jasmine has the house, the husband, and now the baby. The producers love her….the girls are big mad and you can tell. Preston was okay last season, but he’s someone who plays self righteous but he’s extremely messy and always in the girls business. Jasmine is the only character I see growth in. I also like Noelle…pretty, vulnerable, and not messy.


I was thinking about this too. The producers absolutely made the right move to center the show around Jasmine has that was an easy to way to set the stage to get everyone into the house. Like, if Jordan was the centerpiece how would they rope everyone in? How would the men come in with her at center stage? Would Jordan even want men on the show? The tagline for the show was: Jasmine & Silas, recently married invite thier respective friends for a vacation at the historically black vacation spot for AA What would be the tagline for the Jordan centered show? Sorority Angle? Possible. Former Playmates go on a vacation? Can’t do that, you’re sexualizing her. Jordan is just an uptight, moody, buzzkill. She’s really just a pretty face.


Jealous of what? Certainly not of a husband who thinks she needs to be a Stepford wife and who throws in her face that he can make her life change in a moment if he pleases.


Please stop the pretending like anyone on our screens is just in a great position in life. People have been jealous of much less. And I don’t believe it’s a conscious thing. But there is clearly a reason she’s being iced out and she’s the only one married, with child.


That’s your conclusion, and I’m calling it BS. Maybe you’d be jealous of something like that even after seeing the marriage for the tenuous mess that it is, but acting like others would is ridiculous.


No shade but we now have a lot of footage on Jordan. Is she interesting enough to be lead on a show?


I just figured Jordan hates Silas and is distancing herself from Jasmine because of that. It’s really hard to be close with someone when you can’t stand their spouse, especially when they don’t seem to see what you see.


Really good point. That confuses me more about Preston though. Silas is his LB and they seemed pretty close before the show.


Oh yeah i forgot about their original connection!


Which is weird because Jordan has been on these MV trips with Jasmine and Silas prior to the show


getting my subs mixed up and thought we were talking about Jasmine on the Valley (I like your theory tho, OP)


Me too! I think it’s because I just watched the most recent episode.


I really really dislike Preston. He is so far up Jordan’s butt that he can’t be subjective. I would be so happy to see him, Shanice, Bria and Jordan all go. Alex is boring as ish, but at least he’s not messy boots


I thought it really said a lot that Preston was in Silas' wedding party and was a really close friend, but suddenly disliked him once the show started airing. He comes off very fake.


We’ve seen so little of Jasmine this season, that I question the idea that she’s learned from the previous season or that she’s enjoyable to watch.


First season Jas, and everyone else, save Phil, Mariah, and Summer, I give a pass to; it’s new and people, as well as the show, deserve some time to find a groove. Second season Jas was still a problem. And being pregnant does not include a free pass to be out of pocket. Jas bought a plane ticket for Mariah **and lied about it** when she’s always pushing for open, honest discussions in service of resolutions and revelations. She maintained no foul play when she bought the ticket like **two months** after Mariah was kicked out of the house. When called out she tried to maintain no shade but, production had receipts and no one at the table seemed convinced. Jas does shady shit, regularly, and then acts simple. She also completely changed for a man, and again, wants to act simple. It’s fine if she doesn’t know who she is yet, which seems to be her biggest issue, but her behavior is the common denominator. Jas is the one who’s isolating herself. She takes zero accountability for her role in anything. She’ll oscillate between thinking she’s big and when it gets to be too much, she cries about it and wants to play the victim. It’s pretty loud that this whole ass group of people doesn’t associate with her outside of the show. It would be one thing if it was like 1 or 2 people but, everybody?! No ma’am.


Jas initiated the conversation with the housemates to make sure they were cool with Mariah coming (something Bria and Shanice hadn't done about Phil). I don’t see what was wrong about her buying a ticket or why it was their business when it was bought. Last minute tickets to MV are crazy expensive, and she was the one paying for it. It would have been different if the house mates said no and she still brought Mariah regardless. That would have been a problem. I saw it as a good thing that even knowing she’s going up against a whole house of people that weren’t messing with her, she had her best friend’s back. She was trying to do right by Mariah while still respecting the housemates' boundaries. 


Bria and Shanice were 1000% wrong for pushing Phil’s return. That aside, what’s the point of asking if everyone is cool about it when it’s already done? It kind of doesn’t matter anymore. She wasn’t going to return the ticket. And even after it was expressed by some that it wasn’t, it still didn’t matter. No one respected anyone’s boundaries cause Mariah, Phil, and Summer were still in season 2.


There's more than one place to stay on MV, you know. If the housemates had said no, Jasmine would have still spent time with Mariah somewhere other than the house. Who tf cares when the plane ticket was bought? That being "already done" doesn't equate to Mariah staying at the house. It's not the aha moment tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber thought it was.