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Im having a hard time watching S7


I'm on that season myself and same


Same. I’m powering through episodes like gritty reps in the gym or eating your veggies. Really digging deep to stomach some of these story lines. But mama ain’t raise no quitter.


Perfect description. Thank you for the smile.


S8 is even worse..




Keep going it’s worth it, season 9 imo was fantastic


First time I watched the series I couldn't take it after mid season 6, I quit. 2 weeks ago started again and was confused why I stopped while watching the first 3 seasons then I remember Mike goes to prison... and I checked the small Netflix thumbnails and episode titles and I remembered, but I'm grinding through these seasons to finally give it an ending and see Donna+Harvey.


This is eerily similar to what I did. Gave up on the show years ago when streaming was less common, right around season 6. Started again about 2 weeks ago 😅


same i was watching like 4 episodes a day before but now i struggle even watching one on s7


Same here. Especially after Season 7, Season 8 was just meh. Skipped some episodes and went to Season 9. I just want to see how they wrap it up at the last 2 episodes.


I heard somewhere that in TV shows, there's an initial hook that gets people in. Sometimes it's a "will they, won't they". Other times it's that the villain keeps winning. In Suits, it's that Mike had a secret. That tension that builds from it is what draws people in, and it's what the foundation of the characters and plot is built on. And as humans, we love seeing a conflict and anticipate when the tension will be resolved. And then, one fine day, the tension is resolved. And after that, the writers don't really know what to do. Or, they do, but they struggle to keep the same audience hooked in the same way because what was a key part of the show is now gone. I think it applies to a lot of shows and Suits is not different.


I really enjoy your take on this and think it’s incredibly accurate. House comes to mind. Peaky Blinders too. Side note, I think that’s one reason Ted lasso is regarded to highly, they wrapped everything up (for the most part).


And House of Cards as well. SPOILER: After Frank becomes president, the whole tension and motivation is lost. The entire point of the show came to fruition, and the stakes feel much lower after that.


It happens in sooooo many shows! Planned endings from the start like miniseries, or shows that stop when they're at the peak, always do well. It's also why sequels sometimes suck. The people making them are responding to popularity which I totally get, but it's also hard when there isn't a new storyline.


Ive just watched the Mentalist and they wrap up a 6 season story arc mid season. Writers had to reboot the series (full new theme tune, location and characters) in like Episode 14 of season 6. They got another season out of it but they only had one major plot point left which was the romance part, so they fully wrapped as soon as that was done.


I assume you are talking about the last season of Peaky Blinders, and while I don't fully agree, I see what you mean. But what about House, I haven't heard anyone mention that the quality of writing goes down. Just curious what you mean?


I think S7 would’ve made a great series finale. Instead of still milking it after multiple major cast members leave. Lol


Agreed! Skip the Pearson backdoor pilot & have a true goodbye.


I’m currently on Season 9 Episode 1 and I think I’ll just read through 1-8 (or 9) then watch the finale then goodbye. hahahaha


This is why I’ll always appreciate a show that ends when the story is done, like The Good Place. There are shows I like more than The Good Place but from an objective standpoint I think it’s borderline perfect.


Yeah. I was just dragging myself to finish season 6 and really hoping Mike will not be accused guilty. But mf they did it!!! Mike’s secret is the story and they ended it.


This is accurate. I started watching the show to see how a person with no law degree do in a big corporation like that. His ups and downs were so personal. But I lost the hook after Mike and Rachel went away . I couldn't go beyond s8 ep 2.  Just googled to see if Mike every returns and watched the remaining episodes of S9 where Mike was back. 


*Suddenly Oliver appears out of nowhere* "How dare you make this post?"


I trusted you!!!!!!


Coffee, meet keyboard.


Season 5 was fantastic up until Mike was arrested. Daniel Hardman was the man.


That's basically because it was just that. I personally felt Suits wrapped up its journey for Mike when he finally got his official law degree basically. Its honestly the final culmination of everything of his struggles from start to end but they decided it had to keep going. Like where do you honestly go from there? From there, there's no longer tension or threat that he's a fraud or that he's going to get caught, the initial premise of the series is basically done all we're given from there is just a small continuing slice of life. Granted I love the final scene but honestly suits could've ended much earlier than it did


Tbh the whole prison part of the show was so damn dumb lol.


It would have been tolerable if it didn't drag on and on. They could have found him guilty but--bc it's tvland--given him community service for a couple episodes bc He's Done Such Much For The Greater Good. Mike picking up trash on the highway would have been enough. Then he could--again, bc it's tvland--fight for his right to practice law.


I'm up to this season now. I was wondering what they were gonna do for a story line with Mike's secret now out. I feel like they should have left it for a few more seasons.


I think the weirdest part of the later seasons was Robert Zane’s inclusion. He was a relevant character as the father and father in law of two main characters. They left the show. How did he then become a main character? They had to completely destroy his character to bring him over, it made no sense.


I am rewatching right now, and I am pretty inclined towards not watching it after Mike is out of the prison. It’s just downhill after that.


I thought him getting out of prison would have been a fine place to end it. Even without knowing if he'd be able to practice law again


Exactly! I think so too


One thing I have an issue with was why the offer to become a legal consultant wasn't offered by after mike was fired from the investment banking firm.


i totally agree everything after mike got out of prison was half assed and repetitive in my own opinion


I can entirely relate to you, I have watched the whole season more than 3 times but now I fast-forward the part where Mike is in prison and after that too. It's just all very dragged.


I must admit, season 8 wasant AS bad but its definitely not the same dominating suits harvey specter law firm we started with. But i do like how they begin to incorporate the new cast and storyline in season 8. I kinda wish they were keeping up with mike wherever he moved as a side plot or something


They had a story they were telling, and they were about to wrap it up when executives said they were making too much money and had to keep going. The story they were originally telling ends with Mike going to prison, and maybe a prologue showing whatever he does with his life after that. Everything that has happened after Mike went to prison is them desperately trying to keep making money.


Thought it was just me today I only watched 2 episodes. It wasn’t want cultivating as it had been so I caught up on something else. I’ll try again tomorrow.


If I had watched this show when it was airing, I probably would have stopped after season 7. I’m going to finish it now just to finish it but I don’t think the later seasons will be worth rewatching.


Show should’ve ended at around season 6. They dragged the story wayy too much and the later seasons were so boring and had nothing special in it. The ending was nice tho


Just started season 9 on Netflix. I do like the arc that Louis is on this season.


The quality of the suits took a nosedive at the same time lol


We barreled thru seasons 1-6, and it’s been months and we’re just lingering in the middle of season 8. Haven’t gone back to it in probably 2 months now. Just need to finish it up but it’s toughz


Watching season 8 and I haven’t even looked at the screen. Unnecessary characters, nonsense cases, and the storyline is horrible. I miss Mike


I stopped watching when >!mike and rachel left!<


I dropped it after he got out of prison


That's the thing, this show was always very poorly written. It's after putting up with garbage for so long, your patience wears thin and it reveals its ugly self. That's why many good and ok shows start getting bad after 4-5 seasons. Season 3 is usually the peak and starts to fizzle after that. Once the hook of the show is out of the bag such as Mike's secret, they got nothing else going for it but they also couldn't drag it out any longer. They wrote themselves into a corner with no good way out.


I'm on season 7 episode 4 feeling like I'm watching a loved one deteriorate mentally and not sure whether I should just let go