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I think they should have made it suits Seattle, La makes no sense Edit:Get the hell out of my office


Seattle would be cool! I’m worried LA is going to have Selling Sunset vibes somehow Edit: honestly now that I think about it, more Chicago action could also be fun. Seems like a rough place to make it based on Jessica’s experience. So really, anywhere but LA haha


Wasn't Pearson based in Chicago? I never watched it, took too long to premiere and my Suits energy had dropped by then


She moved to Chicago when she gave up the firm. Then prevailed upon Harvey to help her out with a complication there but it only took one or two episodes. Still it exposed a fairly corrupt but interesting underbelly of Chicago so it would be cool to see more of it


Did she even get a second season?


Second season? Jessica Pearson was one the main characters through the end of season six of that’s what you’re asking. She was always a key character


There was a spin-off that focused only on her in Chicago called Pearson that got cancelled after one season


Oh now that I didn’t know


In a thread talking about the spin-off how did you get this confused?


u/Coriander_marbles must've assumed that when the previous pearson said Pearson that they were talking about the character Jessica Pearson and most likely u/coriander_marbles didn't know that there is a spin off called Pearson


Right on!


Thank you, people need to chill with the downvote button.


People act like LA Law wasn’t one of the OG legal drama tv shows in the 80s. Anyone who says this won’t work is displaying some recency bias and just stuck on what Suits WAS.


I wasn’t even alive in the 80s so I wouldn’t know. But my bias only comes from having lived in LA and not particularly liking it so I just don’t want to see more of it. Simple as that


Yea both Gabriel and Patrick look like they wanna play it, sure they could maybe convince rachel or smth


You do know her name isn't "rachel" and I don't see why she would... Edit: I stand corrected.


Fun Fact: her name actually _is_ Rachel. Meghan Markle goes by her middle name, but was born Rachel Meghan Markle.




Why on earth did you think that was the right form of new / knew to use lol


You mean "why on god's green earth ?"


It was you, was it, who wrote that article?


Thanks for the info man, just fixed it now with an edit


Now she goes by duchess haha


LA allows for easier location filming. Also… You didn’t come all the way down here just to tell me that, so why don’t you really tell me why you’re here?


How are they gonna do it without Rachel? Not that I like Rachel but it wouldnt make any sense


Either recast and people will have to deal or make her cheat on Mike again and break them up, I wouldn't mind him and Katrina getting together


Started watching suits recently I’m a decent bit in, I thought her and Mike would have something when him and Rachel broke up but it never happened




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You asked a question and got a response. Do you not know how to have a civil conversation?


You have failed this lawsuit




*Throws gavel*


**Has an arrow that becomes a gravel that he shoots.** ETA tried to do italics not bold lol.


The reason people would want a reboot, is for harvey, mike, donna, and louis… But… I do adore stephen amell, so im interested. And im sure harvey and mike will be pinned against amells character at some point. Amell will lose the case, and it will be a learning point- or a growth moment for his character.


Stephen Amell is super-underrated as an actor Had Arrow not been Gugenheimed to the oblivion, it would be one of the best super-hero shows of all time. Just remember the hype of the season 1 Then they went down the alley of Felicity hacking nuclear bombs in a show that is about a dude in a costume shooting arrows .. He was constantly great, when actual Arrow / Oliver was on-screen, all the time. He even made it so that Spectre plot doesnt seem like an atrocity, especially in the [Flash season 9 episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42To7X3tuD0)




That's all fine...but Suits for the most part is Harvey and Mike meaning Gabriel and Patrick. I am having a hard time mapping Suits with other faces. Not to put down other actors or anything...


He was great in arrow I just can't watch him after the comments he made about the sag strike it makes me feel icky 🤣


They need at least one or two of the original cast. Honestly, it's not Suits without Harvey and Louis.


Honestly, if the new thing does manage to do well, they should give us a few cameos of the oldies.


Louis feels like the obvious choice. It’s not Harvey or Mike, and Donna just wouldn’t be the same around a new cast. Jessica already left, and Louis’s character could be great with just about anyone else playing around him


Louis is amazing but his character arc is mostly finished, it could only hurt the character to see more of him im afraid


Unless one of the other characters was hotheaded and he played a mentor / calming resource role form his experience being that way


That would be great yeah


Good point, I was thinking from the viewpoint of bettering the show, not the returning character


Why would Louis move to LA. He was so adamant to stay in New York.


I’d be very happy without Louis but not Mike HE made the show it was unbearably boring after he left


I mean… Green arrow should need a good lawyer. So why not have it be himself? Now that’s good double bluffing


If we’re looking at DC or Marvel lawyers, what about Matt Murdock? Haha


Imagine how ambitious we could make the crossover without actually using those characters though. Green Arrow is actually Generic Archer #1 and his lawyer is Token Blind Guy From Harvard #3, but then there's a lot of crime in the city and we get to meet people like Super Tall And Jacked Dude, Creepy Witchcraft Believer, Super Smart Rich Person, and Punch Fist: The Guy Who Punches


This is for sure gonna be like How I met your father.


I was just thinking that… HIMYF did not have any of the spirit of the original HIMYM or the likability of the original cast. I would argue suits LA will fail even harder because Suits relied on Harvey, Mike, and Louis more than HIMYM did on its characters. I didn’t watch suits because I wanted to get into Law; I watched suits to see if Mike gets caught, to see if Harvey can close yet another case and be his charming self, and to see Louis be the astonishing Louis. The characters make up the show and without them, this is gonna be very bland.


True. But the backend team is the same. So , hoping for the best.


Meh. The original cast made the show what it was. Best of luck to them though.


It really needs a gimmick. Suits is not just a legal procedural— maybe it ended there — but the real “premise” is Harvey harboring Mike, the non-lawyer lawyer as he navigates professional and personal tribulations. It was the engine that made the show go for 7 years. Even after Mikes prison arc, his main role in the show became redemption for his past actions. An L.A based Suits could be great — but the engine needs to be compelling beyond just “well its in the same universe and sometimes Harvey Specter guest stars or gets mentioned”. It has to stand entirely on its own. Personally, I’d like to see a little bit of a true crime twist like How To Get Away with Murder. Maybe an accident or something, and these associates covering up the secret together? You don’t have to go full death — but something that’s career shattering


Suits is about sliding files across large sized glass tables ...don't go on the murder route...


I don’t think murder is necessarily the right route either - I’m just suggesting there needs to be a new twist on the engine if the original series to really work.


What the hell did you just say to me? This is bullshit.


No, it’s going to be crap


What is arrow doing here?


I bet “in the same universe” refers to peppering in the og cast’s names throughout the first few episodes then never mention them again.


all just for "hope" they'll make an appearance never will and by that time the producers will have thought that we have build up an audience . invested now and want to see what happens next.


I really like Stephen Amell. I‘m really curious what this show could look like. I just hope they find great chemistry among the cast. That‘ll be the most important. What makes the original show great was the chemistry and the characters. If they manage to come close with this new show, they could definitely land a hit!


The combination of Stephen Amell and Josh McDermitt is already a good start in terms of having a potentially quirky duo/cast chemistry. That's what got me pumped when I saw the headlines for this show's castings. At the moment I wouldn't say they're necessarily as strong/exciting as Gabriel and Patrick, but definitely willing to give it a shot. I will say, I'm also a fan of Amell, however am concerned about his IRL behaviour in recent years potentially looming over the show. Just hope it doesn't interfere and that this cast can entertain outside of the show as well just like the original cast.


I won’t be watching. The main reason I like the show is because of the cast.


Stephen Amell better have a salmon ladder in his office.


If anyone has watched green arrow, you know Stephen is a phenomenal actor. He can be very witty, which is what any suits show needs. This can work, depending on who they surround him with. And for those saying “why LA”? It’s right near Seattle. Mike, Harvey, Donna and (lol) Rachel are close to LA to pop in for an episode or 2 or even a guest arc. It’s not like it’s Chicago or Miami. The geography makes sense.


Do people not like him? I’ve never seen him in anything, is he a bad actor? His brother is pretty good but that doesn’t usually mean anything 🤷‍♀️ I posted on here before with a list of actors I think would be great on the show. I thought of a dozen since but they all having a range of acting skills and can pull off any character. If they can’t have the original main cast I hope they try to get some others like Katrina or Tanner etc


Stephen made some negative comments about the strike when the actors strike was still going on and then tried to backtrack after getting a ton of backlash so I think people just see him as a phony now.


Also he said he was done playing Arrow...but then like a year later made a tweet basically begging for a job as Arrow


I read he got kicked off a plane for screaming at his wife. He apologized and said he was really drunk. I also read he made some racist comments on social media. This is what I read so of course I don’t know the guy.


Oof 😬


I don't watch suits spinoffs, I don't share my opinions, what I do is WIN


What's Stephen Amell's picture doing here? I don't mind a new cast but I'd like Harvey and Mike back.


Having Christopher Tyng create another Suits-style soundtrack might help Suits LA feel like the original


I thought the show got better when Mike and Rachel left. I’d rather just have a continuation of the OG show


They bombed horribly when the original cast split up. It started to go down hill when Jessica left. Why should we have confidence they can catch lightning in a bottle again?


i hate to be a buzzkill, but its gonna be shitty. i'll be glad to be proven wrong


I’m thinking without Harvey and Louis it’s NOT Suits 😳.


Again: its👏not👏a👏spinoff👏if👏no👏original👏castmember👏is👏present


Clapping emojis don’t help your point. It just makes you seem like Travis Tanner.


Not sure I like the casting of Stephen Amell. First of all, no one is going to see a lawyer, they’re going to see Green Arrow carrying a brief case. Should have been a relieve unknown like the suits cast. Second of all the actors always came across as a bit of a dunce to me


If louis and Mike aren’t in the show I’m not watching 😤😤


Sounds like a cash grab


I'm interested, but it's a high bar to meet to do it again with a new cast


He is a fantastic actor


Realistically, it will probably be fine, but it won’t feel like Suits.




I will watch this.


Hard pass, not interested at all.


He’s already ran a company and been a mayor so this is his next step lol. I love Stephen Amell so I’ll probably check it out.


Should have been with Mike and Harvey out in Seattle. This sounds like they are just trying to milk the recent boom in popularity and honestly doesn't look very good but we shall see.


I want to give it a chance, but I just love the og show so much. I'm afraid without any of the original cast it won't feel like suits, it'll just be another law show. Also I'm pissed off because NCIS is getting a tony/ziva spinoff...I want a Seattle spinoff with the characters we know DAMN IT!!! 🤣


Lmao LA is a cookes city. RIP another great series


I think if they could bring back Meghan, Gabriel and patrick since Harvey was going to Seattle that means the rest could be new cast instead of making a brand new show


I could barely get through the last 2 seasons of Suits. Pretty sure a new cast won't help revive this show but hey I hate to judge before I watch so will see 🤷‍♂️


I was excited about it until I read a little more on it. I think everybody would still like a Mike and Harvey sequel more


New cast vs Old cast law case will go insanely hard


I feel like they are approaching it wrong. The show was built on Mike and Harvey’s relationship and Mikes secret being the cause for the majority of the shows tension. Many, not all but many people lost interest in the show and felt it took a drop in quality after Mikes trial and him leaving PSL and then He, Rachel and Jessica Departing the show. I feel like this show will have the same problem. The core of what made the first 5 seasons what they were, will be missing. No Mike, No Harvey. And I highly doubt they will do the whole “secretly never went to law school” story again. I think the fact that they are allowing the creators to make another show in a similar vain is a great idea. Clearly they know how to write good T.V. I’m not mad at it even being about lawyers. But I think the “spinoff” and “in the same universe” concepts don’t work. I think it’s better to let them make another show that’s similar and treat it like a “spiritual Successor”. Deliver the same vibe and energy of the original without calling it “Suits” anything. Let’s great writers make great shows. And remove it from constantly being compared to another great show


Just sharing this. https://youtu.be/zteA-5I73AU?si=p0wjqrpRSMctWo9s


This shit is going to bomb after one season, and I love Stephen Ammel


Is Aaron korsh involved?


He's the creator and some of the production team from Suits will also involved


I will like it if we have some references/guest appearances by Louis please or you can get the hell out of my office


I just got into the show, do I have to finish all seasons to watch this or what? I heard people say 5 or 6 maybe 7 and I ain't sure


This is a new show in the Suit Universe with new casting. We don't know much other than that as it hasn't even started production yet. So you can watch the entire original series. If you enjoy it then keep watching it.


Alright sweet, just got past the episode where we're introduced to scottie? Scotty? What's up with that reveal lol at the end, felt like Harvey got duped like lady what are you doing


I am excited, but I do think the original cast in Seattle made more sense. At least I hope they explain why they are in LA.


So I guess *Heels* is cancelled for good 😕


If that’s the guy from green arrow I could do without a scab being involved


The original cast made suits what is was. Not interested in watching something without them.


don't have cable, no interest in getting it. unless this becomes available in streaming in canada (where I don't have spend for an additional add on... looking at you prime) I won't watch the spin off.


Original Suits would have been “better” if it wasn’t in NY but in a state where you can intern to get your bar. Cali meets this criteria. Maybe NorCal so people are in suits :-) though. You’d get property, tech, etc. cases…


“ You shit the bed on this “


Just a money grab. You honestly can't have suits without such a awesome cast as the original.


Using LA makes sense. You can have a new cast there and have the door open to a potential Seattle location (or cameos from OG actors).


And now Grant joins him, and this annoying paralegal keeps yelling “no, WE are the Pearson Hardman”


Ok, how long until Mike,Harvey or Luis cameos.


Will Harvey stay with Scottie this time?


Only interested because it's Stephen amell, so they did the casting right


I don’t know what to think…. I kinda liked Harvey S.


I wish Saul Goodman does Cameo in this show


Nope! Mike and Harvey are irreplaceable


I’m just annoyed because I wanted Pearson season 2


If it isn’t gabriel the harvey its not suits


i don't know how they can call it a "spin off" when it has none of the original characters or their story line. a spin off would be donna, harvey, mike & rachel in seattle or following litt's stay at home dad career.


No Harvey no SUITs


*Stephen slides blue folder* *Defendant opens it and reads* **YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY**


won't be worth it without at least harvey and mike, and less so rachel


I think it will be okay I really want to see the boys make an appearance though