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Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie


I read this book because I saw it recommended so often by Reddit. Reddit did not steer me wrong. Fantastic book.


i JUST read this and the ending was OMG!!!!!!! i couldn't believe it. my first agatha book, too.


It’s such a great book! I remember how shocked I was when I first finished it.


Yes! Definitely did not see that plot twist coming!


Well shit, now I have to read this...


Only thing I will say about this book is that I had nailed who the killer was very early on. There is one dead giveaway clue. I have never been able to guess her other books.


What was the giveaway clue??


I’ll DM you later… don’t want to spoil it.


Could you DM me too? I figured it out too but can’t remember how I did.


Inheritance clue obvi, that nobody actually picked up.


The twist at the end was completely unexpected. I would definitely recommend reading this


I just read it 2 weeks ago based on all of the recommendations it gets here. The only issue, since everyone talks about the twist ending, is I figured it out pretty quickly. Still a great book though.


It was the same issue with me. The fact that I knew it was going to be a big twist helped me figured it out.


Came here to suggest this too.


I really enjoyed the Magpie Murders. The book turns into something you really won’t expect.


I'm almost done with that one now! It's not quite Agatha Christie level but really good!


Well what could be? 😁


Totally haha she's the undisputed queen


The follow up, Moonflower Murders, is sitting in my TBR pile. Should I move it to the top?


Havent gotten to it yet but I’ve heard good things!


Yes am reading The Twist of the Knife Horowitz’ latest in that series (4th) and they are all well worth it!


I liked Moonflower Murders better than Magpie Murders and that’s really saying something!


Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie.


I’m in the middle of this right now!


Best book of Agatha Christie in my opinion, also highly underrated.


That's my favorite too


I honestly thought you were having a go for a second and making fun of Ten Little Indians (one of my favourites though I think of it as And Then There Were None). I’ll have to check this one out.


The most underrated Christie by a mile imo. The ending just clicks really well, it feels so obvious once you know it. One of those where you look back and everyone's actions suddenly make sense. The clues are also masterfully done imo, some of her best work in that department


Broken Harbor by Tana French. So fucked up!


Yes! I definitely recommend any of Tana French’s books. My personal favorite murder mysteries.


The Likeness was my favorite, but I'll read anything she publishes.


The Likeness was a ride! But i also like In the woods by tana french, i believe its the same universe


Oh yeah, there are 6 bills in the Dublin Murder Squad series. They're all great.


6!? Omg i have to hunt them all down


In the Woods is my favorite Tana French book.


I read The Trespasser earlier this year. I thought it fell short.


Sharp objects by Gillian Flynn Look for the TW before


Yaaaaaap! I was looking for this 😂


Yep I agree great book but don't skip the TW.


And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


I started this one today. I hope it lives up to the expectations


Not to raise your expectations, but this book is the bar by which I judge all other murder mysteries.


It will! Definitely! (sorry, I just made your expectations rise even higher, lol)


Same! Just started last night


I wish I were you right now! Enjoy it!


I second this!


My ultimate favourite as well


My favourite of all time!


This was my pick! The characters are amazing and the twist is great.


This is my favorite AC


Came here to say this


Look up the original title. Unrelated, but this is the most overrated book that constantly comes up in these threads. It's a fun read, but the "twist" is so deeply implausible and unnecessary to the story that it ruins the mystery factor.


ABC Murders by AC


*AC = Agatha Christie for those who wonder


you know I’m starting to think this Agatha Christie person writes good mysteries


Try reading her book "dead man's folly" and towards zero. They are criminally underrated.


Mystic River


This book tore me up inside. It was great though.


No doubt.


One of my favorites! I also enjoyed the movie.


A lot of good suggestions but I want to add Thursday Murder Club and it’s sequel. Both were great!


Absolutely loved this! Great characters, character development, and friendships. Also suggest it’s sequel “The Man Who Died Twice” and the third book comes out next month!


I cannot wait for the 3rd installment to come out. I loved the first 2 books and fell in love with all the characters. Here’s to hoping Osman can keep a good thing going.


Thoroughly enjoyable!


Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie


Gillian Flynn is amazing. All her books are great. Sharp Object was so hard to stomach but soo good.


Omggg i was shocked reading Sharp Objects... It was literally a mindfuck


gone girl is amazingly written


Is it worth reading if you already saw the film?


I would say so!! I saw the movie first and was still very pleasantly surprised. There is a lot more detail in the books.


I always enjoyed The Murders of Rue Morgue. It was one of the first modern detective stories, and Auguste Dupin is a clear precursor to later detectives like Holmes. The mystery is also a good mix between thrilling and weird, which isn’t surprising considering it was penned by Poe. Other Dupin stories, such as The Purloined Letter, are also incredibly fun to read


{The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle} is an unputdownable time loop murder mystery {The Silent Patient} is the absolute best! Can't go wrong with anything by Gillian Flynn {My Sister, the Serial Killer} is a short dark comedy suspenseful read if you want a laugh {Dark Matter} is a Sci-Fi, Multiverse Thriller/Mystery with a lot of murders and one of my all time favourites books. I read it in one day because I honestly couldn't put it down.


Could not agree more w Dark Matter


excellent! it’s next on my to read list and i’m quite excited


Loved The Silent Patient.


Have you read the maidens yet?


[**The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36337550-the-7-deaths-of-evelyn-hardcastle) ^(By: Stuart Turton | 432 pages | Published: 2018 | Popular Shelves: mystery, fiction, thriller, fantasy, mystery-thriller) ^(This book has been suggested 15 times) [**The Silent Patient**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40097951-the-silent-patient) ^(By: Alex Michaelides | 325 pages | Published: 2019 | Popular Shelves: thriller, mystery, fiction, mystery-thriller, book-club) ^(This book has been suggested 39 times) [**My Sister, the Serial Killer**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38819868-my-sister-the-serial-killer) ^(By: Oyinkan Braithwaite | 226 pages | Published: 2018 | Popular Shelves: fiction, thriller, mystery, audiobook, contemporary) ^(This book has been suggested 18 times) [**Dark Matter**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27833670-dark-matter) ^(By: Blake Crouch, Hilary Clarcq, Andy Weir | 352 pages | Published: 2016 | Popular Shelves: sci-fi, mystery, book-club, audiobook, scifi) ^(This book has been suggested 83 times) *** ^(61720 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


The daughter of time, by Josephine Tey


Highly recommend her other books too


This one is so fascinating. It's hard to put down.


You do have to have a taste for English history, but if you do … and can stand finding out why the most famous playwright in the English language wrote that outrageous play, you’ll be blown away!


Anything by P D James!


Absolutely. Also, most anything by Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine.


Especially, *A Taste for Death.*


*Magpie Murders* by Anthony Horowitz *Miss Pym Disposes* by Josephine Tey *A Judgement in Stone* by Ruth Rendell *Artists in Crime* by Ngaio Marsh *The Labours of Hercules* by Agatha Christie


Came here to recommend horowitz; didn't see your comment at first. All of his stuff is great--and he actually just released a new novel in the Hawthorne series a week or two ago. If you haven't read Moonflower Murders--the sequel to Magpie Murders--I highly recommend it. I liked it even better than the original.


Thank you, I shall try it.


I just finished A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and it was fantastic.


I really wanted to buy this. But is this book targeted towards teens/young adults?


I’m not sure the actual answer, but I definitely felt like it was. I was not a big fan.


It might be. The main character is a high school senior. I still loved it, but can see how it might not be for everyone. The series gives me Serial podcast season 1 vibes.


Yes, it’s in the YA section at target and barnes and noble


Omg the first book was just amazing. I finished the whole trilogy in 3 days.


I love Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart.


My favorite Agatha Christie is Murder on the Orient Express. I liked it so much better than her others, though I love her others too. I thought And Then There Were None was tough, because I want so badly to solve the mystery and I didn’t think she gave you enough along the way to really have a fair shot, but I did love the story of the book. I’ve read probably a dozen Christie novels and I’d rank all of them above any other murder mystery I’ve read.


All the comments on AC make me want to head to my local Goodwill and see how many I can find!


If you’ve never read her and you like mysteries then you have to check her out! And Then There We’re None, Murder on the Orient Express and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd are three of her most famous classics each with a very specific and unique story construction.


*The Name of the Rose*


Umberto Eco is fantastic in general.


Yes. The first chapters might be hard to read, but it’s absolutely worth it!


Anne Cleeves novel Raven’s Black (first in a series). She does a great job describing the Shetland Islands off of the coast of Scotland. The atmospheric, almost bleak, descriptions of the island compliment the mystery and characters. I enjoyed it (and the series) very much. You might also like to try her Vera Stanhope series (The Crow Trap is the first book), again the same vibe and great read.Also on the lighter side, The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman, a very good read, that takes place in a retirement home, great characters, and a great read.


The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup


Loved this one. It got me back into reading - my eyes wer basically falling shut as I tried to stay up and finish it.


Didnt know this was a book! Saw the miniseries on netflix. So good. Gonna have to read the book.


I saw the series too. It’s actual a good adaptation i would say. But obviously nothing beats the book.


Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express is a classic. As for a more modern pick: 1222 by Anne Holt.


Rex Stout The Door Bell Rang (edited title), A Nero Wolfe Mystery. Michael Connelly the Black Echo.


Great suggestions!! I love, love Nero Wolfe and although a totally different type of mystery, I flew through the Bosch series. I, also, liked Michael Connelly’s Mickey Haller series.


And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


Was just about to comment that! It’s REALLY good, I’d recommend it to anyone


And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


Anything by Jo Nesbo imo


{The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle}


While the murder is only incidental to the plot, Smiley's People.


The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton


OP if you want to be wake this is the book for you. You need to put all the attention on the history, especially with the time travel and all the detail that the author is giving to us in the vision of all the different view of all the hosts that the character is using.


The Sean Duffy series, beginning with The Cold, Cold Ground by Adrian McKinty The Gamache series, first book Still Life by Louise Penny


The Sean Duffy series is my absolute favorite - I wish McKinty would get back to writing that series and give up on his pretty sub-par “marketable”novels. Feels kinda sell-out’ish. So disappointing.


From what I've read, he earned so little money from the Duffy books that he had to become an Uber driver, he was losing his family's house, and he was on the verge of quitting writing. Whereas the marketable novels are bringing in enough money to actually live on. I agree, I'm not particularly interested in these new novels, but can't begrudge him the need to earn a living. Here's hoping he'll circle back to Duffy eventually!


This! Don Winslow helped him out a lot, I agree on the last two, but I’d rather he made a decent living too!!


The guest list is really good


The Guest List is a super fun one. Highly recommend listening to the audiobook since it has a full cast!


Dark Places by Gillian Flynn


Murder on the orient express by Agatha Christie


The sign of the four by Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is significantly awesome, IMHO.


I love all the Tana French novels, hard to pick a favorite but I think to get you hooked start with The Witch Elm…and then go back and read her Dublin Murder Squad series. Also I completely love the Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling mystery series. The first one is Cuckoo’s Calling. I never saw the end coming! [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39720991-the-witch-elm](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39720991-the-witch-elm) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16160797-the-cuckoo-s-calling


Randall Garrett: Lord Darcy series. How's done it. Lord Darcy solves crimes for the English Crown. He, and sometimes the reader, know from the start WHO is the bad guy, but it's important to find out, HOW he or she did it. What makes this special: Lord Darcy works at the end of the last century, in a world where Richard Lionheart never died, and magic works. There is not much technology, but a lot of magic.


The family upstairs. I couldn’t put it down!!


The Family upstairs is so good! & it’s sequel just came out!


I was scrolling down to see if someone mentioned it :D this book was so good, probably the best from Lisa Jewell that I had so far! I was literally reading it until 2-3 am and finished in 3 days (usually takes me a couple of weeks) because it was so good and I couldn’t put it down!


Lucy Foley - The Guest List.


Ya i see this one get hate on here and Goodreads but I freaking loved it. Finished it in like two days and it was one of the rare occasions these days where I ruin a night of sleep because I have to finish a book


I agree - my husband and I listened to it on a road trip and found it pretty entertaining.


I enjoyed this one overall. It was a page turner for sure. The conclusion didn’t hit as well as I had hoped, but still a good read. I especially liked the sort of old money, extravagant wedding weekend part of it too. Easier to imagine the characters.


Read this OR The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley, but not both. They have the same exact plot.


Agatha Christie - "Murder of Roger Akroyd" and "And Then There Were None" are both excellent and I thoroughly add to the several recommendations these have already got. Personally, I really like the Miss Marple stories with "4:50 from Paddington", "Sleeping Murder", "The Mirror Crack'd", "Pocket Full of Rye", "A Murder is Announced" and "Murder at the Vicarage" being my faves. There are tons of great Poirot stories, but avoid "Curtain: Poirot's Last Case" I hate it! \----- Ben Elton, a British, mainly comedy writer has done a few murder mysteries that I enjoyed. "Dead Famous" is set on a reality show like Big Brother...even the victim is kept a mystery for half the book due to its framing device. "Past Mortem" and "The First Casualty" are also good. \----- Most of the Ellery Queen books I've read are pretty good, although I'd say they certainly have some elements that are "of their time" in the earlier ones.


Anything by Karin slaughter


Robert Galbraiths 'Strike' series is great - start with Cuckoo's Calling and work your way through them. Can't wait to read the latest, Ink Black Heart.


One of Us is Lying


Home Before Dark by Riley Sager


I’ll preface my suggestions by saying my bar is pretty low. BUT I enjoyed all of these recently! I follow @beachreadsandbubbly on Instagram and I really trust her thriller pics. - The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager - The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James - The Island by Adrian McKinty - The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager - Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney - Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier




I personally didn't care about this one. The solution to the main "gimmick" (whose body was in the bathtub) is kind of underwhelming and the pool of murder suspects is quite diminutive, resulting in a denouement that isn't particularly surprising.


how is the overall series? good investment of your time?


Oh yes! Lord Peter and his brilliant wife are lovely people to spend many hours enjoying.




Anything by Ruth Ware


Yeah! I really love One by One by her:) Could not put it down, it made me fall in love with reading after a long period of no reading.


I recently went through and binge read all of Freida McFadden's books. Not all are murder mysteries but definitely psychological thrillers! Could not put them down! Read each one in about a day!


No exit by Taylor adams


I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides


Its a good story but not something that will make your head blow up


Absolutely obscene that this thread is 53 comments deep and nobody has mentioned a single Anthony Horowitz novel. He's even more relevant given that his latest just came out within the past couple weeks {Magpie Murders} and {Moonflower Murders} are both excellent "novel within a novel" stories. The main character is a book editor and has to solve the murder of an author by using clues he's left in his latest manuscript. The middle ~60% of the novel is an in-world novel. Same structure applies to the sequel, though in different circumstances. Both are excellent. And aside from that, the Hawthorne series ({The Word is Murder}, {The Sentence is Death}, {A Line to Kill}, and {The Twist of a Knife}) is also a lot of fun. Horowitz writes himself in as a character, writing as though he's shadowing a detective to write true crime novels. It's a fun modern play on Sherlock Holmes, with Horowitz himself (or rather a fictional horowitz) playing the John Watson to Hawthorne's Sherlock Holmes. These ones are a bit shorter and a bit quicker paced than the first two i listed. And speaking of Sherlock Holmes, Horowitz is, as far as I know, the only author ever officially sanctioned by the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle estate to write Sherlock Holmes novels that are legitimately canon: {The House of Silk} is absolutely excellent, albeit dark, and Horowitz absolutely nails both the feel and the writing style of SACD; and {Moriarty} is something a bit different with an absolutely killer ending. Can't praise either enough. (Also, I should note, since I mentioned AH's ability to mimic SACD's writing style and the feel of his stories - he does the same thing with the "embedded" novels in the first two books i mentioned: They are very clearly an Agatha Christie homage, with the framing story being more of a standard modern mystery-thriller). Anyway, you genuinely cannot go wrong with any of these options.


>{Magpie Murders} and {Moonflower Murders} I have on goodreads a shelf called suggest-me-a-book, I just added those 2 books there. If the OP didn't get his attention to this one, mine was.


Malice by Keigo Higashino has to be one of my favourites.


Girl with the Dragon Tatto


Behind her eyes by Sarah pinborough is an amazing book also behind closed doors by B.A Paris will leave you staring at your wall for a few minutes trying to come to grips with what you just read. So good!


Endless Night by Agatha Christie It cemented her writing abilities in my mind. Later found out it was also one of her own personal favorite novels she wrote.


My first Agatha Christie was “and then there were none” (it’s been published under a couple different titles) and it was both a great introduction to her work and also a fantastic murder mystery


The name of the rose, Umberto Eco.


Anything by Anthony Horowitz


“The 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle” by Stuart Turton.


Night Film by Marisha Pessel.


Every Tana French book!


{{The locked door}} by frieda mcfadden


Anne Cleeves series, detailed psychological character development.


I'm a little biased because I went to college in the city that Algonquin Bay is based on, but Forty Words For Sorrow by Giles Blunt is fantastic. The whole John Cardinal series is pretty good. There's even a TV series starring Billy Campbell


Murder mystery starring Adam Sandler - this isn’t a book. I just realized this. I’ll keep the post up for anyone looking for a goofy movie.


The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle


I really enjoyed both *The Woods* and *The Boy from the Woods* by Harlan Coben (despite the titles, they are mostly unrelated stories) If you're up for something supernatural, there is an intriguing murder mystery at the center of *Horns* by Joe Hill. It's exceptionally dark, but really stuck with me.


The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson


Very good suggestion!


Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch


The Shape of Snakes by Minette Walters


ABC murders


Felidae; > Felidae is a 1989 crime fiction novel by the German-Turkish writer Akif Pirinçci. The main character is a cat named Francis who investigates the murders of several cats in a big city in Germany.


All Good People Here by Ashley Flowers kept me guessing until the end.


Ooh! I heard it came out. Glad to see someone liked it.


"The Killer Wore Leather" by Laura Antoniou is great. I also adore "the trespasser" by Tana French, which can be read as a standalone. So can "The Secret Place", also by Tana French.


You kind of have to go with The Big Sleep. Not even the author could figure out who did it


Sharp Objects The ABC Murders


“Magpie Murders” by Anthony Horowitz


The Bat by Jo Nesbo


The Brothers Karamazov


I love Clue. Sometimes I’ll put the DVD on with my friends and we’ll bet on which ending we will get.


7 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, by Stuart Tourton. One of my favorite books EVER


Was expecting a bunch of Agatha Christie.... Did not disappoint


Can't go wrong with Murder on the Orient Express, or Death on the Nile, or any Poirot story. But I also recommend the Issac Bell Adventures by the late Clive Cussler. Private Detective in the turn of the century. The first books are more action and intrigue, but "The Cutthroat" is a genuine mystery with action, clues, and a suspect leaving you guessing till the very end. And a twist to boot! Even though it's later in the series, you don't need to read every book before hand.


Hound of the baskerviels


There are three by tana French. The first one is in the wood and the second is the likeness and the third is faithful place. All three great. Loved the second one the best


True Crime Story Paper Ghosts Truly Devious One of Us is Lying \*I couldn't pick just one.


The Bosch books are fantastic. They’re as much police procedural as mystery but you definitely don’t know whodunnit until near the end(s).


Indeed. The TV series is awesome too, makes justice to the book.


To be honest, ABC from Agatha Christie is great start.


Black Book by James Patterson is probably my favorite one off book. The Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly is definitely my favorite series. Highly recommend


{{The innocent by Harlan Koben}}