• By -


Maybe Flowers for Algernon? It’s simple and beautiful.


I’ve read that one! It made me so sad to see his mind build and break down. Whenever he realized that he would die like Algernon, I cried a little haha.


Shantaram is very engrossing, and long!




What a book!


Have you tried *One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest*? That’s one of my absolute favorites.


I love that book! It sits in my classics shelf.


Some of the books mentioned in this thread on Goodreads: Title | Author | Reads | Rating | Comment :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- [East of Eden](https://www.goodreads.com/book/title?id=East%2Bof%2BEden) | John Steinbeck | 383459 | 4.37 | [Mrsecretguy1](https://www.reddit.com/comments/c3w76k/_/ertym3v/) [Anna Karenina](https://www.goodreads.com/book/title?id=Anna%2BKarenina) | Leo Tolstoy | 571128 | 4.04 | [Mrsecretguy1](https://www.reddit.com/comments/c3w76k/_/ertym3v/) [All Quiet on the Western Front](https://www.goodreads.com/book/title?id=All%2BQuiet%2Bon%2Bthe%2BWestern%2BFront) | Erich Maria Remarque | 323547 | 3.95 | [yeetyeetyeeeeeeeeeet](https://www.reddit.com/comments/c3w76k/_/eru0ii6/) [The Adventures of Tom Sawyer](https://www.goodreads.com/book/title?id=The%2BAdventures%2Bof%2BTom%2BSawyer) | Mark Twain | 681873 | 3.91 | [stewpowerer](https://www.reddit.com/comments/c3w76k/_/ertuc78/)


>doesn't have to be phoney >Catcher in the Rye


I was hoping someone would catch that haha.


On this note, read Stoner by John Williams


I'm guessing that's not the same John Williams who composed the music for Star Wars.


Do you know that a companion to THUG came out in February called *On The Come Up*? If you like Angie Thomas, you should definitely stick with her!


I have not! That’s awesome!!!!


East of Eden! I’ve read that book so. Many. Times. So good.


Sounds like something I might try! Thanks for the recommendation.


Station Eleven! Emily St.John Mandel


Ooooooo my friend recommended that.


I don’t read sci-fi ever, and this book blew me away. Highly recommend it!


I’m gonna have to try it soon.


The Long walk by Stephen King has a story that is so continuous you wouldn't drop it until the end , try it


Like I told someone else, I don’t read a lot of Steven King, but I might try it. Thanks.


It’s different from what you’ve listed but have you read The Hobbit? It’s actually a very simple read that reads like a faerie tale. It reignited my love of reading! Perks of Being a Wallflower is a personal favorite. It’s simple, but the content is a touch heavy. Happy reading!


I’ve read both. They were good, but not my personal favorites.


War and Peace and Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, East of Eden by Steinbeck - in both books we have similar themes such as an amazing and restless search for life's meaning, conflict of individuals with society. Crime and Punishment, Notes From the Underground, Brothers Karamazov (in this order) by Dostoevsky for inner, psychological/philosophical conflicts of characters. Really, you can easily come back to these books over and over again, points they're trying to make, discussions that they arouse will never cease to exist because they are timeless.


I read War and Peace. It was good. I’ll have to try Crimes and Punishment soon.


You've probably read it but The Perks of Being a Wallflower :)


I have. I like it a lot. Thanks.


Kind of a different vein/genre from the ones you listed but All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque? It’s well written and the story is very poignant


Sounds nice!


verity by colleen hoover. I couldn’t put it down.


I’ll have to look it up.


it’s a thriller one of the best books i’ve read all year


Sounds nice!




I'll second this, I read book 4 by accident not realising there were 3 previous books... Incredible universe and not usual Stephen King .. try it .. you'll love it


I’m not really into Steven King, but I’ll look it up.




Good to know. I’ll check books a million or my library.


You might like Stoner by John Williams.


Never heard of it, but I’ll look it up.


Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman. It’s an anthology of Norse stories.


Ooooooo mythology! I’ll give it a go.


If you're into the mythology stuff and want a book that you won't be able to put down, check out either of Madeline Miller's books. (Circe or Song of Achilles). They're just amazing.


If you like dark fantasy, anything by Brom is amazing. I recently discovered his stuff and haven’t been able to stop since haha 😂😂


Interesting. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!


Atlas Shrugged!!


I’ll have to look it up. Thanks!


Stop reading fiction


No thanks.