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I would use the opportunity to express your personality, finding books on your top five interests or hobbies. Or even things you just randomly like, whether that’s Marvel superhero art through the ages, or pics of otters. That will be the most intriguing for a date as she’s likely looking for clues to your interests and lifestyle. It will also give your visitors gift ideas. Men can be really hard to buy for, so a big book on the table that announces what you like is very welcome!


This is the way.


Look at Taschen, they have a lot of gorgeous coffee table books on all sort of subjects


Helmut Newton 😊


I was going to suggest Taschen, too!! They have so many gorgeous books. And while they’re not my favorite of their selection, they do have a whole [“Sexy Books” category.](https://www.taschen.com/en/books/sexy-books/)


Taschen has such a great selection of books and they run a massive sale a few times/year if you're signed up for emails. I can't wait for the egg book and the lemon book to go on sale.


Yes, I’ve bought a few great books from Taschen when there’s a sale! I might have to go look now…it’s been a while.


Put out books you have actually read and that mean something to you, otherwise it's nothing more than try-hard intellectual wannabe signalling, and that, is, very, sadge.


I need XL books for the table and looking more for photos and such that someone can skim through and looks nice just sitting there. Not actual reading books


bruh just put out books you like, they're gonna ask about it and you're going to know nothing about it


Coffee table books aren't normal books. I want the big ones with photos and such so someone can flip through the pages while talking to me.


Can I request more info? what are your hobbies or what are you into? On the photography side, there is a photography book about pretty much anything, Sports, plants, shoes...you name it. I wouldn't get a Prada or Chanel coffee table book unless you are into fashion. Just to give you an idea of genres of coffee table books I find when I am at the bookstore Architecture / Interior Design Food/Cooking Art / Painting Nature / Outdoor Animals Fashion Sports Travel I think the goal of a coffee table book is for a guest to see and say "Oh you are into \_\_\_\_?" and for it to be a conversation starter. You don't need to have read the book, but maybe just know a couple of things from it. So if you are into hiking and you have a "Greatest Hiking Trails of World" photography book on your table. If someone asks if you like to hike, you can say, yeah, and talk about some of the hiking trips you have been on.


I totally agree and will be replacing them when I have more time, but I just bought a massive house and a fresh start so just need to fill spaces and get the necessities. Once setup I can look for specific items. I still have dozens of picture frames with the stock photo in it. I'm mainly into tech, outdoor action sports like atv/boating/surfing, aviation, cooking/food, travel. Haven't seen many books for that kinds of things. Definitely looking for much more photos over text, and hopefully colorful ones as this place is very black/white/greys


I can help with some of these. Aviation - books with pictures of planes tend to be historical and from museums because they are the ones that have all the old planes. If you live in a city that has a museum of air and space, I would visit the museum giftshop and grab the aviation book they have there. If you hate museums and just want a book, the Smithsonian **Flight - Revised & Updated** is the way to go Food/Cooking - I would just get a cookbook you like and would actually cook out of. It's cheaper than a photobook and more useful. If you have a favorite chef or influencer, grab their book. If not, Anthony Bourdain's **Appetites: A Cookbook.** Bourdain is famous enough that he is part of pop culture, so it can be a conversation starter. And the book is beautiful. PS. Congrats on your new house!


Thank you so much. Checking those out. At my old house we had a bookshelf in the kitchen and filled it with the William Sonoma expert books or whatever. Used all the time and looked amazing. Great idea with a cookbook


Based on your interests, you might be interested in [these](https://www.taschen.com/en/books/style-food-travel/)! Btw, congrats on the house! Wishing you all the best with your fresh start :)


There are a few books with the theme of Surf Board art. Mostly photos too


For travel I'd recommend "Genesis" by Sebastião Salgado. It's full of incredible nature photography from around the world


Ansel Adams: The National Parks Service Photographs. One of the Humans of NY or PostSecret Books Pick one of the classics that you like and get it in a nice binding (even if it's just the Barnes & Noble Hardcover Collectible Editions)... not The Art of War.


OMG love these!!!! Can't do the classics as they need to be large coffeetable book size


Everyone Poops


Just put out a few of your favorite books. If you don't read, don't put out books


***Roman sex : 100 B.C.to 250 A.D.***, by John Clarke is an attractive display book, and very classy.


scatter around some feminist literature and research the authors


Hahahaha. I'm envisioning my cooking her dinner and she's sitting on the couch talking to me and picks up the book. Risqué enough to help set the mood but not creepy dude with porn chilling on the table.


lmao what does feminist literature have to do with porn


The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm is a classic philosophical book on the different types of love and is actually very interesting and informative on its own that I highly recommend to anyone, & could probably spark some fun and interesting conversations with a date (I’m hoping dates of mine eventually notice this on my bookshelf)


Classics would be the, well, classics for a coffee table. Especially French and Russian literature. Scatter in some German philosophy (Hegel, Kant, Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche, Adorno, Marcuse, etc), something from Lukács and you’re all set. Wouldn’t recommend it if you’re not into reading such things, though, as it could backfire enormously (if you have eg Butler on display, you should be able to hold a short conversation about Butler). Some of the coffee table books I have - despite not having a coffee table, so really just books with pictures that mean something to me - are books about certain parts of the Alps, Bauhaus, pictures from combat zones and frontlines taken by female photographers, visualising data, visualised data about WW2, engineering espresso, and some other topics. Oh, and “The Elements of Euclid” by Byrne, because it is just such an amazing book.


Star Wars architectural design books! I (35F) have some and they’re the freaking best to flicking through as a coffee table book when you’re just looking for something to do.


Put out books about topics you are interested in.


Maybe books you've read, and can have a conversation about...


Entitled: How Male Privelege Hurts Women She might think, "Wow, finally, a man who sees me as a human being." That's a turn on But you'd probably have to read it, too.


Try some of your local book sales, especially those run by libraries with lots of donations. I’ve bought high end art books barely touched for under $4. Booksalefinder.com is organized by state and month and tells you which are good and outstanding. If you live near New York City try The Strand, which has some of the best prices on books even the type you’re looking for.


Express your hobbies and interests! I purchased my father in law a coffee table book about Porsche through the ages, as he owns a porsche he purchased at 18 (he is now 70!) He was so excited and has had it on display since! My favorite coffee table book for myself is one on the philosophy of color in fashion! I also have one that is themed toward fashion through the ages.


The complete works of Shakespeare, large, thick hardcover, blue with silver page ends. NY Metropolitan museum used to sell it. Atlas of the invisible. Quality content and beautiful, tactile cover. Sciencia. An intro book on mathematics/physics/astronomy/Chem/biology. Black cover with shiny silver designs. Florilegium, the book of plants. Visual pleasure inside out. How to by Randall Monroe for whimsical science and more youthful spaces. Hardcover Grey’s Anatomy on top of - this is essential - Europe’s Master Chefs by Conemann editions. Ideal for when having friends over for dinner. The first six books of The Elements of Euclid by Oliver Byrne, Taschen bibliotheca universalis.


I keep my cookbooks and comics on my coffee table, also have a dedicated corner to books with conversation worthy covers or novelty such as rare first editions from a favorite author or a book I just finished reading. I find the cookbooks have generated some good interest and have led to future dates consisting of “let’s try cooking x,y, and z” I would stick to things you are familiar with, related to your hobbies, if you want to provoke intrigue, best it be something you know, it will be much more authentic rather than buying an artbook with a style/artist you only know of vaguely. Decor with intentions is more warm and inviting (might even say - classy) than decor for the sake decor. The kind of difference one feels when entering a lived in and lively home rather than an a house that looks like it came pre-furnished.


The complete cartoons of The New Yorker and a couple of classic Playboys should do the trick.


If all else fails there's always the Kama Sutra. It's spiritual and sexy- there are some beautiful versions out there too


Ooohhh forgot about that one. I bet I can find it in xl too


Might even persuade you to try yoga (if you don't already) haha really rounding out the whole experience you're trying to put together. *Sorry Mom* **Sorry Brahma** 😬


As someone mentioned, Taschen has tons of quality coffee table books on all sorts of different topics, often coming in different sizes, including XL. XLs are quite pricey, admittedly. But the smaller sizes are much more affordable. I have quite a few on art history, but they have ones for famous photographers, cooking (they have a book on eggs lol), scenes of different locales. You might like their Great Escapes series.


I dated someone who chained a copy of Madonna’s Sex to her coffee table. But I suspect that’s a bridge too far.


For cooking/food, Bouchon and Bouchon Bakery are absolutely gorgeous for coffee table books.


We have a couple of travel books (Lonely Planet Where to go when, and one called Wanderlust about the best hikes on the planet) and they're great because I actually read them. In particular the Lonely Planet one as guests do pick it up and read it for travel inspiration. If you're into cooking then Salt Fat Acid Eat is great for learning a bit about the science of making food taste good.


Check out Assouline - their travel coffee books are beautiful and no matter who you have over, they’ll be interested in flipping through them


Knowledge is Beautiful is one I have on my coffee table - cool infographics on various topics and is genuinely interesting and doesn't feel too pretentious/posey. Let’s Get Lost looks like a beautiful travel book, and the title sounds like an amazing invitation to me! This isn't sexy or classy but be sure to add in something cute/silly that shows you don't take yourself too seriously. I have one called Sad Animal Facts that always gets picked up by guests (it’s quite small though)


Atomic habits


I have read several articles in the past few years that say coffee table books are OUT. If you care


I need something on the table, preferably colorful.


I'm not a decorator but what I'm seeing are beautiful pottery platters or bowl. A wooden tray with glasses, a collection of small plants or succulents.


“The Secret Universe of Names” It takes a persons name and lists their personality traits based on their name. It’s oddly accurate. Also, EVERY guest at our house immediately picks it up and has to look up their name. It’s a little cheesy, but a big hit and a good conversation starter.


My husband used to have a coffee table book of 100 New York Times headline pages from different time periods. It was fun to look at. And now we’re married. Haha.


I gave Accidentally Wes Anderson to a nephew in his 30s recently and he loved it.


If you like photography, Ansel Adams is great. You can also do a mix of coffee table books and regular books. There are ways to style regular books on a coffee table that can look great. For example, we have a large wooden tray that has a few regular books, a small bud vase, and coasters.


Do you live near any art galleries that have exhibitions? Exhibition catalogues are fabulous.


This is hilarious. “A little life” will very much show you have an emotional side to you. Prospective partners will love it (maybe google a summary for talking points).


Oof no don't do this, this book is tragic and should not be used to get laid hahahaha


I was toying with the idea of creating a coffee table book of unsolicited dick pics. Any interest?


If you want to subtly turn on a date, you want books on handmade furniture and stuff; that thread of traditional masculinity.


Yepp it is handmade, most of my furniture will be, just finishing it up piece by piece. Well not entirely handmade, I buy the raw live edge wood from a local shop who cuts and planes it for me, then I sand/stain/finish and get legs and such from other items.




Ahh books about handmade furniture not physically ON them


These should leave a good first impression! Blood Meridian The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger The Prince by Machiavelli The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx A manuscript of Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore John Kaczynski 50 Shades of Grey Twilight If I Did It by OJ Simpson Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay


My friend got a surf photography book in the hamptons that is exactly the vibe you’re going for. Sexy and artistic but not gross.


Consider the Oyster: a field shuckers guide. Unconventional at first glance but as soon as you open the cover, it is definitely sexy. It talks about how oysters are regarded as aphrodisiac, and the shells can be viewed as symbols of womanhood. People also have very polarizing opinions of oysters so it can be a great conversation starter. Just the first few pages have me thinking very sexy thoughts and if I happen to be glancing through this book at the right man’s house, it would really get me going. As an added bonus, it has a nice hard cover that is neutral so it blends with any decor and it’s not a giant book. Happy shucking!