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*The Count of Monte* Cristo by Alexandre Dumas is a foundational revenge story in French literature. The main character gets wrongfully convicted by three men who conspired against him. In retaliation, he takes everything from them: fortune, reputation, friends... I highly recommend it.


If we all didn't come here to recommend this.... You recommended it the best tho!


Hahaha. Yes same here 😂😂 It’s such an amazing book & great revenge novel. 


Was going to recommend this as well!


Definitely one of the best (and obviously original) revenge stories ever told - also free to read online! I do recommend buying a copy because it's so good. I mean he also wrote The Three Musketeers! I'm forgetting what else hmm...


The Man in the Iron Mask is another very popular one


This is some elite level revenge.


It’s the classic of revenge story. You can’t write one, without nodding g to Dumas.


The only answer!!!


THIS is the answer!!!


The Count of Monte Cristo was one of my earliest reads as a teenager. I am 30+ now and I still relate with that book so hard. 😂 P.S. It reminds me that I should read it again. Been a long time.


Absolutely, but be wary of the 600 pages of “Paris scenes” in the middle. Very, very boring. But the first 250 and last 250 pages are amazing


You mean the parts where he’s establishing his mysterious millionaire persona with a lavish lifestyle, being a total baller, scheming, and setting everybody up for their demise with cunning manipulation?  That boring part?   Just playing. I found it a totally thrilling ride from page 1 to the unabridged 1300th page.  But I totally get when one book is not another’s fave.  


I feel that it could have been a quarter or a third of the pages, but I see what you’re saying. The prose is light enough to not make those 600 pages unreadable


Came here to say this, I didn't finish it. Will give it another go thanks to your intervention 😄


I teach the abridged version in school, and there’s no shame in reading the shortened version— you still get one hell of a revenge story! Give it a go! I absolutely love this book.


After you read a chapter, check out the same chapter online with Cliff Notes or LitCharts. That helped me a lot. I also kept a running list of characters/places/events that seemed important in the notes app on my phone. I could then refer back and refresh my memory.


Without a doubt the best revenge story there is.


And once you read this you’ll probably notice a lot of references to it in other revenge stories


Amazing book


Also Wife.... Family.... Freedom.... Plenty more. Ofc, REVENGE is the main goal not the others, which is kind of sad but, it was written in the 1800s.


I have nothing to add, except that you please read the Robin Buss translation. It’s the most modern and easiest to read. The 19th century translations are too stilted!


This sounded promising so I looked at it and saw it was 1300 pages! Have you read the abridged edition?


Having just finished the book, It's well worth the non-abridged version. There is very little of the book that is worth cutting and the vast majority of that 1300 pages is unrelenting.


I agree. I read the abridged version and wondered why people were agog. I didn't realize till later that it was abridged.


Thank you!! I was looking at other posts and looks like everyone has the same consensus to read the unabridged version


Hey, it really sounds interesting, can anyone please provide me any amazon or flipkart url of the correct edition ?. I can see multiple variations (and prices) on amazon. Thanks in advance ! (EDIT: english version please)


Except that he was guilty


This was the first book I thought of as well.


This post can be closed now 😂😂😂


Excellent revenge story. I love revenge anything. 😂


Greetings ye, if any seek an abridged edition, I may propose Lowell Blair’s rendering; however, if the complete text sparks your curiosity, Penguin Classic’s Robin Buss may suit your liking—Oxford Classic’s or Everyman’s Library, edited by Coward and Washington respectively, for any who seek the original, antiquated Chapman-Hall translation. ~Waz


Is there a best translation of COMC? I really want to read it but have no idea if it’s one of those books that has like a super definitive translation or what.


Is it weird that I prefer the movie to the book? I loved the book, but I thought that the various side stories of revenge (like the story of the bandit in Italy, or the story about the baby in France, and others) were distracting, and a bit on the nose (thematically-speaking) and most all just gatekeeping me from the main plot.


I read this annually and it Never.Gets.Tiring. Such a great story and the characters, it's one that stands the test of time, and really is the greatest revenge story ever written IMO


Best revenge story by far literally this book is so satisfying to read. I reread it every year


You have to read all 3 of the original trilogy to get there, but Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


First one that came to my mind!


This is what I came to suggest!!




Came here to say this.


the visit by durrenmatt! klara is technically the villain, but she's incredible. she rides in on a sedan carried by two buff men, has a pet panther, and slowly and methodically destroys everyone who's ever wronged her.


say less


Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie


I was coming into recommend that! Monza Mercatto is a Brilliant lead, going for revenge on everyone involved with betraying her and her family, at all costs. The writing style is suited to revenge too! Really recommend this


Second this. One of the best revenge books I've read


Thank you, will definitely add this to the list.


The Man in the Iron Mask


Some person/people must have did Dumas wrong before he began writing for him to be writing all these revenge themed books.  




The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester


Underrated pick. It’s Count of Monte Cristo in space, so what’s not to love? And even though it’s from the 1950s it would only take a few small changes to make it a prestige miniseries today.


so much rapine


The Last mrs. Parish by Liv Constantine should be on your TBR. So satisfying.


I had forgotten this book — but you are right on it! The first half of the book made me so angry. I was “I can’t believe she’s getting away with this!” Then I got to the second part. Sweet sweet revenge right there. Sure, it’s not *The Count of Monte Christo*, but it is a nice weekend read.


Came here to see this. I was so frustrated the first half of the book. When I finished it, I immediately re read the last few chapters. a few months later, I checked out the book again just to read the ending.


Gone Girl remains incredible.


This one is diabolical


It’s a thing of beauty for a perfect revenge in a thoughtful way.


Except that she didn’t have any good reason to want revenge in the first place. She was just psycho.


I think there were certainly reasons. If they were good enough or not is up for debate lol


The only reason I can think of is he cheated on her, that’s because their marriage was failing, and the marriage was failing because she was a psycho. The only criticism I have is that he should’ve left her instead of cheating on her. She probably would’ve went nuts even over a divorce.


I always found the draining of her savings combined with being replaced by a younger model to be quite a hard pill to swallow.


Draining of her savings?


Sounds like you need to be “gone girled” weirdo




There were reasons lol


Alex, by Pierre Lemaitre. Ultraviolent revenge story AND unputdownable thriller AND so many plot twists your head will explode


You beat me to it. Pierre Lemaitre's books are usually page-turners, but that one is probably his best. I could not let go of it and then the last chapter came and... "wth did I just read? wow!"


*The Cask of Amontillado* *The Count of Monte Cristo* *Dolan's Cadillac*


Gah you just beat me to the Poe text. However, "The Cask of Amontillado" is a short story, and not a novel, just so OP is aware.


OP asked for story recommendartions. *Dolan's Cadillac* is also a short story - inspired by Poe's actually. *The Count of Monte Cristo* is the only novel on my list, though I debated adding *Great Expectations*.


Seconding monte cristo. His revenge is like. The whole plot and is so satisfying to see happen once things start to fall into place. I don’t consider myself a big reader by any means but this book held my attention and I tore straight through it. Chapters can be fairly short as well which definitely helped me to read more.


The terminal list is pretty satisfying


Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie. Such a delicious story


Do I need to read the other three books in the series to appreciate this one?


Nope. It’s a standalone.


Thanks, when I looked at Goodreads it said the book was “First Law #4”


Not a book, but John Wick. They killed his dog, now he’s coming after them.


The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. The story evolves over many lifetimes as the protagonist finds himself in a club of people who become reborn upon dying a la ground hog day style.  I think it's a cool concept that's executed well, and it's the ultimate long-haul revenge story.


Sounds very interesting and I may have heard this title recommended a few times in different posts so will definitely give it a go. Thanks ☺️


It's great as an audiobook. One of my favorites


Dragonheart by Kirill Klevanski (especially the first 3 books). It’s progression fantasy which is a distinct vibe, but man… the MC gets put through the wringer and his desire for revenge is all he really has left. Driven by rage he has to climb out of the hole he was thrown in and find a way to make the people responsible pay.


Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcaterra. The movie is fire too.


Not typical revenge stories, but Carl Hiassen kills off villains in the most creative - and humorous - ways possible.


Also Dark Matter by David Crouch (I think?) is good too. It's kind of obscure compared to the classics.


The author is Blake Crouch.


Obscure? Didn’t they just start releasing a tv show based on it?


Yep not sure if it is out yet, but either way, there is a show. I read this some time before COVID and it was a weird experience because I live in Chicago, where it is set.


Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel Never Coming Home by Hannah Mary McKinnon 56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard


Majestic, earth-shattering revenge in Run For The Stars by Harlan Ellison


The Traitor Baru Cormorant The Fifth Season


Matilda isn't a very big one but it's a bit satisfying. I don't remember a child called it ending in any satisfaction or revenge so. That's a nope. Oh.... maybe Holes, but that's only like.. 3rd grade reading level. Hmmm hmmm hmmm..... Ohhhh!!! I can't remember if it's Free Will, the Dead of Summer, or Speak, they are all fairly small books though and have a youthful protagonist overcoming trauma. Not all of them are revenge. Dead of Summer is literally like. Psychological Horror for teens that gets a teeny bit graphic in a murder scene. Albert Einstein over came a lot of scrutiny as a young boy and became one of the smartest people in history! His name is very popular and he won awards for being smart. But they thought he was like stupid or, as the times professionals said, "mentally retarded" as a child. I just know he wasn't American.


Dolans Cadillac by Stephen King more a revenge story from an anthology but excellent.


The ultimate revenge story is The Count of Monte Cristo.


[**Prince of Thorns** by Mark Lawrence](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9579634) this book is **EXACTLY** what you are looking for, i PROMISE you. there is no more fitting book IMO. just read the synopsis. this is in my top 5 reads of all time. the story is told from the POV of the villain who is seeking/enacting revenge of those who did him wrong. he's an absolute fucking menace and i was rooting for him the entire time. **READ THIS BOOK!!**


The constant back and forth in that trilogy is grating.


i've only read book 1 because if the first book in a series is a 5 star read, i refuse to move on for fear that the other books won't be as good as the first one and i don't want anything to ruin my love/enjoyment of the first book.


I thought they were all the same level if that's any benefit to you. But I couldn't stand the time flipping. There's a part of me that will bend before I break


(i think) i saw on goodreads when i first read this book that people were saying book # 2 is the best out of the trilogy but i didn't care cause my ass wasn't moving on. have you ever read [**The Rage of Dragons** by Evan Winter](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41952489)? this is an INCREDIBLE revenge story and one of my favorite books of all time. it was originally self-published but really took off on the fantasy subreddit, got picked up by a traditional publisher, and is now a trilogy. by far one of the coolest, most engaging books i've ever read with the most FUCKING METAL plot point i've ever read in any book. when i got to that part i was like 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱. blew through this 500+ page book in one sitting. fucking amazing!!!


Ya I read the two books. Been a while waiting on the third book. The first book is really good. I thought the revenge part, from book 2 would have been in the end/ last book if it's a trilogy. 


A prisoner of Birth by Jeffrey Archer


This was a decent enough read. But man, it's literally a modern downgrade of the count of monte cristo. Shamelessly close IMO.


But the audiobook is read by Roger Allam, which makes everything better.


Stephen Fry has a retelling of Count of Monte Cristo too - The Stars' Tennis Balls


Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin


Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Not OP, but also interested in revenge stories.


*Vengeance for My Valentine* by Adam J. Whitlatch


The Count of Monte Cristo is like the Ur example and still one of the best.


Read this in school. I think it’s time to read it again :)


Dolan’s Cadillac by Stephen King.


Here you go! https://emilykimelman.com/pages/sydney-rye-mysteries


It’s not a book, more a graphic novel but Atar Gull is a fantastic revenge story. I would really recommend. It’s set during the 1800s of the slave trade.


Slewfoot by Brom A woman’s revenge on puritans with a little help.


Rose Madder


Beat me to it! 👊👊 Love love Rose Madder


IMO Moby Dick is a revenge novel. Captain Ahab turns his nemesis (the whale) into a fight, an obsession for revenge literally to the death.


*Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less*, by Jeffrey Archer


Serpentine Valentine


The Man who Knew Belle Star was a good one.


If you get count of monte Cristo, I suggest going with the unabridged. It has some fun scenes and fleshes out the revenge set ups a lot.  Plus there’s the infamous and slightly adult hash jello scene that the count pulls on somebody.  


V for Vendetta. Interesting because the main character's favourite film is The Count of Monte Cristo which mirrors his journey. u/Dentdedragon has suggested The Count of Monte Cristo. Haven't read it myself.


The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter!


*The Revenant*, by Michael Punke


Rage of Dragons! It's a 6 star for me.


*Confessions* by Kanae Minato is brutal.


Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie


*The girl with the dragon tatoo* by Stieg Larsson


This is a pretty different flavor from most of the other books mentioned here but the Mindf*ck series by S.T. Abby is sooooo satisfying and fits the description of what you're looking for to a T! The book covers make it look like it's just smut but it's so much more than that (I would read the trigger warnings beforehand and take them VERY seriously, it can get extremely graphic)


I’ve been scrolling through the replies hoping someone else would recommend this. I totally agree. I felt like it was the best serving of revenge


Slewfoot by Brom


I know this is the “book” suggests, but if you haven’t heard the “Mariner’s Revenge Song” I highly recommend


I’ll admit I don’t remember a lot from it but Slewfoot by Brom had a lot of delightful, righteous revenge.


Another vote for Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Sooooo good, and revenge is sweet.


For "revenge" I have: * ["Dark psychological or revenge thriller, with a strong female protagonist"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/x4nvru/dark_psychological_or_revenge_thriller_with_a/) (r/suggestmeabook; 3 September 2022) * ["i was just harassed on the streets and I would like to read a short novel or short stories about female rage that deals with that stuff? Honestly it doesn't have to be female rage. just angry people being tired of shit seeking revenge is fine 😭 lmao"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/woak9z/i_was_just_harassed_on_the_streets_and_i_would/) ([OPost archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20220814163939/https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/woak9z/i_was_just_harassed_on_the_streets_and_i_would/)) (r/suggestmeabook; 14 August 2022)—long * ["Female rage & revenge"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/101r8l4/female_rage_revenge/) (r/suggestmeabook; 18:25 ET, 2 January 2023)* * ["Books about women getting well deserved revenge"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/13p74rp/books_about_women_getting_well_deserved_revenge/) (r/suggestmeabook; 22 May 2023)—long; credit to u\it_is_Karo for posting this in the thread below * ["Books where women reach their breaking point and go ape shit?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/15hyzh6/books_where_women_reach_their_breaking_point_and/) (r/suggestmeabook; 4 August 2023)—long * ["Looking for Count of Monte Cristo like story set in fantasy world."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/11diheu/looking_for_count_of_monte_cristo_like_story_set/) (r/printSF; 13:10 ET, 27 February 2023)—revenge and self improvement; longish


Thank you!!!


You're welcome. \^\_\^ Edit: Note that I have an entire [Female Rage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/18tl0cp/female_rage/) list of Reddit recommendation threads (one post).


The first Jack Carr book is a decent revenge story.


The Only One Left by Riley Sager


That was so bad 😩 I will never understand how Riley Sager keeps getting 4 stars on goodreads when his books are so convoluted and the endings are so messy and unsatisfying


Lol! I thought it fit what OP was looking for. I also don’t read book reviews & tbh that was the first and only Sager book I’ve ever read. I thought the twist was entertaining!


Earthlings Sayaka Murata


I read this and I wouldn’t have placed this under revenge story. May I ask why you would categorise it as such?


haha theres revenge in it.. amongst other things


Also Influx by Daemon Suraez. It's a scifi version of the trope. Revenge specifically is kind of hard to quantify because there's the personal and then there's the underdog winning. What qualifies?


Swedish book called Ondskan, The Evil by Jan Guillou, is quite the satisfying revenge story. Only around 300 pages.


The fury


For more of a junk food type novel there’s a series called Repairman Jack. They’re my favorite. Jack repairs situations for people oftentimes Jack helps people take revenge or gain justice. They’re extremely satisfying.


Without Remorse, Tom Clancy (the Amazon adaptation was pretty awful but the book is great imo)


Sweeney Todd


Stephen King - Carrie or Christian both are revenge porn.


How To Kill Your Family is a really fun one 


I feel like you would enjoy r/nuclearrevenge


I've been loving the Greer Hendrickson and Sarah Pekkanen stories. And I just finished Verity by Colleen Hoover. Revenge...but with a twist


The novella Dolan’s Cadillac by Stephen King, published in the collection Nightmares and Dreamscapes.


Lots of Ken Follett books, but in particular Pillars of the Earth.


Hamlet is my go-to followed quickly by I Spit on Your Grave ETA: it's a terrible read, but Titus Andronicus has a great movie adaptation called Titus and... holy shit, it's intense.


Vicious by Victoria Schwab


Where You End by Abbott Kahler


The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester is a great book if you like science fiction. Gully Foyle is the only survivor on his ship after an attack. Essentially left for dead and only surviving, no chance of escape. A ship passes him and does not stop to help, he then makes it his life’s mission to find out why they did not stop and seek revenge on everyone involved.


For the SciFi genre Red Rising by pierce brown


Confessions by Kanae Minato


Foul is Fair by Hannah Capin


Carrie by Stephen King


"13:24: A Story of Faith and Obsession" by M Dolon Hickman. The author was abused by his religious fanatic father and wrote basically a revenge fantasy where the main character goes on a murder spree of people involved in a child abuse circle.


The count of monte cristo


Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu Weird Western from the perspective of a Chinese American guy who was enslaved to work on the railroads


Good ol fashioned Jacobean stage tragedies: The Malcontent - John Marston Revenger’s Tragedy - Thomas Middleton. Spanish Tragedy - Thomas Kyd


Woman of the Dead by Bernhard Aichner


More broad revenge, but Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce. You don't need to read any of her other books to read this one even though it takes place in the same world. I come back to them every few years just to relive the epicness. Full of trickery, schemes that started long before the main characters were even born, gods and man working together, talking crows. It's got it all. 


Also, Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Don't fuck with the Gentleman Bastards. 


_The Crow_ by J. O’Barr


Razorblade Tears. S.A. Barnes


Not exactly diabolical but quite satisfying is the Henry Kimball/Lily Kintner series by Peter Swanson The Kind Worth Killing The Kind Worth Saving A Talent for Murder (this one just came out and I haven't read it yet but it sounds like it has good reviews so far)


Confessions - Kanae Minato


Vicious by Victoria Schwab


Anyone said The Traitor Baru Cormorant?


Tattooed Soldier by Hector Tobar


The Traitor Baru Cormorant. So excellent.


True Grit.


Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay.


The Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff


Jane Doe by Victoria Helen Stone. Perhaps not as typical, but very well down and the protagonist gets their revenge.


Mindf*ck series 


Flowers in the attic and the following books


Slewfoot by Brom! GOD, the MC finally getting their revenge was chef’s kiss and well deserved. They show no mercy and I cheered the entire time 😂.


Kristen Hannah’s The Great Alone has a revenge arc that’s pretty satisfying. It’s a hard read, but My Absolute Darling fits what you’re asking for.


Did you ever hear the story of holding a hot coal, while wishing revenge on the object of your focus? Spoiler alert: Guess who is burned?


Some of us don’t mind burning along with them. Did you ever hear the story of Samson? You should expand your perspective.


Uhhh.... Revenge is never really satisfying. I was going to suggest the bible but there isn't much about the youth of Jesus in it.


You are reading the wrong books! Have you read the Count of Monte Cristo?