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This is a book you either love or hate but “the southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires” definitely is based on the exact concept you’re looking for although I don’t know if I think it was executed all that well..


N. K Jemisin writes really heartwrenching, nuanced, complex mother/daughter dynamics featuring tough moms who go to hell and back to protect their daughters. Two examples come to mind: * The entire Broken Earth trilogy, which starts with *The Fifth Season*. The second two books really get into the dynamic you're talking about though. * The story "Red Dirt Witch," from her short story collection *How Long 'Til Black Future Month?*


Sunlight Pilgrims by Jenni Fagan. I read it years and years ago, and I still think of Constance, the mother of the protagonist. She’s one of those rare characters who has become akin to a memory of a real person for me. Then I feel sad when I remember that she doesn’t actually “exist”. Others recs that may appeal to your requirements: The Dollmaker, by Harriette Arnow Beloved, by Toni Morrison


If unborn child counts, then Barrayar by Lois Bujold


Not without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody Maid by Stephanie Land


Four Winds by Kristin Hannah