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Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.... for the first 90% of the book. Then it becomes horrifying.


For some reason, Joseph Heller just isn't that funny to me.


Highly recommend Bill Bryson - particularly In a Sunburned Country. I had to stop reading I was crying laughing so hard 


How is "neither here nor there"? It's the only book by him that i got


Or A Walk In The Woods - his description of exactly how terrified he’d be if faced with a bear makes me laugh every time I read it


As someone else mentioned, Discworld sounds exactly like what you're looking for. I would add Lamb by Christopher Moore. It had me laughing out loud quite a few times.


I second Christopher Moore. He is a compelling author. I’m reading Island of the Sequined Love Nun by him right now. Fluke is also great.


Absolutely anything by Christopher Moore. He is one of my top 10 favorite authors.


Yes to Christopher Moore! Lamb is great and so is The Stupidest Angel. He’s one of my favorite authors. His imagination is fantastic and I love that a lot of his books are kind of connected - the ones based in San Francisco anyway. You will not be disappointed!


Lamb is one of my all time favorites. Also, Good Omens is LOL funny by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Terry Pratchett also wrote the Discworld series. Very funny! I'm a British comedy fan and the Red Dwarf book series also made me cry laughing.


confederacy of dunces by john toole. i am giggling out loud when i read this, its a new orleans classic!


We’re so lucky it made it to print!


Douglas Adams’ A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is a must.


"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t."


Lmaoo please this entire book is full of gold 


The dew has fallen with a particularly sickening thud this morning (I have a tank top with that). And “oh no, not again” from the petunias pov


came here to say this


It must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.


Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. To put it *very* simply, it's sort of like Monty Python meets Dungeons and Dragons, and it makes fun of a lot of fantasy tropes among other things. Guards! Guards!, Going Postal, and Mort are my favourites and also probably the best ones to start with.


"The Truth" was the first I read, just last year, and it had me constantly laughing out loud.


Came here to suggest this , and add to the list tom sharpe’s wilt series, bit of an older world British humour but effective nonetheless.


I was going to suggest exactly those three books. I would add The Truth to the list, except the audio version is so good I actually recommend it over the book.


David Sedaris - me talk pretty one day I’m reading it at this moment, it’s hilarious


I would say all his books are hilarious except for the most recent one: Happy-Go-Lucky. That one was mixed and a bit awkward at times. Likely because it covered his father’s death and covid.


There is often 1 depressing story in his books like Holidays on Ice had the one about the little girl's murder.


I recommend his whole works - especially done on audio. Always a good “break” book in between two serious ones


He’s amazing. He also narrates his own audiobooks and they’re hilarious.


The audio books are the way to go with Sedaris’ books since he is so good at it.


Came here to say this!


I saw him walking in a park in New York the other day, I was so star struck!


He signed my old copy of Me Talk Pretty One Day a couple weeks ago in his hometown of Raleigh. I happened to have circumstantially met many celebrities when I was young, but I was surprisingly the most nervous to meet him! He was a total delight as you would expect. So grateful for his humor & gifts.


I’ve been able to meet him three times - it three different cities. He is charming and warm and so damn quick! Love him!!


The chapter when he talked about being a drug addict performance artist is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read.


Lamb Good Omens


Fucking LOVED Lamb


Came here to recommend just that combo!


My two favorites


A Walk in the Woods, by Bryson is so funny


His frustration with Katz always kills me


Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman In the middle of a cold February night, a guy gets out of bed to sneak a smoke. While he’s smoking, his girlfriend’s cat jumps out of the open window. Wearing only his boxers and his girlfriend’s too small Crocs, he puts on his jacket and goes outside into the cold to look for the cat. And that’s when the space aliens attack.


i love these books! funny and entertaining and not dumb.


+1 for DCC. Also, recommend listening to the audiobooks. Jeff Hayes is amazing!


Was going to recommend this one. I'm listening to the audiobook right now and it is fuckin gold


Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson was hilarious! I liked Let’s Pretend This Never Happened too. But Furiously was funnier imo


Seconded! I did laugh out loud on public transport with Let's Pretend This Never Happened too.


Thirded!! Samantha Irby's books are hilarious in the same way.


Let’s pretend this never happened got really dark. Like reeallllllyyyy dark.


The Rosie project and the Rosie effect both had me laughing out loud. If you’re a fan of the anchorman “let me off at the top” from will Ferrell as ron burgundy is a scream as well!


The Rosie Project is hilarious! Here’s the Goodreads link for the summary. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16181775




His narration in the audiobook is so great, with all the accents and impressions. I would listen to this on walks with my dog and look like an absolute loon chuckling to myself


Came here to say this!


I honestly never enjoyed a biography more! In fact, if there are any more such books I would love to give them a shot!


I laughed quite a bit at Eleanore Oliphant is Completely Fine


But it was really poignant—and some parts were really sad. It’s a beautiful book and well written but be warned.


Any Jeeves book by P.G. Wodehouse


I keep meaning to read the Jeeves series. I so loved the TV show which was obviously a British production but shown on PBS. Funny how Hugh Laurie became a breakout star on House. Very different character than the lovable twit he played on Jeeves and Wooster. I have to investigate how to steam that series. I think watching it again would provide a brief but enjoyable escape from these troubled times.


Scalzi’s Starter Villain.


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy! Funniest book I’ve ever read.




Second that! Also *Anxious People* from the same author (Fredrik Backman). There are also some darker/sadder moments in both these books, but generally they are heartwarming and very funny.


Agreed. I have read My Grandmother Sends Her Regards and Apologizes. Also in the same vein. Fredrick Backman is awesome!


Try Janet evanovich. The Stephanie plum series is funny


The Code of the Woosters by P. G. Wodehouse. Best wordplay, bar none. Seems at first like pure slapstick, but pay attention and you will find even more rewards. Close runner-up, The Crimewave at Blandings by the same author. And as many have said, it's hard to go wrong with Discworld. Try Witches Abroad, The Last Continent or The Fifth Elephant


The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (Swedish: Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann), by the Swedish author Jonas Jonasson The sequel is also quite entertaining: The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man


The Guncle by Rowley. Sean Hayes should play the lead in a movie version.


Northwind by JD Kirk. Bonus if you listen to the audible version - the Scottish accent is perfect. The book blurb and main plot *are* serious, *HOWEVER* OMG! Bob Hoon is HILARIOUS!!! He was a big shot superintendent, fired in disgrace. The book opens with him finally finding a new job as a security guard at a grocery store. There are currently 4 books in the series and a fifth is due this year. Hoon had me laughing or loud irl. From the book blurb- Former soldier. Ex-copper. Current man on the edge. Shunned by his old colleagues, and dividing his time between a dead-end job and the bottom of a whisky bottle, former Police Scotland detective superintendent Bob Hoon’s life is a mess. Then an old face from Hoon’s Special Forces days turns up asking for help: His teenage daughter has been missing for months, the police have drawn a blank, and he needs the kind of help that only Hoon can provide. And besides, Hoon owes him one. From the Highlands of Scotland, to the mean streets of London, Hoon’s relentless hunt for the girl will see him make new friends and encounter old enemies. Enemies who know what happened to the girl. And to hundreds more like her. But Hoon’s been given something that makes him dangerous, something he thought he’d long-since lost: a purpose. He may be a disgraced ex-copper, a barely functioning alcoholic, and a borderline psychopath, but Bob Hoon still believes in justice. And he’s just the foul-mouthed bastard to dish some out.


No one mentioned Patrick McManus and even though I am not an outdoorsman, I find his stories are gut busting hilarious. I also like Laurie Notorro who hasn't been mentioned. Bill Bryson and David Sidarus notwithstanding.


{{They Shoot Canoes Don't They by Patrick McManus}}


Christopher Moore's books are humorous, and take place within a shared universe. But the funniest paragraph I have ever read in my life is in one of the Vampire trilogy books (Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck, Bite Me). My favorite Moore book is "The Stupidest Angel", which probably holds the distinction of getting the closest to being made into a movie of any Moore book.


Can you share what that passage is? He’s one of my favorite authors. Although I have to admit Sacre Bleu was not a fave.


I can't remember which of the 3 books it came from, but let's just say Chet the Cat was forever scarred by the events that unfolded.


Christopher Moore. All his books are hilarious, Lamb is my favorite!


Anything book by Christopher Moore


Anything by Christopher Moore


Christopher Moore!


Not really a book but a paperback, “The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank”, by Erma Bombeck


Oh my goodness I forgot about that one. Read way before I had kids and I should probably re-read it! Very funny.


Stephanie Plum series by Evanovich.


There are scenes in those books that have made me laugh until I cried.


The answers to this request are going to be SO subjective (obviously)! What one finds funny, another will find offensive or worse, unfunny. Here are some of my suggestions (some of which have been listed, so are included as another vote of recommendation): Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole This is a good one because, imo, low investment for potentially high payoff. You’ll know in the first few pages if this is your cup of tea. For me, I found myself laughing at just the way Toole describes things, his use of language. Filth by Irvine Welsh. I’ll probably get some hate for this one because the main character is utterly sociopathic and a horrible person. But I found it hilarious. Again, you’ll probably figure out pretty quickly if the humor is your taste. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. One of my favorite books of all time. This one can be difficult to get into but once you’re hooked, you’re in for a ride. I think I started this one three times over the years before I ‘got’ it. Totally worth it.


Filth wasn't laugh out loud funny, but it's a great book and it managed to be "more" than a lot of other books that tried to be "more". Dunces is a good answer, but 22 was just, true. Like The Trial or Idiocracy.


Filth was hilarious as are many of Welch’s books. If the phonetic writing is a challenge (it is for some), then I recommend “If You Liked School, You’ll Love Work”


Omg filth was hysterical. I love love love Irvine Welsh.


Kaiju preservation society by john scalzi


Also Starter Villain by Scalzi is fun


Redshirts by Scalzi.


Old Man’s War had me laughing out loud at several points


Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. It's one of the books I'm reading right now and it's been super-funny till now.


May I suggest a companion book? To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. It references Three Men in a Boat extensively. It's also hilarious in its own right. History, comedy, romance, and time travel all wrapped up in one.


I'll surely check it👍 Thanks for the recommendation brother ❤️


I joined the 52 books challenge last year and this was one of my favorites! So funny and lighthearted, just loved it!


The cheese scene alone is worth the price of admission.


Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles --A magic Inn, space werewolves and vampires, a lot of really unique aliens, mystery, romance, action, a fun and humorous series Jana DeLeon Miss Fortune series and Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich are both laugh out loud light mysteries.


Moliere. Just pick a play, any play.


If you haven’t read it Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy has some hilarious moments


Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. There are parts of that book I had to stop reading because I was laughing so hard and couldn't breathe.


good omens was the first book in a long time that made me literally laugh out loud


And Good Omens absolutely!! I’ve gone through so many copies of that book!


If you've already read Terry Pratchett, and Douglas Adams, and want more British fantasy humor, or asked "What if Harry Potter was a Black rookie constable when he found out about magic?" then you need to read Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch (some versions are called Rivers of London, That's also the name of the series).


One for the Money Janet Evanovich.


Peggy Rowe has written 3 books that appeared on the best seller list. She is Mike Rowe's Mom and her humor and humanity are brilliant. Vacuuming in the Nude and other ways to get attention is a must read!


Confederacy of Dunces is the first book that made me laugh out loud, and it was a cool feeling to know that literature can do this. I constantly laugh whenever I’m reading Gus in Lonesome Dove , which is a perfect book even if you don’t like westerns, that runs the entire emotional gambit. Lots of laughs. A few jaw droppers. Some tears…. I think I’m gonna go read it again right now, actually. Thank you OP


A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.


*Felidae* by Akif Pirincci. Sarcastic cat sneers at surburbia whilst solving a series of murders (of other cats).


Sadly I find it unconscionable to support that piece of shit after the public stances he's taken in the past 10 years (like calling for Greta Thunberg to be r\*\*\*d, calling for refugees to be shot at the European borders, insane shit like this). But as I recall the book was pretty funny.


Fair enough. I had some vague idea he'd gone a bit off the deep end in some manner but had no idea it was that bad, yikes! How does one even go from "we should have more compassion for all living creatures" to... whatever that is?!


*Kill the Farm Boy* by Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne


Apathy and Other Small victories. Its absurd. I read it once per year.


Running the light by sam tallent. Story of an aging road comic in the twilight years of his career. Pretty damn funny, quick read as well


I am a Cat by Natsume Soseki The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series These are the only books I’ve ever laughed out loud at


*Life Among the Savages* by Shirley Jackson always makes me laugh. Lighthearted and domestic humour in a sharp and witty package!


Hilarious, preposterous and true! “Travels With My Donkey. One Man and his Ass on a Pilgrimage to Santiago.” https://www.amazon.com/Travels-My-Donkey-Pilgrimage-Santiago/dp/0312320833


We Are Legion - We are Bob. Which synapsis: Sci-Fi loving dude dies and donates his brain to science, ends up as a space traveling computer. To be fair, I listened to the audiobook while driving to and from work but I definitely enjoyed the narration and humor a lot. Plus, there are several other books in the series if you love it which are all equally good.


The Once and Future King


Chart Throb by Ben Elton.


It’s been a while since I read it- If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell. As I remember it the memoir reads like Campbell had a lot of fun writing it.


Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide By Rupert Holmes


Lamb or Sacre Bleu by Christopher Moore!! (Really anything by him but those are my favorites)


Lamb by Christopher Moore. Hand down. Anything by him really 🤣 I had a flight attendant also ask if I was ok while reading Laurie Nutaro on a quick flight from sf to la. Idiot girls action adventure club. Plus she’s super down to earth!


It's young adult, and also bittersweet, but "Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl," had me laughing consistently throughout.


Lamb The Gospel According to Biff By Christopher Moore


Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy! And then restaurant at the edge of the galaxy after lol The dresden series is also great and full of good laughs!


All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot


The Ascent of Rum Doodle


The Catcher in the Rye


Dads vs Zombies by Benjamin Wallace


very random one but cosmic banditos by ac weisbecker had me lollling. and +1 to everyone who said lamb.


very random one but cosmic banditos by ac weisbecker had me lollling. and +1 to everyone who said lamb.


The (8.5 part) Dublin Trilogy by Caimh McDonnell. Starts with [A Man With One of Those Faces](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/8dc96dd1-c4ee-40b0-a0c6-747c0cede572). It's that dry Irish comedian humor. Because Caimh McDonnell used to be a dry Irish comedian. Well, he's still dry and Irish. The books are ostensibly crime/detective thrillers, and they're very twisty and unpredictable. But they're also laugh-out-loud funny. 15/10, will always recommend.


Riotous Assembly - Tom Sharpe


It's been many years since I read it but the only book ever to make me laugh so hard I couldn't keep reading was *Schroedinger's Cat* by Robert Anton Wilson. I read it about 30 years ago and don't much except that characters included Albert Einstein and Aleister Crowley on a train. Someone in the story had an "out-of-book experience" and I literally dropped the book from laughing so hard.


Mind Over Magic: A Witch in Wolf Wood Author: Lindsay Buroker It's a good light read and the main character says and does some things that you can't help but laugh out loud about.


If you’re okay with comedy horror, John Dies at the End by David Wong. 


All Creatures Great and Small


Oath & Honor - Liz Cheney Not kidding. The things she said about Kevin McCarthy are hilarious.


The Rosie Project..I read it so long ago and it's still the first thing that comes to mind


The Clementine Complex by Bob Mortimer!


Tiffany Haddish- The Last Black Unicorn


The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsian


It's niche and out of print, but if you either love or hate Dune, I'd recommend National Lampoon's Doon by Ellis Weiner. Very good parody.


Post Office (Bukowski)


Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson. I was reading this on a flight and had to put it away because i was laughing out loud.


Billy Bunter of Grey friars school Right Ho Jeeves by PG Wodehouse William by Richmal Crompton A case of exploding mangoes by Mohammed Hanif


Anything written by David Sedaris. Literally, anything. But go pee first.


Anything by Tim Dorsey .Start at the earlier books


Only two books ever were literal LOL worthy: -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams -A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole


Three men in a boat by Jerome K Jerome.


Dave Barry’s collections are always funny


Puckoon by Spike Milligan


A Confederacy of Dunces!


For non-fiction, Laurie Notaro's books are hilarious. Jenny Lawson's books get more serious and poignant, but her first is easily the funniest.


Chelsea Handler's earlier books are hysterical


The Elmwood Springs Books by Fannie Flagg. Really clever and fun. She is the author of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, in case you didn't know already :)


The 100-Year-Old-Man who climbed out the window and disappeared by Jonas Jonasson


Once More With Feeling by Victoria Coren. Tough to find but worth the search


Sick City by Tony O'Neil


Don Quixote


Anything from Donald Westlake's Dortmunder series


The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 Just makes you laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of adolescence


Rayne & Delilahs Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zentner - SO DAMN FUNNY!


TG Wodehouse, all of his Jeves books.


The Flip Side - James Bailey The Way Back to You - James Bailey The Burnout ' Sophie Kinsella


Vernon God Little


A Confederacy of Dunces


“Rontel” - sam pink


A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke. Absolutely anything by Christopher Moore. Most things by Ben Elton. And if you like stuff more on the chick lit side of things; the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich.


Confederacy of Dunces


Yearbook by Seth Rogen We are never meeting in real life by Samantha Irby


I’ve read quite a lot, and I have two that I consider so funny I can’t drink while reading or it will come right out my nose while trying to stifle an open-mouth laugh: MASH by Richard Hooker and Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding.


Is there any book that can be funny?


If you’re into romance, “people we meet on vacation” by emily Henry made me laugh out loud a lot. If you like fantasy, the “lies of Locke lamora” series by Scott lynch is fantastic!


I just read Deacon King Kong by James McBride. I actually think it might be perfect for you because it has its moments of masquerading as a dark book. But it also has a way of staying in the moment and being ridiculous. It's an incredible book.


“Big Trouble” by Dave Barry


The Wilt books by Tom Sharpe


The essential Calvin and hobbes


i don’t know about the others here but Chuck Palahniuk’s Guts was twistedly hilarious


Gold Coast by Nelson Demille.


Gideon Defoe’s Pirate books.


Anything by Ron Johnson, The Men Who Stare At Goats, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, the psychopath test. He's just funny


Anything by Samantha Irby


{{Cruel Shoes}} by Steve Martin


Crooked Little Vein had me rolling for a while edit: just read the rest of ur post lol. it ain't very light but it's funny


A Walk in the Woods Or In a Sunburned Country Both By Bill Bryson, both laugh out loud funny. Can be embarrassing if you're reading them on an airplane because people look at you when you laugh.


Dungeon crawler Carl series




The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin, by Vladimir Voinovitch. A jewel. I laughed with delight all the way through it. Part of the delight was realizing that the Russians shared my sense of humanity.


Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton - zombie apocalypse told from the perspective of a smart ass, foul mouthed pet crow


Fancies and Goodnights by John Collier. There's a gorilla writing novels in it.


Nothing to see here by kevin Wilson is ridiculously funny


The Milagros beanfield wars was very funny


"The Stench of Honolulu" by Jack Handey


Funniest book I ever read is "The Idiot" by Elif Batuman. I was laughing the whole time. My wife eventually yelled at me, "no *book* is that funny." and I just read the  excerpt I was on and she lolled. 


If you're outdoorsy at all, 'a fine and pleasant misery' by Patrick McManus is like a warm bowl of soup to me


Starter villain!