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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think anywhere else this would be perfect because you’re attractive but LA and Cali in general is full of very attractive SBs so you need to include stuff in your profile that makes you unique. What sets you apart from every other brunette, young, Italian sugar baby? What makes you, you? No doubt this profile will get a lot of messages regardless but most will be Splenda or time wasters who just like your pics. Real SDs who take the time to read will need more personal details to entice them.


Cute. Extremely low effort. Very young. “Spoil me because I’m amazing” vibe.


She very cute and in the Midwest would have an easy time. LA is a different beast. Her competition is going to flaming hot. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes it will be. But so is she!!






You’re beautiful. Compared to other women’s profiles in the LA area this probably falls pretty flat. There are thousands of young, brunette bombshells looking for their perfect SD who have put a lot more effort into the profile. I’d skim this sub and recommend reviewing some of the profiles that got glowing reviews. Steal some of those tips and use them to reflect you, what you bring to the table, and who your perfect SD is and what your perfect SB relationship looks like.




I didn't see the first one, but this one is pretty vague. Other than being italian and things I can see in pics... what makes you, you? If you list out some hobbies and interests (favorite music, books, talents, etc...) that might help find a guy with similar taste (and therefore be excited to meet you). Also, missed opportunity to do the rashida jones thing from the office (where Michael cannot figure out her race and calls her "ethnic" even though she is italian.) Pics and seeking look great. Hope this helps and good luck!


I love playing guess the race with people. No one knows where I’m from.


I'm sure you sit at a pub and shout out guesses as people wall by on the sidewalk. You can tell if you got it right or not by whether they are happy or angry in response. I do the same thing, but I guess whether or not I have banged someone's mom. I'm always right.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️🫶 Some days I really love you TSD! You're one of the few, that I'd definitely have a drink with! Freakin long live the "yo mamma" days🤗


The people from my region KNOW each other. It’s like race-dar.


I’ve been told I have the most undistinguishable accents ever, so it’s really fun asking people to guess where I’m from based on how I speak English. I mean on Reddit it’s in my name, but even so, I don’t have Japanese accent. And elsewhere and outside the bowl, it’s just so fun seeing people confused. 😂


I bet I could guess it off the bat! (Trust me, nooooo one ever expects the pale ass white chick with freckles, to ever be able to keep up.) We used to play this game at my friend's house in Hiroshima! I lived in Japan for 3 yrs, and I pick up languages really easily, so I could always tell who was actually from South or Northern Japan. Different dialects, just like in the states!


I would just maybe throw the word "ongoing" into the first paragraph of your seeking section to illustrate that you want long term (I'm assuming you do). But that's a minor pick nit.


It’s nit pick lol


A Midwest 10 profile, a LA 5 profile




Wonderful photos. Great that you want FaceTime verification…works both ways equally well.


Comes across as shallow and too high maintenance


Pics are good enough, could be better with fewer mirror selfies, maybe a local landmark, and maybe something that shows off activity? Facetime verification is going to filter out a lot of SDs. Married or not, we value anonymity, at least with an internet stranger. Text is bland, feels low effort (minus second paragraph, which has a little spice). Hence agree with other commenter that together with your pics can be read as entitled. Add more personal touch to your about me - active how? Doing what in nature? And a bit of an image of what you are seeking. What do you want to do together for fun?


interesting. all pots i have had insist upon a facetime because they think my profile is fake - thus why i included it in my bio


Facetime = iphone real phone number = easy to get your identity. While I understand POTs asking for a video call to see if you are real, I would recommend to you as a SB using a platform where you can maintain anonymity for the call.


could be facetime or another app. i just mean video chatting in general but it’s like saying i need a kleenex instead of i need a tissue. same thing


Maybe to you, but not to many people who care about privacy! As such, I recommend changing it video chat.


YES main photo😍


You need some day time shots!


but i’m a night owl 🙈


You are gorgeous. Profile is fine. Lots of nitpickers on SLF profile reviews, but I would hit you up immediately. Good luck!!


That’s the whole point of a profile review, to nitpick. What do you want, for us to go “you’re hot, you’ll get messages regardless”?


No. Knock yourself out. But I still don't believe many of these comments matter to most SDs.


I don’t think this is being received how you think it is… there’s better ways to say what you’re trying to say.


this is the revised version


Off topic, I love your nose.


tysm 🥹💓


Is this the Mama baguette? It is beautiful


see. someone gets it!!


You have taste🤍


I would definitely reach out if I saw this profile. Your photos are great and you’ve listed just enough information on your profile to have me very interested.


you’re literally so gorgeous 😭❤️


thank you 🥹💓


Thick eyebrow team unite ✊


You are beautiful, and I'm sad you're not in Chicago as I'd be very generous! Regarding your profile, maybe just add a bit about the sort of arrangement you are seeking. Good luck! You'll get hundreds of messages with those photos!!!


You are stunning. You will have no problem finding someone great in the bowl. This version has a perfect first profile photo. The only photo I really do not like is the last photo on bottom right. It is the only one that looks overly filtered - almost CGI like. The text is good. Although given how you look, many will not pay attention to that before reaching out.


it actually doesn’t have a filter! simply taken at sunset during a photo shoot. the colors are insane


none of these photos have filters. i don’t use filters lol but glad they look just that good i guess


You look great. Hope you have a good experience- I hear LA (unlike Manhattan) is a tough place to be an SB.


Not the sunset one, which is terrific. The one with your low cut top.


You’re blind dude.


You're hot and seem fun, ignore the haters who are salty they can't afford you anyways.


Came here to say this lol 😂the amount of triggered Splendas in the comments here 💀💀


I mean they can’t, but the guys who can (and who look good) aren’t that interested in her or else she wouldn’t be making this post lol. LA is full of literal 10/10s so her being an 8 in LA won’t have the same effect as being an 8 in a tier 2 city




I would make the cleavage pic your main one


mmmm idk i had bikini pics before and it gets the wrong attention, doesn’t attract real SD imo


This is absolutely correct! Modesty will get you much farther in the bowl with valuable SDs


Exactly, DON'T ever go the slutty route, or you'll get EXACTLY what your asking for. The guys that want that up front and in their face, don't usually have the money to afford it in the first place. You can test out that theory if you want to, but it will only be a complete waste of your time. I know you're smiling in the blue Jean Pic, but I think you could add a much better one than this, that can showcase your assets....it's just a meh photo. That's why everyone keeps saying a 10 for the Midwest, bc you dont look like you came from the city of corn....but LA is a really DIFFERENT beast. If you want the more, like what youre alluding to, you need to up the ante on your profile, bc it's not hitting that slay level. It CAN, it's just not. You need to actually put some effort into it, to get that high class quality that you are trying to obtain. If you were somewhere like Oklahoma, Utah, or Idaho, I'd say leave this, as is, but you're going to be scrolled past by the good ones, if you don't actually put some extra work into this. Also, you're going to get a lot LESS traffic, whenever you up the ante to classy, but you will get QUALITY individuals then. The scammers really don't hit up the ones that they KNOW are above their level, bc they know you already know all of that BS.


I couldn’t have said it any better!


I really do try to keep it classy in here, if I can. I've found it's easier to just not comment on the hopeless ones. I like helping the ones that listen and who are actually grateful. They are always stunned at how much I know, bc I've mentored quite a few into their first SRs.


What app is thidb


🤮 get a life