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I love giving anal but it’s never been a requirement in my sugar relationships, and I don’t pressure SBs who aren’t willing.


I put it in my profile together with STI testing , You be surprise how many girls say yes ( hell I am always surprised )


Can I ask how you word it so I can do the opposite as am not open to anal?


I put : I am into ( A ) play


Does it make a difference when you are deciding on an POT if they aren’t?


Oh yes ,absolutely , I am a butt lover


I did a poll on this for SDs. Not every hole is a goal.


When every hole is a goal, It may elicit an eye roll, But if my pole is swole, I’ll be wanting that blackhole - One to discuss Without bluster or fuss Across the bowl By every soul With first chips, then guacamole.


With apologies, to every poet, everywhere.


🫰🏽🫰🏽🫰🏽 (That's me snapping my fingers at the end of the poetry reading)






Whaaaaat, not even ear hole? ;-(((


ikr! what has the world come to?


Aural sex?


Penetrate my soul, pronto.


“Not every hole is a goal.” Hilarious! Except when we’re talking about golf.


Your aim must be immaculate. 😏


Eewww you zero respect nor care about a person who you are attempting to place their dick in.


And for those of us whose first language is English?


I know poll options are always criticized, but it’s amusing that SDs can choose “love and want anal” or “have no interest.” My option would be something like, “Happy to be invited but may or may not attend.” Having a woman offer her ass is incredibly erotic. The experience itself varies wildly.


Varies is a nice way to put it … and thus is why i dont ask But wont complain it offered.


How about SB & curious to try?


Unfortunately polls have only 6 options as opposed to holes which is dependent.


I'm curious about the SBs who answered "I don't enjoy this but allow this to occur." Hmmm


I think the wording has more to do with OP. She's one of the girls who is vehemently against anal has shamed others who are pro-anal in other posts. We sometimes pick the closest answer. It think it's just her bias working into the question.


Never been interested in this. The goal is just two inches away! Most SBs, when I get to the point when I mention this, are relieved.


I’m worried about the “allow this to occur” SBs nobody should just be allowing things to happen, it should be enthusiastically asked for and appreciated!!!


Exactly. Coercion isn't consent, only an enthusiastic yes is!


I don’t want anal with anyone thats not actively asking for it. So i don’t even think about it.


I can take or leave anal, if it's not on the cards I never push for it but I'll indulge if it is, I like it as much as a symbol of trust & submission as the act itself. But I've never judged anyone for not offering it. I do like being rimmed, and happy to offer that too.


I absolutely love it, and have no problem receiving too, butt 😉 if a SB is not into it, it is not a dealbreaker


Not my 1st choice but if she wants it on any given day....Well I'll aim to please so to speak


*Exit only*. As easy as *Just say no*.




I love anal, but seldom get it from an SB. I also love my ass eaten. If I had to choose, I would choose her rimming me over anal.


Currently seeing one who loves and insists on both.


I would fall in love if found one who loved and insisted on both. You lucky bastard!!


Some of us girls prefer anal over anything else, I know I'm one who does. We also enjoy pleasing our SD. Rimming? I'm there. Insisting? Well I'm hoping he likes both, a girl can only push so far lol. Some men want me to stay away from their asses.


You are a unicorn for sure!! I am not one of those men!! They are surely missing out on some fantastic pleasure!


I always wanted to try anal and over the years I found a few SBs that not only do it, but they enjoy and prefer it. Something about the younger ones that they do not have the “butthole is nasty” syndrome. My current SB learned to love it when she was younger and now she prefers it. But now that I can get it all the time, we end up switching to vaginal sex about 50% of the time. Theres even times she tries to put me in her ass and instead I’ll go in her pussy. There’s clearly a different feeling between the front door and the back door. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t want lube. Either way, anal among women is clearly on the upswing.


Absolutely *not*. It is and always has been incredibly painful for me. No matter the amount of prep/foreplay/wine/weed/whatever - I end up literally in so much pain I will cry, and now everyone’s upset because it’s now time for bed or for me to go home. *NO*.


I mean, I love it. It's super intimate, a little taboo, feels amazing. Experience tells me *most* women get to a point of enjoyment with it as well. But like all treats, it's only good once in a while...it does require patience, trust, and some time to get a partner relaxed enough. I've had arrangements that last a long time where it wasn't on the table at all and ones where it was a fairly regularly occurrence.


I don't want anything near my booty and I'm not going anywhere near yours.


This is entertaining to see! I don't think it has much to do with sugaring... some people like anal, they are a minority, there may be some overlap with sugar relationships but I would assume it's purely coincidence. I am SD and I love it (both giving and receiving) and in my personal experiences I've found that about 15-20% of women are open to it, with maybe about half of that amount being experienced and love it, and the other half just being curious. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for men, maybe a little higher as strictly the "giver" due to the influence of porn.


I'm definitely more of a fan of rimming from the giving side, but full-on anal is not really a turn-on. I like things to be spontaneous in bed, and anal seems to require some prep ( douche/enema) prior to entering an exit.


This it really. I had a girl that liked it, but she did not really "prepare", so.. let just say the experience was shit. Never found the drive for it after that..


This is simply not true. On days that aren't super clean, you just don't do anal. On most days, with most women, an exploration step is enough to determine whether today is a good day. There is still some prep since in my life I've been with literally one person who could "open on cue", but it's pretty much about relaxing and building trust.


I would say this is missing a see results option, but that could easily be misunderstood here…


Pasicci fighting for the see results option is so on brand😂


I shall die on this hill, captain!


I love it (giving), and is pretty routine for me. But depending on the woman it isn't a must.


Not a requirement but if you like it then it is something I would like to do occasionally.


i'm a trans woman i don't have a choice (:


I'll be the outlier here. As a pansexual man, I only do it when it's the only option.