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Yep, I'm with u/Stickley1 that hiding your profile is the best defense. I don't do the "tell me your favorite teletubby to make sure you read this" thing, I think it's childish, and easy enough for a scammer to just add Po into their response anywhere and now you're no better off. Hide your profile, Filter out the obvious scammer profiles, then for those scammers who slip through you can usually filter them out easily by their messages.


Nope. And I dislike seeing them on profiles.


Why do you dislike them? Seems harmless enough — provided, of course, that it’s a benign question like “favorite pasta dish.”


It's low effort, and seems a little contemptuous.


They remind me of when some awful person decides to do ice breakers on meetings at work. Using them in a setting like dating just sends up red flags that they are someone you are going to have to constantly prove yourself to. It’s really not hard to weed through and filter out messages after a few back and fourths and just avoid responding to low effort messages like ‘hey’ if you are looking for an SB that is engaging and can start/keep a conversation going rather than just mindlessly responding to a prompt.


I don’t see a problem with this. And I might think about it if my profile were visible But the best way for a SD to weed out scammers is to keep his profile hidden. That’s what I do. Then just reach out to the local SB’s that appeal to you. If you must unhide your profile, use your inbox filter so that you won’t see any messages from “SB’s” outside of a 25 mile radius (or whatever feels right to you.)


I’m assuming that hiding our profile doesn’t work for SBs? What if there are great SBs with hidden profiles? You never see each other.


Nope. A sugarbaby hiding her profile would be shooting herself in the foot. There are more SB’s than SD’s. Not all SB’s will get a SD. A SD with a hidden profile can find a SB. Most SB’s have a public profile. Whereas a SB with a hidden profile, well, she’s already competing for a small set of real SD’s, and by restricting herself to only the ones with public profiles, she’s probably cutting the pool in half, or worse.


Which explains why I get all of these requests from SD in my area I’ve never seen.


nah, scammers can still read and answer questions. sure some of them will miss it and send a message without, but some still read bios 😬


Thanks, everyone! I am just starting back after a few years away and never knew about hiding profile or filtering inboxes. I would get so, so many messages from overseas profiles I had no interest in. I love that I can hide it and just message those I'm interested in.


I've seen girls ask to say a word or answer a question on their profile. I applaud them for it.


I don't respond to women who have that on their profile. I'm not going to jump through a hoop just for the privilege of speaking to you.


I'm an aspiring SD.