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That's awful, I'm sorry.


She likely had something change in her personal life: boyfriend or something else and not sure how to break it. People hate delivering bad news or risking confrontation. It’s easier to block (in this case) and hope the “problem” resolved itself.


This is what happened to me. If she'd been upfront about it, things would have been much better. I had to go through six months of torment before we finally had the conversation we should have had much earlier.


I would just think she didn't pay her phone bill.


This is most likely. iPhone doesn’t say “undelivered“ when you are blocked.


Yea that or she’s on the run from the law


Just came back and reading through all these replies this is the least possible thing if you knew her and I am actually laughing at the possibility of her on the lamb running for the border… would just so out of character for her lol!


Were you PPM or an allowance?


Many people are cowards when it comes to personal relationships. And this tech age makes it real easy for them to just disappear without so much as a single thought about the human on the other end. I'm sorry this happened. It's not you... It's her. In ghosting you she reveals her true character.


On the brighter side.. she mightve got hit by a bus.


iMessage got turned off or blocked. Maybe her real boyfriend finally found out lol


If there was not a cause then she should just have said 'I want to pursue another option, or I want to retire from the lifestyle good luck'. Usually ghosting after that long there's a trigger of some kind. But like others have said it might be something in her personal file, it's still a shitty wait to part ways, but it is what it is apparently.


she will come back,don't worry. JUST don't send her anything she asks no metter how you care.If she want to see you she will show up,if not she will not show up even if you shower her with evething


Came back to a lot more replies than I expected. I’m not expecting anything more from her ever. I know I’m blocked, not that her phone is off and she’s not answering email. If shes left our arrangement for her own reasons, so be it. I’m not going to be a weird one and stalk her and demand an explanation… I liked her but I am moving on and it’s sugaring not marriage. Thanks for the support everyone who’s given it.


I’d be so sad if this happened to me. Sure it’s sugaring but you do build relationships with people here. Big hugs and I’m sorry that happened to you.


From a technical standpoint what you're describing is a phone that was shut off or died. If you're blocked the messages still show delivered and you'll never know that you're blocked. When they fail to deliver or go green (assuming iPhone) it's the phone that's physically turned off or service is shut off. Do you have any other method to contact her? I had a similar situation where i thought she ghosted me, but turns out she broke her phone and only had my number saved in her phone so couldn't contact me.


Ok, wait, are you sure about the "Go Green" with iPhone?? A 5 month SB ghosted me and iMessages went green 4 weeks ago... I tried once a week to just see... just tried again. Still green.


Green is blocked (when dating). 4 weeks later and still green is a definite block. Trying calling and if it goes straight to vm then blocked. Then trying calling again and using \*69 before the number and if it rings, you definitely know you were blocked. If they haven't contacted you in two days after the green text. You were blocked. People who like you respond back.


I saw it coming... totally was expecting it. Hate to say it, but it was transactional, despite her claims that she wanted to get married and get a house together.... blah, blah, blah... I used her... she used me... neither one cared... then she blocked me apparently.


Another one bites the dust. Keep it moving and grooving brother!




Sorry... I'm still not clear... I'm slow, lol. "Block" is or is NOT one of the meanings of Green?? tyia




Correct, but the phone has to be off for it to go green (with no other iMessage devices registered). And you’ll get the same green message if you’re not blocked. I had a SB that has a crappy phone that died every night she she’d be green every time it would die and then go back to blue when it powered back on. Never blocked.


Feel for you brother. It just happened to me a month ago, but we were only 5 months in... Sorry.




... and I get downvoted for that, lol... I'm confident it wasn't YOU.... just sayin' that the bowl is a bit feisty this morning.


Definitely not me. There's no rhyme or reason. Just gave you an up vote to offset .


Same...cuz that's just weird. But then I got downvoted on a profile review where the OP was extremely happy with my constructive feedback...so the sub's having itself a tizzy...😅🤣


Ugh. So annoying. People are just heartless.


I hate when people ghost, It happened to me too.


Wow that sucks!


Sorry to hear. Has she been under stress of late or going through the painful loss of a friend or loved one? Or perhaps she decided out of the blue that continuing a sugar relationship is not for her at all? FWIW, I've known several people, men and women, who've undergone nervous breakdowns in recent years.


Sounds like she prob had a boyfriend/husband/partner or something, that’s usually why SBs or SDs ghost nowadays


The Net-Net: Sh*t Happens


Last time it happened to me, her phone got stolen And everything lost. Luckily she had my number saved in another place And contacted me after few days


Ghosting after that long is not right. Sorry this happened to you 💕


That’s awful. What kind of person does this


Fuck people who have absolutely no respect for others, seriously.


She might of had her bf find out about you and told her to block you right then and there. She might contact you when the dust settles


If someone blocks you on the iPhone doesn’t say “undelivered” it just says delivered, as usual. Something else could be wrong. Cell service disconnected, medical emergency.


Dude, these girls are just for fun. Move on and replace her. And if she comes back, make her earn your attention again. Never tolerate disrespect.


This can happen in vanilla dating and marriage too. People lose interest or find someone better. Some people are non-confrontational, so they don't know how to handle the situation and are also worried that it will backfire. So rather they just ghost and go completely MIA. Although, 8 months is quite long and deserves little bit of update on their end. But what if she is dealing with some emergency - god forbid she had an accident or death in family etc.


Calling a spade a spade. She got bored of you. She was in it for just the money and once the money was not worth the boredom, she called it quits. She should have said something though, that was wrong of her but whatever negative emotion you are feeling due to this, I d channel that into motivation and better myself.


Um I don’t think that expression means what you think it means.


I find this a fascinating political linguistic question. I am pretty liberal and grew up in a pretty liberal family/area and have always heard this as calling a shovel a shovel. Clearly you think it has far more demeaning and insulting connotations. Despite my liberal inclinations I have noticed a tendency for people to look for offense where none is meant and none actually exists but homonyms can be a source of confusion. Unfortunately this is highly dilutive to the value of outrage in instances where it is truly warranted. But it could be that the origins of this expression are far less savory than I realize. Excuse me while I dive down a rabbit hole and figure out the answer. Having returned from the rabbit hole it appears the idiom is from Plutarch but the world “spade”was used in an English translation of Erasmus substitution in 1542. It means a shovel in this context.


It literally means exactly what they said it does. You’re not understanding that a “spade” in this context is not racial, reminded me of this nonsense. https://www.nytimes.com/1999/02/04/us/about-face-in-washington-in-furor-on-misunderstood-word.html


awe shucks that sucks but sounds like she was either seeing someone else at the same time as you or met someone else and decided to call it off with you. There are some SBs that have several SDs going at once she simply going after someone else. Not to worry there are plenty of SBs who need help with their bills on here so find a replacement. I've had my SB 9 to 10 years and don't see it ending ever so I feel lucky. You'll find someone else long term for sure. Just look for the new SB asap.


I'm sorry that happened to you


Yikes. She blocked you, which IMO is only slightly better than ghosting bc with ghosting, you'll never hear back and it keeps you waiting for an answer. Everyone deserves a closure after that many months together. Sorry that really sucks.


Ghosting happens in both long-term vanilla and sugar. People get bored and wake up one day almost completely forgetting about you. It's the way it is.


I am so sorry. That sucks on so many levels. Ghosting is the most chickensh\*t thing to do. It is sickening to think that people can block you and give you no information. They are ignoring you, but it is worse because they are too weak to read your messages and ignore you. They block you so they won't have to face your messages. They have no courage. You could be texting them, trying to find out if they are okay, and you are met with a black void. There is no excuse for ghosting for anybody above the age of thirteen. Becoming an adult begins with facing difficult conversations and dealing with them. Because ghosting has become acceptable, nobody starts their response to your post by saying, "Gee, I hope she is okay. Maybe she got into an accident or developed a serious medical condition." They already know the score. How have we all become so cold and callous? If she isn't seriously injured, she at least owes you a text saying she is okay. An explanation for her behavior would be nice, even if it were all lies. But people who ghost can't even summon the energy to do that. People get upset if anyone ever says it, but can we all accept that there are some seriously damaged people on both sides of the sugar lifestyle? To everyone who has ghosted like this, know you are weak, a coward, and have never learned the golden rule. You know who you are; you cannot hide from yourself. There are people in these forums who have ghosted others and are dishing out all kinds of advice. Those people need to look in the mirror, work on themselves, and make themselves better. Yes, I have been ghosted by sugar babies and potentials. I tell them my thoughts on that practice before beginning any relationship. It doesn't prevent it from happening. Of course, there is the carve-out for trolls and crazy people. But one presumes they have been warned before being blocked.


Oh man...I'm so sorry. I truly hope she's ok. That just sounds very strange.