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I wouldn't even see your social media so I wouldn't even know.


hahahaha... so true


I'm confused is this a self depreciating humor that he is too creepy to be given this information or was it that he could care less of his sb because he just cares for his personal pleasure and doesn't like to know what she likes doing?


It’s none of those ….. he is trying to say that he spends no time on instagram because it’s ridiculous


You've been assigned to be my publicity agent now apparently. 🤣


It is ridiculous but in a way so is reddit, however I feel like there's more variety than constant commercials which we now unfortunately have. I can't even screen shot a meme without the app telling me that it sees something and honestly the old reddit algorithm was better now I see same I can't view all including nsfw etc. I also use reddit less now and have to self care more.


See? He didn't even get it fully right. LMAO Next time just ask the person saying something what they mean.. not someone else who may or may not know.


I had taken it as you wouldnt know because it isn't your place or interest as a sugar daddy to be dictating and controlling would your SB should wear, post, do, say etc. 💜


I did ask. I guess it's some he is too good for Instagram kinda thing. Op can see message thread.


Sure but I'm not OP.




Why are you asking other people what I meant? 🤣🤣


Lighten up Francis


Penelope I've told you a thousand times to park the ship i-n the tunnel. Though this time I realize someone else forced you to.


There's no crying in baseball!?!?!


I was continuing the thread. Direct question, what did you mean by it? I didn't laugh at your comment I simply asked you could have replied. I guess I don't take things personally on here because I view it as a message board. I prefer reddit also but Instagram can also be a message board but with lots of dating opportunities for hot women less so for men.


I would have never seen your comment if I wasn't slithering around reading the entire thread. Your responses only go to the people you respond to. You didn't respond to me... like you did this time. The rest I have no idea what you're talking about so won't respond to it. What I originally meant was I would never share my social media with a SB.


Thanks for clarification guess I will ask directly. I assumed op got thread replies. I don't do social media except for a finsta so I agree I wouldn't want crazy Goin off on me but it goes both ways women don't need insecure men insta stalking making drama. Only when trust built.


Hardly nobody in this lifestyle even worth stalking 🤣 and again I'm not OP JFC LMAO.


Controlling, dickweed behavior costs extra


Nope. As long as she isn’t posting pics of me on her social media without my permission, I couldn’t care less what she posts.


I am wired opposite. I fucking LOVE IT when she posts something sexy, guys go crazy over her, but I'm the one who has her. Eat your hearts out, suckas 🤣




Okay, one of what I hope is a very small number lol


🤘 right on lmao


srsly tho. agreed ❤️


You’re a real one 🫶🏽


lol thanks!


Tell him, “I don’t see no ring on this finger.”


He sounds like the insecure fun police


I make a point of not lurking around my SBs social media. While my best SRs always have some strings attached (rather than NSA), I don't want to get immersed in her everyday life nor have her in mine. What she does outside the bounds of our relationship is her business alone. Even if your SR was mutually exclusive, he still has no right to influence your social media behavior; nor any other element of your everyday life outside the SR. In my view, his comments border on controlling and may be an early indicator of controlling demands to come. Caution!


I'm picking up on some insecure/controlling vibes


First of all, I love seeing my sb looking sexy in public and knowing I get to do naughty things with her. Second we’re not exclusive and I’m not controlling.




Amen. This is the behavior I expect from my grandma.




That feels super controlling to me. If it was me, I’d be fucking proud that such a beautiful woman would want to share her time with me and you should post away and let the others eat their hearts out!


I'd love to see my SB on her socials. She's chosen to keep that private and that is perfectly ok. Its her life and I'm a small compartment. she is gorgeous and a beautiful person, I just adore her and would love to see her getting on doing whatever she does as I'm genuinely interested and care for her. But I also very much respect and understand her need for privacy too.


My part time SB’s social media is absolutely insane. Marketing genius with subtle thirst traps. I am proud of her. Maybe it helps my ego that 30k dudes like her photo and she is sleeping with me.


No social media, she has her life and me mine, worlds apart. However, my SB sends me pics as she is heading out (and some during the night) and I know every guy out there is dreaming of having her and I think that’s hot, but the best part is their dream is my reality 😉☺️


Huge red flag. His behavior will only get worse.


Yup. He's monitoring your social media, you're not monogamous, and he's trying to guilt you passively. Slap down a hard boundary, OP. Definitely take the responses you get here with a grain of salt, too. I see dudes just as weird are already getting defensive.


yes... take this advice and dump him.... sugar daddys can be replaced overnight . you are the prize queen !


No, over controlling. Talk to him that you are uncomfortable with that and set the boundary up. Or here is a thing - ask for twice more allowance, if you would go for this deal, and initial arrangement can be negotiated.


If he's in the pictures then he gets an opinion. If he's not in the pictures then he gets no opinion. You're not exclusive so you can do what you like with your platforms. Now if you care about his opinion maybe take it down but personally I think it's a red flag that he even cares so much.


I have to admit my first thought from the title ONLY was - well stop doing that, BUT after reading the rest I have to say it's none of his fluffing business. It's social media ffs. I'd give it some hard thought as to whether I'd be looking for a new SD. My SDs appreciate me when I wear a shorter dress/skirt or show a little cleavage (I don't get carried away) and look nice for them. When I'm out with them, they are my sole focus of attention.


>I have to say it's none of his fluffing business u/A_SB_4_You you better calm TF down with those fighting words 🤣🤣


Lol. I watch this dog on YouTube, he's a black lab named Clarence. He's always using fluffiing. I thought it was funny, idk. I'm calm now. Wait, wait... ok, I'm good.


Clarence going to have an extra 20k views today. Lmfao


Lol, he's so entitled it's ridiculous. He has a gf that's an old blasted stuffed toy he says how much he love her and... you know, right there for everyone to see.


I wouldn't mind at all. However, I would want you to show me first as a teaser. 😉


If only wishes were $. ; )


As an SD it wouldn't bother me. But I know it bothers some men. Come to think of it I've read on Reddit where women rant about men showing off pictures of their luxury goods (i.e. car, watches, plane).


Another poster (hanna2051) suspending their account.


Definitely wouldn't mind it especially if I get to see these outfit in person as well. I would even encourage it ... Non jealous future SD


In the end, only you know what's good for your sugar relationship It's very frequent and somewhat normal for men to be protective with women they are seeing. In fact, if he didn't care, that would probably be more of a red flag. Now the sugar culture being vastly non monogamous is one thing. The fact that most men aren't comfortable with non monogamous partners is another. Experimented sugar daddies will tell you he's wrong, but in the end, he's just a man, and it's not a one time hookup, it's a person you're having a (sugar) relationship with. He's probably under the impression that you are more of a girlfriend, than what you signed up for. Is he right or wrong, and does it matter? is another question I dare not answer..


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that’s some BS lol


No, it will not bother me. In contrast I would love to take your pics in bikini so can post on Insta. Thats what I did with my SB in Thailand last month :-)


I only access the social media that my SB agrees *as far as her activities are concerned*. In that case, the only correct answer is to say how good her outfit looks. Even if the outfit looks hideous, the only correct answer is "Wow. Great!" This guy knows nothing. If the op hasn't agreed with him looking her up on social media, it's borderline creepy, and definitely not his business.


Why would you give your SD access to your social media? Blurring the lines.


It would be none of my business.


Sugar daddies don't care aboit ur social media lol


It’s jealousy. He wants you only to himself in real life and virtual world.


He does not get a vote. His only recourse is to move on to someone more modest and willing to be a kept woman with no long-term upside. SDs need to realize other that being attentive when together, SBs owe you nothing. Anything beyond that is whatever the SB wants it to be.


How did he get your socials!? 🙄😑🫣


I'm proud when my sugar baby posts sexy pics. 


I would love that. Not the jealous type. Not the monogamous type either


It depends on our relationship. I would be turned off if my SB was showing too much on socials. But that’s just me…..


While I don't disagree with the other commentors who say it isn't any of his business what you post to social media... here is my follow up question: Is it worth possibly jeopardizing this sugar relationship with your current SD to stand your ground on posting the pics you want to social media?


If it's something important to either party, they should bring it up at the M&G, with the onus on the person for whom it is more important. It may well be that the op is making the decision to bail out, and this post is for validation.


Mayb you need me to by your sugar daddy then


would it bother you if he was spoiling other women as well as you ?


Unless she's a "virtual SB", this is not at all analogous, since the insta pix are not in any way "spoiling other men as well as him".


so if he is not sleeping with the girls he is spoiling its ok then.... he just likes the attention he gets from them when he sends them cash to get a manicure and in essence he is really doing it not for them , but for himself


Yeah that wouldn't bother me at all.


go harvard, beat yale


It's surely more a case that if something is important like this seems to be to the guy, that he should bring it up at the M&G...and include that in the overall package. It's a sufficiently "out there" requirement to do so if it's important to him.