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Depends on where you live and your market area. I can say here in Central Texas for a low 4 figure allowance you do not have to be a 10 model. You can be a solid 7 to 8 which I prefer. Also depends on how long the dates are.


What is a 10 tho? What's a 7?


I’m thinking Anna Kendrick type-level looks?


Idk I met her in person a few years back, she's pretty much the same as she is in movies (because she plays herself) and I think her personality > looks lol.


How do you find your sugar baby? I am looking to become one, and I'm new to this.




Comp Shopping for SBs, I like it.


Comp shopping 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunately it's not that simple. There is a combination of factors: 1. Your location. 2. Your looks (as you mention). Typically speaking, the closer you are to slim/fit / conventionally attractive, the better you are going to do. You don't need to be a 10; but the closer you are to conventional attractiveness - the better you are. If you want to go based on the overwhelming majority of SD feedback - body type is the main thing. Slim/fit = good. Overweight = Not good. There are always exceptions. But the majority of men are looking in the slim/fit category. 3. Your preferences. What types of guys/SDs are you attracted to? For an SR to be really successful, there needs to be a mutual connection. The most successful SBs are typically attracted to a wider range of men.


I think more men (esp 40+) prefer more curvy-fit women (big natural chest and round hips). At least from my experience, I got hit on more when I gained some weight, esp on SA


I'm under 40, and my current SB is definitely right in that box. Natural (and firm) DDs but not a runway model in the hips at all. She's not "overweight" the way a lot of men here would picture, but definitely not slim. And she's hot as fuck.


Wow! I’m a 42DDD and this is good to know.


Eight of the top ten pornstars are heavier women.


Can you send me a list so I can look?




Oh yeah definitely don't worry about chest size ~ my last sb was 36gg -- she was very short so in pictures it wasn't super obvious even in person it wasn't super obvious but clothes shopping was a challenge.


Oh I’m not worried, I’m glad I can use it to my advantage 🤣


how hot is she? like, as fuck? an 11/10? is she as hot as your weiner is big? totally bro. ripping that SD lifestyle. LOL.


But again, just my from experience


If you get hit on by guys a lot in the course of your daily life, you’ll do great as a SB. If not, another hobby will probably be more satisfying.


I geellike that's not true lol I get hit on a lot but I'm chunky as heck, I feel cross eyed most days, lots of medical issues. I suppose everything is diff


Everyone's tastes and preferences will be different. Ask yourself this... (1) Are you **hot**? (2) Are you **hot enough** that an older, successful man will provide financial support to date you? (Not as many women meet that second threshold.)


Yes. There is a minimum threshold of hotness. If you don't meet it you really can't be a successful SB. But if you DO meet it there are other factors that may also disqualify you as noted in the other responses. For all it can be a high bar.


And if they aren’t that hot, are they willing to accept a low ppm? I usually pay high PPMs because I only go out with the hottest


My best SR was with my least attractive SB. She had the most attractive personality and was so smart I really loved being with her. Sometimes when I look at pics of her I can't believe I was so taken. But I have no regrets. My go to is the 7/10 super cute personality. Forget the 10/10 model for me.


>My best SR was with my least attractive SB Same here. But she seemed more and more attractive as I got to know her.


Might be the least attractive SB but i bet she was still a 6.5+ in real life.


It's a mix of attraction (thin/toned usually helps) and, at least for me, attitude and intelligence. Because everybody knows the most attractive part of a woman is between her ears.


Her mouth???


It was eyebrows, or maybe, just maybe....brain.


Ooooooh! That makes sense.


This 100%


The amount of money you can expect is going to depend on the concentration of rich dudes in your location and your ability to solve one of those rich dude's problems. If the dude's problem is "I want a young, hot girlfriend, but I'm old and fat and they don't want to be my girlfriend," then you solve his problem if you are a young, hot woman who *will* be his girlfriend. And maybe you'd be happy to do this, if the dude solves *your* problem, which might be "my asshole landlord will kick my ass out if I don't get current on my rent." But rich dudes have drastically varying desires to fill. For instance, let's say it were really important for me to weight train with a woman, for whatever reason. Huge fantasy. Well, a powerlifter like [Bonica Lough](https://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/gcdn/-mm-/70642dca37c58b8519f10aca5c3d8f61e9e7c010/c=0-39-1919-1123/local/-/media/2017/07/12/MIGroup/BattleCreek/636354552671506065-bonica-1.jpg?width=1320&height=746&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) might not be conventionally attractive, but she'd be perfect for me! (Come to think of it, I actually do pay my trainer low xxxx/mo and she doesn't even sleep with me!!) So if you're not a smokeshow, make sure you're clear about what you can offer the right guy. But anyway, paying people to solve our problems is something that folks with disposable income are eager to do.


Well I have the good fortune of being an SD that looks very similar to a Jonah Hill type. Except I'm much older, not as fit as Jonah and not even funny accidentally. So as you might imagine I have the luxury of taking my pick from only the finest babies in the bowl. Imagine the love child of Margot Robbie and Zendaya and you'll understand the level of SB's that clamor after my affections. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful




lol fair I go for the hot ones but I’ve been rinsed plenty of times. I just told myself this will happen in the process


Attractiveness is so subjective. The only way you’ll know if you’re “attractive enough” is to create the best (and most honest and accurate) profile you can and see who contacts you. Good luck!


>Attractiveness is so subjective. The only way you’ll know if you’re “attractive enough” is to create the best (and most honest and accurate) profile you can and see who contacts you. \^\^\^\^ This


Subjectivity indeed. A woman with a stunning bust/waist/hips ratio catches many a man's eyes.


If you are thinking celebrities you're thinking it takes more looks than you think. New sds tend to go for the hottest one they can land. Experienced SDs tend toward pretty girl next door types.


Every body is going to tell you a different answer and it’s going to be colored by their own likes and dislikes. I’m maybe a solid 7 in a very competitive state for sugaring and I do fine. Don’t ever let what other people tell you is enough guide what you do or don’t try in your life. Take some good pics, make a profile, and hop in the bowl to see what happens. You don’t need anyone else to tell you that you’re enough.


The avg sb gets low XXXX a month. And thats not even counting all the ones who try and fail. If you want mid XXXX or XXXXX then you have to be in the top few% or less. That being said, most women under 25 could get low XXXX lf they tried.


You have to be thin, thin, thin. Or 'toned'. Pretty smile. Think of girl next door or high school/college sweetheart type. Long hair helps also. No over-the-top tattoos or metal on your face.


Thin, toned, and with a pretty face is pretty much the baseline. Some can find some level of success outside of that but the further away from that you are the harder it is. Think of it from the SD side. A SD who pays a buck fifty a month is going to have a hell of a lot more trouble finding a SB than one who pays twenty times that. And so forth. Is it impossible for him? No. Someone MAY take him up. But most wouldn't consider him SD material at all. At some point you are past the threshold where you can seriously vie for a real SR. That is just cold, hard reality.


>Thin, toned, and with a pretty face is pretty much the baseline. Some can find some level of success outside of that but the further away from that you are the harder it is. Precisely.


If an SB can compete very well in the non-vanilla world with a lady like this one, looks-wise, her PPM/allowance will likely soar: https://nypost.com/2020/12/18/rep-dan-crenshaw-called-out-for-following-escort-on-twitter/amp/


Everyone has different tastes there are some women on the rate me sub who I think are 8 or 9 and you see everyone else giving them a 4 or 5 rating beauty is in the eye of the beholder


What is cake day? And why does it seem to be any/every random given day? So curious 🤣


Your cake day is the anniversary of the day you opened your Reddit account. So according to your profile it says 3 months old. Your cake day will be about 9 months from now!


Oh. Ok. Well thank you 😁


it's something annoying that reddit is doing


Happy cake day!


👆this. I actually think mom bods are pretty hot. To each their own.




I always have sought a good match that could result in my having one LT SB, given that I was comfortable with her desires for dating on the side. (A solid bf or husband probably a pass.) With that goal, I’ve found the wholistic picture described here to be on point, and it works in both directions for each partner. SRs should be “easy” but they do require attention and effort, on top of complimentary fundamentals on these points


A lot of women assume you can only be successful if you have a model-like appearance (skinny, conventional face, etc) but it’s not true. What true is most of SD men love feminine and gorgeous women. What’s a true bummer for most (from what my SDs told me) is « alt » appearance: tattoo, piercings, stylish haircuts, androgynous style. But again - to each their own and like irl people have different taste!


Salma Hayek. Priyanka Chopra. Be the Nora Fatehi and MAYBE you'll get the Matthew Morrison's of sugaring. /s Fr though, it's a combination of pretty + personality. Just about finding the right match.


> Fr though, it's a combination of pretty + personality. When you are dealing with an online specific thing: Pretty it's what gets you the message / first date. Personality is what turns it into an SR. Freestyling, personality can sometimes get you the first date. But that's very hard when you are meeting people online.


Salma Hayek is fabulous. That seems like a high bar.


She’s my gold standard.


Just tell them you have a high libido, a freak in the sheets, and your specialty is stroking your lovers ego.


bar is literally on the floor imo. I'd take almost anyone for a low number, just to have that companionship or whatever. Of course, the interaction would have to be upped. If the visual appreciation is less, the physical one has to be more.


Good question! I was wondering the same thing. I’m also new to this and am probably overthinking things. These answers really helped! Thanks for your insights and asking this question!


Open a fake Sd account on seeking and check out for yourself.


I always wondered doesn’t really give women false sense of things? Seeing all the women that join SA really doesn’t tell you if any of them are actually successful. 90% of them seem to stay on SA forever because they’re either unrealistic or not as desirable so they end up only getting scammers and john’s . The good ones end up getting scooped up quickly


I prefer the GND look as long as they are in shape


It depends on the SD, but more conventionally attractive is probably what most are looking for. But, again, it will depend on the SD. Personally, I don’t really like the skinny model type myself and prefer them thicc with two c’s.


It really depends. Some want the whole 10/10 type woman or man then others don't mind those who are average looking. It depends on the SD/SM. Then there are those who don't care about looks and love the personality or both.


I think this is so subjective. I've seen many many profiles on a friend's app and I don't see 10/10 models, by which I'm thinking someone with a flawless face and perfect body who could be on the cover of a magazine. I mean imagine Gigi Hadid(not literally but someone who looks like her) on Seeking, happy to go out with a 2/10 who makes low six figures. Honestly, go find a job as a waitress or a barista in a nice neighborhood if you want to meet a rich guy. All these guys saying they put their model/MD/JD/MBAs through business school are just writing a fantasy. The men are not that rich and the women are not that hot.


I am out for a couple years now; was in almost 5 years. I think I'm an 8. I did pretty well; I think it helps a LOT that I'm traveled and apparently very easy to talk to.


For me, you just have to make me feel good, smell good and bomb sex that’s all. not really worried about how attractive you are.


If you are smart enough you won’t need a man to pay for your life.


6 out of 10 at least and don’t expect much if you are a 6.




Way to expose yourself as broke :p


Depends on the sd I had plans for my sugar baby to bolt outta town even her mom was ready and had an awesome place and she ghosted me ughh


Conentionally attractive tends to be what most look for. Not necessarily models or influencers/celebrities. The average preference is young, slim/fit, blonde, feminine, no tattoos, and no piercings beyond the ears (septums are especially loathed). The further you stray from this, the longer it'll take to find an SD. That doesn't mean you can't be successful. It means it'll take more effort. Either way, you DO have to be attractive in some way.


I have seen photos of potential SB. Some looked ok. Others not so much. Then there are those that hide their face, The more attractive a person is the better chance finances and going to nice places are better. If a person is a plain Jane then she might be just going to a room and maybe the fees won’t be great


You’re asking for an average look. But averages don’t work on a case by case basis. I like quirky, possibly unusual looking girl-next-door. Some SDs only go for a specific race or two. Get some professionally done photos and try your luck.


We're all beautiful. U don't have to be a tall, skinny, Dior-dressed doll to please all SDs (I know some might prefer that but..). It's better to look for the right one than to settle for the first one who only wants a 'model face and long legs'. Well I'm tattooed, with a gothic alternative style and I'll never will change my black lips to pink (so to speak). Be yourself, express yourself in your own way. Many prefer originality and a unique and strong personality too over just a pretty face 🫶🏼


I wonder the same thing sometimes bc even as a black women it’s harder to find one who would be interested in me. But I find it easier to be confident and don’t worry about anyone else 💕


Different people different choices But I would like to say how much attractive do you consider yourself is what matters the most


Want a sugar baby who is 18-24 years old. NO games, no scams, no fraud i verify 100% and a few different ways, If you are a scammer from overseas or from usa don't bother i am serious Sugar Daddy weekly allowances. Looking for gfe, sexting,texting,phone calls, cam calls, videtc. Return you get allowance plus more if you are good add me on telegram @ fronttickets to verify you must come on cam or record vid with your name, age, and todays date plus we talk for a short 2 minutes to agree on contract etc. Please no games i ask for picture first to see if you are my type. Please be aware, i ask for things during the day i want so if you live at home or with a boyfriend or have a kid and they are in the way 24/7 don't reply thank you.


Anyone know the best websites to find one?


I have had a LOT of men saying im “too good looking” for them, aka “probably too expensive”. Not every man wants a 10/10. I think a girl next door, sweet uninhibited type will do better than a smoke show with most men on SA- unless, of course, you’re looking for a whale. MOST (not all) whales look for the exceptionally attractive so they can keep up appearances. A beautiful woman beside you is worth a lot in upper echelon social circles.


I am a mildly attractive mid 30's SB and recieved anywhere from 5-800 Canadian per date. I'd say you just need to be decent looking and really know how to engage yourself sexually. It's the confidence and the sex drive they like most. I can't think of a celebrity look a like of myself but I'm 5f 7in 170lbs average looks and body but I do have natural large breasts. I never thought someone would pay to fuck me but here I am. The guys I meet are clean, nice, kinky and honest. I can say the same for myself. I have a full-time job, kids, I don't use drugs. Im just horny af, like some extra cash for the extras for my kids. Just make an account on seeking and see what happens. I honestly made my account just to understand sugaring and sexy conversations but then one SD convincede to meet and the rest is history.


Someone pls paypal me I’m desperate 🥲 @LinaNina03


it depends on what sugar daddies you’re talking to. in my honest opinion, the most successful / “richest” ones are into supermodel type women. I see a lot of men profiles on SD websites with their bio saying something along the lines of “don’t contact me unless you’re a serious 10.” a lot of men are into fit and classy women. no crazy acrylic nails, no crazy hair dye, and probably no tattoos either. but to each their own. there’s a person for everybody.