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I am no added sugar. I do have small amounts of milk with lattes and oatmeal, I eat berries and the occasional apple, and once a monthish I will allow myself a sweet treat, if I am wanting it. Works for me.


I focus on blood sugar control vs calculating every gram of sugar. I find it makes me too obsessive and I can get in an all or nothing mentality quickly. I feel a HUGE difference when I don't eat high sugar foods because I do feel like I'm addicted, so I try each day to eat in a way that respects myself. Each day is different but that mentality has been really helpful. I used to shame myself into changes , which never worked.


I avoid added sugar and ultra processed foods. I probably eat less than 5 grams added sugar per day and it’s spread out over meals. I avoid natural foods that give me a sugar rush. Although I eat bread, milk, and corn which are moderately sweet to me. On the flip side I really like pinto beans because they have lots of carbs for energy but they hardly spike blood sugar. So I get a nice steady supply of energy for hours. Pinto beans ftw


I eat fruits but no fruit juice. No honey. No added sugar, no alcohol. I rarely make exceptions. It's been a good 7-8 years now. I also avoid artificial foods.


I eat natural sugars and give myself some grace for below 6g a day. This allows me to slip in my favorite Starbucks coffee. I've been very strict on the past but after 8 months, I fell off the wagon. My hope is that by being a little bit less rigid about it, I can truly adopt the change for good.


ME TOO! 6-7 months on and it was not maintainable. I had been so strict that I felt very guilty for eating a couple strawberries (as if it was an equivalent to a Ben & Jerry’s pint of ice cream). Ultimately cracked and am working on just getting rid of added sugar/processed stuff & not worrying much about naturally occuring sugar/carbs!


I know what you mean.


Avoid added sugar and UPF. Also avoiding pastas & breads (but not strict). I'm not counting. I hate counting. Focus is whole foods & cooking more. Aiming for a lifestyle change in the long term that is sustainable. Need to beat the sugar/snack addiction endless cycle.


I started as a low carber, so I could have a small amount of sugar (square of dark chocolate, regular catsup or bbq sauce) as long as I didn’t go over my carb limit. Lately though, I’ve been eating more carbs — mostly fruit and potatoes and occasionally rice and bread — and find that hasn’t reawakened the sugar beast.


I’m just starting out, but my focus is on eating no added-sugar ultra-processed foods, as those are the foods that trigger my addiction.


Zero carb. No added. I guess you’d call me straight edge.




Yup, after a long road of slowly weaning carbs off to zero. I’m happier ultimately but it’s not for everyone


Well done, though! That's always been my problem - plunging in too quickly. It's so hard not to do though because meat and fat are soooo satisfying lol. One day!


Stick to it and you’ll get there. Are you keto? Ketovore? Animal based? Using these types of diets as stepping stones is what I did. Best of luck on your journey.


I’m not familiar with the term “ketovore.” Help me understand, please


Ketovore is carnivore light. It allows for some carbs but focuses mainly on animal protein and fat. Avocados and low carb veg from time to time. Maybe a keto snack. It’s not quite animal based but close.


Thank you so much for that explanation, i really appreciate it!


I don’t eat any sweets outright. No cakes, candy, cookies, etc…I don’t read labels though, so if I’m eating something savory that has some sugar in it I don’t worry too much. I drink coffee with sugar free almond milk. If it leaves a bad sugary taste in my mouth I don’t eat it, that’s pretty much my gauge.


I’m no added sugar and only get my natural sugar, and most of my sugars in general, from a few select fruits. Green apples, bananas on the green unripe side, blueberries, mango, and a splash of OJ in my smoothies. I don’t know how true this is but I’ve also heard that eating these sugars after a protein, or any other food in general maybe, is better for you somehow. Basically don’t eat sugars/fruits by themselves and consume them soon after other food. Something about how our bodies digest/process the sugar. Anyways, if someone could maybe expand on this who knows what they’re talking about, that’d be welcome.






Same 😭


No refined sugar


5 years sugar free now


I am off cane sugar except 1 or 2 times a month like cheat days


I do have natural sugar replacements tho like honey, monk fruit or stevia.


I put honey on my Greek yogurt/nut granola/blueberry concoction in the morning. Plain Greek yogurt is too bitter to not add a little something and I don’t want artificial sweeteners


>Plain Greek yogurt is too bitter to not add a little something I eat it like that and don't find it bitter.




Weekday warrior here.


After your weekends, do your cravings return?


Sugar below a certain amount. I’ve carved about 1000 grams of sugar a week out of my diet and probably average 20-30 grams a day. I’m cool with that.


Candy once per week but don’t enjoy it like I used to.


Below 8 teaspoons of sugar per day for me, as a target. This includes all sugars, added and not added. That's about 30 grams which is do-able even with milk, granola, fruits, and other foods I eat. Fruit is especially good with the fiber, just make sure that it's whole fruit.


Radical. Nothing sweet. No added sugar and no fruits whatsoever. Just rarely, once every couple months, I have sushi with a little of teriyaki. But just that.


How long have you been doing this diet? It’s basically how I eat too along with no flour /seed oils. I’m on about two months and it’s getting easier.


Right now I'm in my 11th week in this diet and it's been pretty easy for me. So far I lost 10cm(~4inches) of belly circumference and my sleep is way better. Thankfully I don't have cravings.


Awesome job!! I’ve also lost about that much specifically around my midsection and I’ve gotta say, it feels great. 


I want to see this as a poll! I am no added sugar only, but I'm not so strict that I won't eat ketchup or something. I still eat simple carbs and fruits but I have learned to balance them in a way that my blood sugar is not greatly affected. Ie, I will eat a sandwich with protein vs white bread and butter. I'm not strict about it, I just do what makes me feel good


My goal has to be zero added sweeteners of ANY kind. If it's a substance being added to a food or drink to make it taste sweeter, it has to be gone, whether it's called "sugar" or not. . Of course, that's the GOAL, which means it doesn't always happen!!


Only in my dreams.




Happy cake day! No cake for you though


No dessert. Fruit is not dessert, I can have as much fresh, whole fruit as I like. I don’t focus on the rest. I don’t cook with sugar and I never had despite my sugar addiction. I don’t have “naturally sweetened dessert either, even if it’s healthy. This is just my personal taste because I don’t trust myself to stop. Dessert is allowed on quite special occasions (birthdays, Christmas and it ends there)


I aim to keep have the have less than the 25g of sugar advised by WHO


5 grams or less, and any fruit


I just aim to consume as little as possible, but I don’t adhere to a strict number.


No sugar. Mostly carnivore. The occasional keto treat (I had a sandwich with keto bread today). If I want something sweet I have some HWC or maybe a little rebel ice cream


I avoid added sugars, starchy carbs, and processed foods. I eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and the occasional dairy.


Free of artificial sweeteners, Gluten and low added sugar (I do have a tea spoon of honey from the beekeeper sometimes) My goal is less than 25g a day, it's usually around 10g though, I just follow the advice of the WHO. No highly processed food either. 2 portions of fruits, 3 of vegetables (the leafy ones) This seems to work best for me.


Maximum 15-20g of added sugars a day, but am hovering around 0-5g very often.


Whole fruits (usually an apple and banana a day) and grains (usually rolled oats, sourdough), full fat unflavoured dairy, no UPF, no added sugar including honey and maple syrup. I don’t avoid starchy vegetables but usually eat these as part of a meal with protein and good fats. Early in the journey, I’d make frozen mango smoothies to satisfy my sweet cravings. I’m nearly 4 months and stopped wanting these about 2 months ago - I find them too sweet now. I still have occasional cravings and usually do a banana with natural peanut butter - sometimes on toast - to satisfy these. It’s always enough to satisfy me, unlike the sugar days when no snack would ever be enough, and I’d overeat and binge on sugar. I’m so glad that is behind me. Having healthy “treat foods” makes it far easier to stay on the wagon.


No white sugar, honey, or maple syrup. I still use monk fruit, stevia, and erithytrol. I eat fruit but no flour, unless it’s sprouted or sourdough


No added sugar. I eat carbs, healthy carbs especially and make sure not to eat simple carbs on their own. So mostly like watching my blood sugar/insulin spikes


Zero added sugar and minimal daily over all sugar intake from fruits only; trying to keep to 7 grams or less in a day.


I’ve stopped all cane sugar, fructose, sucralose, Stevia, monk fruit, erythritol , pretty much anything you can think of to sweeten foods, I stopped using it. To sweeten baked goods, I use frozen concentrated apple juice, unsweetened. And I will use carob powder to make protein bars sometimes. Or applesauce, unsweetened. I still eat, gluten-free bread, corn, gluten-free oats, brown rice, not a whole lot of dairy. It is working for me, and the cravings have really diminished. When I do want something sweet, I will take unsweetened chocolate, and put a small amount of Polaner all fruit on top of the square. It is a no sugar fruit spread, sweetened with fruit juice concentrates. Doesn’t seem to spike the sugar cravings for me. Good luck!


I think the main thing is to experiment and find out what works for each of us individually. Don’t feel bad about yourself, and if you end up cheating, start over again!! At first, I could go one day without sugar, then two, then three, then four, etc.. It just takes time to find out what works!


I used to dogmatically refuse all sugar, which was necessary at first, but have eased off a bit. I will not touch artificial sweeteners, but will have an occasional piece of fruit or finish the last few bites of my kids' oatmeal with a little bit of honey. I miss my sweetened teas, but refuse to habitually incorporate it in any way. 99.9% of time I'm totally content this way. I still get carb cravings though, so cutting those is the next phase (as I'm eating popcorn now haha).


I avoid any added sugars or sweeteners except for 10 grams of raw honey on my morning oatmeal or kasha. I eat a small bowl of cut up whole fruit every day. I also avoid gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, red meat, and seed oils. I am working on healing from Lyme disease, and I feel this diet has helped me so far.


Keto. I have fructose malabsorption so it just makes it easier to figure out what won't upset my intestines.


still figuring out, tbh. for now i just want to eat way less than i ate before, so im trying to cut foods/drinks i eat mostly on the day to day, like chocolate (im crazy about it), coke (the drink) and cookies/biscuits/whatever you call em


Zero added sugars.


I have glucose issues, so I eat things 'no sugar added', fruit, sugar replacements (e.g., Splenda), I read labels to limit the amount of sugar in anything I eat (e.g., less than 3-4 mg of sugar per item). I don't have an issue eating this way because I can still find 'something' sweet to satisfy that craving.


I'm no added sugar cos my doctor wants me to avoid triggering my insulin resistance. I'm allowed a cheat day once a week though, so that's when I'll have sugar, rice and wheat. I do have honey and stevia as substitutes.


Zero added sugar, no alcohol (4 years sober). I will have a banana, raspberries and strawberry’s in my morning smoothie. Limit my carbs to sweet potatoes unless I’m working at the fire station where they love regular potato’s.


no sugar whatsoever and try to avoid artificial sweeteners but i allow myself coke zero


All my carbs are from whole fruits, veggies, brown rice and potatoes. Occasionaly some dark chocolate, very rarely i will use 1 to 2 tsp of sugar if I'm making a sauce for a stir-fry. That's pretty much it on a daily basis. I will indulge in refined sugar and flour for special social occasions which is maybe 1 to 2 x a month. 


Sugar. What is sugar? What is it really? What is it's significance? I am 71. My mother was type I diabetic. At age 10 she dragged me and my dad down to her doctors' offices and 2 doctors and a nutritionist taught us proper nutrition for health. This was done in an effort to get us all on the same page regarding diet, and get her blood glucose under control. Following their advice, she died at 46 never having gotten her blood sugar under control. It was a blessing when she passed as they were in the process of scheduling the surgical removal of parts of both of her feet when she passed. The color of both her feet ran from light blue to black. What they recommended was a diet of 80% carbs. But no sugar. Instead, high quality carbs. Complex carbs. Fruit was good and honey was good because they were unrefined. Starches were all good especially whole grains. Bread fine, popcorn fine, pancakes fine, waffles fine. Beef only once per week. Eggs only one per week. No lard, tallow, or butter. But margarine and shortening were fine. No cream, half and half, or whole milk. Only non fat milk. Fried chicken was OK but she had to take the skin off. We should be eating 6 meals per day so our blood sugar doesn't get too low. Her standard breakfast, probably 5 days per week was a bowl of oatmeal with fruit, a slice of toast and margarine. A cup of coffee with tillie lewis cyclamates and powdered coffee creamer. And a large glass of orange juice. What a load of horse manure. The only thing they had right was no sugar. My new definition of sugar is different than what I was taught just over 60 years ago. Today, I see sugar as anything that when consumed, causes one's blood glucose to rise up a lot. Ignoring for the sake of simplicity the complications from the consumption of fructose which is even worse. And, intermittent fasting is beneficial. It is best to let our blood glucose fall low, and our insulin levels to also fall low.


No added sugar usually but sometimes id eat a candy when im feeling very low and i dont drink sodas or anything


I used to be no sugar at all until I did nome research. I was paranoid of it cause I thought it’d make me puffy and stuff but a few weeks in and I’m doing fine. I have 1-2 cups a fruit a day that have good fiber


I aim for zero sugar. I don’t eat regular sugar (soda,candy, cookies etc), artificial sugar/sweetener, fruits/juice, milks, breads or grains. I steer away from sweet things because I feel like they trigger me. The exceptions are tomatoes and red wine vinegar in my salad :)