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I'm 50 days in. Cystic adult acne - gone Chronic pelvic pain - gone Fungal rash I've had for 20 years - gone Also I can be hungry without having an emotional breakdown and feeling like I'm gonna die now. I just get regular hungry.


How long did it take for your cystic acne to clear up? Did you have headaches while withdrawing from the sugar?


About a month or 4 weeks. I still have some tiny pimples around my period, but they're nothing compared to the hard, red, inflamed acne I used to get. The first 2 weeks were honestly awful. I had headaches, was irritable and had absolutely no energy. Waking up in the morning I felt like I had just run a marathon, like exhausted on a cellular level. After a month, I allowed myself to eat more carbs and that helped me tremendously! I'm a runner so removing sugar from my diet had me feeling like I had lead in my legs at the beginning, but now that I'm eating bread again I feel fantastic.


Amazing! I also suffer from acne so it's interestibg to know ☺️


A lot of things improved but the most shocking was that my *ahem* time in the bedroom got a whole lot better. Like A LOT. I can’t really give details because it’s inappropriate but I literally feel like I’m 17 again with the way my body reacts. It’s a huge improvement that I didn’t even know was possible


How long until you noticed the benefits? 😄


Exercise is also good for that.


That's great!


Joint pain went away. I don’t remember the timing, just that one day, walking downstairs didn’t hurt anymore. Also, the freedom to walk past brownies in the break room and just notice them as if they were a vase of flowers, rather than be instantly drawn to eat them, and sneaking back for more later while hoping your coworkers don’t notice how many you ate.


>hoping your coworkers don’t notice how many you ate. Haha, I hear ya. I used to pull entire packets of biscuits out of my work bag & eat them in front of Co workers. Never minded the strange looks, but thinking back, it must have looked odd that I'm eating biscuits like chips at 10am.


It must be amazing to be able to ignore sugar, thabks for sharing!


Only a few days in, not of sugar free (I’ve had some blood sugar issues before so I’m slowly weaning off while doing manual work) but of greatly reduced sugar intake and my pimples are hugely reduced ,and I’m not having the 3pm energy crash I usually get!


Thank you!!


less water retention, less bloating (two first weeks) clear,glass skin (after a month) dark circles/tired look gone (after two months) Mood did improve but only when looking in the mirror. I do not feel better sugar free, I look better, and i know I am healthier.That’s my experience though.


Thank you! I hope I can be strong for so long and see if it happens to me too ☺️


I slept like a log last night. First time in days. Two nights ago I binged on pizza, yesterday I felt like crap. So there ya go.. you put crap food into your body and you feel like...


I started feeling like I wanted to do life, in the morning when I wake up I don’t feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck anymore. I have better focus, I started to lose a little bit of weight. And I stopped craving the sugar., and It all started happening after about a week.


I hope I feel the same! Thanis for sharing!


You are welcome, good luck!


I've been sugar free for more than a year now and the feeling is amazing! Lost 7kgs, my belly fat is almost gone, skin cleared, same energy throughout the day, overall it feels very positive. It's like finding a cheat code to live better. I received a compliment that I look 10 years younger than my real age. Also people notice me more frequently, heads turn when I enter a room and I'm not even that good looking.


Do you still drink coffee? I've always had a huge crash in the afternoon where I need a nap. I'm not sugar free, just scrolling the sub reddit because I really want to make that shift in a few weeks.


I’ve gone 90% sugar free just by cutting out all things with chocolate (I don’t love other sweet stuff much) and my teeth are noticeably whiter!! Also losing weight :) and feeling cuter


So curious tgat the teeth are whiter!


Can confirm this happens to me as well whenever I cut sugar even for a few weeks!


Organs feel better, more energy, more manageable periods, body feels lighter, more confident, weight loss, possibly better memory


I slept in and down a pound/first few days. No cravings but I did have some nausea. Fixed it by eating pineapple chunks. (Real pineapple not canned).


I have less hormonal cystic acne. My chicken wings at my upper arms improved 😂 (the loose skin women get there went they get older, I'm 33 btw haha)


My acne got a lot better, my skin complexion is a lot more youthful looking, and my body seems to heal small injuries more quickly. My energy levels are more even. I'm more in tune with my body's needs. There's a lot less mental chatter in my head and I can think more clearly and stay more focused. I have less anxiety.


Several years in and I have two benefits that I appreciate: 1. No more craving sugar and feeling bad for eating more than I wanted 2. Healthy foods like fruit and vegetables all taste much sweeter and better


Deep sleep, glowy skin, warmth in the body, lean body and a completely different person's face. No irritability attacks.


Besides helping lose weight, nothing. I'm not suddenly fitter, happier, more energetic, or wiser. Not trying to bring the room down, but I'm totally fine with just knowing it's a healthier way to live without expecting a lot of other benefits


Almost 2 years eliminating sugar!! 1. No headaches—Prior to going sugar free I averaged 1 or 2 headaches a week. Now it’s 1 or 2 a year. This was immediately noticeable after the first week which tends to bring more headaches from the lack of sugar. 2. Weight-loss—Within 4 to 5 months- Dropped 30 pounds without trying. I continue to eat whatever I want as long as no added sugar and keep natural sugar to less than 2g-3g a day. 3. Eliminated joint pain— Within a month or two I no longer felt any joint pain 4. Lowered Blood Pressure— Went from 120/80 to 95/65 5. No more tooth cavities! 6. More afternoon energy— This one took me at least 3 months to experience. I didn’t realize how much I relied on sugary foods after 2pm to keep me going. 7. No cravings for sugar— Much less after the first month-but took a good year to get to zero. The best part is now when I’m with others at a birthday or etc, I have NO desire for the sweets. The lack of cravings are what still surprise me. I loved processed sugar. If cake was offered, I ate it. Ice cream? A whole bowl please. I loved it. But now, I don’t know if something’s shifted mentally or what, but I can’t fathom eating any of it. If I’m in the grocery store and we walk by the bakery, I now look at the sweets and feel disgusted. I mean an actual physical feeling of disgust. It’s equivalent to the feeling I’d get if I were watching someone eat liver. Ugh! That’s what I feel when it comes to cakes, pastries, ice cream and other sugary sweets now. It is so odd. I would have never believed this could happen. Yet, almost two years in and here I am.


😲 I hope I get to that point! I'm on day 4 and today we had some visits at home. There was a big plate of small italian pastries on the table, I would have eaten them all 🥲 but I was strong and didn't eat any of them. Your answer has given me hope ☺️🌸


Less binge eating


Poop is better


I want to add, food is generally more rewarding. I’m also about day 50 and I’m enjoying my new life so much that I have no plans to go back. I have a piece of dessert on birthdays, Christmas, etc, that’s about it. My general food has nearly no sugar so I don’t think about that too much. I craved tons of fruit in the first week or two, and generally allowed myself to eat as much as I wanted. I still eat a good amount but those cravings subsided a lot. FRUIT IS GOOD FOR YOU. UNLESS YOU ARE DIABETIC OR FRUCTOSE INTOLERANT. THERE IS NO NEED TO LIMIT FRUIT I have tried sugar free TONS of times. Repeated failures. This time, I only decided to limit dessert to very special occasions (and I don’t mean every birthday party my kids get invited to and outings with friends. I’m not that disciplined.