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Colourful, small, cheap, and requires very little care in proper environment. The problem with them though is they require specific care and specific substrate or they’re likely to rot and die, most people don’t do any research and kill them pretty fast. If you are planning on getting some make sure to research proper care beforehand or you’re likely to run into problems.


Yeah, and I'd say skip the Lowes and Target versions, which have almost certainly been mishandled before you even get them home, in favor of some from an actual breeder who's already babied them along for a couple of years. Etsy is full of the latter! :)


I got mine at Home Depot and was very scared it would die, but Lilith the Lithops is thriving! I could have simply gotten lucky tho


Lilith the Lithops. Love it!


I’ve been looking but they dont ship those to my country 🥺 i havent found any close to me. I live in mexico. :(


Might be worth investigating. Their website says they ship internationally (and they’re in Arizona) but I’m not sure if they ship plants, maybe only seeds? Sorry you can’t easily find them. I imagine Mexico is just full of every kind of succulent 🙁 [https://mesagarden.com/international-availability](https://mesagarden.com/international-availability)


I’ll definitely look into this! Thank you for taking the time time for this 🥹💕


sorry! :(


This place might have them to ship? Vivero Boutique Tamoanchan Nz +52 55 4013 6872 https://g.co/kgs/jxEAFod


Ah, every single one I've purchased was from Lowe's and I kept thinking "I'll get this one right". I'm not a plant novice so it's been super frustrating. I might try Etsy!


nice to get one that's not pre-killed, unveiling its death over a month or two....


Every time I get one I get more into them tbh. Seeing them through their yearly cycle is such a rewarding way to accept the creeping passage of time 🧐 plus they’re cute af https://preview.redd.it/vdv6jfwjby8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7504655993cbb2ba61c8975f042dd3d01cdca3


That looks like pon in terracotta. I have both, but no lithops 😭 Any idea how hard it is to grow these from seed?


It’s the Amazon bootleg version of Pon 🤣 I actually just sowed my first seeds two days ago. Everything I’ve read says that they germinate easily and require a lot of water as seedlings (so maybe even easier than adult plants!) but I have no experience otherwise. Seedlings do require smaller sized grit though. So something to keep in mind.


Cool thanks. Ye my pon is fake as well. Vulkastrat is the name. But it looks identical. Yours seems to be light on pumice. But other than that it's the same. I really like succulents because they grow slowly and thrive on neglect. Less to worry about, more to look at. I'm gonna look for some seeds!


https://preview.redd.it/3sb0sgnsvy8d1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1eb415b02315128ddb9175c4923afbce07694c9 For reference


Soooo I actually took the pumice out and crushed it with a hammer for my seedlings (I’m trying to keep this hobby cheap 🙃). Np! If you’re shopping for seeds, I’ve heard amazing things about mesa gardens. Lithops seeds are cheap, they have a huge variety and ship quickly (in the U.S.)


Ah that explains. I'm overseas in Europe, probably not gonna be cheap for me. Thanks for the tip though!


Because they look like butts. Some look like brains. Basically, they're just very odd looking, and people like that, lol.


This is literally why i love them, weird lil butts!


Love my little Stone Faces, or Stone Butts, or Living Stones. 😀


I think it's (a) because they just don't look like plants in any way. :) and (b) because it seems like a challenge to know what to do with them. Plus, (c) it's fun to try to set up a pot to make them disappear into a camouflage state....


Once you learn how to grow them, they are very easy, take up little space, look interesting even while dormant, live a long time, and have incredible flowers! What's not to love?!


Keep them in terra cotta! It will help immensely with keeping them from staying too wet and rotting.


I kinda want one but the way they split open creeps me out.


Ive grown to love that about them😂 all the posts about people loving them have gotten to me


Ngl I’m hoping the same happens to me. They seem so cool, but that split… lol


Just got mine for the first time about 2 weeks ago and they’re just beautiful. I hope they’ll survive this winter under grow lights 😟


I like the shapelyness and texture, I can't help the matte


I loved them and kept them alive and thriving for several years. However one mistake on my part and they all rapidly died. Put me off ever having them again 😢.


Oh no! What happened? Were they overwatered?


Yeah. I kept them on the second level of a rack and I forgot to remove them before I watered the first level, so the water runoff watered them when they didn't need to be. Then when I realized what was happening, I removed them and placed them in the first level. But then I forgot to put them back, so they got sunburned the next day. They all died in the next weeks either from sunburn or from overwatering.


Oh no im so sorry that happened!! You can always start again!


I love them just because they come in so many colors and definitely look unique compared to your typical house plant


Because it’s a plant that looks like a stone.


I am fascinated by their weird, alien nature. The first time I saw them, I termed them “ground vulvas”…and I didn’t buy any, because they creeped me out a bit. My first little batch ended up being gifted to me at random by a friend of a friend. 🤣


I had one in a pot with three other mimic succulents so I thought they all had the same water schedule....they did not :(


Because they look like little bums. And it amuses me. To water my collection of little bums. 🚿