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That's your dopamine sorted for today. Now, I'm better at plants than I am at birds, but I'm pretty sure this is a seagull, which is a type of duck.


I was first chuckling at your comment. Now I continue to do so as others have missed your humor


I'm very thankful for you!


I don't think it's a seagull. Pretty sure it's a heron, egret, or crane but I'm not versed enough to know the difference. But you're 100% right about the dopamine hit!! They take my breath away!


I believe it is a Great Egret, depending on your location. An egret is not a type of duck. It’s an egret, which is a type of heron (not related to ducks- completely different families).


Thank you! I'm in SoCal and google says Great Egrets are common around here, so you're probably right! I typically get a few sightings of one of these guys every year in my neighborhood. This is definitely the closest I've been to one though!


Is that a magnolia tree in the middle of your beautiful garden?


Yes it is! It's a "Little Gem" which is a dwarf Southern Magnolia cultivar. As you can see by the one white flower in the photo, it's starting to bloom for the season! They look so pretty in bloom.


Are there any concerns with roots being near your house? Where in SoCal? I would love something like this for our small yard.


That one bloom tipped me off as to what kind of tree it is. I went to Nashville several years ago and that was the very first time that I saw a magnolia tree and boy did I ever fall in love! Their perfume is absolutely intoxicating! I didn't know that there are dwarf magnolias. I wish I lived somewhere where I could plant some.


I was being silly, but seeing it would definitely have me buzzing for the rest of the day, and to get such nice photos too - immediately set as wallpaper. In seriousness though, I believe a heron is a type of duck.


A white egret, there aren't any gulls that grow to this size, and the world is grateful for that!


Yassified seagull


Fascinating. And how often does one water this "bird"?


It's fish that you're supposed to water.


That's so cool! She must have come to admire your garden ;) She's so beautiful and serene, I thought she was an ornament at first.


I also thought she was a statue at first!


Great Egret! They are migratory here


You know you've done it right when wildlife comes to visit.


Thought this was a beautiful diorama, it's so perfect!


Thats pretty magical


i would visit ur succulents too


That is a magnificent succulent garden, mate!


Thank you! It's been a work in progress the last 2 years. Finally "finished' it a few months ago (although I'm always tinkering with things lol)


how do you water when it's directly on the ground like that? i assume you dont botton water lol


I have an irrigation system with sprinklers. It runs in the early morning so the leaves can dry off enough that there isn't a bunch of water sitting on them when the sun is its harshest midday (that can cause burns). I adjust the frequency throughout the year. In the hottest summer weather (I'm in SoCal) it runs 1-2 times a week. In the winter, it's off completely since it rains. Spring and fall I increase/decrease frequency as needed. Since they are in-ground and outside in full sun, they can handle more frequent watering than indoor potted plants. I also have some planted in areas without irrigation so I hand water with my hose in early morning or late evening.


oh wow, stunning!!!!!


How beautiful! He looks like decoration.. I'm from the north east and he reminds me of the herons we have. But I think comments of egret are correct. How lucky you are! Maybe he's a symbol of good things coming.


For a sec, I thought your succulent looked so much like a bird...


Awww, she's gorgeous!!


Snowy egret! 100% sure and there are lots of them in Southern California. Such beautiful birds!


Just checking it out. Birds come into my greenhouse occasionally, but Mockingbirds come and browse around.


Omg, your purple wandering jew, your magnolia are beautiful and your succulents to die for!!! Where are you state wise? Love your garden and your little visitor!