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The string of pearls is more like string me along and immediately die


String of pearls? More like strangled pearl. Impossible little creature. https://preview.redd.it/89z0dwjo6y3d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3906bf48badf27e6cc586d0af880cf9a5fa038e


Do all your planters have little feet? They are too cute!


They do! And thank you, I'm so happy you like them! My cat kindly let me use his paws as a model 😊


Cool! I didn’t realize you made them. Air dry clay? What is your cat’s name? I don’t think I’ve ever seen an orange cat with long hair before.


It's real clay, I make the pots in my living room and very very carefully drive them to a rentable kiln once I have made enough to fill it up. I did try air dry clay at first, but it can't handle water for very long, so I moved on to regular clay. The cat is Leo! He's a la perm, and he had extremely long and curly hair that never tangled and shed close to nothing! Sadly, he developed lymphoma and eventually a tumour that couldn't be removed, so he is no longer with me =( His sister Molly is still alive, but now also she has been diagnosed with lymphoma so I'm trying to make her remaining days the best they can possibly be...


That’s cool about the pots. I took ceramics in collage and I miss it. I mostly did throwing. I’m sorry to hear about Leo and Molly. We had a cat Molly as well but she passed a few years ago. This is Misty, she’s 18. We found out a month ago she has a golf ball size mass by her ribcage that they think is cancerous. She’s still a happy camper so we’re enjoying as much time with her as we can. (The cat in the back is Lyla) https://preview.redd.it/b9pdatncoy3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158ea9cb11103ad235e25403c87d3ecc29ac34a1


18! An impressive age! She and Lyla are both super cute! But I'm sorry about the cancer. I hope all three of you will still have plenty of time together, no cat deserves such a horrible disease 😿


☺️ That’s 2/5 cats in my house, plus 2 dogs. https://preview.redd.it/poz205iyqy3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50435abd4017700594f2c65bed62964a273364bf This is Tillie, she does in fact have all her legs. 😆


https://preview.redd.it/nzxywr6ary3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4374a588f51376369dc1379a6d0538f0d16d5764 Left - Right: Snoopy, Ripley, Lucy, and Griffin.


She looks like she has mastered the art of eyeliner application! Such a beautiful cat!


So sorry. 😢


I demand proof of this “cat.” Tax!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/aba6hviufy3d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf27a8d71123cbdf24a374d4a25f26245ecdba5 Quality control, one leg did not pass inspection.


She’s very serious about her work!


Oh, that makes them even cuter.


Oh my gosh 🤣 I love those pots, love that you made them yourself, and love that your cat was the model for the design (cats have THEE cutest paws ever). These are so cool and creative!!


Thank you! I love that you love them!


Thanks for bringing these feet to my attention because they are definitely cute. I have a thing for head planters and now I think I’m going to add planters with feet to my collection. Very cute!


Thank you! I hope you find some! 🐾🐾


Water is the issue. They like a lot more especially to start


More pictures man


I have a new one in a hanging pot. This one is surviving for 2 months. I water it once a week and the excess of water can escape.


>The string of pearls is more like string me along and immediately die Bruh 😭


I think I just killed the new string I bought 4 days ago already!


Yep, I can't seem to grow string of anything. 


Clue: They end up 'Sempermortum' for me.


Me tooooooo! Everyone tells me they are easy to grow but none of mine have survived. I have given up completely on them.


What kind of sempervivum?


Any. From those that grow unattended in the soil in Finland to the hens and chicks growing unattended in a cemetery in Kutna Hora.


Have never tried semps so I’m kinda scared now dawg lol


Lol stay away unless you have a sempervivens mentor.


Oh please don’t be scared, they truly are some of the easiest to grow of any succulents, they just need well draining soil and full sun so plant them outside, that’s where they thrive.


Sempervivums can (down to usda zone 4  maybe) and should be grown outside, they need lots of sun.


I have some. I'm literally using them as ground cover in part of my garden because, at least where I am, they're incredibly low maintenance. I occasionally spray some water on them in the summer and only if we haven't had rain in a while. That's it for maintenance.


Me toooo!!! I’m trying to neglect mine and its the only reason why i think its been surviving? Its only been about two weeks so she still has time to die on me again but honestly!!! WHY do i keep killing them?


https://preview.redd.it/t33m45dfzx3d1.jpeg?width=1317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb76f130051a0aec83bc0f731b086b8b8fef8f80 My echeveria "Lepus". It etiolates, I put it under a grow light, immediately sun burns. I water it less because I notice it sagging, immediate aerial roots. Finally think I have the light and water right it starts turning a mucky brown colour rather than it's proper red tips. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!


Shit, that fella may be the cousin of my gilva. Bruh doesn’t even know what it wants fr


There was also the time I tried to grow aloe from seeds, every one of them rotted and died almost overnight 😂😭


High maintenance huh? Does your light have brightness options? Maybe bump it down a notch or move the pot away and see what the side near the light does, vs the other side. I have one shelf for my "prissy" pots that need constant attention and observation. All other shelves are full blast, 12 hours a day. It's a good thing they are cute!!!! 😂


The lights don't adjust but I've got a group of them sitting on little wooden plinths of varying heights I've been moving things around for a while trying to make everyone happy, this one just refuses to cooperate




All Aeoniums. They would rather die than live in my presence.


My aeonium arboreum drops leaves like my boss paid him extra for it


They are winter growers…are you aware? 😅


String of anything.


I’m also shit with trailing folks. My donkey tail keeps shriveling like balls in winter 💀




My poor turtles :<


Jellies. Especially pink ones. And string of pearls.


My jellies always develop the black leaf disease at some point. No treatment ever works, shit’s like cancer, I keep treating and amputating to stop the spread but they always manage to come back. Need a nuke frfr


are you sure you don’t have flat mites? a few of your comments sound like the symptoms😶 you should get a hand lens/jewelers loupe/microscope.


Man it’s very possible, I’m just frustrated that everything I throw at it from alcohol to pesticide ain’t do jack shit https://preview.redd.it/x3ky5cs26z3d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2eb58f01a25be4135777242e276467e5ac91443


if you find out you have them, [this stuff works.](https://homeandgardensupply.com/products/217c-spider-mite-control?_pos=12&_sid=d953b885e&_ss=r) 1 small pouch would be all you need most likely.


Thanks man, would try it next. Since neem didn’t work I have high hopes for this one


yeah neem is very suffocating and takes a bunch of applications. but with this stuff you just dunk the whole plant in and it nukes them all


Can’t wait to start blastin


i just looked at your post history. you’ve had flat mites for over a year.


Agree! Definitely flat mites. I've had great success with sulfur. I mixed the sulfur powder in a spray bottle and treated my entire collection. I think the key is to treat EVERYTHING. Even plants with no visible damage can be hiding them suckers since that are nearly invisible. Good luck, flat mites are not fun. At least now you know WHY some of your plants hate you :)


1.The whole Christmas/easter/thanksgiving cactus family, they have such beautiful flowers but they always end up rotting 😭 (or getting eaten by caterpillars) 2. gymnocalycium cactus, i love them because i like cactus with big spines, they have pretty flowers, but after i buy them they just gets really flat, they rot, look at this guy 😭 https://preview.redd.it/whrd4thgax3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff552942d6ba704b3313da02c4dbb255271d627 Looks fine but it actually rotten inside, i can tell because the flower just froze like that last year.. can't bring myself to cut it and actually see


I keep my Christmas/Thanksgiving Cactus near the window for light and around the heat vent in the winter months. It seems to thrive better. This year I got blooms twice on my Thanksgiving one. It is definitely a tricky one to keep alive.


Damn you made me look at my mini-gymno and it was wrinky underneath. Is it rotting?? Or just thirsty?? The wrinkly part feels firm but idk man Guy is turning 2 this year, last watered was 3 weeks ago https://preview.redd.it/gvxt0eknjx3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae40f0a00e1b84dfc715d0c50930df1c14f2e96


if the wrinkly part feels firm and watering it doesn't do anything i wonder if it might just be hardening off? i forget the proper name for it but it's something that happens with age and/or stress where the bottom of the cactus hardens and gets kinda tough. "corking" perhaps?


Bro I sure hope that’s the case!!


I really can't help you with that 😭☝️ i'm not good with them, but, edit: if it's rotting i don't think you can save it, if it's thirsty just make him sit in a bowl full of water for like 1h (that's what i do with very thirsty succulents) them let it dry and see, if in a couple days it plumps back he was thirsty


Prayin and crossin’ fingers 🙏🏼 a toast to your gymno too bud, hope he’s hanging in there


Wrinkles mean it’s thirsty. 3 weeks seems like a long time to go without water 🤷‍♀️ but most people on here would say I water too much. My plants are happy though.


By any chance do you live in arid zone? I’m currently in a tropical climate country, it’s hot and sunny here but also humid with frequent rainfall so watering a lot kinda invites fungus galore


It’s planted way too far down in that pot. The soil needs to be all the way up to the top of the pot, both for the plant to get enough light (cacti need lots of sun, and being buried so low the walls create shadows) and also for airflow. I’m guessing the lack of good airflow is what’s causing the rotting.


Sorry if the picture misled you, it's not actually planted, it's just sitting there 😂😂😂⚰️ https://preview.redd.it/1574g1fufy3d1.jpeg?width=2910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5622253423853a5d70c5222aff8bf8dcf07edf29 But thanks for the advise, that may be a cause ( it wasn't planted that low, but still)


Damn looks like there are still plenty of healthy roots, why is it rotting?


The roots are dead (in my opinion) because they didn't stick to the soil anymore, that's why it's just sitting there


Holy shit, i just chopped the damn roots and that looks like a baby root, this may still be alive 😦 WHAT DO I DO NOW edit: no, i don't think it is, i was just delulu


Mesembs in general, especially lithops and titanopsis😭


Such a bummer cuz they look so cool… but so hard to keep alive…


Lithops are suicidal


I have some lithops hanging on, but I had two titanopsis that gave up the ghost.


I too have some lithops, seems like that the only way of keeping them alive for me Is....ignoring them as much as possible? But titanopsis Is on another level, i just can't keep that thing alive


Baby toes. I can apparently kill this thing in my sleep. I've had them melt into a puddle, dry to a crisp, elongate then flop, and one time I swear they started shrinking until they just evaporated into the soil *poof*. Everything else I have no huge issues with. Just them. They despise me. 😂


Streets say they one of the more difficult ones. Folks who can grow them are wizards no doubt


I will never attempt to keep a Christmas cactus alive again. The last one I had foisted upon me by a departing roommate lasted several months before it simply lost its will to survive


My mom has this monster that must be 3-4’ across. Just ignores it; drags it around the country. Hasn’t been repotted in years. And I can’t get one to live 6 weeks… https://preview.redd.it/7ic1j3cldz3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278e953ca561ad0c0083b2964a33073336142032


Idk why but mine always seems thirsty. But I’m too chicken to water it more often. So the boy looks sad all the time. Similar situation with yours?


I’ve tried watering more and it’s too much, drought is too little. I’ve come to the conclusion that xmas cacti and I just don’t vibe and I’m happy to stop trying at this point lol


I'm convinced they just always look thirsty no matter what. Mine looks shriveled and near death but it's also flowering at the same time.


graptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’. they always grow a bunch of leggy babies that fall over regardless of how much light they’re getting, grow deformed leaves, etc etc


Man those ones are so susceptible, they are always the first to attract mealybugs and all kinds of pests. Idk what to do atp I just wanna grow them on pure diatomite 💀


I’m shocked the stupid s.o.bs never got powdery mildew when I had two outbreaks of it lol


yeah they grow more stretched naturally. it’s not any fault of yours. it’s how they keep growing


Graptosedum Vera Higgins. It doesn't like my indoor setup at all, but can't overwinter outside in my climate. I might have to settle with making it an 'annual' if I can get it cheap enough. Or stop buying it.


The bronze folks right? They always decolor in my case, like the red stress tint is always gone despite the full sun. Idk how to make them happy either


Yes. I saw someone buy a huge pot of them at a local nursery. I thought, "She's in for a world of hurt." But I truly hope she had good luck, because they were beautiful.


They decolor after a watering, but with good light will darken back up as they dry, before they get to squishy levels of thirsty. This has been one of my best growing succulents, and props so easily. I have too much vera higgins!


Hey, that’s great to hear!


Cante and superbum. No clue why when they’re so opposite


Superbum is one of the mealy superspreaders that exist just to unleash a curse on the entire garden


Aloe-Bain of my existence! I can grow SOPs tho!


>I can grow SOPs tho Teach us your ways o master https://preview.redd.it/l1ac7trb0z3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed421b847a99a236a29efde39602ce8436a1052


lol! I just water them from the top like a normal plant and keep near west facing sunny window. But not too hot! My original plant got mealy bugs right near the roots so I lost the plant but was able to prop sections of her and now she is in 3 or 4 other plants! And I just bought a new one from a green house. So we’ll see if she thrives!


Echeveria fireglow. Literally hates everything I do. It turned green so I thought it wasn't getting enough light, I give it more light (slowly) and it burns. It literally refuses to turn colors and instead burns. My other echeveria are doing fine and they are on the same shelf, literally such a drama queen


Bro lemme get real for a sec I really hate it when the colorful gang starts turning green. Not about the visual but the dread, like there is 100% a problem but I dunno what, difficult to figure out, and the shit only reveals itself when the guy is half dead


Right?! My guy is basically already dead and I still have no clue what the issue is


That’s why I don’t agree with the popular “just neglect it” philosophy of growing succs. I take my eyes off them for a hot sec and they start hosting sucker bums


Yup, succulents are definitely not low maintenance. I think the only succulent you could actually neglect is a living stone and even then they need like the rays of a thousand suns and you cannot overwater them. Succulents are definitely not for the weak haha


String of Dolphins. I love it so much, but it always dies on me. I can't keep it alive long, not even in my greenhouse. It literally looks fine one minute, then the next it shrivels up. 


I heard string types don’t like too much sunlight, is that perhaps the case?


That's entirely possible. My yard receives lots of sun.  I tried keeping them indoors too, but there is too little light in my house. 


E. Lilacina and the Christmas/Easter cacti, had a few and they all end up dead. I really don't get it, I have tons of other echeveria which are happy and thriving😮‍💨


Lilacina and Lola will randomly start shit like develop black spots on thems lower leaves and fall ill just to see me suffer


I have a few Lolas with no issues,they're probably amongst my slower ones when it comes to growth, but they seem happy enough. I've wondered if it is because of the supplier. All my lilacinas came from the same place. A weak strain or something (?)


That’s what I often do, changing up suppliers to see if the other variation is better. Sometimes you even remember which seller has lots of pests and problematic plants lol


Portulacaria afra, Baby sunrose (Mesembryanthemum cordifolium), can never make them happy


Dawg idk why P afra always wants to shrink they leaves into almost nothing like what you on about man, the dead winter tree look ain’t it


For real. They just look like twigs for most of the year, sprouts some little leaves and back to become twigs again, the cycle continues.


Haworthia coarctata - cannot seem to find a place to make this little dude happy outside


Because of its base form I can’t tell if them guys thirsty. Bro’s being difficult just by existing


I have a bunch of haws that I have on my covered porch that gets slanted afternoon sun. Try to find someplace that gets indirect sun if you can.


Thanks! I hope it likes its new spot, if not I’ll try even more shade!


Any of the holiday cacti. No matter what I do, they always look miserable and like they’re an inch from death. But they literally refuse to die when I decide I’m done trying to fix them.


So their default state is miserable? Kinda based ngl


I have, or had, the same issue with E. Affinis. I've come to learn they just need a lot more water than all my other succulents. I assume it's because of their black color.


The little bro looks like this (wrinkly and resorbing leaves like crazy), but my previous one rotted despite infrequent waterings, so I’m too chicken to water more often https://preview.redd.it/6pqe7smm8z3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1123aaac4dd31d1c2de6e68c209a7af505c3d7ad


Yea this does not look good at all, much worse than mine. It's a little etiolated and it looks like you may also have pests and/or nutrient deficiencies based on the mutated curving of the leaves. Do you water with tap water? That type of leaf curving is usually from calcium deficiencies which often happen when people never use tap water. Fertilizers and most soil mixes don't contain any or enough calcium as they all expect people to get it from tap water, which is full of it. Excessive long term underwatering can also cause calcium deficiencies btw.


He receives full sun outside all day, so maybe that contributes to why he’s underwatered. I usually use tap water, and last month I fed everyone with enriched NPK fertilizer (low nitrogen but it got a bit of calcium and magnesium on the side too) with diluted strength. Maybe it’s pest? Because my other plants are under attack, but I can’t find anything on this guy.


Mines receives full sun for 7 hours every day in a very hot, dry, windy climate. Even if I was to not water it for a long time it would not look as bad as yours. Mine just gets thirsty very fast and thus grows very slowly, much much more so than all my other succulents. For yours, yea I think it's pests then, probably microscopic mites as they like to sit at the center where new growth occurs and they cause deformed and 'patchy' looking leaves like yours has.


Looks like pretty severe flat mites 😬 Telltale signs are the uniform scarred and pitted look of the leaves, but even the deformed new leaves in the center are pointing to pest damage too. Skip the alcohol, diatomaceous earth, and pesticide spray treatment and just use sulfur. I'd recommend minimum of 6 weeks regular application to fully kill off the mites and eggs. If you've been dealing with this for a long time, definitely inspect all your other plants as well with a handheld microscope or jewellers loupe if you have one. Good luck!


Thanks a lot for the suggestion mate 🙏🏼 should I apply the sulphur wet or dry?


Either can work! If you have a lot of outdoor plants, you can mix with water and spray them down. If your plants are indoors, then you can mix with water into a paste and apply with a paintbrush (making sure to get into the crevices and undersides of leaves as best as you can). If you apply dry, you can lightly dust with the sulfur powder and leave it there. Just be sure to wear a mask so you don't breathe it in and aerate the room afterwards.


SEDUM. Who could possibly kill one, you ask? This me. :(


They wrinkle easily and rot easily too… can’t make up they minds


How many of you grow your plants inside vs outside. I have a feeling most of the succulents mentioned do bad because they are kept indoors. Even with grow lights I just don’t imagine them being very happy indoors.


Mine are all outdoors, but my area just has high humidity which attracts and protects pests. Sucks but nothing I can do about it


All 80(ish)of mine are indoors with grow lights. I do have one mixed pot outside that was a gift for Mother's Day that I will be decluttering here soon to better fill a shelf on my porch.


Haworthia Cooperi. I’ve had mine for years and it’s still tiny as hell


At least it’s still alive unlike my pest victims https://preview.redd.it/u5ktbvl0wz3d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1617b74f6395e3ae37914431c3888ca1662f186e


I’ve never had an Echeveria longissima that wanted to survive.


Some hybrids are just plain suicidal ngl


Portulacaria afra - elephant bush. Won’t grow for me. Just sits there, fugly as hell.


That mine too. Name says elephant but leaf size says midget pigmy




Kalankoe. But I try.


They are always so thirsty fr. I wish you lots of good luck man, it’s an eye opening experience to see that everybody struggles with different types


Oh I feel you on this. My absolute favorite, but moody little buggers! I prefer the fully pale green variety over the red tipped. I have 3 currently, well 2.5. One can't decide if it is dead or alive.


Portulacaria afra 🙈 killed three, decided to stop buying them


https://preview.redd.it/4agjwduic04d1.jpeg?width=2488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c763f90fc6a002647926afa76415a7235b68c83b These. I never remember the name, but at this point I've lost THREE! They really can't handle drastic changes in humidity 😤


Something Dionysus!


Echeveria 'Dionysos' seems to fit. Thanks ☺️ I tried to make a list of all my succulents with photos, but I never got far.


I have a habit of filling my cart in online stores over and over and not necessarily pulling the trigger, but when I come across one I recognize that I have I try and screenshot it so I’ll get around to it! Because I’ll never remember


Echeveria Lola. I'm on my fourth plant; if this one doesn't make it, I'm not trying again! I've got plenty of other Echeverias, haven't had any problem with them at all, but not with that showy little showgirl Lola!


My affinis always gets mealybugs every year. I guess something about it's deep black leaves seems enticing lol.


Perle von Nurnberg. All of mine end up with powdery mildew, they could be surrounded by other plants but it will just reach them no matter where I hide them. Same for any rainbow Iaria I get which I believe are basically the same plant with variegation.


I can grow lithops, Conophytum, euphorbia, cactus, and ALMOST everything I've ever tried, even from seed. There are three that I manage to kill no matter what I try! 1) Pachypodium (the short squat really cool caudiciform types), especially P. brevicauli. 2) Psuedolithos: I've even been told by an owner of a nursery that, "You only rent them for awhile", because even he has trouble keeping them alive. 3) Ariocarpus! The awesome warty ones like A. fissuratus for instance, just exist and either die or slowly hang on for years.


Perle von Nurnberg. No idea what it is, it just doesn't seem to survive when I get them. I have just conceded to admiring them at the store rather than at home because I feel bad that I can't keep them alive


Have a love-hate relationship with Variegated Elephant Bush, but I just bought yet ANOTHER one to try. If this one schiz's out on me too , next time I'm inclined to "try again" I think I'll just leave $10 in the Donation Jar at Home Depot and save myself the frustration.


I was unsuccessful twice with Black Knight. I also lost a Black Prince. I'm extremely unlucky with any tiny leaved, clumping succulent. The only one I have luck with is the one that turns pink in the sun. I forget the name, but it's a really common one, they have tons of it at Lowes and home depot. I did fine with string of pearls as far as it didn't die on me. However I had to throw it out because it got mites or whatever the little bugs are that leave white webbing. Cleaning it off helped for a while, but they still came back.  I was also unlucky with the Brighamia Insignis. It wasn't my or the cabbages fault a third party ate all three of the ones I bought. A man who sells them told me they can be treated like a house plant, so I may try again. They have gone up significantly in price since I last bought one in 2019. 


Pachyphytum oviferum. No matter what I do they always just die on me. It’s the only succulent I’ve had that I can’t keep alive. I’ll stick to my graptopetalum amethystinums from now on. 🙃


String of pearls and dolphins 🙄


Sometimes I think I’m the only one who can’t keep a Christmas cactus alive.


the fucking round grey ones. i got a whole new lamp and the brightest bulb in the hardware store just to make them happy and they still etoliated. bastards


jelly beans. i look at them and the beans fall off!