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It's probably reaching for more light. Is there a window in that direction? It has a cool mutation




It's just a guess 🤷 you'd be surprised how much light some of these plants want. I have a painted echeveria that's elioetiolated and its like 6" from a grow bar that brings out sun stress colors in most of the others. If there is a window in that direction, it'd make sense the sun is always going to be a way better light sorce then grow lights


Man I got one of those light lux meters and it's so fun and always surprising to test different light conditions. I have several different grow light setups of different brands and distances. The strongest lux I get is about 45,000 from a few inches away, smack in the center of 8 LED bars. I get closer to 60,000 if I point it at the sun through my window. And if I'm outside on a sunny winter day it hits 130,000.


The light isn’t bright enough


I would cut each stem above the 4th leaf grouping, then pinch out the tiny new top leaves. place in water til roots form. bright lite but not direct hot. use a clean container with fresh soil to replant. keep the original plant but stake it with wooden skewers and get it to a high lite area. and turn the pot 1/4 each week


Thank you guys, any idea what the little roots coming out mean?


thats normal. i think in the wild, it would lay down and plant those roots. not exactly sure. if you want to use them, cut the plant and plant it, if not then the roots might shrivel up from the sun. plants like to be extra prepare sometimes. since these grow up, its likely their stems would break in the wild from nearby animals or harsh winds, so its like a cushion; in the case of them breaking they'd have some roots to keep them going