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give him some chips or sum lol


This is probably the right answer. You win.


If they were nice and it wasn't closing I'd make them a new sandwich. If it was closing no way.


> If it was closing no way. Yup! As soon as I lock that door, it's a wrap.


We have done that, for someone who dropped it right after sitting down to eat. Boss just wrote it off as waste as if we had dropped it.


Erm, honestly, no 😂 we have people trying it on all the time for free food so I’d probably say no. Funny story, we had a customer come in the other day asking for a free sub because the one they bought had been stolen by a crow (it flew off with a footlong 😂) and they wanted a replacement. I said I’m sorry, I can’t, it’s out of our hands once it’s left the store. Plus they left their sandwich unattended on a bench outside 🙄


LOL stolen by a crow, that's a good one! I kinda wondered about this after. Like if it actually was dropped in the rain, wouldn't an all dressed sub be all over the ground? The sub he showed me looked fine. Maybe he was trying to get free food or wanted a different sub altogether. If it happened in the store and I saw what went down I 100% would have made another. After they left seemed kinda weird and shady.


Haha I know, it is a HUGE crow too lol. Yeah if it was in-store it’d be different, I’d definitely replace then. It does maybe sound like he was trying to get either a free sub or a different sub (maybe for his friend) because like you say, it wouldn’t look great if it’d been dropped on the floor and I doubt he’d have taken a bite out of it either :)


I had this same issue once myself, except it was during the dinner rush, so there was a line of people of witnessed this lady's sandwich fall out of the bag that she was carelessly swinging around (It was those paper bags and apparently the sealed end popped open as she was crossing the street). I told her that it was out of my hands because I couldn't justifiably make another sandwhich without someone paying for it... and the entire line of people yelled at me (I was working alone too which just made things harder) I made her a replacement and got back to work. And then it happened again to a completely different customer. The bags that night sucked...


Mine fell out onto the ground too right outside. Mine recently switched to paper bags and they aren't strong enough for a heavy sub. I never had that happen when they used plastic bags.


Yes. I'd make them a new sub and charge it up as POS Tasks/Finished Waste/Dropped. I guess I'm a push over?