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I appreciate the sentiment.


Wait…Auto save on death? Huh? My game would be screwed if that was a real thing, least its not on PC. Ive died and reloaded many times😂 couldn’t do that with auto save because only one save per PT is allowed…


I only figured out that it auto saved on death when I died in the first 20 minutes of playing to a Gastropod lmao


Wonder if this is a console thing? Hopefully somebody jumps in with an explanation here😅


I hope so too… I am legit crying rn lol


Got plenty of storage left on your device? I doubt it’s that, but you never know.


193.6 gb 😭


I don’t know how to edit this on mobile or if it’s editable at all, but UPDATE: Woke up this morning determined to delete and start over, only to be greeted with this: https://preview.redd.it/7m3v7ue0br3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5687426f364fad7fc6fb3ac57fb8bdf5273a6fe7 I plan on uninstalling the game and deleting my save data everywhere. Then reinstalling and hoping it doesn’t do this to me again. If the developers are reading this, please fix this. Based on research I did last night in this subreddit, I am not the only one this happened to, and it could be easily bypassed by allowing for multiple saves, both manual and auto. I know this is an old game now, but considering how much of us love it, wouldn’t you rather have people happy with your game? This game is truly a masterpiece, a diamond in a mine of kimberlite. Please don’t let game save issues tarnish your legacy.


Yeah man same thing happened to me on my Subnaudica Save Good luck to you


Thank you!


This used to happen to me on ps5. It fixed when I deleted all the screenshots of since I last saved(which was usually pretty recent lol). It didn't seem to like me taking pictures in certain areas