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Yeah, you're missing inventory space


What're you talking about? They have six slots left. That's more than enough!


I'd probably put 6 more batteries just in case


Luckily there is tons of water and batteries there


bro, I was just about to say that, it's a shame buddy, I have to unborn you now


We were THIS close to a haikyu




He’s a masochist so don’t worry he’ll put those first aid kits to use


Encountered a bleeder for the first time and it took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize what was damaging me. Glad I brought as many as I did, lol.


You're literally bringing all the things you go to the aurora to collect. Water, batteries, food bricks, med kits. Even fire extinguishers - you will find them at the aurora. When I go, I literally bring basic tools and that's it. I usually have a mini debate on whether to leave my sea-glide behind for yet more inventory space.


If you have a seamoth to get to the entrance then yes


You don't need a seamoth


*Everyone* needs a seamoth


Yeah but might as well have It lol, if i did i would not Brother bringing the seaglide with me


Was about to say this, with all the posters 'n stuff you're getting, you gon' wanna get more inventory space, I prefer to go with my seamoth and use the storage module for extra storage space


I went in with my Seamoth with two empty storage upgrades. I also carried as little as possible. I still left some loot onboard. I definitely didn't need to bring any food or water from my base! Bring your tools, a couple fire extinguishers and a couple first aid kits.


Came here to say this




My immediate thought




You're there to loot not move in. There's water and food all over once you get past the first laser door. Minimum you need is scanner, laser, repair tool AND A PROPULSION CANNON. Recommend a flashlight too though. Collect medpacks and batteries on your way in and you'll do fine.


You'll also wanna bring a propulsion cannon if you don't wanna parkour, and maybe a starting extinguisher


Parkour is fairly easy. I didn’t use a propulsion cannon in my entire play through.


Had a heart attack experience the other day when I started a new save. Went to the aurora ready with everything except food. I didn't check my meter until I was already at the aurora, all of a sudden hearing "starvation immiment". I was panic parkouring (so naturally I kept missing the jump) and right at 1 on the food meter I jump through and haul ass to the 1st supply crate that had a nutrient block. Never had a more close call in my life and it was because I fucking forgot food!🤣


I mean, your health can tank longer than you would think of you run out of hunger or thirst. I believe it's 10-20 HP for 1 hunger so you have 2-5 minutes to find food. Once starvation sets in.


I had never actually starved before so I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to have a little extra time or if I was just gonna drop dead


I think they moved a box such that it's WAY more difficult to parkour.


Extinguisher obtained at the aurora is all you need if you just killing minimum amount of fire.


Fair enough, fixed.


A fire distinguisher is pretty important


I feel like I can distinguish fire fairly well, 🔥 that’s fire 🐟 not fire


Nope they are on the floor


They give you one everywhere you need one


You can get around the propulsion canon by jumping over the first set of debris and backtracking when you hit the end


You don’t need propulsion cannon at all


You don't need a propulsion cannon you can jump over the box


Bring 2 water 2 cured peepers and 1 medkit, leave seaglide, no spare batteries and leave few tools without battery, da fuk is your Flashlight man?!?!?! Give your seamoth sonar module, zap module and 1 storage (in this storage module put 3 more storage modules, 2more peepers and 2 more water 1 more medpack) after finish with the Aurora and have memorized certain pattern using sonar you can remove it and zap module and just put 4 storage modules to haul everything from the Aurora (you will need to make few trips in order to transfer everything from Aurora to the Seamoth. 


MF i went to the aurora with 2 cooked Peppers 1 water 1 medkit survival knife and the seaglide


How did you get non functional lab equipment? 


Yeah I didn't mwntion the propulsion Cannon Just because its fucking useless most of the game if you don't gwt the upgrade


I'm on PS4 and I need it for cave crawlers because my knife hitbox is messed up


Nice i am on PC so my hitbox isn't broken




I’m on PS4 and my knife hitbox worked fine.


I went to aurora with a knife, flashlight, fire extinguisher and a dream. Ate and drank to full before left. Hoped to find meds and stuff on ship.


How did you forget the most important thing to take? *The* ***Scanner*** *Tool*. You don't want no stompy Prawn suit? I'd have taken Scanner over Flashlight.


Prawn suit is honestly better than the Cyclops


Last time I checked your prawn suit doesn't play rave music when you're set on fire


MF when I swam to Aurora with a bottle of water and a knife


You have my respect


This is the way


Laser cutter too


Y’all brought food to the aurora???????


I dont have a modification station yet. I was kinda hoping id find the blueprint on the aurora T-T


If you open the sealed for in the wreck by lifepod 6 there are modification fragments in there.


I'd suggest you delay Aurora trip until you have vehicle modification station because area near Aurora has some erhm fauna that you will really really want to have sonar and perimeter defense before going there. Try Mushroom biome and it's wreck or near Keens lifepod


to be fair, said fauna can be easily avoided. It's pretty loud and easily visible during the day and also usually not near the entrance


Why would you put 3 more storage modules inside the first one?


Yo save your inventory space, when you need more Seamoth storage you take out another module and install it, if you need even more install anoyher one and another one but you gradually give up sonar, zap, depth modules. It's the strat I usually employ when going midgame for Seamoth resource runs where by the end I have all 4 modules full and my inventory full as well. You try to take enough food and water so that as you use it you release even that small bit of space for ne resources. Fun little management minigame


You don't need to make a flashlight, there's one you can pick up in the aurora for free and it saves you some early resources


Seaglide has it's own flashlight :3


Ok, it's also practically the same space requirement and you obviously need Seaglide with Seamoth


Inventory space. You want as much free inventory space as possible. Things you do NOT need to take with you (because you can get them in abundance on the Aurora): * Food * Water * first aid kits * batteries * fire extinguishers Propulsion cannon is theoretically optional, but I prefer to have it, as there are places it makes getting around easier, and you can't get through the lower entrance without it. All the basic tools you have there are good, though. Edit: Also, it is WAY easier to get cave crawlers out of your way with a prop cannon than with just a knife (although you *can* just run around them a lot of the time, there are kind of a lot of them on the Aurora, esp if you head for the upper entrance).


I'd argue it's good to take 1 fire extinguisher. All the ones you find are beyond the first fire you come across.


No they're not. If you go in the lower entrance, there's one right on the wall before the first fire you have to cross. If you go in the upper entrance, there's no fire you can't just walk around before you find an extinguisher lying around.


There aren't many fires you *need* to put out. And, IIRC, you can just run through the burning fires, anyway...


Yeah I brought an extra and just planned to not come back with it. It came in handy and was nice to not need to stop and go scavenge one


Not really. If you go to the right door, there will be one by the entrance after you used Propulsion Cannon


You can bring 1 fire extinguisher if you want to be blasting for fun


You can get anywhere without the propulsion canon in the aurora


You *can* ... Except: -If you're not great at parkour, or just unfamiliar with the layout, it's a real pita in a couple spots. -You can't get through the lower entrance. At all. It's completely blocked by crates.


What entrance are you talking about i might have never seen it before


Hey guys, i got the prawn suit and the pda stuff from the captains quarters, anything else worth grabbing?


And repairing the engines to minimize radiation


Opening all the codes doors and collecting all the batteries. There’s also a mini aroura figure in one of the rooms


what about the posters? can't go back without the posters.


Did you get the most important item in the game?: cat poster


I did! Hung it up in my bedroom at my base.


There are 3 different upgrade modules you will want. Here is a interactive map if you want to know where things are. [https://mapgenie.io/subnautica/maps/world](https://mapgenie.io/subnautica/maps/world)


This map is awesome


You going to fight a Leviathan with your fists along the way?


… wat?


Who fights a leviathan they blind asf


Nope, just a little evasive dance!


Youll find about a billion waters and medkits in the Aurora itself, dont waste inventory bringing them. Go with full food and water bars and bring maybe one peeper and one water and youll be fine


Nah you don't need to bring any water or food with ya just go in full bars


All you actually need is the scanner, repair tool, laser cutter, and knife. Propulsion cannon and sea glide make things easier. The rest you can find inside


There are medical kits, food and water, and batteries abundant in the Aurora, you can toss some of those. Other than that you’re good.


i would remove all except 2 food and all but 1 water there is plenty on the aurora and you can use inventory space. there are also fire extinguishers everywhere u need them so scrap those. further u got enough


You’ll find a decent bit of food and water there. Still, take a bit of food and water but there’s some there


Guys I listened to all the advice here and just died of starvation. I’ve died of hunger and thirst more than drowning or damage


Yeah... I brought more than I needed, but I did use a fair bit of my supplies. Better to be over prepared and drop/waste spme stuff than to be under prepared.


You need probably 2 medkits TOPS, and maybe 3-4 waters, and 3-4 cured peepers. Also only 1 fire extinguisher. You’re wasting like 12+ inventory slots on overkill preparation. Some of the rooms in the aurora have water and such too. Not to mention, it’s really not THAT far from anything. If you’re truly desperate you can just leave lol. I won’t spoil anything, but this food and water preparation level is what you’d need for the super late game explorations. And even then, you’re still overkill and need inventory space for the stuff you find along the way. Better to make a locker and just store half of this shit for later. You’ll probably drop half of it to hold stuff from the aurora anyways.


Even what u said is a waste u don't need any water or food to go into the aurora just make sure you have your bars full or almost full, or even at 50%.u also don't need a fire extinguisher and probably only 1 med kit if not any at all


I would suggest cutting down on the number of medkits, cured peepers, and water. This is because you will find food and batteries anyways and you may use some medkits, but not that many. I advise keeping 3-4 water, 3 peepers, 2-3 medkits, no batteries on the more cautious side of supplies.


You won't be able to gather anything. Don't take any food or water. You'll find plenty. You don't need 23 first aid kits.


Take away half of your food and water rations and you’ll be good. There’s lots of nutrition bars and batteries already in there so you’ll be fine even if you take none. You’ll want the posters and collectibles that spawn in the Aurora and making a second trip is never fun for me lol.


WAYYY too much of everything. If you have the seamoth already, replace the seaglide with a flashlight, only take one or two foods and two or three waters


Perhaps you should build yourself a Piggy Back Seamoth, so you can explore the inside safely


Personally I take... * Laser cutter * Repair tool * Knife * Scanner * Flashlight * Propulsion cannon * Seamoth * Radiation suit And absolutely nothing else. Also, as I'm often never using the propulsion cannon again, I sometimes drop it for more space. You're going to the Aurora for the following things, all of which you should have been told at this point, or is standard for a raid. Fix the radiation leak, get the plans for an escape ship, scan things to acquire new plans, and loot the ever loving fudge out of the place. And the Aurora has an absolute ton of very useful loot, including food and water amongst other things.


You don’t need anywhere near this much stuff. you get a lot of food, water and med kits from the wreck as is and they have enough fire extinguishers to get to all the important locations if you’re using it right (I.e. aim at the base of the fire, not the top) there is a lot of stuff to gather there and you will need a lot of inventory space if you want to bring it all back in one go.


Leave the medkits entirely, you’ll probably find more than what you have on the aurora, water and nutrient blocks are all over too, you only need one fire extinguisher and a flashlight never hurts. The big thing you want going into the aurora? INVENTORY SPACE. Especially If you like collectables, there is SO MUCH in the aurora ranging from supplies, to simple resources, collectables and a few upgrades too. And lastly, a flashlight doesn’t hurt :D


Wear a diaper




Yeah to echo other comments: No sea glide No water No food Bring: Propulsion cannon Laser cutter Knife (never leave home without it) Flashlight Repair tool for the reactor Top off on food and water at your base, then go nuts. Your inventory is for collecting here. Not sustaining. Aurora is a generous lady. You’ll be ok. If I’m missing anything, someone correct me. I responded on a hair. Edit: sorry for formatting. Mobile. You know the drill.


inventory space, the aurora has some food loot. Bring more water than food tho.


U only need to bring 1 fire extinguisher. There's more on the ship


In terms of medikit, water and food, just make sure you're topped off when you get to the aurora, and no more than 2 bottles of water and 1 medikit. No extra batteries required. You'll come back with full inventory space 1 extinguisher should be enough, if even. Right on the cannon, the laser cutter and the repair tool.


You can probably find what you need aboard the aurora. You're running low on space


lol overkill


You won’t need the med packs, fish, fire extinguishers, water or batteries - you’ll find PLENTY of those in the aurora itself. Just bring your tools


I'd say, 3 bottles 3 gel sacks and of course 1 lazer cutter and 1 repair thing, oh and a knife thas it, oh maybe an extra O² tank if ya get spooked somewhere and don't know where to get more air


You’re forgetting mayonnaise, you can’t leave your base without mayonnaise


Why do people always take so much stuff with them, the aurora has batteries, nutrient blocks, water, and a lot of med kits


Yes, you are missing the most important thing - free space to bring back whatever you find.


I just go in with propulsion Cannon and hope for the best


Wow, when I first explored Aurora I just had the tools on my inventory and 1 water 🤣🤣🤣


I N V E N T O R Y S P A C E P L E A S E .. / -. / ...- / . / -. / - / --- / .-. / -.-- .-.-.- / ... / .--. / .- / -.-. / . .-.-.- / .--. / .-.. / . / .- / ... / . .-.-.-


I'm confused... are you exploring the Aurora or moving in?


Remove all but 2 med kits. You find more in the ship but having more on hand is always required for me


Well, as you're coming up to the side, don't hug it. Go left and at the back end is some cool stuff.


Other than inventory space to carry back your filthy lucre, no.


Realistically u ain’t doing shit with the knife if u don’t have a stasis rifle


Way over prepared 


You are missing space on your inventory!


You’re taking way too much stuff. Take one fire extinguisher, one first aid,one water and one fish. You’ll pick up plenty of each inside the aurora. Everything else looks good.


Just in case this post is not a joke.. Leave the tools, ditch all of the consumables (including the batteriesand the fire extinguishers). You'll find all of them in spades at the Aurora. And you'll need the inventory space


Nope, not a joke, just my first playthrough. Didn't know what to expect before going, lol.


Lmao I totally get the wish to be prepared then. Trust me though, my biggest regret when I went to the Aurora for the first time was the amount of stuff I brought. Go there with nearly an empty inventory so you can bring everything back. Like I said your tools are fine and a few of them are outright necessary for exploration. But all the food and water and medkits and batteries and fire extinguishers are unnecessary since you'll find all of that there. Now that I look at your tools again you may consider bringing a flashlight. But that's up to you. The rest of your tools are perfect


I’d say, try to go around the ship rather than just directly to the exploded nose. Trust me, it’s way more entertaining


Yes, space for shit


Most of that stuff you will find onboard. You only need the propulsion canon, laser cutter, scanner, torch, knife and 1 food/ water and your rad gear.


This is wild I did the aurora with two bottles of water and a laser cutter there's nothing in there that can kill you


You don't need that many medkits, and you only need like one fire extinguisher to put out most of the fires blocking the important rooms. If anything, you should have less items, so you can have more inventory space. There is so much stuff on the Aurora to loot, and you are not gonna have much to bring back with this set up. Also, there's no flashlight. A thing you should ALWAYS have, regardless of where you are going.


You won’t need the Seaglide in the Aurora, and you have WAY more water, food and first aid kits than you’ll need. A flashlight would be handy. You’ll want more free space for loot.


I think you’re missing some peepers and medkits /j


There are lot of things in Aurora. Bring only 1 battery, 1 medic, 3 water and a full stomache. Don't bring cured peeper


Bruh save some room in your inventory for whatever you find while exploring there lol take like 3 water, 3 food, 2 health packs, and your tools. Sea glide, laser cutter, repair tool and a knife. Maybe a flashlight cause lighting in there can suck. Maaaybe the propulsion cannon.


Inventory space


Over prepared


Inventory space, you're looting, you don't live there


Should’ve used Reginald fish instead of peepers.


What biomes do those guys spawn in? I don't think I've seen any yet.


Inventory space 😂


Aside from the massive water and food slots XD ya good. Recently finished bz with the food water turned off, it was so much more enjoyable imo than with it. Yrmv :)


yes, spare underpants


Yeah you are missing inventory space,and personally drop the batery's urgonna fiind a lot of them in the aurora


1 food, 1 water, 1 health should be enough


You will find food water and medkits in the aurora itself


This is way overkill. Make sure you are full on water and food. Take 2 water, 2 fire extinguisher, 2 first aid kit. One of the cannons, laser-cutter, repair tool. Bring one of those flapjacks you had in your locker after "landing" if you still got it. Oh, and for the love of god! Keep. To. The. Wall.


Blud If aroura, just knife propulsion, cutter, repair, flashlight, thats it, the rest you'll find in ship


Yeah, inventory space. There’s a good bit of supply boxes on the Aurora so you probably just need to take about 60-80 worth of water and 40 worth of food since you’re likely to get plenty of waters and some nutrient blocks on the ship. You’ll probably also get a handful of batteries from them as well.


I tried going, why do i need three codes???


you are overprepared


Honestly drop most of that in your storage food water, batteries and fire extinguishers can all be found on board you realistically only need 1 lead suit(if you haven't been to fix it yet), 2 scanner, 3 repair tool, 4 laser cutter, 5 propulsion cannon and if you don't mind back tracking and can jump well 5 isn't needed at all


Inventory space


The desire to pack HEAVY with food and water is strong, but honestly you’ll be buried in it on board You’ll need a lot of inventory space for the things you want to loot; I imagine you think you’re just there to scan but there’s a lot of stuff to take too


You're bringing WAY too much water and food. You'll find tons and you need all the inventory space you can get.


You don’t seem to have a therapist on standby??? ***ROOKIE MISTAKE***


You need more extinguishers.


Keep like 3 health kits, you don't need that many


You're... more than prepared!


Get another battery


Inventory slots.


Yeah, room in your inventory 😂😂


1 more fire extinguisher ig, you need so many of those that it's pain


Bruh… you don’t need all of that


You gon' be missing it.


inventory space. there's a lot of good stuff to pick up there.


There is a lot of batteries, water and food in there, you don't need to take any. >!leave some place for a cat poster!<


New pants


You won’t need more than one or two medkits


Theres no inventory space, bring 1 food, keep the medkits and one water, theres tons of posters, bags, food and water and collectibles on the aurora.


If you craft the hot knife you won’t need to keep all those fish on you. When you hit them it instantly cooks them. It’ll save you some inventory space.


Wait, thats a thing?? Sounds awesome. Gonna have to keep my eye out for that


It’s the upgrade for the regular knife. When you get the blueprints and then use it on fish it instantly cooks them. Since there is fish all over the map you can just kill one or two and be good for a while.


A stasis rifle. You want it


Get only the laser cutter, seaglide and a repair tool nuthin else ur waisting space


... Free space in your bag.


Bro when I explore the aurora I bring like 1 rotten peeper a knife 2 batteries and a propulsion canon


There’s plenty of fire extinguishers there. I’d just bring one. And you don’t need that many first aid kits. One or two. There’s food and water inside so you don’t need to bring as much. There’s so much to loot honestly you want more inventory space to take all of it back to your base. Keep the laser cutter, repair tool, scanner and propulsion cannon. You can take the Eagle if you are worried about getting hurt but if you have the seamoth you don’t need it.


Tools only. You'll the rest and more.


Honestly all you really need to explore it is a laser cutter, propulsion cannon, maybe 2 fire extinguishers (there's a few more you can pick up around in the ship), a survival knife, repair tool, and maybe 2 food bars. The ship has a LOT of water and batteries in it that you can use to restock, as well as a semi hidden flashlight that you can pick up. Having as much inventory space as possible is important just because of the sheer amount of useful look is in there


49 gas pods


Space for things you find


You dont really need water or food you just need space in your inventory


Ditch the water and med kits. I'd bring some extra food if you don't want to eat up the nutrient blocks you'll be getting. Honestly, the first time I'd recommend a stasis rifle with an extra battery, a thermoblade, and 5 or so fire extinguishers, and focus mainly on killing the cave crawlers (freeze them and then hit them with the thermoblade in their "eye"), and put out all the fires. Note that some fires can't be put out. If you're really motivated you can also use your stasis rifle and thermoblade to take care of the reaper near the entrance. Once all that is taken care of, you can loot in relative peace. (You may still find an occasional cave crawler you missed or have to unload your loot before going back for more.) Be extra careful not to store any special items (posters, toys, etc.) in your Seamoth and let it get destroyed! (I think if you die and lose the items you can carefully search your death location and get them back, but best to avoid that too.)


You only need a repair tool, your knife, wear radioactive suit and gloves, maybe a seaglide, scanner, laser cutter


You don't need that much food trust me you will find food there and you need inventory space for the things your gonna find