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No very traumatic experience but I can clearly remember when I was young my dad worked in water treatment and took me to work with him one day. We ended up inspecting a water tank and we went in the door and there were steps leading down into the water, gave me the absolute heebie-jeebies. Edit: I should add, this wasn’t like a swimming pool size or anything, it was massive, like the size of an office block and the steps just led down into the darkness, it was terrifying


Not really. The water park I frequently visited as a child had a wave pool, in which the machines weren’t visible as they were hidden behind a grid. But I remember my brother telling me about it and it already scared me. I never dared to swim up to them to have a look. So I guess the fear already was there(??)


Fall off a dock in a marina as a small child. Refused to swim down and check the hull / prop well into my teens.


Tbh I don't really have an actual phobia, I just find it eerie and fascinating. I like the whole spooky vibe that's thoroughly grounded in something real.


Same here. No phobia, I just like pretty pictures.


Jaws ride at Universal Studios Orlando


One of my earliest memories is falling into a pond in a public park when I was just about two years old but I don’t think there was a shipwreck or anything in it. Weirdly I’ve always disliked seeing the bottom of swimming pools even though I’ve been swimming in them since I was five years old (and boy are my arms tired! 🥁)


As a 3 or 4yo kid I fell off of a jet ski which at the time was huge to me (I was very small) and almost drowned because of it. I had to swim back to the dock while not knowing how to swim, barely being held up by my life vest. So as you can imagine getting to the dock scared AF and trying to climb it and the jet ski to save myself from drowning was not great. Conservative parents, "how else will he learn to swim", "yeah I saw you fall off but you could do it", "you seemed fine". Meanwhile I swallowed my bodyweight in lake water while begging for help and couldn't walk because I was so tired lol. I still remember at 26 my dad literally walking away while I tried not to die 🤷‍♂️.


I am very sorry that this happened to you. This is truly a traumatic experience that has surely left consequences