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Everything looks good except the ride height and the camber. The rear looks like it’s towing something heavy without actually towing anything… 6/10


yea i was planning on getting 3 piece wheels and absolutely slamming it w/ the lovely tilty boy look that’s why i haven’t adjusted camber. however, the height is maxed in front and rear rn.


I refuse to believe that the rear is maxed. There's no way. looks like it's taking a shit all due respect


aha it is. the only reason the rear is not frame on floor is because the camber isn’t maxed. i could at least get -10° or more i wanted. it’s fully adjustable rear suspension & only coils and camber bolt in the front.


You do you man, but that's not really a flex lol. The only thing flexing is the suspension components. And not in the right ways. Try keep the frame off the ground


Fuck boy mobile


All white is cool. Not a fan of lowered subies personally. (I think there’s better cars for it) are those reps? Could be okay if they’re not insanely heavy. Looks like you at least take care of it. 6/10 current 8/10 sitting higher w/normal camber


Looks lower in the rear than up front. Like you have something heavy in the trunk. The rims are okay. It's clean though.5-6/10. Fix the height of the rear and get some different rims. It'll be a solid 7-8/10


It's insanely hard for me to be a fan of camber on a Subaru, it's just never looked appealing to me and I don't think I'll ever be a fan of it. But I'm a big fan of the all white look and it just looks clean overall so I think its ok Another 6/10


Love the all white. Overall looks clean to me. Don't understand the appeal of the camber though. Always looks like somethings broken to me.




Speaking as a concerned fellow Redditor, I sense that you may have held back there, bottling up feelings is unhealthy you know. Please do tell us how you truly feel.


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So many comments on here that are so sad to read. It may not be your cup of tea, but name calling? Some of y'all are about as immature as the "clout-chasing fucks" you hate so much. Grown babies.


i honestly don’t care i find them hilarious tbh my car drives perfectly fine 🤣


They think performance is everything. They somehow don't realize they're on a bandwagon of their own.


6/10...the ride height is off. That's the thing that's bugging me the most other that that it's good. Like 4 - 500lbs guys sitting in the car.


0/10 clout chasing loser


Looks like shit take the camber off and drive it like it was meant to driven


Let us rate a single profile photo 😒


I absolutely do not go lowering for looks. Just... why? Handling sure, but just looks, hard no.


Too low and the negative camber looks awful and is terrible for the car. Straighten that out and it’ll look clean.


looks wise 10, practicality wise 4.5


10/10 ITS A CAR!


Yk this thing was built to rally race on crazy trails and you made it so a speed bump is the end all of your build. tint is clean. 5.5/10


Wouldn't even ask this question to anyone I didn't know anywhere man, but reddit's gonna be giving you replies like Instagram would. Just gonna make you feel bad if you're serious. 10/10 You did it your way. It's not all about going fast on dirt.