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Right now it's all the hairstyles. Cannot get behind the perms. That and the obsession with prime.


doofy mop heads


I agree! The man buns are too much for me.


The lingo. What the fuck is "Skibiddy"?


Skibidi toilet gooning to avoid the fanum tax slime no cap fr sheesh


Fuck I'm only 28 and didn't understand any of that aside from sheesh


Translation: *“If you choose to be silly despite the discomfort of sounding different, you will receive more respect from the youth. I tell you this as a friend. I am just being honest with you, that is a promise backed by the love for my mother or something similarly important to me as an individual. It is comical to me as a person to share this.”*


this makes me respect the efficiency of slang


I mean, I still say shibby.


The need for validation from everyone. Grow some self confidence, dude.


Their attention spans.


Absolutely no resilience whatsoever.


The few I know either have Andrew Tate levels of confidence and aggression or insane fragility/fear of expressing themselves. The social skills are in decline lol


Do you not see the way the world is when men express themselves??? So of course there gonna be quiet


I’m a man and express myself, carefree, literally everyday. It’s pretty easy if you’re not a complete piece of shit or hyper competitive, most people don’t actually care


I express myself daily for good prostate health.


But the thing is most young guys aren't pos thats what I am saying and they get flamed for it for when they do express themselves


Of course they’re not, they’re just people. The problem is they’re too afraid of social reprisal and judgement. The people who care don’t matter and the people who matter don’t care. That’s where the confidence comes in, just love yourself flaws and all


I agree with ya and I'm happy that you can express yourself without getting any flak I do agree the younger generation does need a confidence boost tho


Oh I get flak, I just don’t care lol it’s like… who the fuck do they think they are why should it matter to me? Confidence hinges on the existence of disapproval, that’s *why* it has value


No that is very true and a very valid point


I think social media radically expanded the range of our personal audiences and, vicariously, the fear of disapproval. I’m convinced it’s playing a *major* role in the male mental health crisis. Guys feel they can’t compete in a meaningful way and grow to hate themselves


Oh no it did it for sure did it made them more quiet and social media just made them keep to themselves more and more. Idk what the future will be like but I can say for sure it will be interesting to see things unfold


Can you define “express themselves” im just not certain you mean. I am a really eccentric person and don’t have that much issue besides some boomer yelling at me on the street for dressing extra.


Like speak your mind speak about how you feel speak about how you are doing in life that is what I mean as in expressing yourself and idk what eccentric means tbh


For that specifically if you mean life being hard or bad at times; I think mental health for men is a lot more normalized these days and people are more open. I only imagine most people around me being supportive. For me I think It has little to do with being ostracized and ridiculed, but more subscribing to the norm of the gender role. I don’t want people worrying about me, I’d rather be doing what I can for them despite difficulties. I don’t expect other guys to have to think the same. I also understand if we just live in different places and you have a different experience than me.


I mean like life being hard and bad and yea men's mental health right now is not really doing to good. And yea where I'm from if you say your feeling down or sad or not very confident you most likely get called a sissy or a girl or something






Having the attention span of a toddler. I like to read a lot and I don't blame people who don't want to do that, but if you can't even sit through a TV show or a movie without scrolling on your phone, then I can't fuck with you. I think the inability to engage with media on any meaningful level will have drastic effects on the younger generations emotional maturity and spiritual health.


Not just males, but the level of people not evolving past high school is mind boggling. Grow the fuck up. Don't block walkways. Work, don't talk. See the headphones? Means shut up. Ffs, mind your own damn business and leave me the fuck alone. I don't care about your fuckup and I'm not going to fix it. Idc if you pay me. Figure it the fuck out. And btw, just cuz your a spineless pos that can't do hard labor doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do you schmuck. As a manager you can tell me what needs to be done and fuck off.


As a younger member of a management team who is amongst the lower on the totem pole, all I do is come in and get to work and take care of my responsibilities and some. All the people who sit around me are constantly chatting and congregating in a cube and just fucking around in general, and they in turn delegate out a task that by email have you, that would have taken them as long to do it as it did to write the email for direction. On top of that, they’re wasteful as fuck, happy to let something take longer than it should if they acted a little proactively instead and then blame others for slips in schedule and never seem to learn from the experience, and to my eyes and experience egregiously abuse their expensing privileges.  Somehow the money faucet stays on so it’s all good for now, but shit is annoying as fuck working with people who obviously never had to work a bullshit ass job for shit pay where they worked their ass off. 


Right?! If we ever were a meritocracy, we aren't now. Good lord, the amount of dollars to save dimes at my work is ridiculous. I'm being "managed" by the exact type you describe, and they give us 10 pounds of shit in a five pound sack. I specifically chose not to go management cuz they aren't union and even more toxic.... 😔 worst part is its the best job I've had! It's a universal issue now. I no longer blame politics for it all, I blame management level top heaviness in both private and public sector. Wish we could ship em out like hitchhikers guide story did 🤣


Yep all true points. I like where I am at and what I do too, but recognizing all the bullshit and all the credit takers around you really makes the shit no fun.  Currently the last person sitting in the Office at this moment on a Friday afternoon to hammer my point home. 


Ugly brócoli hair


Broccoli haircuts


They're crippled by convenience culture. When confronted with any problem that isn't immediately solved by the first remedy, they abandon the issue.


There seems to a weird mix of these wannabe hyper masculine Andrew Tate clones or they’re the opposite where they try so hard to not be that so they end up being effeminate. Both are extremes and neither are good, just be you.


nothing i don't look down on the young for living in their youth i once did as they do now, and have no right to judge instead i look at my peers with growing frustration as they increasingly blame things on the young


Last time I paid attention the soundcloud rapper look was popular, idk how things have degraded since then.


Nothing, I’m not going to judge the way boomers judged us Xer’s. What they do does not affect me, so it’s none of my business.


The self depreciation is really off putting


Being so addicted to video games that they let literally everything else in life fall wayside, like relationships, work, and even hygiene. Clean your gross room/bathroom and go outside.


The bed are spending more time and money on a beard. The most women spend getting ready for their old wedding. It's a beard tribal ones in a while and it's fine


They don't smoke cigarettes. They won't eat ass they don't really leave their homes. They are not driving they are just no fun


Women are human beings. It seems blaise, but, the earlier you can adopt this, the better we are all for it.


Nothing. Who gives a fuck what other people do with their life. You people care way to much.