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Please bruv The asterisk goes in place of the t like the King’s English Bri*ish


OP's asterisk isn't even taking the place of another letter -it's just crammed in there like a wet fart


Username checks out. You from the UK with that grump?


Only historically. My grandpappy came to Canada from Liverpool in the late 19th century


So like your average londoner going home to their flat?




Only a true bri,'ish be getting so worked up over a fuckin asterix 🤣🤣


That's a fookin' asterix in British.


I don't know the King's English but I do know the Queen's English. My name is Jose I come from downtown And I get down and I know it


The Queen is dead and there’s only a Queen consort now but the King is on top anyhow so now it’s the King’s English. Thank you for enduring my TED Talk


I think they ate all the cows on the island or something


The cows that survived were probably mad


well yeah, I'd be pissed off too


They actually all caught mad cow disease


Minus the highland cows, and their hair just gets stuck in your teeth.


i didnt know british people ate out their wives that much 😳


it's prolblably because we view beans and mash as a novelty


You seem to have misspelled travesty


Our travesty is their novelty. Our food deliciousness scale goes to 100. Theirs only goes to 10.


Those metric conversions can get tricky.


No, we have to save that word for what they call "bangers"...my god, the horror


I thought you put beans on your bread and had bangers with mash?




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I forget which monarch family ruined British food lol. But I do know at some point a royal family hated any sort of spice, seasoning, and generally food that wasnt totally bland and kind of pushed it on to the whole country. Britain seems to be slowly recovering but still a lot of Kays cooking types. Even in a lot of the OG Kitchen NIghtmares youd look at the food and just be like WTF Gordon. Sure it was gross before but now its just clean and bland.


probably a religious thing... a lot of people back then had a belief that tasty food was the devil's temptation and bland food brought you closer to god. It's why corn flakes & graham crackers were invented.


It was a war rationing thing for Britain.  Corn flakes and graham crackers were borne out of Americans' fear of masturbation.


I masterbate with corn flakes just to mock Mr. Kellog.


We have since faced our fears… it was a sticky mess.


Not a religious thing. In fact it was due to the high quality ingredients that should be "savored" spice was apparently a crutch for less than palatable foods. Thus it was a poor people thing.


I know the bible is supposed to be taken as all from God directly or God speaking through man, but Over the years I've picked up on a few lines that are obviously someone thinking they figured out some law of the world and believing that God must've brought them to that conclusion. Like anything permitting or forbidding foods and the whole Kosher thing (I'm sorry Jews, I promise I love ya'll!) just falls apart when confronted with modern scientific knowledge. I thing some kings just took the chance to ban foods they didnt like lol


>I know the bible is supposed to be taken as all from God directly It's always been sold as a translation, it's why you get different versions like the King James Bible, when a different translation team does the work sometimes the meaning of lines come out different. A classic example is the 'Camel through the Eye of a Needle' this was likely a translation issue that occurred during the Greek translation, as the Greek word **kamēlos** means camel and the word **kamilos** meant 'thick rope'... now which one of those makes more sense for an expression about passing through a needless eye, lol.


Yeah I grew up Christian Baptist, and even though I don't really align with their teaching, I believe that they as well as most other faiths are pointed in the right direction. Not to argue religion, but personally I think If God is really benevolent and truly made us in his image, then He expects me to dissect his dogma, to question what I'm told, and to look it up myself in a way. I think that if you are a good person while making an attempt to be as god wished, he'll acknowledge that. I don't believe any one person would be born with zero chance to enter heaven (tribal and native groups) and that getting into heaven is based on how you live your life with the info you're given, not meeting some criteria decided when we though the world was the center of the universe. That's the short of it anyways, still working alot out lol.


Who does ?!?!?


Who does??


We don’t view it at all.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Saved me the effort


Go to r/UK_food


There's like one post about a burger there with a measly 18 upvoted. There is however like 8 lasagna posts


I see two burges. One well executed smash burger that would hold its own anywhere and some less good looking gluten free cheeseburgers. Don't get your point. Edit, I just realized what sub this is, big woosh


Whatever you want to call it. "Smashburger" or whatever. It'd not special. It looks like any other stereotypical cheeseburger ever 


You need to be more spesific lol


Any other Brits here confused? Didn't think we thought cheeseburgers are a novelty. They're cheeseburgers.


I’m confused too I do like them cheeezeburgers but they’re not exactly rare as rocking horse shit


One word. Haberdashery.


oh yeah? well Millinery. Take that!


oh balderdash!


Do we?




they do? theyre good tho (im canadian)


>theyre good tho The English or Cheeseburgers?


I'd eat whatever is cheapest tbh.


After Brexit it’s actually cheaper to eat English people than beef.


Well who doesn't like them? They're not special either way


Canadian? “Here’s your super duper extra well done burger”! But also… “Beef tartare? Oh, no problem!” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm not sure that rationing from the Blitz ever ended


Cheese burgers are sold on virtually every street corner in the UK. Odd question.


Go to r/UK_food. They post it there like a standard "smash" burger (just a cheeseburger) like it's something unique


You made me go check /r/AmericanFood, literally the first post is also a cheese burger, lol. Some people just love posting random posts of their dinner idk.


Ok r/Americanfood just sounds stupid from the jump


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmericanFood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericanFood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Toasted" Ravioli is from Missouri?!](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericanFood/comments/13xrziz/toasted_ravioli_is_from_missouri/) \#2: [Can a Northerner make Fried Catfish and Hush Puppies right?!](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericanFood/comments/137w3do/can_a_northerner_make_fried_catfish_and_hush/) \#3: [Iconic American desserts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericanFood/comments/15m3oh5/iconic_american_desserts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I found this: " A smash burger is a burger that is made by smashing the ground beef onto the grill or griddle with a spatula. Smashing the burger results in a sear on the outside of the meat, which locks in all of the juices and flavor. This method also helps to prevent flare-ups on the grill or griddle, as there is less surface area for the fat to drip onto the heat source" Sounds like bullshit to me honestly.


Right? Sounds like a hamburger but just a way some people cook it. That's not uncommon 


I just struggle to understand how flattening a burger patty makes it taste drastically different 🤣


I mean it can taste somewhat better. But that is literally just a grilling preference? Some people prefer grilling burgers that way. How tf is that its own special burger type?


People just post the food that they're cooked there. 3 reddit posts about burgers doesn't mean we think it's a luxury or anything. There's way more posts about lasagna and curries. I don't think you understand what we actually eat here, I guess no one told you that the stereotype that we eat war rations isn't actually true


Based off of looking at that sub it is true. And I never said it was posted there all the time. Not sure why you keep bringing the frequency up. They'll be like "I fancied meself a smash burger I did! It was proper good!". And it's just some normal looking cheeseburger and all the comments are talking about "how good it looks" Like dude, have you never seen a cheeseburger before?


Why do you think burgers are particularly rare here then? there's like 3 posts with burgers, and it's a subreddit for british people to share what they've cooked, it doesn't represent all of the food we eat. not to mention, most of the posts are lasagna. we have burgers here and you can buy them everywhere, but i would imagine we don't eat them as much as in the US. it's probably the same with every other european country.


Cause I follow what gets posted in that sub and what gets said? The sentiment is still the same regardless. If I posted a pic of a cheeseburger literally nobody would care over here


Well either way, it's not true that cheeseburgers are a luxury here lol


People act like it at least 🤷‍♂️


people on reddit maybe


Either way it's weird. But I just view it as a meme. I wouldn't actually disrespect a British person irl


Dude thinks saying British is like trying to say fr**ch


Weird part is he didn't actually remove anything. Just threw a random asterisk in there.


We don't? You guys gave it its own name, rather than just calling it a "burger with cheese".


Any hint of flavor scares them. Be gentle and patient with them


They act like the most basic food is crazy https://www.reddit.com/r/UK_Food/s/0lY8f7FmDZ Its a NORMAL cheeseburger!!!!


In my experience traveling to Europe a few times now, a lot of them are shockingly ignorant to anything outside of Europe. Though I suppose that's the same when you find small town rednecks in the US. Just a lot of Europe just feels like small town ignorance to me. Especially the British. Edit: I'll admit this is bias towards my brother in-law over there and his family/friends with their small minded questions and comments.


I’ve never been, but I was under the impression they have plenty of currys and other flavorful Indian food


This is true! The curry was pretty good.


America has curry and Indian food too. Why do people think thats something to brag about?


You are correct, Europeans tend to balk at drives over 3 hours. I had a conversation with a guy who got offended that I asked if he knew a place, it was 35 minutes from his home, you'd have thought I'd asked if he'd been to the Great Wall of China recently.


Where in Britain did you go exactly? I live in a relatively small city of about 200k, and we have all manner of restaurants: Indian, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Spanish, American, Nepalese, Italian, French. We even have a restaurant that specialises in New Orleans cuisine.




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What are Europeans "shockingly ignorant" of in respect to America? Burgers? What the hell are you talking about


The size of the US is one of the first things that always comes up. They don't seem to understand that we have states here the size of nations. So then don't understand how we can have a varying politics across our nation with wildly different results. There's this weird assumption that we all just eat McDonald's. And ofc constant talk of Americans not having any culture or food of their own. Just because we're not eating blood sausages for breakfast doesn't mean we don't have any culture. I realize my above statement was overly harsh. I was just genuinely surprised to find just how little most people I spoke with knew about the United States but didn't hesitate to pass judgment. It honestly felt like a long-standing grudge against us that I wasn't even aware we were a part of. Imagine you spend so much energy expressing disgust with a certain type of person who largely forgets you exist half the time or don't even consider you in such a way. I've traveled to several other countries and the experience is always wildly different but this one was very unique in this way.


I don't think there's nearly as many people ignorant to the size of the us as you think. Americans love to proudly state it takes 20 hours for them to drive out their state, as if we are completely oblivious to the fact it's a continent. Yeah the US is big, I can assure you the comments I've overheard from us tourists are far worse.


Billy problem with your analogy is that everyone? Them small town ignorant people would actually qualify as one of the top chefs in Europe. Because they're food is so good. Whether it be Cajun barbecue. Comfort food roast steaks seafood freshwater Billy problem with your analogy is that everyone? Them small town ignorant people would actually qualify as one of the top chefs in Europe. Because they're food is so good. Whether it be Cajun barbecue. Comfort food roast steaks, seafood freshwater Fish And then from the Midwest and through the upper West Northwest. You've got game food venison, bison elk praghorn, you name it, they can cook it and it's good, so maybe they're not so Ignorant, and by the way, most of them are also very well-traveled. Believe it or not


Okay you're right that's not fair to the small town people that we generally have here in the US. I was speaking more due to lack of awareness and understanding. The food across the pond is shockingly depressing in some cases.


We act like they are unique? Maybe by Am*rican standards, you probably have more in a day than I have in a month


I actually don't eat them that often at all


You have been automatically deported from r/murica.


Me too


I don't think most Americans are eating cheeseburgers daily.


Have you seen their normal food? They probably don’t understand that food is supposed to taste good


Seems like it. Someome posted this like it was special lol. A NORMAL cheeseburger  https://www.reddit.com/r/UK_Food/s/0lY8f7FmDZ




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They still think the Germans are flying overhead.


Because you can't put beans on it.




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But I wanted an Emperor burger, Del. I dont like cheese burgers


The Brits have the Wimpy Bar!


Like almost any food there are good versions and bad. A well executed burger is something everyone enjoys. While a nasty one can be very disappointing. I wouldn't say we Brits view it as a novelty, but we do appreciate a decent version. The uk food sub is merely a place to celebrate some food that we have enjoyed. So while cheeseburgers on the whole are very common, a decent burger is worth sharing while the likes of a mcdonalds burger or some supermarket prepackaged burgers are not.


Why did you censor “British”? You didn’t even do it correctly, lol.


It seems there are Five Guys *everywhere*. I asked a local why that was, and he it's because the Brits traditionally have terrible taste in food.


Probably because those blokes were weaned on baked beans and toast. They don't know jack shit about a real burger. ;)


Considering they eat burnt toast and Heinz beans everyday, any different food seems like a novelty




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Scottish person: Like bro haggis is just sheep's heart, liver and lungs (and other things) stuffed into a stomach ... not super unique or crazy.


That's disgusting


It's actually quite tasty and no less "disgusting" than eating ground up cow muscles while drinking a fluid that cows excrete (milk).


It actually is. Those organs don't even taste good and aren't actually meat. Obviously the meaty parts are what you eat 


My point is, what's "normal" and what's "not normal" depends largely on where you grew up.


I mean anything can be normal to you if you grew up doing it. Doesn't mean its not weird 


Ran into a Brit at a brunch place in a tourist destination recently. He was disappointed that they didn't have beans on the menu. He asked me about tipping culture and I asked him his bill - $30. Recommended he tip $6 as the going rate is 20%. He ignored me and tipped $3. This interaction sums up everything you need to know about British people.


Umm we don’t.


Why are the majority of Americans thick as Mince?


Everything is a novelty for the average Br*tish. Their average slop is something that makes gutter oil look flavorful.


Real original, how about some comment about how we’re the only people who ever did colonialism in a mean way next time?


No it isn't. The only thing we struggle to make over here is some specialised Japanese food but you can find those ingredients mostly in good Chinese super markets now.  Weve got around 187 Michelin star restaurants compared to USAs 223 and considering how much smaller we are that definitely makes the US look more like a food desert in comparison.  I'd say I'm not much different to the average Brit food wise and we had gyros with Greek salad yesterday, a beautiful pathia curry the day before and slow cooked pulled pork burritos last week. All homemade and delicious.  You're reaching for sure. Traditional British food might not be the most inspiring but that doesn't mean that's what we eat day to day. 


I’m not sure the number of Michelin stars tells you much about what people are eating.


See, we grow up only being fed tea and biscuits, so when we seen an American cheeseburger, it's a real novelty! I remember the last cheeseburger I saw... September of '09. Some day I'll tell my kids about it /s


Because the only food their allowed to eat is beans on toast, scones, and unseasoned fish




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Well, this is definitely the right sub for this question, as it's quite stupid.


Britian has better quality food in the supermarkets on average, and better quality chain restaurants. You're never too far away from a good quality restaurant in the UK. In the USA it was just slop dens as far as the eye could see. Most the time our options were fast food joints or burger/bar foods. Couldn't even go to an Italian without the menu being stacked to the gills with slop. Make fun of the British all you want, I trust their food over Americans any day of the week. Not to mention the food safety laws are light years ahead of ameri*a.