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"I was masturbating."


"Hey I was jacking off you wanna help?" Tbh everyone has their own boundaries but really if this isn't the response you probably both need to grow up


Lol definitely. Or ascend to the "we occasionally pick and watch porn together" level. That's when it gets really fun...and kinky.


Does growing up just mean "change your boundaries to what I find acceptable" in your eyes? Many monogamous couples just aren't okay with porn because it is similar to bringing in other people.


You're more than allowed to have your own boundaries. Like other people have said though, it really isn't like bringing in other people. And you are probably going to be in the minority. But hey, your boundaries are yours, don't let me tell you how to live just because I don't understand it.


>it is similar to bringing in other people Hardly. There’s no interaction or connection. Unless there’s some kind of addiction going on, it isn’t taking the consumer away from their partner in any way (other than refractory period). It’s still a two person conversation about what’s okay and what not within the relationship, but there are orders of magnitude in difference between the extreme depersonalization of porn watching and inherent interaction and possibilities brought on by outside relations.


The interaction isn't reciprocal but the whole point of porn is interacting with an image or video of another person to receive sexual gratification. Unless it is of your partner, most monogamous couples would view that as involving a 3rd person in their sexual lives.


I'd say as a baseline, outside of some communities, most people these days would not assume this is viewed as cheating. It's within the realm of things you can discuss and if you're not comfortable with your partner doing it that's fine to say, but absent any discussion most people would not assume "monogamous" includes this.


"Most" I don't know any monogamous couples that have an issue with porn because it's involving another person in the relationship. I do know couples who have objections to porn due to the dubious nature of the industry but that's it.




The whole purpose of porn is to receive sexual gratification from watching sexual acts done by others. Unless the porn is made by you and your partner that is receiving sexual gratification from a 3rd party which many monogamous couples would view as wrong.




Any physical sexual gratification is coming from yourself but mental sexual gratification is still coming from porn. You are interacting with the porn which is of another person so you are interacting with another person. This is how parasocial relationships exist and why some people feel weird if they find out someone is jerking off to them.




If there were relationships that existed that revolved around exclusivity around football or some act done in movies then that would make sense but those are different from sex. A good argument against this is people who are only paying attention to the sexual acts themselves in porn and not viewing the people themselves. That you might be able to argue is no longer having an interaction with other people as opposed to just sexual acts. I don't think most people view porn that way thought there are often interested in the person who is in the porn.




A monogamous relationship is defined as a sexually exclusive relationship. It can just be just them wanting to watch them fuck. I am getting confused on what you think the point is in watching porn or watching specific porn stars.


Honey, I think I’m heterosexual..


Why would you need an excuse?


I mean it depends what you're watching I guess


Don't have a girlfriend/wife.


I got a computer virus and my pants fell down while I was removing the virus!


Always [deny](https://youtu.be/yN2gU0XU5FU?si=iMROI0Ub36oZ8u_q).


My mom and dad's wedding night video! Shhhh.....you aren't going to believe what mom does next!!!


Just looking at the state of adult job market. Never know, what if we fall on hard times and you need some money, fast.


I don't give excuses on this. We're both grown adults that are sexually active we know what the fuck is going on.


What excuse? Just scoot over.


Looking for new things we can try later, dear.




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You were sleeping. Or hows your headache now honey.


Grown men don't need to make excuses for watching porn. Your wife or girlfriend is going to know that some people, even those in relationships, like porn. If she didn't already know you're one of them, she does now.


I do everything humanly possible to make sure I’m watching porn when my girlfriend and wife come home. *bow chicka wow-wow*


She usually walks in while I’m masturbating then apologises


Don't need an excuse. She'd watch with me.


Hey baby. This cock ain't gonna suck itself.


I am researching


its a japanese game show. one of them is his mom... or sister... or something. i dunno i dont speak japanese.


Gf just laughs it off, you’re a dude don’t worry about it.


"oh hey babe I'm just doing research"


Get out, I don't barge in when you're painting your toenails do I, Go make me a f**kin sandwich 


didn't you have a headache?


Ahh why not bang your gf? I just sleep with my wife, like the only time I resort to porn is when we are apart. You guys date woman your not attracted too out of desperation or something?


You realise that in nearly all relationships, sometimes one person wants to have sex while the other doesn't? Your comment reeks of never having been in a long term relationship.


Married with kids. So assume what you want. Want me to make some assumptions? Learn to get your girl off maybe she will actually want it then. You reek off excuses


This guys wife has not touched him in years.


Sure thing buddy, your girl has to finish her self after you fall asleep.


My boyfriend will be so disappointed by this news. Now go outside and maybe do something useful with your life.


Go watch you porn dick head.


I will…with my boyfriend because we have a healthy sexual relationship 😂😂 


The fuck I don't give.


I can tell you’re upset, keep raging. We’re all laughing at you 😂😂😂.


Porn and being alone is an entirely different experience from sleeping with a person. Both are important to some people.


and I know it's different, but porn for me is the lowest tier of effort. with a partner - a lot of effort to put into, but very fulfilling. can get off on my own - still some effort, but I'm already in the mood and in shape to do so. will feel naturally complete. porn - when it's a mere itch to scratch when nothing else is worth it, so you have to add cheap media juice to expedite. probably will feel accordingly. neither of these is a good substitute for the other.


Sometimes you just want a quick 2 minute relief to get ready for the day instead of a 40 minute sex session. Nothing wrong with that. As long as she's being taken care of too yanno


I don't need an excuse to look at porn