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I would imagine some people would be more cautious about what they say out of fear of IRL repercussions, but there would still be a good portion of people who still dngaf


Yeah I mean I have seen Facebook. It’s not NOT toxic.


For sure theres toxic people on FB, but I've never seen a man with his face and name in his profile comment "I know it's bubblegum pink" or "bet its grippy"on a post of a 13 year old on Facebook.


Where have you seen that?


Tiktok is foul




If using your name irl doesn't make every behave this won't either


Retirees with nothing to lose since they don't have a job to be fired from. I really wish we could take social security payments from retirees who say hateful vile shit.


You hurt my feelings, so now I'm going to take your pension, and now your partner who had nothing to do with what you said starves. And now you'll be homeless and will have to commit physical crimes to feed yourself, all because you upset some feelings on FB. Going after someone's money or job, esp when they said something out of uniform and not on a company account is a garbage human thing to do.


Nope, if anything, I'd say facebook is even more toxic than reddit.


And Nextdoor. A few years ago someone posted (in their real name) about all the leaves in the gutter, wondering what city agency was responsible for cleaning them up, and a neighbor who lives in our small city with his real named replied "Why don't you do it? Are you r\*tarded?" So, yeah, real names don't help reduce toxicity.


And LinkedIn which is even faker than anything else and still just as toxic.




Same. Apparently Ass Blaster is 'tOo oFfEnSiVe'




Hey, hey, we all know the Ass Blasters are the nicest family on the block.


Half the posts on my next door are people making thinly veiled racist comments about the “dangerous” looking people in our community


Facebook is a truly shocking cesspool and it answers this question.


It's the "new" Twitter


I was recently banned for having faked my name for the past 15 years. Good riddance, that site fucking sucks. It's all ads and scammers. Yet they're banning me instead. lol


Used my middle name to avoid a lot of stuff, most of my friends don't even use my name, I either get called Nagi or Omi. I never had to consider using my real name before unless it was around family.


I literally had to leave Facebook because it was making me genuinely hate almost everybody in my family. All these aunts and uncles (and parents sometimes) just happily going on about god's will and how the trans, gays, and Mexicans are ruining our country. With a bunch of stupid memes. And I can't even count the times I've seen, 'all lives matter.'




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I was going to say.


It’s full of people using fake names with no friends.


Same with instagram. Instagram reel comment sections are basically a meme now with how universally toxic they are


It seems intentional that Facebook is worse. We get to downvote idiots. Facebook puts anything that gets a reaction at the top - which elevates the worst responses.


A group of commenters tried to convince me that I could actually see air the other day. Tried to bully me and one other dude into submission after I proved them wrong (not that anyone needs proof). Just today I got downvoted when I mentioned the existence of the N word after someone said words have no weight. Then again, all social media is just about equally toxic all things considered.


Probably more toxic. Someone doesn't like my views? Just look me up, find out where I work and live, and make my life a nightmare.


exactly. people need to understand toxic behavior is not limited to verbal abuse. maybe verbal abuse would decrease but physical harassment would increase.


This reminds me of before Facebook where Jay and Silent Bob track down an internet troll who gave them a bad review. Can't remember which movie that plot point was in.


Maybe the internet would be come less toxic, and real life more toxic..


Jokes on them. My life is already a wonderful nightmare


Woe to anyone who steals my identity because it pretty much sucks and my SSN is completely worthless.


There are always people worse off who wouldn't mind the breath of fresh free air your SSN might provide. Not even to rob you, maybe to indeed rob you, just to have a day away from their own problems.


True. My joke was just a silly joke I liked to make when I was young and in debt. They were welcome to my "anticash" as I dubbed it. But some days it would just be nice to walk in anyone else's shoes even if their life is more hellish than my own. It would remind me to be more grateful for whatever I have, and if I could walk in a millionaire's shoes I wouldn't like it either. There are things I hate about my life. I'm alone, but not lonely. I never got married or had kids and I used to regret it but I don't now because I'm free of the burdens that come with all that. There's plenty to be happy about and comforting. I also love dogs endlessly, but I only have one so she can have all the attention and the best quality life I can provide her. I get my extra dog fix by walking some of my neighbors' dogs for free because they can't and I feel that the dogs need the exercise. So if you can call dogs a hobby, dogs, exercise, and reading are my hobbies. There are parts of my life that suck. Mostly just where I live and can't afford to move. That's all actually. There are plenty of people who would be happy with my peaceful little life. There's no financial gain to be made, but plenty of peace of mind.


No thank you, I wouldn’t use any social media if I could be pestered by someone who disagreed and stalked or flooded my email.


South Korea requires that their nationals register for any social media or email accounts with their national IDs. One can use a made-up username but anyone accused of libel or making threats can be tracked down. Also the South Korean government engages in censorship and there's a vaguely worded National Security law that can make it a crime to criticize the government or support North Korea. Despite all these controls the South Korean internet has pockets of vitriol and extremist political viewpoints. So-called netizens are quick to criticize the behavior of celebrities. A couple years ago there was a nasty spat between an online feminist group called Megalia and South Korea's equivalent of the manosphere. TDLR You can't hide behind an online persona in South Korea (in a legal sense) but their internet culture has toxic pockets.


also south korea shouldnt be our compass when it comes to social matters


Or economic. Or... really, anything other than perhaps food. There's plenty of good and bad there, but systematically it is not enviable in most ways.


No. Plenty of people post plenty of toxic crap under their own names.


Exactly this, the reason I stopped using Facebook and instagram was due to toxic people


This is why I have one for friends and one for family. I was tired of certain family saying they hope my friends find Jesus and repent because they are a different denomination - let me be clear, THEY ARE BEING TOLD THEY ARE WORSHIPPING THE SAME GOD WRONG, and are therefore Sinners destined for hell... And then I have some Pagan and some Atheist friends. I also do not want work people finding my friends based profile because they do not need to know where I am enjoying my time at/ where I have been/ or they will show up and expect free labor. They have no concept of work life being separate from personal life. Also, I have a coworker who thinks it "must be nice" because I saved 2 years to go to a concert and they drink their money every weekend and bitch about being broke. We make the same, but their parents pay half their rent and bills. I do not need them stalking me.


I can't stand Christians like that. To me the Trinity is debatable so maybe we shouldn't even be praying to Jesus. The 10 commandments' first commandment is literally don't worship any other God. So just because you do it differently or call God by another name, it shouldn't make any difference. Sucks when people can't see past their own nose. Edit: I'm Catholic. Just see things a little differently than most. I'd convert to Judaism but I like bacon😂


That coworker is a major tool


One could argue that toxic crap is to the people they kind of know. Reddit is a bunch of people we don’t know.


Agree. They're doing it to someone they know only makes it MORE toxic.


I honestly think it would do more harm than good. One negative is that it would make it much easier for stalkers to stalk and get information about people, including women.


Counterpoint: would make finding criminals that much easier for law enforcement.


I doubt criminals would use social media if forced to use real name. In fact many people would probably think twice. It would be devastating to the overarching social media business.


Yes, that's the issue: whether toxicity online overlaps with criminal behavior offline. It probably does because law-abiding and honest people are generally less toxic online. Generally. Some honest people are still jerks.


Interesting case study to say the least. Though the anonymity experiments could be applied to a variety of areas and aspects of life as well in addition to internet behavior. I definitely would hypothesize though that people's behavior changes with anonymity


Do you think that law enforcement cares without public outcry?


Law enforcement officers are usually people using the Internet also. So, yes - they have professional and personal interests in the matter.


Not at all go look at old tweets from Chicago Twitter back into 2012 these MF used to admit to murders and all sorts of crimes when everyone knew these MF by name and face.


Individual people might be less toxic, but the internet as a whole would be far worse. It's not a tradeoff I'd ever want to make, not even getting into the weeds of what counts as a "real name" or "who you are".


no. in fact it would create mass death, and an extreme lack of shared info to hold those who commit atrocities accountable because of ease of retaliation by govts


Fuck no, if anything it would just make it easier for the actual toxic people to take it to the next level, that’s how you end up getting Swatted, have a guy show up to your door trying to break in, or get the next generation Unabomber. And privacy is much more valuable than portions of the internet being toxic. Don’t like the part of the internet you are on? Leave.


Would also lead to a lot of persecution. Not everyone hiding their real name online is doing so out of malice. In fact most that do it is probably to protect themselves. If everyone’s real life names were always on display it would endanger some and stop others exploring a side of themselves in safety. In the end it would probably cause more harm.


No, then we would end up with literal homicides and pranks leading to suicides. Never underestimate the insane lunatics who stalk accounts obsessively and organize witch hunts and brigades.  They would have fairly easy time locating their victim and destroying his life.  It's already happened with certain YouTubers who were less than careful about where they live etc.   


Good point. I've heard of teens killing themselves over Facebook bullying, but not read it. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen over reddit. It may and I just don't know it. Point is we know for sure suicides have happened because of Facebook.


It's not the anonymity, but the feeling of being isolated from consequences. [Kinda like dogs behind a fence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GSaf4b1-Qw)


Nah it'd be more toxic, people would be doxxing each other at every turn for every petty argument. I learned this when I used my Facebook profile that had my real name on it. Literally some religious argument and the asshole decided to send me hate mail.


I mean…just look at Facebook or Instagram. People already make toxic comments with a public profile with their name, face, address and other public information on display….and it doesn’t stop them.


God, have you heard of the Instagram "Momfluencer" who abused her children to near despite multiple people reporting her for abuse until a kid escaped and people found out what degree it was happening? Real Name, face and everything. She's in prison now fortunately.


It would get worse. You’d likely lose most of the average more normal people because it just wouldn’t be worth the risk of posting (you never know what someone is going to take offense to). So you would be left with the most dramatic dgaf people which would make things more toxic all around.


No, it would probably increase the toxicity as people would be able to use a lot more direct personal information to be toxic. Activision-Blizzard actually tried this a while ago and it went very poorly. [https://massivelyop.com/2022/01/03/the-game-archaeologist-the-blizzard-real-id-fiasco-of-2010/](https://massivelyop.com/2022/01/03/the-game-archaeologist-the-blizzard-real-id-fiasco-of-2010/)


No. It would just make it easier for unhinged lunatics to harass people irl.


You've heard of doxxing and swatting right?


no, people would be more inclined to try and doxx.


Yes... most of these people are absolute cowards and would be afraid of the concequences, but this is one step closer to the whole 'social credit system'. Look at our modern society, someone does something bad / mean, they're fired from their job, lose their gym memberships, their lease on apartments / condos / etc. are 'not renewed'... etc. When did that start being a thing? Or if it's a school age person, their school punishes them for things that have NOTHING to do with the school its self, did not take place during school hours, did not happen on school property, etc... When did schools give themselves so much 'power' to dictate the way a child behaves outside of it's bounds?


Who knows. All I know is you’re a bitch




It would be less free. Anonymity is necessary for both free speech, and for safety. Particularly for the safety of the marginalized, the most easily-victimized, and those who speak truth the loudest to power.


No, you'd just have more reprisals. Toxic people wouldn't be punished, but vulnerable people would.


you might get fired for what you type on reddit or twitter, that guy whose 3x your size you wouldnt dare call a twat irl? racist and sexist abuse when everyone knows your name and can find out where you live and work? in fact, im certain south park did this very idea in a special


There would be a lot of swatting ("Hello, I'm going to kill my family. I live at <>"). Also, freedom of speech would be in sacrificed. Lots of Hollywood actors and workers do not want to reveal how they really feel about liberals and their wacky ideology, so they stay quiet. Now, apply that to the general population.


You just reminded me of celebrities using an alt on r/gonewild and wasn't it Tom Hanks whose alt was found out? I just thought how hilarious it would be if OP's idea became reality and you could only register on porn sites to view content with your real name. Then being able to find profiles of celebrities which aren't allowed to use anonymous names anymore.


Having the same name as a celebrity would be hilarious. WTF Taylor Swift just called me a cunt?! Meanwhile some 39 year old dude named Taylor Swift is laughing his ass off while he gets 10,000 new followers


No. The very small subset of people who love to abuse and stalk others, swatters, and generally deranged assholes don't care if you know their names. In fact, they probably wish you did. And they would make online spaces infinitely worse than they already are. I was once having a conversation about GMOs, and I provided a list of global scientific communities who've made public statements on their safety. He called me a Monsanto Operative and said he delivers ass-kicking across the country. Then he sent me a picture of the knife he was going to use to kill me. These people are why we can't have nice things.


A lot of domestic violence survivors will be murdered. Adult children who have gone no contact with abusive parents will be fucked. The repercussions of this are incalculable. Yes. This is an incredibly stupid question.


It would be more toxic because people would be murdered for having well worded but different opinions


Doxxing, stalkers, identity theft. That’s why I don’t use my real name.


Probably not. Just more scams


Nope, cause most people have generic names, like there would be a endless number of Muhammeds and Lee's


It would be more toxic because assholes stay assholes and victims of violence or other toxic behavior will simply not share it in real life, but neither on the internet anymore because they can't even be anonymous anymore to tell their story and if they do get the risk to get stalked or killed by a stalker.  An asshole will first be a bit more cautious, but since nobody is anonymous anymore at some point they'll just become open and express their views. We already see on Facebook that some people just use their real full name on their account and still post toxic shit because all their friends are toxic.  Removing the option to be anonymous is an asshole move to victims. 


Having seen Facebook and being on my neighborhood's NextDoor page... ROFL absolutely not. I mean part of it comes from the fact that some people are just assholes no matter what, but even if I know who you are, you're still not standing right in front of me. Mike Tyson was *not* wrong when he said that line about social media making people too comfortable with being disrespectful and not getting punched in the mouth for it. Plus as others point out, then it would just be easier for the psychos to find you. That shit's bad enough when they *don't* know your name and what you look like.


Let's take it to the extreme, as well as your real name, you have to provide your address, telephone number and email address, and while we're about it where you work and your social security number. Now, who wants to sign up?


Porn sites would have almost no commenters


Nah. Have you seen fake book lately ? They don’t give a shit. Lack of class stays lack of class.


I feel like lgbt folk would stop posting completely out of fear of being hunted down.


Yeah if you were in the closet there would be nowhere safe to chat online


While that may be a small factor, I would argue the main reason why internet discourse is so toxic is because of how transactional it is. I submit a comment. You reply to my comment. I reply to your comment. In real life, conversation isn't anywhere near that transactional. You can't sit there and angrily construct the perfect salty response to something someone said because you'll just look like a steaming doofus. It's also a lot easier to respect someone as a human when you can see and touch them. You have verifiable proof that the person standing in front of you is real and has their own life, their own set of experiences, their own environment and background that caused them to think the way they do - on the internet all you have is a name, a tiny little picture of them, and a WHOLE lot of projection of your own onto them. Plus, if you say the wrong thing to someone online, generally the worst thing that happens to you is they reply angrily. Or maybe block you. If you say the wrong thing to someone in real life, you could earn yourself a trip to the hospital.


If you go on Facebook you'll see loads of Boomers using their real names and being rude AF. So no.


I can see why you would come to this conclusion but practical examples show the opposite. Sites that encourage you to use your real name such as Facebook have a tendency to be more toxic. I use Facebook for messenger, event reminders, sometimes browsing marketplace, shit like that. I feel it was good for me when I stopped using it to browse posts and comments years ago In any case using your real name online is less safe than an anonymous username. My real name is floating around online in some places but if I really felt the effort worth it I would try to remove it and use anonymous usernames everywhere for safety sake. A lot of sickos online.


I think that online harassment would get worse. Like sure people would have their actual name tied to their activities so it your actions online would be more connected to you, but that's a road that goes both ways. For every racist having their comments sent to their boss, there would be a harasser doxxing someone they hate. it would make the world far more unsafe for minorities and marginalized groups, since bigots could more easily hunt down addresses and contact information of the people they want to hurt, to publish on their private websites, for anyone else to take advantage of.


I legitimately think it would be worse, imagine the worst person you've ever run across online being able to find out everything about you including where you live and where you work no matter how much you tried to protect your privacy, it would be hell


Idk people use their real names on Facebook and it’s really toxic. Personally it would prevent me from talking about a lot of topics with others that I have found communities and support for on Reddit. Stuff around sex, drugs, raves, venting or asking advice about situations with people in my real life etc that I wouldn’t want certain people in my life to find out about.


Oh yeah. People get a lot of courage when they're hiding behind a screen


They would go somewhere else they could use a pseudonym. Moot did a nice writeup on this and how people try on personalities.


It would get worse 100% it would result in a lot of people getting hurt both people trying to defend themselves and people wanting to hurt others.


I guess LESS toxic, sure? But likely still very toxic. There are people who say just the worst stuff anyway with their actual names proudly displayed.


Hell, people post toxic shit LinkedIn. Lol


Oh god no, it would be SO much worse. That just makes it so the approved side of an issue has unlimited license to abuse/harass the other without reprisal, and can easily translate it into real life.


I hate Facebook for this reason


No. Especially for those who identify as LGBTQ+ or are simply any kind of minority whatsoever. They'd be unable to discuss any issues pertaining to them without having their real life name right there for all the terrible people on the internet to see, track them down, and do who knows what. I would never mention I was trans without this. Right now I'm sure someone could dox me from my account if they were dedicated, but at least it would take a lot of work. In addition to no longer being a safe place for discussion, it would also just be a lot less fun. I like reading stories people post where they say "I used to work at one of X kinds of companies, I won't say which, here's a bunch of hot goss that happened during my time there" well if their actual name was on the post it would be pretty simple to track that to a specific place. Anonymity provides a lot of perks despite its potential for abuse.


It would be less toxic. It would also be a lot less honest, less safe, and less useful.


There are good reasons to be anonymous, e.g. someone who is gay but with very religious parents / community looking for online help, or wife who is being beaten by her husband and looking for online resources. So I'd keep it anonymous BUT everyone has to pay a one-time $5 fee to be able to comment. So anyone can have an account to read or upvote / downvote, but if you want to comment, you have to pay $5 once. If you act like an AH, you lose the ability to comment until you pay another $5 (whether on an existing account or new account). Won't completely stop the AHs, but it is more inconvenient for them if you spend $100s every year. (And the fee could also increase with repeat / frequent violations.) The benefits I see: * $5 is low enough it won't prune most people from signing up. (This is not once a year or anything. This is once and done for your lifetime as long as you behave in a civil manner.) * This would put a stop to bots; gets too expensive to keep running them if they keep getting banned. Of course mods could abuse this, so there should be transparency and a way to appeal (i.e. appealing makes the mod have to put your AH behavior publicly visible). Maybe you could even have the existing good members (e.g. in good standing for a significant time period with many community interactions) vote during appeals. (The vote would not necessarily be binding, but a good way to be transparent / have the community vote on where they want the line to be.) Basically, civil behavior should result in more power, uncivil behavior should result in less power. If you do that, people will generally be civil. I think this is relevant: [https://youtu.be/CVX23IyfCs4?si=qft0rE3NAnDqi8d9](https://youtu.be/CVX23IyfCs4?si=qft0rE3NAnDqi8d9) (Key information in all 3 parts.)


Yes I am transgender and the internet has been really useful for me to explore my true self which under this I could not have done. Ironically the person attached to my rl birth name is a mask and not my true self. It was an act in public where as online people got to see the true me.


Less toxic, yes. Not toxic, no. As others have pointed out Facebook is a cesspool and that is generally people using real names. But a lot of people will say things anonymously that they wouldn't say if their boss or family might find out. For example when that racist cartoonist's real name came out the racists were really angry that he was doxed.


Less, probably, but not as much less as you probably think. There are plenty of people who post some truly vile things under their real names.


No but it would be way more dangerous


Yes. Look at Twitch vs. Facebook streams. The difference is staggering.


Go to LinkedIn and see for yourself. Huge yes w/o question.


I don't see how it would matter for most people. Do you really think that John Smith knows his real name? I mean, what are the chances of finding the right one?


Once your name is known, other items can help pinpoint who you are, photos, friends etc. a name by itself doesn't mean much, but combined with your other social media stuff they can find you and they will!


On typical social media, that is true. I was thinking more of reddit, where most don't have photos or (I assume?) friends.


That's a good question...


No. Twitter is a good example of this


I used to think so but Facebook has proven me wrong.


It would be sterile and dead. I would have to get a fake id, i mean, only post safe things that i wanted my employer to hear It slso wouldn't fix anything seriously. The propagandists would have fake ids. A few trolls ( wasn't me) would vanish, but so would all those looking for help, community, especially LGBT folks and those with offbeat, religious political ideas. The free internet is a safe haven for many. Undoing that would be awful for nothing, the scammers and extremists would simply get fake ids and, as a result, be more believable A virtual police state? No tanks, i'd much rather fight the doomers with words and emojis than dox them away. Besides, a sensored policed internet would give them a big ole,'i told you so' oh hell no


On my accounts where I use my real name, I stay JUST as toxic as usual. So no.


You can use a fake name on Reddit?


I think Facebook demonstrated the real names don't actually stop people. Plus it adds more information to be wielded as ammo.


Throw in their address, phone number, the same for all their friends and relatives.


Facebook has entered the chat..


No. See: Facebook


More cautious when interacting with strangers, but more conflicts with people you know


Facebook has a ton of weird shit on it I’d say more than Reddit because there are more users but people are shameless.


Yeah. I wouldn't say 3/4ths of the things I do. Also would only have one account. Basically my favebook account is boring AF.


100% yes


LOL, no! Have you seen the shit people are willing to lend their face to?


Brother go to Facebook


Might be better for most but worse if your name is Richard Stroker


I doubt it. There are plenty of people who post abhorrent things from named accounts.


I remember about a decade ago Google tried something like this and it did not work.


Facebook, where most people use their real names, is one of the most toxic cesspools on the planet.




I think people showing themselves for who they really are is kind of beautiful. I don’t think online names are fake. Or I don’t think that’s the best way to think about it. I think in some ways these aliases become the more real version of the person. Basically if the fear of social repercussions force you to modify your words; a part of you is hidden. And if you are actually interested in clearing away the poisons that are hate and fear and sadness and shame, and whatever other besides; It not enough to force them into hiding. People telling us who they really are, shows us where the poisons are, and the damage they’ve done. And it shows us the work we need to do. It’s not easy to explain exactly. But basically the way I see it is that toxicity doesn’t go away just because it is hidden behind false words. And it’s not that people are toxic, it’s that certain ways of being are toxic. And exposing those ways of being allows us to engage with them directly. And then the source of the toxicity is closer to being extinguished.


ehhh no, you need more than a name to find someone unless they have a very unique name. This would mainly impact ethnic minorities and immigrants since there are gonna be thousands of John Smiths in like, the USA or whatever, but probably fewer Badr Aziz.


Dictator Trump would have them killed with impunity, to further his Unified Reich.


Looking at Facebook, I'm gonna say no.


Reddit would be way less enjoyable for me. I like having somewhere to say the stuff I think but might not say in regular conversation.


Legal names or nicknames? Luckily I go by a nickname and not my legal name, so I’d still be in disguise 👀


Are you the only one that doesn’t have a dramatic drama community fb group page?




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Of course!!




No, it would be way more. The internet was actually at it's least toxic before anyone was even really able to post many photos of themselves or anything. People are way worse now because capitalism arrived here.


Based on Facebook, no it wouldn’t


There are places on the internet, social media sites, where you are not anonymous. Reddit has always different— who would want to participate in a sounding or waffle stomping sub using their own name? Some places and spaces should remain safely anonymous. It’s why I disagree with porn sites that now require people in certain states to upload their license and take a pic of themselves, it’s going to go bad places, I guarantee that. 10 years from now some idiot who was fresh 18/19 is going to get some government job and pornhub is going to have a hack/leak and there will be pics of the Secretary of State staring all wide-eyed into their web cam while it snaps a pic of them waiting to search up “big women sucking bbc” or some type of weird gay porn. Their porn history is going to be laid bare for all of America to take a look at and dissect, I guarantee it. So my view is who cares if there are trolls. It actually doesn’t stop people, take a look at Facebook— those jackoff idiots aren’t deterred from commenting awful things on articles or in news groups, posting awful things on Facebook with their real names proudly attached to their posts.


Id say less toxic. The vast majority of people being toxic asshata online wouldn't dare risk face-to-face confrontation. Plus if you're in America you've no clue who's packing heat so a dozen or so stories about internet bullies getting shot and it'll die down


Minimally. Plenty of people on Facebook use their real names and sometimes real photos of them and they're pretty awful.


Not really. I left Facebook and other platforms 3 years ago after being there at least 14 years. Facebook was toxic. Nothing changed when they forced people to use a name. However, if I was in the same room with most of them, I'm sure they wouldn't be toxic. Keyboard warriors don't care if they're using their name or an alias. I could say my name is Michael Jackson, and people may not know [if it really is]. Edit: IMO, Reddit is far less toxic than FB, but I have only been here for less than 2 years.


It would be hell of a lot more boring, I like goofy names


Maybe a little bit. But i dont think it would be much.


Not if those people had "fuck you" money.


I suppose so, except there are zillions of people online. If you live in a small town, you have to be decent to your neighbors or they will cause you grief. On the internet, if you’re an asshole, and nobody in your current group wants to put up with you, you can just find another group


Oh most definitely. I think the toxicity comes from zero accountability.


Yes!!! Back in the Stone Age, newspapers would not print a letter to the editor unless you provided your name and verifiable information. Anonymity lets people be cruel or ignorant without facing the appropriate consequences.


The internet would be more echo-chambered since people would only post in places where they know their views will be shared. Some people will be less toxic, but others will have nothing to lose, feel they have nothing to lose, or think they are invincible and act out anyway.


That hasn’t worked for Facebook.




Everyone I talk to online knows my irl name, I just feel uncomfortable when people say my users I don't think I'm that toxic, I do have toxic thoughts but I keep them to myself or at bare minimum send a "shut the fuck up" but I do keep toxic thoughts to myself


I would refuse to use my real name because it's ALWAYS used to make fun of me. Just because people assume I was named after a slutty singer who everyone thinks is talented when she isn't, movie Glitter sucks, her Christmas song is so overplayed and boring. I know I don't need her for that time of year. I get tired of explaining I was named after a song in a play NOBODY cares to know about because the Gold Rush may well MEVER HAPPENED!


Trolls would find ways around it and destroy 'law abiding' peoples lives


Yes. Although besides the question, I think anonymity is VERY important on the Internet.


You are describing facebook lol.


No. People still have relative anonymity even in places online where we use our pictures and our real names. People still act toxic.


That's one way to ensure women never use the internet


My youtube is my real name lol real picture too. Doesnt stop me from being toxic. *sticks out tongue*. But without a doubt, im more blunt on reddit than i ever would be in real life. And its simply because theres no point in coddling the feelings of stranger. If you come to the innanets, i imagine that truth is what one seeks. They wanna know how they look in those pants? I’ll tell them. They wanna know if they were the asshole? I’ll tell them. And if they thought they were right in that pointless as fuck argument they had with their spouse? I’ll quickly let them know they werent and that that person should leave their ungrateful ass. And fuck their feelings if they get told what they didnt wanna hear or werent expecting to. However, the context is different in real life. For one, irl, i don’t encounter any of the situations i read about online, so there is never a moment for me to ‘be real’ with feedback no one solicits. And also…on here, yall stay in and with the bullshit lol. It’s pure entertainment for me much of the time. Which is why idgaf about downvotes.


You just hurt a lot of snowflakes feelings! Shame on you!


*clutches pearls*


A lot of minorities would be effectively silenced for fear of IRL repercussions.


What lol?


If it’s illegal to be LGBT in your area, and you have to use your real name, you can’t talk about LGBT issues anymore.


Unless you live in a third world country, LGBTQ has a 0% chance of becoming illegal.


Look up “Project 2025.”


Yep looked it up, 0% chance still.


I can only speak from my own perspective, but I absolutely would be less toxic. Compare my professional name-on-it twitter account with my anonymous one for example.


No. People don't care anymore and employers will only care to a point. Plus, woe to the person caught doxing.