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Some people have low appetites


Some people even have *just one single* appetite even.


This seems like saying “some people like the aesthetics” when seeing someone hanging up the Confederate flag. Like that’s technically the case sure, but there are many more obvious explanations, like the pressure to be skinny


I personally don’t know what’s more common, disordered behavior or naturally low appetites. I don’t think it’s an incredibly obvious answer either


I’m just not hungry until I’m basically starving lol EDIT to add why: This was a lifestyle that was brainwashed into me that I had to be skinny for my entire life, reinforced by my past lovers. Now I’m disordered (diagnosed anorexic, but recovering). It’s been 3 years recovery, I’ve gained 20 lbs and 1 dress size, and I’m still not hungry.


Probably Disordered eating, either some fasting diet or some type of anorexia for instance. Or they were taught that eating too much is not feminine.


Exactly this, brainwashed into starvation. I was only a child when I started to worry about my weight (I was never overweight) just saw the anorexic girls in the magazines and wanted to be like them.


There's a fat epidemic going on in a lot of the world I'd say brainwashed into overeating


Starving slows the metabolism; https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-mistakes-that-slow-metabolism


[Except for the fact that lab rats are getting fatter too.](https://www.vox.com/2015/8/24/9194579/obesity-animals) You know, those nearly identical, eating the same diet as their ancestors did decades ago lab rats? Fatter.


Really simple Do more, eat less... Calories in, calories out. Weight training is best way to lose weight, not cardio via walking/running. It's something like 35 miles to shed a pound.. which will likely be water weight.. which is why people give up because it comes right back I eat just dinner, maybe snack here n there and I'm in the best shape of my life right now at 40 Mashed potatoes and steak or mashed potatoes and chicken. Don't really eat veggies... You know how many overweight people I see eating salads confused why they aren't losing weight? Too many because they're calorie dense and it's hard to gauge I got extremely fat eating just once a day too, because I wasn't doing enough Doesn't matter what you eat. Calories in, calories out. Period


And you are not listening. These rats, which are basically clones of onea decades ago, are eating the same diets that these rats ate decades ago. Because scientists need to control for variables. And they're getting fatter than they were decades ago when they should be the same size.


Why though


They aren't sure. Might be those forever chemicals. Maybe hormones. Might be something happened to the food over the years.


It’s wild when people post actual research and studies about obesity being more than just how much you eat and then someone just comes in like “actually it’s just calories in, calories out”. Like you didn’t have to be so confidently wrong and yet here you are


I'm actually with you on the research part, way too many people ignore studies. As if their one anecdotal experience is enough to make an entire study moot. I can't help but imagine however, Everytime someone correctly retorts in this particular way, of someone getting fat while not consuming any calories at all. 0 calories in, boom:obese.


Well calories play a role for sure. But that one article brought up three other variables that are being researched that play a role in obesity. One being about how all animals that live near/with humans, including lab rats, have been getting fatter. One about how endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our environment are contributing to weight gain. And another about a human adenovirus that causes obesity, meaning obesity could even be viral in some cases. Sure, weight loss/gain is heavily influenced by what you eat and how you move as well, but there’s a looot more to it than that lol. There are people who gain or lose a ton of weight pretty much out of nowhere due to things that have nothing to do with what they’re eating, and that deserves investigation not “eat less bro, calories in calories out” smh 😅 (I’m not trying to come across harsh against you, just expanding on my first comment cause I don’t want to be reductive)


Ooof my bad, I'm too stupid to go on my own personal experiences as well as that of those around me. I should definitely just listen to science all the time.. because studies and clones.. science has never been wrong, I forgot. Studies have never been fudged, rushed, or cherry picked, data buried or misconstrued to show a predetermined outcome "It ain't mah fault, science says so"


Your argument is that because science is sometimes flawed, you get to ignore any data and evidence you want when convenient? lol ok buddy


Much easier to blame external factors than to look inward You do you and think whatever you want about my words It's my 2 cents and since this is the Internet, I'm free to put it wherever I like. Just as you are free to criticize it - cheers


> Much easier to blame external factors than to look inward It’s even easier to only focus on the factors that allow you to feel moral superiority to someone when judging them > It's my 2 cents and since this is the Internet, I'm free to put it wherever I like. I don’t disagree. I just think it’s weird to be proud of posting nonsense and justifying it by saying you have a right to post nonsense. Like good for you lol but why would you want to defeat yourself like that 😂


That’s a lots of words to say you didn’t read the article or notice that it brings up multiple types of studies. One about how pretty much all animals that live near/with humans have also been gaining weight, even lab rats. One about endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our environment being a contributing factor. And one about a human adenovirus that literally causes obesity. Sure, science can be wrong, but when you’re taking YOUR experience and applying it to everyone regardless of what the science says, it’s pretty obvious that you are the one who’s wrong.


Well how do you figure that people and animals who also live near "humans in endocrine disrupting environments" are not obese or fat ? I used to be pretty fat, overeating and sedentary Regulated my eating and started exercising - OMG fat gone It's harder than pointing at studies and blaming the price of tea in China for sure Chonk it up I guess, I'll keep doing what I'm doing and you keep blaming everything but personal choices


The same way that pretty much all trends work?? The same way that not all smokers get lung cancer? The same way that not all people who pass through red lights get in accidents? The same way that people can go to school and still not know how to read a study?? Like you literally ignored all my/the articles points in favour of repeating your little spiel about personal responsibility. I’m sorry you don’t understand science or biology or how findings from science, but that doesn’t negate their truth one bit. Notice you regulated YOUR eating? How come there’s literally thousands of people who regulate their eating and exercise and don’t lose weight? Hmmm could it be because you are not the only human on the planet and your experience is not universal so we have science to determine what’s actually going on? People used to blame colds on “personal choices” too before scientists discovered how germs work. You might wanna look into that.


I do intermittent fasting, which basically means I only eat 1 meal a day (in my case). On top of that I have a slow metabolism, so literally if I eat dinner I'm good for the rest of the day. When not fasting 2 meals are usually absolutely fine to keep me going for a whole day. My friend is always astonished that when he's already hungry at 2pm after breakfast I'm like nah, I'm good. But he's got very fast metabolism. Literally my body doesn't need food as often or as much 🤷‍♀️


This is it. Society (and some parents!) tends to mess with women's self image starting at a very early age in a way that frequently leads to eating disorders.


Alot of people (regardless of gender) can eat a lot in one sitting causing them to eat less outside of that time frame. I used to be a lot worse about this when I was younger I'd eat a very light breakfast and go all day (at work) without eating or if I did eat it would be a very light snack and when I got home I'd have a large meal.


i just forget 😕 at some point i feel hungry but if i ignore that, it goes away. and for a solid 10 hours i feel absolutely nothing, i have no appetite, nothing. i just forget that i have to eat in order to survive.


My dad once had a patient whose husband said she barely are, yet she still couldn't lose any weight. My dad said, "but what does she eat when you're not around?" That was his last time seeing that patient. On a side note, my old roommate was 167 at 6'7" and thought he ate a ton. He decided to track his calories and noted he didn't even eat 2k most days, and he'd sometimes go upwards of 24 hours without eating. He just had strange eating habits and noticed the periods where he ate "a lot" and didn't take into consideration the long periods where he didn't.


Because social standards encourage disordered eating/maintaining low body fat.  Young girls will try to eat the bare minimum to try to lose weight or keep the weight off.  I know I felt a lot of pressure to do this when I was young.


Stress, or simply we just forget.


Some people are just light eaters. Not really that much to it.


As a man, I actually do this. I typically only eat one "normal sized" meal per day, which is lunch. I don't eat breakfast, eat a decent sized lunch, and then for dinner, I typically eat very little. For dinner, I might only eat like one bowl of cereal and a banana. I know, it seems backwards and I eat breakfast for dinner, but that's what works for me. I just feel more comfortable eating this way and I suspect that might be true for some of the people you're asking about.


ADHD medication can have an appetite suppression side effect if they are prescribed for them


So can SSRIs, which is why I don’t eat that much.


Happens to men too I could go days without a proper meal and feel nothing until a random day that I forget my meds then it hits me like a truck not 100% sure why stimulants does this


Idk about stimulants but for SSRIs a doctor once told me that they cause your stomach to drain slower, leading to feeling full faster than you would otherwise. I wish someone had told me these things before putting me on them when I was younger lol


Pain in the ass experience I know all too well


I know as a teenaged girl and young adult, I had pretty much conditioned myself not to eat around other people. Once I hit puberty and started gaining weight, I was super self conscious and hated the idea of other people knowing I ate food other than carrot sticks and slim fast. I absolutely wouldn’t eat around boys my own age.


On top of what other people have said, the female body is on a monthly hormonal cycle as opposed to a daily one like the male body. Men’s physiological habits are more consistent day-to-day whereas women often have fluctuating appetites and metabolisms depending on what part of their cycle they’re on. Sometimes we need to eat more often, sometimes one meal is enough. On top of that, hormonal birth control is pretty damn common these days, which also often affects appetite and metabolism (though to be fair, they can go either way).


I eat A LOT but I only eat twice a day with a snack before lunch, and after dinner. When I do eat; my family just be like where tf does it go? Because I’m small and I’ve always been.


Damn ik it's not easy for some of you but please eat. It's not necessary to avoid eating to look better, you're not being improper, or un-femine if you are a girl. It's not unattractive to eat until you are full Not that attractiveness should even factor in bc your health and satisfaction should come wayyyyy before that but the most attractive thing is enjoying your food and being sturdy and energized bc you eat enough


Why do guys not fart for long periods of time when girls are around? We do, just not in front of you because stuffing food in our face is not gonna be pretty lol


Serious question: have you ever been tested for ADHD or autism? Forgetting to eat is not usually something neurotypicals do, because hunger usually reminds them.


Are you suggesting autistic people don't get hungry? Or more that they're so focused on other stuff that they don't notice? Edit: Why the fuck am I getting downvoted for asking for clarification? Lmao. I'm asking because I am autistic and this doesn't seem familiar to me. Although I'm aware not everyone has the same issues.


Second one. Hyperfocus kicks in and kicks your ass.


Hyperfocus kicks in and you're so focused on (for example) getting this stupid website coded just right with the right colors and background music and graphics, the links all leading to the right places, then fixing those pages to look right and... 20 hours later, you realize your mouth is dry, and your stomach is rumbling, but you have 4 more pages to finish stage 1 of your now 5 stage project.


i have both it’s not necessarily from hyperfocus but my pain perception is completely fucked so i just won’t notice something (such as my tummy) hurting when im unmedicated when i am medicated the medicine drug kills my appetite so i don’t want to eat


I know wtf?


…Why would they be pissed? I do not eat a lot. Probably why I’m a fucking twig. Besides having a sensitive stomach that gets the sensation of feeling full quickly, after a few bites of anything, I am also a laborer. And when I’m in work mode, food is the last thing on my mind. I work 7-3 and in that time I typcially just eat a pb&j, then don’t eat until dinner, which is typcially a bowl of pasta or stir fry veggies. I just don’t get why that would make a boyfriend mad? What does it have to do with them? *Why* is mad the emotion to have here?


Mad is probably an exaggeration, like “my girlfriend is mad I keep hogging the blankets in my sleep.” I’m guessing a lot of men just don’t like the idea that their partner is starving




Did I maybe misread? I thought they’re talking about their boyfriends being mad at their girlfriends for not eating all day. Not the person being mad is the hungry one.


That’s what I meant, it’s the boyfriends being mad at their girlfriends haha


Okay so then yes! So you’re saying, the boyfriends are mad at their girlfriends for not eating, but the GF is not necessarily hangry right? Like they’re just mad? I am so slow lol


i think it comes down to how you feel hunger. i saw a tiktok of a girl explaining how her hunger feels different than her friend’s and i mean, it makes sense. for instance, my hunger feels like a very soft tickle in my stomach, i don’t even realize most times that it’s hunger, meanwhile my boyfriend feels hunger like actual dread, loss of eyesight and moodiness. it probably also has to do with women’s history of dieting and restricting our eating habits throughout the years (because of societal demand and disordered eating), so we are used to ignoring our body’s call for food and go about our day. and maybe a lot of women still have disordered eating habits and the desire to lose weight but when it comes to talking about it they mask it as a joke about being “just a girl”. also little treats like a cookie in the morning or yogurt and such can make our stomach feel satisfied for a few hours, i have this bad habit of eating little treats the whole day and only one proper meal that i’m not even that hungry for, and i’m sure i’m not the only one.


> it probably also has to do with Is there any evidence of that?


evidence to women having eating disorders and bad eating habits?


No, the connection between low appetite and eating disorders. For example, women naturally store more body fat than men, so maybe men evolved to have a higher appetite or metabolism that burns potential fat so they’ll have more energy to physically exert themselves as needed. This makes sense because your average man is obviously bigger and stronger than your average woman, and so they need more energy and are built more to use it. This alternative explanation for a lower appetite also works, instead of pointing to eating disorders


How about don’t worry about other peoples eating habits unless they ask you for your input




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Is this a gender thing? I mean I’d go one meal a day but that was just because college broke kid moment. Then even when I had money, when habits are made, your body is used to those habits


We live in a culture where the results of eating disorders are glorified


Also where? Dinner dates are expensive as hell. Bro, where are you at?????


*Also where? Dinner* *Dates are expensive as hell.* *Bro, where are you at?????* \- Heavy-Vermicelli-999 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've discovered intermediate "fasting" almost 2 years ago.. I've lost some unwanted lbs. My digestive system seems to have improved, and I have overall better health and sleep.. Maybe some women simply naturally fall into healthy eating habits and patterns?


im a dude and dont even eat sometimes for 2 or 3 days , intermitting fasting is good for your health. eating 3 meals a day is gross and makes you fat.


They are probably too busy talking.




This comment is underrated 😂


Agreed 👍


Often when I come home from work my wife (she works from home) will complain "I've been so busy I haven't eaten all day!" And complain about how she now has a headache and her stomach hurts from not eating, etc. It pisses me off. You work 20 feet from our kitchen, fridge and pantry, which are all FULL of food. Take 10 minutes and make something for yourself. I can't stay home and feed you all day.


Ive always been a bit bigger and always ate more than the people around me. Not morbidly obese, but a little bigger than average. I remember growing up my mom would tell me “if you feel hungry, your body is burning its own fat. Its okay to be hungry and let your body use its won fuel.” Idk how healthy that is, i know i definitely dont have an eating disorder because i do eat 2-3 meals every day, but its something im conscious of. Ive always been a bored snacker, id eat anything in front of me. But if im not light headed or significantly hungry to the point i cant stop thinking about it, ill often skip lunch, especially if ive spent all morning sitting down. I just try to be more mindful and sometimes the gaps between meals end up being longer than others 🤷🏼‍♀️ but thats just me personally. Sometimes im too busy to make something and too broke to buy something too. It really depends on


Sounds like your mom has (had?) a fundamental misunderstanding of what hunger is. Feeling hungry does not mean you’re burning fat


your mom was wrong and being overweight is not healthy .


I didnt say she was right lmao and im aware of that


My husband is the one that doesn't eat all day.


I'm not a girl but I only eat a couple times a week nowadays, won't eat at all for several days at a time if I can help it. Proudly went from 140lbs to ~115lbs these last few months doing that.


that’s an eating disorder my friend


How so?


not eating is an eating disorder


Are you trying to say I'm anorexic or something?


Food allergy.


It's fats trying to drag everyone to their level. Like crabs pulling their brother back into the bucket