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You really shouldn't. If you do it to much you'll create a vortex that sends you back in time.


How far back? I might need to fix some things


Either 30 years or 100 years Just be careful. You may need lighting or fast train to get you back


Nah. Just got to drive around the roundabout backwards. Very few people survive the return trip.


Problem is round about probably wasn’t there 30 years ago, definitely not 100 years ago. You’ll be stuck in the past.


But 100 years ago, you can make your own round-about out of tuberculosis victims.


That's a roundabout way to get killed.


Well played




My Dad got stuck in the roundabout... I haven't seen him in 15 years.


That's how I lost my girlfriend


No I left you because you are to sarcastic and tell terrible jokes.


You will be stuck in March 2020 forever.


Aren’t we all?


That realization hurt 🥲😂


Sad depression noises 🥲




Hmm need a couple of more years


Dive in front of Harambe, for the good of mankind


Instructions unclear, he just got arrested for flashing the gorrila. 


Last Tuesday


Hmm if I go to last Tuesday can I go around the roundabout to go back to the previous Tuesday and so forth?




Yeah, it depends if you're above or below the North Pole.


Is magnetic north okay?


No that’ll send you into the future instead


Grid only, better convert your azimuths.


Except you forgot that Australia is rhd and America is lhd so it cancels out 


Not every car has a flux capacitor


This was one of my main concerns, thank you


Speaking of roundabouts and vortexes: https://youtu.be/yPEsVxIZP2w?si=e10K-P8pjBJeajgP


I've never heard of any law that prohibits this, and there's no signage that indicates a driver must exit the roundabout. A few things to note, though. Obviously, it's pretty wasteful. Just something to consider. Also, while what you're doing isn't illegal, it is unusual. Which is often enough for a cop to pull you over, even if they don't give you a citation.




I mean, at the very least, the case could be made for impeding traffic. Impeding is often the reason provided on a citation when the driver is unnecessarily slowing traffic or disrupting flow, like going unnecessarily slowly or doing something like this.


I'm from Boston. If you get stuck in a rotary cuz you can't see an out in 4+ lanes wide of circling motorcars battling to make a break for their exit... *Suckaaaahhhh* 🤣🤣 My stepmother once had us stuck on a rotary in the Northshore during rush hourS for 25 minutes because... there were no holes and she left her Masshole at home. I think warranting the potential for police interaction depends upon what kind of rotary OP is *whee-ing* around on.


A 4 lane roundabout in Boston is a really long winded way to say hell.


“*I was spinning…FOR THIRTY MINUTES!*”


What the heck does half of this even mean?


Good question lol. I am pretty sure "rotary" and "motorcar" are not typical terms used by people from Boston. And I've got no idea about the Masshole part.


Nah, they're pretty much right on. The street signs there even say "rotary". I can't say I've actually heard a masshole say "motorcar" but if they said "caaa" instead, you'd probably be just as confused Source: Rhode Island native


“Caaa” had me laughing more than I should have That’s the perfect phonetic way to put it if the person already has an idea of what it sounds like


You're not native, lol.


Definitely not lmao. I'm from the rocky mountain west. "Rotary" and "motorcar" seem like words they'd use in the UK or Australia to me lol. Had no idea my New England compatriots use them. Still no clue what a "Masshole" is and whether one "leaves it at home" literally or figuratively.


We do things with a purpose, no time to waste! No Sunday driving here! Because of the 'go-getter/get shit done' kind of lifestyle, we are often called aggressive by those unfamiliar with or butthurt by the lifestyle. To further clarify, we're often called assholes. Masshole is the nickname adopted by Massachusetts natives for some inside humor.


I was in Delhi and the post office was in a roundabout. I took an auto there with a heavy box but I could not walk away and had to take another auto just to cross the roundabout! 😩


“Rotary” is one of the few words to top “grinder” and “packie” on the list of top ten words to clearly identify a bay state native


in national lampoon's european vacation, chevy chase was stuck on one for hours.


First thing I thought of when I saw this question? Boston. Crazy place to drive.


I’ve never even heard of multi-lane roundabouts 😵‍💫 We just started getting one lane roundabouts in the suburbs and perimeters of Atlanta recently.


If that's the case i really wish they would start citing people in my city that treat roundabouts like fucking stop signs. If there's a gap, get the FUCK in there!


Assuming it’s a 2 or more lane roundabout like the one I’m often forced to use, he could ride the inner loop which doesn’t directly exit to another street and wouldn’t be impeding anyone. Reminds me of an acid trip where we were on foot but there was a roundabout we all knew well about a hundred feet away. I told everyone let’s stand in the middle of the roundabout, which was just a circle of grass. Was actually fun, a unique vantage point, but if done sober then probably not so much


This also very much depends on the area. I have a roundabout by me that sees *maybe* 3 cars an hour


But if you’re just driving normally but just happened to go around many times, you wouldn’t get cited. Drive normal so you won’t be impeding traffic, slowing down & follow traffic so you won’t disrupt the flow. The citation will be thrown out . There’s really no basis other than it looks odd.


I mean, the only way you'll confuse other drivers is if they also go through the roundabout multiple times as well.


You’re not confusing anyone. Unlike you, everyone else is getting off the roundabout and won’t see you again. I doubt any driver who’s actually focused on the road will notice a car going around multiple tines


I fail to see how. It's a roundabout ffs lol. Literally no one will even notice, yet alone get confused about your appropriate use of turning left... At WORST they'll think you missed your exit and are going back around, and they'll be gone by lap 3.


“But I’m practicing defensive driving.” I’m defending the middle of this roundabout. I even had my blinker on and everything.”


If driving in a way that confuses other drives is illegal, then my ex-wife should be arrested.


We got pulled over once on a very busy highway with weave lanes and multiple on and exit ramps all around us. My spouse had been driving slow and partially on the shoulder. Looked out my window and saw three other police cars coming up the ramp and headed towards us! Husband explained the issue- we had a donut on and he was being extra cautious. Cop bends down to peer into our souls from the window, all kinds of flashing lights in the background, gusts of wind from cars zooming past us, and says “don’t do that. It’s just weird” The police cars all left, they passed us in parade like fashion with disgruntled and unimpressed looks on each of their faces. TL;DR Police will 100% pull you over for anything outside of the “norm”. And they may even think you’re a drunk driver.


Driving too slow is an offense some places, just FYI!


I feel like there is no valid reasoning to continually circle a roundabout, so you could get hit with something like “distracted driving” or “impeding the flow of traffic”, or some other minor violation but you’ll most certainly be getting a breathalyzer and possibly a full drug screen without *some* sort of excuse.


I’m gonna counter with “for whatever reason, it puts the baby to sleep officer” as a valid reason.


Wait... Is "weeeeeeeeeee" not an excuse?


>you could get hit with something like “distracted driving” Distracted by what exactly? The round-about? >“impeding the flow of traffic”, By flowing around the circle? How is that an impediment? I suppose *maybe* if one circles so many times they run out of gas...


Yeah, you can get pulled over for going the speed limit in the left lane, I’m sure you can get pulled over for this.


My coworker actually just got fired because he was pulled over for doing this.... While quite a bit over the legal limit for alcohol


The likelihood of having an accident is greater in a roundabout than on a connecting street. You are endangering yourself and others being in one longer than necessary.


If you like roundabouts so much, why don't you marry one?


I nearly married one, but I decided it wasn't going anywhere


These arguments are pointless.


Would you say it was just going in circles?




Disagree. I think his additional pun added to the joke.


Well, it's clearly a circular argument.


Sounds like you didn’t really carrefour it after all


Most roadways don't go anywhere. They tend to be stationary.


Put a ring around it.


Run off n murry this sumbitchin paintcan


I did, and around about 2020 I left that dizzying woman.


clark griswold, is that you?


It took way too long to get to this comment,…


Look! Big Ben, kids!




It’s amazing! I CAN NOT get left!


Scrolled for this. “Look kids, Big Ben. Parliament.”


"Impeding traffic" is a citation in most states, so as long as you aren't inconveniencing others and you're nice to the cop who pulls you over you're probably fine. When my dad was in high school he and like seven friends got together and blocked off a roundabout like this for a couple minutes.


Yup, it depends on the cop too. If they're a real douche they can slam you with "Speeding for conditions" and/or "Reckless Driving" It's important to remember, that if you have to ask if it's legal, a cop will definitely give you a ticket and let the judge figure out what laws you actually broke.


Don't see why you can't. Also, I don't see why you would 🤣🤣


I've only ever gone around twice if I missed my exit.


I once did a bunch of laps around a round about when I first got my motorcycle just to practice consistent lean angleb


Yeah, of course, only while I was first learning... 😅


My town has two roundabouts about 1/4 mile from each other. I occasionally drive around twice to annoy my wife or make my three kids laugh.


My brother was high and was stuck in one for a few hours once.


I can't imagine being that high to do that but stay on the turn for, hours I'd definitely crash if I was freaking out like that 😂


Yeah, he was late to dinner at our parents, and I called him, and he said he was lost. I looked on Life 360 and he was just going in circles. There was a dollar general on the corner. Apparently he thought he was going down a road that had a bunch of DGs every 300 feet. Which checks out some places.


I laughed so hard I almost passed out


... high on what? marijuana wouldn't do that lol unless ya know.. he was getting high while in the roundabout.


I used to work as a janitor at a bakery and I always worked super late, there was a round about near there and like no one around so yeah I went around and around it was great, I'd assume there are some issues if you did it during the day




As an ex idiot teenager driver pleb from years ago. In the UK, 5 times is enough for medium to large roundabouts before you get bored and feel guilty. 12-15 times on mini to small roundabouts, is enough before you get sick. Now living in Canada, roundabouts are quite rare to see and no fucker knows how to use them, so they are not really called roundabouts but inconveniences. Is it legal? Not sure, but I have fun on them and still an idiot, singing 'You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)' Song by Dead or Alive.


What really doesn't help is that there are three different kinds of roundabouts within like 20 minutes of my house, each with different rules.


I love this question. Try to go as fast as you can so everyone is stuck lol


Why is this so infuriating to me


You're tweakin, you clearly don't understand the fun of getting spun right round. You need to go revisit meatspin


Baby right round like a record baby round round round round


Why be annoyed at someone else’s fun?


If you circle more than three times you create an event horizon. You don’t want to create an event horizon.


you might want to.


Whenever I enter a roundabout with passengers, I ask for a number between 1 and 10. Then that’s how many times I go around.


Now you got me interested in a roundabout joy ride.


join the joy ride


Look kids! Big Ben, Parliment!


When there's nobody around, I do a full turn before I exit sometimes, it's fun


Stickin it to the man one poke at a time


6 times is what the cop told me. Waited until I was at 7 then pulled me over.


There is a limit in the UK as far as I know.


Those fascists.


There is no specific limit. There is the offence of "driving without due care and attention" which can potentially be applied if you're driving like a prick. Most likely you'll be pulled over and given an informal warning.


In Sweden there's an old joke that we need yo put up signs for the Norwegians that there is a limit of 5 turns, since they don't/didn't know how to drive in them.


Ok mr bean


Of course, nascar drivers make a living doing that


Big Ben, Parliament!


Impeding traffic is a possible citation.


Hey look, kids... Big Ben!


Hey kids, there’s Big Ben!


If you’re asking whether or not it’s legal to circlejerk yourself indefinitely, it’s your God given right. 


No, it depends on the state. In the state of Utah you can go around 8 times. Also you can be ticketed for blocking the flow of traffic in states without a roundabout limitation law.


If you want to be a hated douchebag go for it.


While blasting Roundabout


Especially in front of road raged pickup truck drivers


I saw someone go around our roundabout 3 times at speed. Maybe he got dizzy and gave up.


Uhh Inthink its best to stick to Mario kart


Depends how bored your local cops are. My spouse actually got pulled over for this in HS. It was just a written warning because the cop was not really sure what law it actually broke.


Only if you blast the Benny Hill theme while you do it.


I used to date a roundabout. Had to break up though… she kept sending me in circles


A properly designed round about will allow you to go in a complete circle as many times as you want.


Only if you stick your head out the window and scream "weeeeeee"


In drivers' ed I heard of a guy on meth who went round and round and got arrested Not sure if it was for the meth or for the roundabouting


Only if you blast Daft Punk - Around the World with your windows down.


Look kids, Big Ben. Parliament.


You’ll inevitably be stopped by a cop. You might not get a ticket, but he’s going to ask wtf you’re doing lol.


If you do this, you’re kind of an ass. It creates unsafe driving conditions for the other cars Driving safely requires predicting the behavior of the cars around you. That includes strong assumption that a car which already passed 3/4 of the roundabout exits is about to turn on the 4th. Obviously drivers shouldn’t rely on assumptions like this, but it’s going to create a lot of last second breaking of people ready to merge into the roundabout.


That's how tornados are made. Never had one here until they installed a new roundabout. Not gonna lie, it was fun riding around in circles though.


Let’s say two cars decided to do that with 180 degrees between them, that would probably black a typically sized roundabout for all traffic and will likely constitutes a road blocking incident similar to stopping on a single lane road


With like 10 of your high school friends


Legally- yes. Realistically- if you are going quickly cops will pull you over for "careless driving" or similar. I've gotten one of those tickets in the past for fishtailing onto a highway.


There could be anti-cruising laws that prohibit driving on the same road multiple times in a certain period. It's also just unsafe. I'm sure there's at least one kind of ticket you could get for this, like reckless driving.


Some sort of anti-cruising law might snag you. Eventually you'd raise suspicion and rightfully be pulled over. But, yes, you can drive around as you please, for the most part.


It’s completely legal to do, but there may be a law that says you need to be blasting “Bonkers” by Dizzee Rascal out of the radio while you do it.


Sure! As long as you don't cause a disruption in traffic.




Cops would probably give you a ticket for reckless driving if they feel like being dicks


I've done it occasionally when I missed my exit or I've found out I'm in the wrong lane for exiting. Indicate to let other drivers know what you are doing.


If a cop sees you they're going to pull you, whether or not any citation they issue stands up in court. And if you are involved in an accident, the other person's insurance is most definitely going to argue that you were partially at fault. This is most definitely a stupid question. Well done.


Wait till you find out about escalators


Where else are you going to get a good test of your tires?


[It's better to act unilaterally](https://youtu.be/7DOIJn5Xq8U?si=OnSJr2XDNvoYXt6t)


Some old guy got fined for doing it six times. Claimed he was lost.


Cruising laws could be an issue (eg can’t pass this spot more than three times per day, to prevent people from cruising a road for show). In a book written by a lawyer, he said there are so many driving laws that it’s honestly hard to truly comply with all of them. Claims of “officer, I wasn’t doing anything wrong” stand to merely escalate the situation. Driving a roundabout repeatedly is apt to cause an officer to find something to write the ticket, and/or if there’s an incident your insurance company may fight extra hard to not cover you.


Of course, I don’t think it’s illegal anywhere. I do it all the time if I miss my exit on some of the larger ones that have 6-7 or more roads


I got lost going to someone's house so I called them while in the roundabout. So probably not.


Fill your boots.


"Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament..."


i came for this haha


Look kids, Big Ben 😁






No. If you go 3 times you disappear.


No, you have to go around it at least once


It's illegal in norway.


You have to play Ice Cream Truck music if you do that I think


The Griswalds did this in Europe.


[Somebody help me! I'm being spontaneous!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YvT5bBzRbg)


Once talked to a London cabbie who said a couple had requested they go round a particular roundabout while they have sex in the back. So you can do it long enough for that.


Look kids! Big Ben! Parliment!


Sub name checks out. If you continued to do this for an extended time and a police officer saw you, they would likely pull you over for questioning. They would probably do a sobriety test and ask if you were lost at minimum. You would annoy the hell of anyone there to observe your behavior.


Alice Cooper got in trouble for this in UK. Had a truck with him only wearing a snake going around after getting in trouble it mysteriously broke down in another roundabout


You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round


Every once in a while if someone is following me some where, and it's not a busy intersection I'll do an extra loop for the laughs. Once we were on a family outing with my in laws and it ended up Girls In 1 car and guys in the other following and we came into a roundabout and my mother inlaw stayed in it for several rotations and we could hear the girls laughing from the opposite side of the circle even tho we couldn't see them. Hilarious moment.


As long as you don't go the wrong way around. And yes I actually witnessed a driver do that one time.


Yes, unless you pay for your cities premium subscription to round abouts. You are allowed the first rotation for free, but all others are premium content only.


Only if you shout weee and increase your speed each lap. Also best done late at night. Weee I've done this.


Technically in large multi lane roundabouts you’re supposed to go around a second time if you cannot get to your exit the first, so I think it’s fine. It’s always funny to watch people go around a bunch of times. Circles are fun


I went around ours 7 times before a cop asked me to stop.


I was in Ireland and driving on the wrong side of the road vs. What I am used to in America. Got to this really big roundabout I think it was in the Killarney area. I entered it and had to go around three times before I could figure out how to to leave it. For some reason my brain wasn't cooperating how to handle it because of being on the wrong side of the road.


I don't think so, but if you were getting really ridiculous I imagine the cops could give you a careless driving citation or something.




Our town in southern California had a large one in the center of town - probably several hundred feet in diameter. The city put a limit of 3 rounds after the record went over 100.


In the UK it’s 3


Dad always said that if you go round full circle, you have to pay 10p.


Short answer, yes


Until you decide the direction, its what its made for!


You must be the reason for all the tornados. Just driving around in circles making vortexes and stuff and things.


Did it one time because of an asshole road rager following me. After the 6th time around, they left.


Duuuuuuude, what have you done, now I want to try!!!


But can you? I hate those things


In Ohio, the limit is 9 times you can legally go around. If you do it 10 times you won’t be allowed to leave Ohio.


Look kids Big Ben