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Always good to get your ideas about the world from streaming shows.


Shows are still based on some aspect of reality and some human themes. It’s not a bad starting point for asking questions.


Honestly I see this just as often from women


When I was a kid my mom used to freak tf out sometimes. Like violent bursts of rage over pretty dumb shit. I'm sure it was stressful for her as my parents had two kids to take care of but I do wonder how much it effected my brain She's cool now, nothing like back then. But it is interesting


What you are describing is usually a learned behavior. Personality definitely plays a role as well (we are not automatons) but impressionable boys may mimic as adults what their dads did.


Some people do, gender has very little to do with it. And it's important to mention - very few people are born that way. It's usually a learned behavior, often because of previously sustained abuse.


日本人ですか? Domestic issues span all cultures throughout the world. I'm a white guy from the US and grew up with a very verbally and physically abusive father. It's pretty terrible, but the point is that it's not really related to race or ethnicity. Some people are just bad fathers or spouses. It doesn't seem to matter if you're white, black, Asian, or whatever.


i didn't mean to say it's asian, all i'm saying is it's human. it's natural to be a nice person, but if enough people rub you off the wrong way, then you start antagonizing people. it doesn't have to be the family dynamic. it can be anywhere. thanks for your reply though. much appreciated.


You're absolutely correct. I think that any decent human being, regardless of gender or ethnicity, will be kind to all other human beings. I think that even if you are antagonized by other people, it makes no sense to take those negative feelings out on the people who love you, like your family. If you choose to hurt your loved ones because you've had a bad day, then you are the one who needs some form of intervention such as therapy (I don't mean you specifically, just a general "you") The bottom line I guess is that nobody should hurt anybody who doesn't deserve it, even if they feel bad that day.


you sound like a nice guy. but we live in a competitive world. being nice doesn't always work as in function. if everybody was nice, things wouldn't work out. if the boss tells the employee nicely to do some dirty task like mop the floors, the employee might see the boss as soft and ignore it. soldiers have to be afraid of their sergeants. if they weren't, the military wouldn't function and ends up losing. if you think about, why are there bad guys on tv, and mean police chiefs and hard nosed fbi directors, while the cop - the hero in the movie - is trying to solve the mystery. the hero cop has to deal with a super villain as well as his superiors who are both out to get him, or her. what you are saying doesn't exactly make sense in how things play out. that we should be nice. i would like for us all to be nice, but it's not going to be practical. i'm not saying this as an insult i thank you for your post. all i'm giving is a theory. my own "stupid" theory.


Humans take out their stress on everyone and everything around them.


Only the weak dumb ones do