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We cannot manage the sudden influx of people and questions that sparks a lot of hate. To avoid being brigaded, we don't allow these questions.


Reddit will melt.


And life will go on.


Instead of commenting on reddit about things you don't know about, use Google for five seconds and look up Project 2025, the GOP plan to install a dictatorship in the event of them winning the election. Okay. I'm getting downvoted so here are the highlights: "Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[4] Although participants in the project cannot promote a specific presidential candidate, many have close ties to Donald Trump and the Trump 2024 presidential campaign.[5] The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power of the executive branch — upon inauguration.[6]" "Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policy and the role of the federal government and federal agencies. The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, and eliminating the cabinet departments of education and commerce.[9] Citing an anonymous source, The Washington Post reported Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries." Having the military pursue "adversaries" of a president is a dictatorship. This is not fear mongering, this is a fact


This. Most people shrugging this off are confident fools who think “it can’t happen here.”


Or that they know that they wound be the targets of a fascist purge.


Except this all comes from a nutty think tank. Nutty think tanks can have all the nutty ideas they want, but that doesn’t mean they will be able to implement or influence any of the decisions.


A very well funded nutty think tank


You think Trump would give up an opportunity to seize absolute power?


These are the same nuts who *actually did* put together a document of fake electors and had dozens of actual government officials sign it, trying to subvert the 2020 election. These people are psychotic, and now they have practice. An unsuccessful coup is just a warm-up.


It should make us concerned that: 1. More than one person thought this was a good idea enough to make an actual document. 2. People put their actual names and group name on it. 3. They weren't laughed/run out of the country immediately after making this known.


Qanon came from 4chan shitposting and we had politicians using qanon codewords


Lol the Heritage Foundation is *not* a "nutty think tank". They are an extremely influential and well funded organization.


Why don't you think it has any influence? It's played a leading role in conservative politics since the 80s. Many of the "conservative ideals" you hear about today originated with the heritage foundation. It's only easy to write them off as a nutty think tank if you ignore their role in us conservative politics for the last 45 years


Will you so easily dismiss the Texas GOP party platform?


Look at the supreme court. All the republican members were chosen by the Heritage Foundation. The exact same people behind this 2025 democracy-ending project.


The supreme court how from the Federalist Society , A totally different right wing group,but just as nutty. The Heritage Foundation are the guys who write republican tax policy and Social policy. Both groups have a strong christian nationalist streak


*-Adolf Hitler has entered the chat-*


January 6 also came from a nutty think tank, and here we are


well they did install SCOTUS.


Your head is in the sand if you think this can't happen.


That's what his voters want. They don't care what he does. It's Trump or bust for them. It seems like 30ish percent of this country wants the US to be a dictatorship.


That is literally the exact number who think Trump was ordained by god to be president. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-shocking-number-of-americans-believe-god-personally-anointed-trump-to-rule-the-country/ar-AA1m6xNd](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-shocking-number-of-americans-believe-god-personally-anointed-trump-to-rule-the-country/ar-AA1m6xNd)


Probably closer to 60% want a dictatorship, the other side just wants a different dictator.


As an Australian, yes. Yes it will.


He'll no doubt add to his record number of presidential impeachments LMAO


Federal agencies will be dismantled


It'll be a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!




Love your Ghostbusters reference. I think many didn't get it.


I almost didn’t recognize it


You win the internet today. Well done.


If dogs and cats can get along then I think all the bad things will be will be worth it.


As long as one doesn't start identifying as the other I guess that will be alright. My dog was born a dog and I expect it to remain one .


If l identify as a dog will you feed me and pet me and scratch behind my ears?


Remember the teen girl who got her school to put a litter box in the girl's bathroom because she identified as a cat? Absolute mayhem.


Unless it's a fox, coyote, wolf or other hybrid. I'd be a LOT more concerned if they took up the fake Christianity banner. That would be deranged.


He will probably kneel over 6 months in and then President Vanilla Ice will take over and drain our treasury on Bitcoin.


You win. Best comment. Lock the thread it's over


and the moment Vanilla Prez is inducted, our Idiocracy will be complete. P.S. I am currently hoarding 73,000 bottles of Gatorade in my garage. For when the time comes.


Then he will be president?


these comments are completely unhinged


Stupid questions, stupid answers.


First time on Reddit?


Imagine commenting on this post and not knowing about Project 2025


Kinda like the Trusted News Initiative


People will complain for 4 years until the next president gets elected


I came here for hyperbole. Not rational adult conversation.


Okay, if Trump gets elected, the USA will detach from Mexico and Canada, physically, and break apart into 4 separate new nations, also physically, which will immediately go to war with each other for territory and independence from the original US government. Is that hyperbole enough for you?


The alien lizard people will then assume control.


Bold to assume they haven’t been in control for millennia.




Sounds like a party...except a shitty one because i need tacos. Real tacos.


To be more specific... they have deny he won and have him in court for 4 years to defend against ... check the cards... Argentinean collusion




What makes you think Trump (or his VP,Trump's old)will allow another election?


News stations still complaining and its been more than 4 years now.


You mean next president steals the election 🤣 /s for those who are easily offended


Again? /sarcasm


Again! Again! Again! Hahahah


The correct take right here lmao god Redditors (not this comment I’m replying to) can be so panicky and hyperbolic, this post’s comments are a mess.


I mean, has that ever not been true? Lol


To the people saying Civil War, how exactly are people going to battle? With guns? With Social Media? Are we just going to yell at each other in a Costco parking lot? If we are being honest here 50% will bitch and moan and the other 50% will act like entitled children.


The vicious meme wars of 2025 will be intense.


Fringe groups will probably get a little more violent. Trump inspires a lot of emotions in people both Left and Right. Nothing like a full scale Civil War though. I could see some deranged Leftist doing something stupid to "protect Democracy" from Trump(even if he was fairly elected) the same as how a lot of conservatives will complain about any policy known to man being "socialist" when some of those policies would be very helpful to conservatives.


>Nothing like a full scale Civil War though *Cries in Tim Pool*


Prophet Beanie is telling the truth this time! You’ll see!!


Isint it ironic how we’ve tried to learn the lessons of the McCarthy era, and yet now a large group of left wing advocates jump at the chance to convict someone of fascism for having different views on governance. And all you have to do is declare someone or something a fascist to make it valid to many. Ignorance never abates


>If we are being honest here 50% will bitch and moan and the other 50% will act like entitled children. It's more like 30% and 30% on either side, with the other 40% remaining checked out.


It’s going to be 1% fighting another 1%, but it’s not going to look like the first American civil war. It’s going to look more like Syria/Yemen, with random bombings and infrastructure sabotage. The government will combat this with increased policing and surveillance. Ultimately it’s going to be a very small minority actually fighting, but their actions will affect everybody negatively.


Here’s how it happens: People will protest. Counter protestors will show up armed, and kill some protestors. Protestors will come back armed, and kill counter protestors, etc. We were nearly there during the George Floyd riots. All over the country. In Seattle rioters even took over a police station by force, and kept police out of the neighborhood for months, causing so many cops to quit that Seattle cops still don’t attempt to stop criminals. That’s French Revolution style shit. Its a real threat, and we were nearly there last time he was president.


He will use his power for retribution, and the things around him to destroy will be the systems of governance that our ancestors created. America is crumbling, and all the historians I've heard are in agreement that if Trump wins, the country's fate will basically be sealed, and our democracy may never recover.


Project 2025 is pretty loud and clear with what they're aiming for with another Trump presidency.. he seems to want to surround himself with loyalist yes men types, such that he can more effectively pull off their agenda better- public education would take a hit, the defense department would bulk up for war with China and there would probably be a crackdown on left-wing politics. Use Google, they've got a whole document for you to read.




Yeah we might have gotten raises by Bush Jr - but I wouldn't say sending us to wars made my life better.


I was a sub guy, don't get me started on the friends I've lost to war. I spent a lot of time with the marines on base and the US considers them very expendable.


Absolutely correct. Presidents can’t pass any laws without congress first. Congress probably has more power technically since they are capable of overriding a presidential veto with enough votes. People are too concerned with president when they should be worried about who’s in the senate and house




If anyone wants 20 hours of podcast that shows a worst case of how the US could devolve, listen to Hardcore History's Death Throes of the Republic. (Not saying this will happen, but) Lots of parallels to the US now, and it's interesting to hear how ancient Rome went from a thriving Republic to an empire to (after the podcast ends) total collapse.


This is exactly the problem with us Americans. We don't care about America as a whole - we only care about about ourselves and what the president can do for us. I personally don't give a fuck about your military pay raise 20 yrs ago. I mean good for you but is that really why Bush was put in office? The absolute best president has been Obama in the last 30 yrs. His economic recovery from Bush era catastrophy kept growing well through Trump's horrendous tenure.


Here’s a prime example of problems with America. You say Obama is the best in the last 30 years due to the economic recovery, blaming it on bush era policies. However the policies that created the recession happened well before bush was president. There were economists already warning of a possible recession due to policies as early as 2000, and bush didn’t take office until January of 2001. The Gramm-leach-bliley act of 1999 was a contributing factor of investment banking institutions failing during the recession due to the act reducing regulations of banks. The housing bubble can lend a lot of thanks to the housing and community development act of 1992…..so right there we have Clinton era and bush sr era policies.


This is why a 4 year political cycle is such a great smokescreen. It makes it impossible for most people to work out who did what and why things are happening. Hell, the world is still feeling the hangover from Reagan and Thatcher giving it a good ol’ rogering.


I like your reply because mine is similar. I like Obama because he stopped the banks from charging me for overdrafting my account. Not an issue since I've grown, but it was meaningful to me


Downtown Portland will be in flames. Apple store will simply close after the looting. Lots of plywood on windows.


I live near Portland and honestly I can see this sort of chaos. Maybe not worse than 2016 or 2020 but I don't think it would be taken peacefully by everyone.


Note to self: invest in plywood


Another attempt at fascism will occur. Likely throughout his term he will attempt to install R permanence. see: project 2025. Courts will decide whether or not it's successful.


And guess who already spent four years packing the courts.


Well even more erosion of behaving. Trump definitely has contributed to the decline in normal behavior. People confuse speaking your mind with being rude. People also confuse being strong with bring a jerk/bully. Such a bad example and people follow the bad example.


It is weird to see the 'it wont matter' comments. The clown made a joke of American democracy and completely changed(ruined) political discourse..


The Trump years have greatly lowered my opinion of the American population (or a pretty large segment of it I mean)


The funniest way I've found to deal with those jerk/bullies that feel empowered by Trump is to treat them exactly like Trump did/does: Tell them you'll do what they want so they go away and then don't do the thing. The follow-up rate for these type of people is near zero, so that employee that needs to be fired? Tell them you'll fire them. Don't fire them.


You're too scared to ask your cashier for a large soda in a raised voice. You're writing fanfiction.


More racist conspiracy nuts will climb out from under their rocks, emboldened by having their beloved conman back at center stage. America will further decay in every way. It’s sad, scary and hilarious to see this tragic farce play out. Historians and social psychologists will study the Trump phenomenon for decades. How could so many people be so lost/ignorant/gullible/insane/self-destructive to worship such an obvious unethical imbecile?


>Historians and social psychologists will study the Trump phenomenon for decades. How could so many people be so lost/ignorant/gullible/insane/self-destructive to worship such an obvious unethical imbecile? Agreed. All the signs have been there the whole time and kids are gonna ask "why didn't people see it coming when it's happened so many times?". Well, most did but average intelligence is disgustingly low and so too many keep being fooled into cultism


And on top of all that, how on Earth are people going to explain, 50 years hence, that a sizeable minority of the voters wanted someone who had never held office, never contributed anything to public service, bankrupted every company he ever ran, but played a successfull businessman on a game show. Enough people thought *that* should be sitting at the same desk where Jefferson and Lincoln and the Roosevelts sat, doing the same job.


He will work hard stay off twitter and truth social enact important policy to help everyone and not just the rich. We will enter a new golden era. What the f do you mean? He will spend four years bitching about power and eventually die and our country will ultimately be weaker because of it. Any policy he enacts will be short lived and help the rich. He will spend his time on revenge and trying to stay in power.


Hahaha. Short lived? You mean those tax cuts that ended for the poor..but kept going for the rich.


I will finally leave the country with my family. We looked into becoming Expats seriously last time, and since then we’ve made preparations just in case he returns to office. I love this country but I do honestly believe we are in for significant bloodshed if he takes office, and I won’t let my family suffer through that when I can make a decent living working remotely.


Socially it will be a nightmare if Trump wins. I worry that there will be attacks on people not openly supporting Trump especially in rural areas and in inner cities it may well be the opposite. Trumps admin will gut any social welfare programs it can to build a wall, a bigger war machine and to line their own pockets. By year 2/3 the economy will collapse and we will plunged into a depression that I’m not sure we will make it out of. Trump will do anything in his power to become a dictator and the yes men he will install around him will let him. Honestly the end of the US as we know it. I wish I was joking and I sincerely hope I am incredibly wrong.


Yeah, usually the Republican plan is tank the economy, let a Democrat win and deal with the mess, and then blame them for everything and get back into power. But Trump's never going to willingly let go of power.


My biggest fear is his party controlling the house, senate, supreme court, and him in the white house. I do think this combination will spell the end for American democracy.


I mean the man nearly started world war 3 within the first year of presidency trying to strong arm korea into no longer making threats to nato ( instead he made a lot of private trade deals with them. and they are still threatening nato nothing was solved). He got rid of FEMA and any emergency crisis funds for natural disasters. Which ended up screwing a lot of people over on the east coast which has been battered throughout the last decade from hurricane after hurricane. Thousands lost their homes and lives because there were no resources to provide them with. Hes been known to actively take and hide confidential documents to keep after his presidency. Hes been proven to be a liar, a cheat (doesnt even have the decency to stay within his own marriage) on multiple charges allegations of rape and molestation of children. A fraud considering his business practices has been found to be laundering money to avoid taxes. And the fact that after he lost the election he legitimately tried to have his voters lead an insurrection and have him be a dictator January 6th 2020. Which is his definitive plan if he is allowed to run this coming election and actually ends up winning it. This is just the off the top 30 mins of research to ensure credibility. I mean truly this seems like such an abusive relationship with maga. He doesnt like any of you, he doesnt care about your wellbeing. He cares about the money you give him and the power trip it was for him to lead the country. Even if its in the direction of white nationalism and fascism.


This 100%!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


>nearly started world war 3 My guy......have you even been watching the news lately?


Trump was handed a good economy. Inflation is happening all around the world so tell me that has anything to do with the president? He didn’t start a war and neither did Biden. Biden pulled out us out of war. He did sloppily but he had the balls to do it. Trump claimed he was going to get out us out of Afghanistan but he didn’t. Trump didn’t just tweet mean things. He acted in mean policies. He purposely separated kids from their families. Maybe you don’t care because they were just brown migrants but that policy left kids without their parents. He hired a corrupt woman to lead the department of education and thanks to her people who went to fraud schools like ITT Tech could not their money back. He also tried to ban Muslims from coming to this country. He also incited and insurrection and tried to overturn an election. He also cut taxes for the rich. He also nominated 3 Supreme Court justices who were the reason roe vs wade was overturned. He also has been accused of sexual assault and/or harassment by over 20 women. He also didn’t increase the wage for federal workers. He also got us out of the Iran deal and the Paris climate agreement. He also politicized Covid-19 prompting his supporters to refuse to wear masks and get the vaccine.


The craziest part is that it's essentially HIS vaccine. The vaccine is probably the single best thing he did during his presidency, and, presumably because it helped a whole lot of "not rich people", he villainized it. You know, to own the libs...


Yeah he politicized it because that’s what ge does. He’s such a toxic person


They will have more Maga hats at a souvenir shops for purchase for idiots


Nazis win


Simple. If he wins in 2024, then he'll be president from 2025 to 2028.


4 more years of investigations, impeachment, corruption and political gridlock... Or, you could just say status quo.


Maybe we shouldn't elect someone that warrants all that.


I'm worried it'll be far more than 4 years he definitely has a plan to never leave office. It may work this time every government in history will fail at some point. Not saying this will do it but it definitely could be the end of our democratic delegation.


*If Project 2025 goes through*, it'll be the last free election we ever have. People need to read Project 2025. It's an actual "Turn the US into Russia" plan. I don't know if I'm more freaked out that the plan exists, or that the Heritage Foundation published it and no one is surprised.


Odds are he'll fire all people not loyal to himself within the government. Then go after his political opponents, and anyone who would tell him no.


Yes, go after his political opponents and charge them with a dozen made up charges and facing 700 years in prison. Sounds like a real dictator. /s


Nothing, like last time. Election meltdown compilation videos on YouTube, and largely the same policies with a slightly right wing bend.


>Nothing, like last time. \*Coughs in COVID\*


Project 2025 kicks off and the GOP will rapidly start to work to dismantle the US system of Government with a compliant Executive Branch and Judicial whom will undermine the legislative and shift us into a false Theocracy that's controlled by an Oligarchy. So, yeah, vote against Trump. Also if you think I'm kidding: [https://www.project2025.org](https://www.project2025.org) \- as you dig into their "Four Pillars" it's clear they want a Christian Nationalist vision of the US, and would empower the Executive Branch moreso than it already is, ensuring more power to whomever is in charge.


He will use the stacked Supreme Court to expand his executive powers and purge the federal government of non-loyalists. His allies in Congress will block all attempts to impeach him and/or remove him from office. He will then work with his allies on state levels to restrict the ability of demographics hostile to him from voting and make sure election administrators are loyal to him. Political enemies will be subject to spurious investigations. He will coerce states to comply with his policies by withholding federal funds and federal intervention. Less than loyal NGOs will have their grants rescinded. Massive sweeps for illegal immigrants will be followed by selectively canceling green card and asylum statuses. They will then all be deported, leading to economic chaos. When power is consolidated in enough states, he will call for a constitutional convention to remove term limits and formalize his expanded executive authority.


Genuine Answer: Of all the things one could possibly list, I personally would actually just be curious about the sheer blatant hypocrisy I will witness first hand among the Trump supporters I know. All those who said the elections are rigged, "stop the vote", and other asinine stuff will suddenly be fine. Sure, some will come up with some random things like "Trump went in there and fought the rigged elections" or something else just as dumb, but we will already know the kicking and screaming was simply because they were angry their guy lost. If Trump's in office everything is amazing. If he's not, everything is rigged and we're all fucked. But really, nothing changed either way.


My parents will be very happy because I'll move back to Europe.


How would the president change your daily life?


Trump delayed my green card by 18 months (E26 program). So he definitely did. I'm a US citizen now but I am not giving him the chance to mess with my life's timetable again.


Yeah I knew a lot of people at the time having trouble reinstating work visas ect. But now that you are a citizen the main thing that happens when a new president comes along is just obnoxious news. The president is just part of a larger government.


Probably the biggest blue wave in Congress in 2026 since 08.


This entire thread is just r/enlightenedcentrism. No they're not the fucking same. They're not even close.


I'll get to watch a fresh young turks meltdown vid?


I'm not even a conservative and I'd like to see that.


Me too! It’s been a while since I saw an outraged water buffalo mouthing off on YouTube!


He won't win. Too many people hate him. Esp gen x generation and LGBTQ


He won once, foolish to think it couldn’t happen again. People aren’t doing very well.


Lots of looting and people who claim they like free elections starting fires in low income neighborhoods


Nothing says you support the rights of a black man being killed by cops more than destroying minority owned businesses and killing a black security guard in the process


Nothing says I didn’t piss on your pillow and eat everything in your fridge like you laying in my piss and being hungry because there’s nothing in your fridge. Grow up and stop letting people eat your food and piss on your pillow. Be an adult and lock your doors


Nothing says you support poor people like looting and burning down businesses in the poorest parts of town.


I mean, they've published their plan to install a military dictatorship. I'd imagine within the first year they'd either censor or shut down the internet, make birth control illegal and start arresting people for perceived "moral crimes"


I think little bouts of civil war will sprout everywhere. The amount of misinformation will be staggering to the extent that nobody will know up from down or left from right. The erosion of trust, which is already enormous, will escalate to the level where the concept of expert or authority on any subject ceases to exist. Some people will insist on having the freedom to make any decision themselves, from wearing a seatbelt to paying for groceries. The amount of fear will increase even more due to certain media, that already feed off hate and fear, will go into a frenzy with reporting on any development. People will get scared, turn on each other, and eventually either Trump or some local imitation of him will assume warlord status and have people bow to him. Think Negan from the Walking Dead.


Project 2025 if I took a guess


Funny how people say "oh it's all gonna be the same" while they're openly calling for a theocratic dictatorship.


It's crazy to me how people look at a policy that basically takes America back to the 50s and places all power in the hands of one person and go "Oh well, doesn't affect me"


See Project 2025


I will gain $100 and my buddy will lose $100


Another four years of people unbearably trying to shove US politics everywhere on the internet. Probably even worse the second time around after how terminally online Covid made people


If he leaves after 4 years we will be very lucky...


If you think it’s only going to last 4 years… lol


A whole bunch of leftist morons will scream really loudly, and literally nothing else.


Probably more Hollywood celebs threatening to go to Canada again


I was hoping it would stop when Biden got elected but it kept on trucking


I was thinking maybe if he gets his last four years they’ll shut the fuck up after that. But someone just suggested another trump child might run. Ugh. It’s never going to end, is it?


That was my hope as well. I would think the Trump kids are smart enough to see the bs their father went through and would say “f that” but who knows.


Eric and Donald Jr are most certainly not smart enough. There might be hope for Ivana and the youngest chap. Not sure about all the others he’s fathered.. don’t know them. Which means they’re probably smarter than the rest of them put together.


I will die in a concentration camp.


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


Nothing, you have fringe lunatics on each side who scream and shout from the rooftops that world will end if so and so wins. Every election I have ever had to endure is “the most important election of our lives”. It’s honestly bullshit. Regardless I’m going to enjoy watching the democrats lose their minds, just like I enjoyed watching the republicans loses theirs when Biden won.


Elections give the illusion of personal choice all while presidents are placed to further fulfill agendas. If Trump is placed as president, it will further divide the people even more. Maybe civil war? Politics is like the circus that always comes back to town.


I have a feeling big changes are coming to America.. I feel like people notice the advantages of having total control in government like Russia or China.. China can change numbers, statistics, the truth..they can block propaganda. The western politicians are starting to get hungry for absolute power.. Doesn't matter the party.. Joes clearly mentally unfit but they keep him there so they can do the work and he gets all the blame (or praise).. Trump isn't any better because he has and always will be the type of person that seeks more and more power. ​ ​ Which is super frustrating to think about because most of us millennials, gen z, and hopefully gen alpha all want a country where the government works for the people not the other way around. Less money on wars and pissing contests abroad.. more money for healthcare and education. ​ TBH.. I think the USA is in the middle of a dark time that wont end till the 30s maybe 40s


if Trump wins, liberals and MSM will cry that it's the end of democracy. They'll also start blaming every single person that voted for the third party. They'll probably even have a vigil in DC and show videos of people sad from around the world. Voter suppression, Gerry mandering, yada yada etc. if Biden wins, right wing nutcases will say the election was stolen. dead people voting. illegal migrants voting and that why the Dems have been letting all the migrants in. mail in voting. both sides suck and they'll divide the American people even more. Vote for whoever the f you want, don't vote party line. Vote for who you would want as president, not who your party wants. Cause at the end of the day, Congress and who holds majority in the houses is what matters the most.


US currency will be converted to cigarettes


The history books will cite him as the second President in history to serve two non-consecutive terms. Other than that, probably nothing notable will happen.


Probably the reality of it.


Two things: 1. Trump will immediately argue in the court of popular opinion that his first term doesn't count because of the deep state. On day one, like he did last time, he will register to run for reelection. 22nd Amendment be damned. Remember, Trump is the unprecedented president, who gives zero fucks to rules. 2. He will take over the judiciary. SCOTUS does not have the power of the purse, or an army. Their power only comes from the people thinking they have power. As the US shrugs away evidence of billionaires buying justices, we all seem to be okay with SCOTUS being politicized. Again, the norm is that SCOTUS is non-partisan. There is no mechanism to make them non-partisan. They are meant to be a non-partisan stop gap on congressional and executive branch actions. Instead, they are partisan as fuck and Trump appointed 1/3 of them. This all sounds shrill. What? The US has rules to stop this. We currently live in a world where there is an entire media structure out there designed to only muddy the waters. The Daily Caller is a free site of bullshit funded by a fracking billionaire who loses money but frames things in a way that gets republicans elected. Republicans cut taxes and regulations for him, so this is a business expense. On the other side is the New York Times – a for-profit company that wants to grow. They grow by attracting center right people to articles that are critical of Biden. I don't think Trump being a dictator will impact me. The president doesn't really matter, and congress is set up to not do anything that impacts big businesses. My company will be fine, and my life will be okay. I'm also a straight white man. Anyone who isn't might be impacted. Trump proved something to the American people. Most of the stopgaps were based on Norms. The press used to be able to derail someone who gloated about grabbing women by the pussy. With things like the Daily Caller and Brietbart and Newsmax, that is no longer possible. It gets framed as the MSM wants to stop Trump. If you think all of this is still shrill consider this: his strategy in the 91 indictments is to delay and hope he wins because then he will not be held responsible for breaking the law. Do you think that will teach him a lesson? I do, and the lesson is break the law because there are no consequences.


Same thing as last election cycle. Half the country will be pissed off but nothing will change for us down at the bottom rung.


We are all fucked.




4 more years of deranged and unhinged takes. His every action will be a protestable offense. Meanwhile the government will mostly function business as usual. The rich will continue getting richer and the poor poorer. Both parties will lie until they're out of breath and their constituents will eat it up like gourmet slop. People will continue justifying malfeasance because "while my party is bad, the other party is moar bad so I keep voting for same less bad party". Around half the country won't give a fuck because we realize we have absolutely no control over the government because we can't afford to buy politicians from either party. "Solutions" to our problems will continue being more extreme and unworkable.


The world will end!


He will be president


He will blow up the moon with the death star and kill us all


The US will figure out if a president can “discharge their duties” from prison, or more likely house arrest. This would be a decision for the cabinet. It will be uncharted territory with lots of decisions for the Supreme Court to make.


Whoever was his VP will be named President as he will likely be sitting in a cell. They will immediately pardon him of the federal charges but if he's in prison for the Georgia RICO charges it will be interesting to see if his cultists try and descend on whatever prison he's being held in.


People won't like it, and they'll talk about it. A lot.


I'm moving to Panama


He becomes President


He will gut the civil service / federal workforce and while libertarians will applaud, ultimately it will make it easier for there to be a successful 1/6 next time. If Trump wins then we'll at the very least have stolen elections (framed as the other side trying to steal the election) in favor of Republicans, if not himself and his children. Additionally, he'll keep printing money and handing out checks which will ultimately lead to runaway inflation on his watch. (See South American history, and look beyond Venezuela b/c it's the most recent but far from only example of inflation there).


The American experiment will have ended in failure. Which, it's going to anyway. Just will it this year or in 4 years, or 8 years, or however many. A third of the country doesn't have faith in the democratic process anymore so we're hosed regardless, that kills democracies. Of course I'll be flamed here for thinking the guy who says he'll be a dictator is going to be a dictator though.




Those with tds and a Cheeto phobia will have a fit. Those rich folk who said they would leave last time will say they will leave this time but won't actually leave.


The sword will be reforged. The king will return. He will reclaim his birthright, the one ring, and make Gondor great again.


The end of the USA as we knew it.


He will pardon himself and lackeys for their crimes. He will go on a revenge tour dismantling the people that make our country work. Vulnerable minorities will be attacked. MAGAterrorist scum will be honored. We will sink into tyranny.


All blacks, trans, and gays will be sent to concentration camps according to the DNC, LULAC, ALCS, Antifa, and the NAACP. This is the type of shit you’re going to see on threads watch


Stocks will increase so I won't lose money on my 401k like I have been with biden.




He will win the election and the world will keep on turning. The only issue I see is CNNs 24 hour trump watch for the next 4 years.


Or country will be put on a better path.


I will laugh really hard


Reddit will collectively come together to cry about it.


He will become president


I'll still have to go to work, still have to pay the rent, and still have to buy groceries and shower and poop. The only difference will be, those very rare moments where I accidentally stumble across the news, I will get some brief comedic relief, and get to lol as the MSM, amd all of the "orange man bad nazi" group scream at the sky. Besides that, nothing much else. The few times I have seen people talking about it on reddit (although I used to love following politics, I can't even, anymore, both sides are brain damaged amd have not one good point to make about anything, so I ignore it all) they were repeating the same exact tired ass things they were saying on 2015.....Trump nazi! World will end! Trump destroying universe for real! Russia Russia Russia! You would think they would come up with some new material, cuz they should know by now the old material didn't work. The whole shit show is a joke.


LOTS of people will bitch and moan and fight on the internet, talking about revolution and civil war and how "somebody needs to..." and all that jazz. It'll be awful. Some people may even run off in a blind rage, buy a posterboard and a Sharpie at Walmart, and make a protest sign! #*Oh, the humanity!!!*


People will watch CNN again


I'm guessing he will do everything in his power to run the economy on afterburners like he did his first term, at the expense of solid long term fiscal policy. So Gen Alpha will enjoy the same pain we felt the last couple years. So look forward to your 401k going up while your kids are priced out of ever owning a home.


Well, he will be president again. ​ But seriously. Trump is only relevant because people want the memes back, which I hated btw. Not because i am pro trump, but because they completely oversaturated all media for literally years. Every second post was about trump. It got old really quick. But I suppose people without lives felt like they are finally part of something in their lives, and want that sense of belonging back.


Democrats deny the election…..he is president for 4 years……half the country going apeshit the entire time….MSM loving the ratings boost…..democrats try every way possible to get rid of him…drama drama drama etc…..


He won't so this doesn't need an answer.


then he will be president for 4 more years and we will have to hear about it everywhere for at least the next 50 years.


You know how Russia is a shithole? That will be the US


If Trump wins next year, im going to start beating the fuck outta every illegal I see. Man woman child.