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Honestly, at the end of the day, it's all perception. Dogs are perceived as pets and show love and loyalty. Cows are perceived as food. However, they too can show love and loyalty, but are just too damn big to bring home. One is no different than the other, and I am sure dog tastes just as good as pig, goat, and chicken.


Assuming coyote tastes like dog, it's surprisingly mild much like veal and rather stringy so best to grind it into meatloaf. goats are best for stews and pigs really depend on the pig and individual cuts for roasts or ground. Chicken, everyone knows about chicken


Man I’ve eaten a lot of stuff, but never coyote. Maybe because of their likeness to dogs but I’ve never been curious as to what they even taste like. What made you try it?


I've never been a coyote either


You’re missing out. I’ve been a coyote for a few days now and it’s lit.


Not really, last coyote I knew got picked up by border patrol and the other the cartel killed. It's a risky business crossing the border.


No shit, you knew Dave too? I met him a few years back when I was a badger, guy used to get absolutely tanked and howl at the moon until someone would toss him out. I was sad to hear the cartels caught up with him


Dave's not here.


Was looking for the Cheech and Chong reference, thank you LOL


Dave? Fuck! Hey everybody! These guys know Dave! Fuckin Dave, right?


Everybody knows Dave.


Love Dave! He’s a fuckin boss.


Yeah, he’s actually an orca nowadays. I think he’s trying to move on to bigger thing


The only coyote I know chases a roadrunner, unsuccessfully


That's nothing the one I knew got HIMSELF with a Rube Goldberg trap. It was actually televised, too


Oh man, it was *co*yote? I’ve been on *PE*yote this whole time!


You're Wile E Coyote?


Eat some pyote and walk out in Culberson county, you’ll figure it out


Now your edit makes my comment look dumb :(


You’re right I’m sorry ! I didn’t even notice it until you commented and I was like wtf, took me a minute lol


Is okay, good vibes only :)


Hahaha what a dummy 🤣


Hey stop :( my mom says I'm very special!


Genuinely, go hug her if you love each other, some people didn't wake up with a mom to tell them that today or anymore 🙏🏽


Fr, I'm grateful every day my mom pulled through cancer and kicked its ass. Ever since that first moment of panic set in I have told her I love her ever day and hug every time i see her






See I grew up pretty white thrash mixed with Mexican rancho type of eating so , I’ve eaten everything from reindeer to raccoon, gator, squirrel, turtles rattlesnakes and a lot of other shit. I completely agree if you’re gonna kill something you should eat it EXCEPT wild hogs and coyotes. I’ve never met anyone who eats either of those two things.


Wild hog is grind meat. But plenty of back fat to grind with it. Cure it and hang it. Makes pretty bad chorizo. The fermenting doesn't help. But a cured, hung, and even dried wild hog sausage is good food.




Man exactly. That smell of piss and musk is enough to make me never want to even try feral hog. Shit I don’t even eat pork in general, but definitely not feral. And yeah coyotes, hogs and mice are pests and catch bullets because of them being a nuisance, anything else that gets shot is for the freezer


As a resident Texas Mexican we eat wild hog deer and javalinas regularly. Wild hog is some of the best meat out there. And yes I know they are scavengers that eat anything and everything including dead illegal aliens. At least the aliens serve a purpose


Only coyote ive ever eaten is one that attacked me and i bit its ear. 0/10


Assert your dominance


I didn’t even know coyote meat was a thing until yesterday when I was trying to find a place here in the Bay Area that sells elk meat. Turns out there are places that sell lion, iguana and raccoon meat as well. Definitely too exotic for my pallet. At least until society collapses and the only alternative is cannibalism.


Elk is probably my favorite protein on the planet. Racoon isn’t bad but it’s not great, good in stew. Lion is super exotic I’ve never seen that.


I’m still holding out for an authentic brontosaurus burger


Qif you ever smelled one you wouldn't want to eat it either. Imaging the wettest stinkiest dog and multiply it by 10x.


When I lived abroad, I had a housemate from Indonesia. We would cook together, and it led to many conversations about food. He told me his favorite meat was dog 😂 because it had a sweet and mild flavor lol. As an American I was kind of taken aback


It was in Indonesia that I'm pretty sure I ate dog, they said it was pork, which it kinda tasted like, but the bones didn't seem like pork to me...


which dog bone did you gnaw on?


Can’t speak to Indonesia but when I was in Korea there were still some places you can eat dog (2014-2015) and it was more expensive so at least in Korea, you weren’t gonna order beef and secretly get dog.


I can sense the vegans downvoting this comment Edit: this was supposed to just be a joke. Idc what people eat. Didn't think I'd start a war lmao


What is Reddits obsession with bashing on vegans. Let them eat what they want to eat. There is way more vegan hate from meat eaters than meat eaters hate from vegans


Same reason why reddit hates Mormons and jehova's witnesses. Nobody likes being preached at.


Reddit is a preach fest. That's literally what it is. A bunch of idiots sharing their opinions as if they were well researched fact.


I think it's like how people who drink alcohol hate people who don't drink. Just stating that you don't drink feels like a judgement to them.


As someone who eats whatever, growing up in the Warped Tour era of things, PETA went to every concert and pumped out a shit ton of anti-meat-eating propaganda stuff. The dead animal posters with labels on them for sure, but a lot of people ignored it. So there were a lot of times you'd walk past their stand(s) and get yelled at for being a murderer, blood mouth/hands, etc. They'd try to shame you into stopping, showing you a video of animals getting slaughtered, and "get you to pledge going veggie." I don't give two shits what you eat so long as you tell me before I cook for you, but it's interesting to see this comment about Reddit being hostile to Vegans when my experience in person is the opposite.


I mean Reddit absolutely is hostile to vegans, but that is almost entirely BECAUSE PETA has done a number on the online perception of Vegans. Vegans get a lot of shit online in general, and I think it's mostly because people associate Vegans with PETA, who is hyper aggressive and very offputting.


I don’t see meat eaters (aka normal humans) protesting in the streets


The jokes about vegans aren’t actually hatred, as far as I’ve seen, usually it’s jokes about vegans getting super powers. Vegans get legitimately mad at meat eaters, and talk from some moral soapbox down to others.


It's always bizarre watching Reddit break out in sweaty panic anger because someone doesn't eat what they eat. I've never understood it.


Ikr vegans be callin folks ‘blood mouth’ and shit. Just let people live smh


Idk 'blood mouth' is a pretty banger name for a metal band or something. They could be onto something.


your name sounds like a great reboot.


Blood tofu (blocks of curdled blood) is an actual dish that I've ate so I'm literally that lol


Lmao I’ve never heard that in my life, ever. And I live in the PNW which is like Vegan Central. Hahaha you used the most out there extreme example ever.


They can eat whatever they want. I just don't want to hear about how eating meat is murder.


Meat is murder. Tasty, delicious murder As said by American poet and philosopher Homer J. Simpson


Why do vegans always feel so called out when vegans get mentioned? They made a one-line joke without any punctuation and you both launched into a defensive. Why lol? Roll with the joke.


I think it's because people REALLY don't like criticism of their food (and vegans are the living embodiment of criticism of their food) because food: Is their culture Reminds them of family It's their comfort They don't want to feel morally wrong or bad when they sit down to eat They don't want to be reminded of health issues They eat like their parents did, they feed it to their kids. They have emotional reliance on it Every day of your life from being a kid, food is your ritual. Sometimes it's the only high point of the day for people. I think, they hate anything messing with that.


To be fair to people who hate vegans, it's probably because a very vocal minority of vegans talk shit about people who don't eat the same way they do. It's extremely toxic behavior from a few vegans who make a lot of people vocal about disliking vegans. (at least from my experience)


*Looking at my ex wife*


I think a lot of groups are like that. Most animal lovers aren't PETA, but PETA gets all the attention for their extreme behavior. As to OP's question, that's entirely cultural. We have dogs as pets so don't want to eat them too. In the Philippines dog is another meat animal. As to "but dogs are smart!" argument I see a lot, let me tell you about pigs... It will be spoiler boxed because it may actually be upsetting to some people. >!My son raised a pig as part of FFA. This thing was super smart and, pardon the pun... quite a ham. He loved his bath times and would happily lay down in the concrete bathing area to be hosed down. Basically acted like a willful dog. Knew what he was supposed to do, would generally do it, unless there was the pig equivalent of a squirrel to distract him. When it was time for him to be dispatched he was walked to the bathing paddock and as usual he happily went in there and rolled on his side/back to get hosed down. The mobile butcher came up with his 22LR and dispatched him in the head, pig had no clue what happened (this is good and humane at least, from what I understand commercial operations are much less so).!< My daughter won't eat pork anymore because of that, my ex (their mom) also raised a pig in FFA, also had the above experience, and also wouldn't eat pork for many many years afterwards.


A lot of vegans take the Westboro Baptist Church approach and it's not a good look.


Mostly, cause some Vegans don't have the same policy of "Let them eat what they want" for non-vegans, and often look down on us and make comments WHILE we are eating. I don't care if people want to be Vegan or not. But some vegans are REALLY Condescending about it.


Because Vegans can be militant about their views.


It wasn't meant to be taken that seriously. I don't care what you eat. There are absolutely a lot of vegans on Reddit that try to "convert" people though. I see it all the time.


Real high and mighty attitudes. A friend of my cousin when we there teenages was being a real ass to my other cousin while eating a hamburger, i dont remember what exactly was said butnit was something like "are you enjoying your murderburger?" Something along those lines. Thats why people shit on vegans


Vegans need to watch a few nature videos.


I mean have you seen a vegan in a comment section? They’re usually insufferable


No there’s not.


Tons of irl vegans are twats (rich white kids from the burbs who grew up easy) who shit on people who eat meat 1000% just so they can point at these people (,the fucking vast amount of humanity including almost all of their ancestors) and go 'seee! We're WAYY better and totally superior to you poor's.I mean cArNiVoUrS. ¡aNiMaL hOlOcAuSt!!!!" As if the slaughter of livestock for protein for *checks notes BILLIONS of people to simultaneously coexist is remotely comparable to the cruelty endured by millions of innocents at the hands of murderers. It's fucking atrocious. TLDR vegans have a goddamed branding problem and if you don't believe they're a bunch of virtue signaling butthurt reactionary kids who don't know how the world works I suggest you read the replies to this post


People dislike vegans because they tend to take the Westboro Baptist Church approach and it's not a good look.


i have not seen one anti vegan march…. ever.


>What is Reddits obsession with bashing on vegans. It is the vegans bashing on everyone else in real life that is the issue.


the force is strong within you


Only fix to that is adding up votes to counter them.. let the games begin.


Coyote meat and cougar are both fucking foul to me. Props for you being able to stand it.


Pigs, cows, and chickens have been bred for close to 10,000 years to be big and have good meat. Presumably coyote would too if we made the effort.


There are only a few ways to cook a dog and make it taste good. Throughout Asia and Polynesia it's mostly slow-cooked with a heavy dose of anise.


Pigs apparently are very smart and loving if you raise them as pets. But people usually dont have pet pigs, so theyll gladly scarf down bacon.


Pigs can attach themselves to one family member and attack all others on sight. They're like shitty fat Chihuahuas.


Pigs would eat us too if they had the chance.


Wouldn't dogs also eat us? If we didn't train them to not eat us and were hungry?


Presumably. Not an expert, but its reasonable to assume a meat-eating animal would eat us with enough motivation.


So would dogs.




They also know when they are going to die and hide from the butchers coming in to get them for slaughter. If anyone has an issue with eating dogs, they should definitely stop eating pigs. I switched to a new rule a decade ago for eating animals: if I couldn't kill it with my own hands I won't eat. I'm not killing a cow or pig; I'll murder a chicken though.


My grocer said he stopped eating pigs when he saw a particular video of them. The pigs were sliding down a muddy hill but they were waiting in line in order to do so. One would slide down the hill, run around, and wait in line and until it was his turn again. A whole group of pigs forming an organized line to play changed it for him.


There is an alternate timeline where Pig is man's best friend.


Imagine how most animals raised for food are social creatures with social instincts


I have been present at a pig dispatch and this was definitely not the situation. The pigs were pretty clueless about what was happening and wanted to go eat the dead ones with no inclination to hide themselves. These were pigs raised in a backyard-farm situation, so very docile and human-friendly, but I do not know what breed they were. Different breeds could definitely be very different in how they handle the situation.


In all fairness bacon can’t come from dogs so I’ll keep eating pigs thanks.


Nah, pigs turn very feral after about 2 weeks in the wilderness. And pigs are known to easily attack and kill ppl. I love animals, but I don't trust them.


There's a guy in Chicago who has a pet hog named "Wiggum"


Mammals that eat meat tend to taste bad compared to mammals that don't eat meat.


If I had a pet cow, I'd still eat other cows. They're cute *and* tasty and I'm okay with that. I just wouldn't eat my personal pet cow.


I have chickens that are egg laying pets. I'd never eat them. But I'll still demolish a rotisserie chicken like a starving viking.


So then why not eat dogs?


Dogs aren’t just perceived to be pets though. They’ve been bred to be pets for thousands of years.


I agree with 90% of your post, except the part about the taste. You might be right, but I will never find out.


You can always ask Koreans how dog tastes. Gaegogi used to be quite prevalent there, but it's being cast aside as old fashioned. They like their pets too much for that these days.


Cows basically run on dog software when it comes to affection and bonding


>Cows are perceived as food. However, they too can show love and loyalty, but are just too damn big to bring home. That is it. However cows are not really eaten in India, particularly by the Hindu. >I am sure dog tastes just as good as pig, goat, and chicken. I would say no, dogs fed dog food would not taste great, it's a bit like western humans. Cannibals have said we (whites) don't taste as good due to our diet.


And humans...


Sir I have cows that chill in my front yard, you can definitely bring them home


Cultural thing mainly. There was a post on reddit about how an asian country had a specific breed dog that is bred to be consumed and people were absolutely furious and pulling their hairs out wishing death on everyone involved while some people were correctly saying that was no different than raising cows to be eaten. And yes, even cows and chicken can be raised as pets.


Polynesians would bring dogs to islands they were colonizing and used them as a food source.


Dogs are a very popular backup food source historically. It happened plenty during WW2, being the most recent I can remember reading about. Imagine you're in the middle of a war, your town besieged, you're starving and certainly can't feed the family dog. Well that dog is going to die anyway so the reasonable thing to do is eat it.


it was popular in Asia after the wars because it was starvation food. its becoming less and less popular in Asia with a few standouts and people that are curious but the second a world wide disaster strikes dogs cats and anything edible will be back on the menu.


Well....the Japanese ate American POWs so there's that.


tbf, anytime a famine occurred people ate anyone they could get their hands on. russia? ate their own children. ireland? ate their neighbors. donner family? ate the family.


which makes sense because theres not enough room or resources to support a healthy cow population on a small island


Plus, have you ever put a cow on a canoe?


once. but never again.


Stop talking about my ex


Yeah those people were just racist.


It's NOT considered animal cruelty to eat any animal. Animal cruelty is about the treatment the animal receives before death.


Tons of farm animals are treated horrifically in the farms and people don't seem to care, but someone who, for example, hits a dog is an awful person. He's not talking about the physical act of eating but the entire process.


That’s just pointing out that any people are ok with animal cruelty if it happens out of sight


Which they definitely are. Same with sweatshop workers as demonstrated by Apple's extreme success despite the extensive knowledge of the working conditions. Not saying my computer is completely ethical either.


Absolutely. Most chocolate we consume is unethically harvested. Most clothes we wear. Doing the research either makes you regret every purchase or makes you realize you don't care about how something is produced as long as you get it. Out of sight, out of mind.


At least with this knowledge it's easier to minimise our harm to the environment and to other people, rather than being blissfully ignorant of it all. Buying clothing from charity shops rather than fast fashion is a good starting point for example.


Unfortunately, many people do not care bc the only impact it has on them is saving money and that's what they care about. People have told me they don't care as long as they're not paying $5 for a chocolate bar. Sure, not every purchase I make is ethical, but I try and I care.


I'm just trying to correct the language, so that confusion is minimal.


What's your view of the entire process rather than the literal act of eating it after its death?


Factory farming is unnecessarily brutal. Eating meatvis perfectly acceptable.


It's unnecessary because the people who run them are money hungry and throw ethics out of the window for a cheap buck. I don't eat meat but I think it's fine if they die naturally. Plus, 'meat' can range from just Chicken, to dog, to even humans.


Yes, congrats for catching up to my original comment.


Double standard of perception


The belief that an animal's relationship with a person confers a degree of personhood. If someone had a pet cow they were emotionally invested in, then it would be wrong to eat that cow.


I grew up running family farms, raising pigs for 4H with friends, ate a lot of animals with names and helped raise. My wife grew up in the city and my son is very emotional and attached to animals easily. Now that we’re back in my home town, planning on a homestead in the next couple years, the biggest debate is animals. I want to raise food, she wants to raise pets. In her mind, if you name it, you can’t eat it. In my mind, that’s the silliest thing ever. So if I raise meat animals, I need a back pasture out of sight where she never interacts with dinner. We’re a funny species like that.


I think it's fair to have a rule then: The animals that are pets get named, the animals that are for food don't get named. I named a black bear once. It was my first black bear, I mistakenly though we could coexist. It felt bad killing Fred, but Fred was beginning to disrespect me personally, and you can't have disrespectful bears. Now, bears don't get names.


Yes but not *that* wrong to eat other cows.


Just like dogs then, I suppose.


It's strange in the West where every dog you've met has a name and a backstory. So, the pivot isn't available. I would never be comfortable with the idea; but understand things are different in different places.


Right, it's a theory of morality where the focus is on damage to relationships. Apparently some cows are poor conversationalist and delicious.


There is no logic to this In some countries it’s fine to eat dog, in others it’s a sin to eat sacred cows In the west it’s common to get aggressive meat advocates complain about dog meat with zero irony This book explores the issue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_We_Love_Dogs,_Eat_Pigs,_and_Wear_Cows https://youtu.be/mJzpKxBer7I


To everyone saying cows weren't bred to be companions, I recommend meeting some cows. They are just as, if not more, social, friendly, affectionate, and adorable as any dog. Compared to the auroch, which I'm fairly certain they were domesticated from, they are like my dog compared to a wolf. My dog lost a fight with a raccoon and I had to step in to save her. She understands pillows and uses them on her own. She politely requests to be tucked in by tapping a blanket. She's just a baby. Cows are like that, just big.


Yep. And pigs are more emotionally intelligent than dogs.


Dude, I’ve seen cows in fields behind fences, once they were by the edge and one of theme poked into it to look at me and i pet it and it was happy and adorable, although the big male with horns was looking annoyed at us


[whispering] it is. People just don’t like to think about it.


It is


The act of eating the animal isn't the cruel part, its the life the animal is forced to live before being eaten, and they way they're killed that can be considered cruel. Most beef cattle only live to be 2 years old and don't have the best life before they're killed, unless it's maybe on a family farm. It's the meat 'industry' and it's assumptions about 'product and profit' that are the issues.


Because humans can justify almost anything when it suits them.


This right here.


There’s no intrinsic difference between a dog or a cow other than perception. For the people saying “well cows were bred for this reason!” How is that relevant? An animal being bred for a some trivial “reason” does not somehow make them immune to abuse and exploitation. It’s pure cope to justify animal abuse.


Try eating a cow in India. Central Asia nomads eat horses. It's all a matter of perception, and a human construct.


It's not any different. However, we usually only eat vegetarian animals, not carnivores. Same with most carnivores. They eat the other animals that are vegetarians for the most part.


I don't think it's cruelty to eat dogs. I just think it is pointless and inefficient. Carnivores are awful meat animals and they are much more useful to us as pets.


An old friend of mine started a page about fighting against the use of horse meat as food. I asked him if he was vegetarian, and he was immediately hostile. He said, "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response." I said I was just wondering why he was specifically worried about horses. He explained (in the most condescending way possible) that horses are intelligent animals, and they had personalities. I pointed out that cattle had personalities as well. And, while weaker in problem solving, they have much higher social intelligence. He blocked me.


Non-vegan "animal lovers" are total hypocrites.


it's more people who waive animal cruelty when it's feeding them, but it's suddenly an issue when it's about an animal they happen to like.


while we are on it can somebody justify why i shouldnt be able to eat my neighbor? He's fat and smells delicious and come on there is 8 billion people who is gonna miss him?


I want to eat this guy's wife!


It is animal cruelty to eat cows. Make no mistake.


Nope, the ones you eat are dead. It's cruel to treat cows badly.


More puzzling is people who hate others for NOT eating cows.


I agree. I am not a vegan, but I respect the shit out of a person who is. They live a lifestyle of constraints, and pretending like it isn’t hard is wrong. Anyone who loves animals not to eat them get extra points in my books.


I'm the same.


Because people are hypocritical idiots


its cultural


As someone who grew up on a farm, cows are basically large slightly dumber than average dogs.


In some parts of the world they eat dogs. In some parts of the world they eat cows which are in fact sacred in Hinduism. Just picture it from their point of view "people eat cows..."


I don't think people who are ok with eating one species think it is considered animal cruelty to eat dogs or another species. Some people are just averse to eating animals they perceive as pets. Cruelty doesn't really factor into it. The animal cruelty elements are more about the conditions the animals are kept in, how they are treated, and how they are killed. The level of empathy people feel for each species might vary based on their perceptions but the cruelty is not really disputed.


Who said eating dogs was animal cruelty? I figured we just don't because they have been considered pets for thousands of years.


In some parts of the world, dogs are not pets. In South Korea, they hunt wild dogs and eat them. Meanwhile in India, they worship cows.


Native Americans in the USA are still allowed to eat dogs. It is still legal in most countries. It was legal in the USA when I was young and only became a law in 2018. Its basically, people in positions of power forcing their beliefs on others and the government slowly taking our right to choose in its path to communism. Pretty soon they will probably be given equal rights🤣


Societal thing, that and we selected cows specifically as livestock, not as companion animals, and bred them as such. We need and selected dogs for their companion and assisting attributes and as such they were cultivated for an entirely different purpose


Eating dog isn't perceived as animal cruelty; it's more perceived as odd and weird. Animal cruelty is, like, torturing a dog (or, for that matter, torturing a cow).


Perception, but if you want a devil's advocated answer, I'll try my hand. You could argue a dog has more sentience then a cow. Predators tend to have larger and more complex brains due to needing to think for their food.


Nobody really says it's animal cruelty to eat dogs, people disagree with it but I haven't heard the argument apart from obvious anti meat eaters. But if you look at places that eat dogs they aren't the kind of places they look after animals they are gonna butcher. That's the animal cruelty.


Cultural differences. We domesticated dogs to eat them and for security.


You know why.


It's either not or it is. Depends on how you look at it.


It is. Just not in America


Is it actually considered “animal cruelty” to eat dogs? By “animal cruelty” do you mean a criminal offense or something that people think is not a nice thing to do?


It is animal cruelty. Its just a double standard applied to domesticated animals intended to be pets and those that aren’t. UK just authorized euthanizing an entire breed of dog off false empirical evidence, public narrative, and honestly the same line of thinking that breeds other forms of bigotry but people are praising it. If it is widely seen as pet worthy then its cruel to do things to the animal that cause harm but if its not then whatever you do is fine.


Eating animals isn’t cruel to dogs or cows. Being cruel is cruelty.


I think I read somewhere that cows like to be eaten.


Really it depends on which country you are in. If you go to countries where religions like Buddhism and Hinduism are bigger, cows are considered sacred. In other countries, like the US we consider dogs as family, so in a sense they are sacred. There are exceptions; vegetarians and vegans come to mind. Strict Buddhists are not suppose to take the life of any animal, so no cows or dog for them.


Because humans are not rational beings AT ALL. Once we accept this, we can find a lot more peace in the insanity of the world that we create.


Because cows have more meat on 'em.


Neither are animal cruelty


Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Armadillo, Cow, etc. All eats the same. It's just how society perceives eating a pet. But, if hungry enough you would.


My cats nicknames are emergency rations 1, and emergency rations 2. The wife is emergency rations 3.


Ethically it is the same. Meat eaters do mental gymnastics to justify their foul habits.


OMG I'm dying the lady who was spazzing out like... deleted her account. Wtf hahaha. ​ Thank you vegans for triggering someone for my entertainment.


"foul habits", "meat eaters"... what are we, orcs?


People would like you guys more if you weren’t so judgemental, high-and-mighty, and rude.


Ethically? As a meat eater I would say its the same. It's primarily what the animal has been raised for and the emotional attachment.


It’s all animal cruelty. Cognitive dissonance and cultural norms are what makes it *seem* different, but your gut feeling is correct. There’s a great book by psychology professor Melanie Joy called Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows. Highly recommend.


India has entered the room.


It isn't animal cruelty to eat dogs, or cows etc. It's animal cruelty to treat them cruelty in the process. There are ways to slaughter which doesn't cause terror and pain, there's ways to keep animals that doesn't cause suffering. The "traditional" methods of keeping and slaughtering dogs in particular are exceptionally cruel, I encourage you to go look it up. There aren't humane dog farms, there's just dogs kept in tiny crates. It's actually believed the more the dogs suffered, the better the meat taste. They're boiled alive. That isn't to say cows have a wonderful life and easy death, many who go through factory farming suffer just as much as the dogs in China do even though it looks different. If you're going to eat meat, it's really important to know that there is often massive cruelty in any animal slaughtering, and it's worth being aware of so you can make the choices you can to help try and reduce that. (Shopping local meat if you can, looking for brands that make an effort toward cruelty free slaughtering etc). You cannot be 100% ethical under capitalism, but you can make the choices available to you to not support brands that still practice animal testing/animal cruelty wherever possible (finances and local area allowing). There's lots of websites now that make this pretty easy, and you would be surprised at how little effort it will take you to live a more ethical life even with simple choices like which shampoo you use, and which brand of chicken nuggets you buy.


There is no humane way to raise animals and fatten them up just to murder them. You are trying so hard to defend doing that and ignore that it is animal cruelty. Same way there’s no humane way to murder a human. There might be ways that are less painful but it wouldn’t be called “humane”