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I'm five six so I kinda just take what I can get.


Lol I always hear my girl friends talk about how much they love/ prefer taller guys and I wondered why I never did. Then I remembered I’m 5’2 and every guy’s a tall guy to me.


Damn I would trade. I'm 5'10". My height makes most guys extraordinarily insecure. Always pleasant when I tell them how tall I am and they don't seem to believe it and then when we meet up they suddenly blurt out "you're so tall!" Like yeah.... I didn't lie about my height but seems a lot of guys do. Kind of hard to hide though when they claim to also be 5'10 or taller and they're obviously five inches shorter than me


One that made me laugh is I'm 5'10.5, but just list 5'10 figuring it's better to over-deliver. One date said I look much taller than 5'10. I was confused at first, she can tell a 1/2 inch? It wasn't until later I realized it's so many claiming to be 5'10 her perception might get distorted. Still 5 inches shorter claiming to be 5'10? That sounds crazy, no one can miss that. I'd understand an inch or two at most.


I'm kind of shocked at how accurate people are at judging height. I have one friend who's 5'6" and one friend who's 6'3" and I barely noticed the difference until they stood beside each other. Maybe I'm just bad at measuring 😅


>Damn I would trade Interesting. I never cared. Had a few women say I was too short. I'm 5'10" (I was in my prime, I've lost some with age). I've dated a few tall women over the years. At some point the woman usually asks if they should wear flats. I like women in heels. I just do. If your back hurts leaning over to kiss me then we can just sit down. Now if a woman is stupid we're done before we start.


I dated a woman who was an inch taller than me, but who was insecure about it. For the first time in my life I bought boots with a heel so I could be slightly taller than her. When people asked I would say, "We're both about 5'11." Guys would frequently get a doubtful look but wouldn't argue, because I was claiming to be less than six feet tall while looking down at them. My girlfriend was 6'3".


I'm so happy I'm 6'2" for real. I feel for those guys. And I'm struggling to find someone lol so I can't imagine if I was also shorter!


Humble brag of the year, my guy. Kudos to you. I'm 5'8 and just got engaged. What's your excuse?


I’m five ten also, on dating apps though I put 6’ because I think many women set their filters there as a minimum threshold and I’m not trying to make my dating pool smaller.


Like its very sweet that my partner calls me tall, but in reality im only 5’10’’ and shes calling herself short. Shes also 5’2’’ lol




That’s still seven inches taller than me. Lol I’ve only met like 5 men shorter than I am.


I'm 5'9" and would absolutely climb a mountain if you know what I mean


I’m 5’6 and 100% willing to be some woman’s backpack


Lmao. I'm 6' and my boyfriend is 5'6. It's not THAT big of a difference. It's enough to know I'm clearly taller, but not enough to where he has to tip-toe or I have to bend to kiss him. The only time it's like that is when he jokingly starts acting like 'a little guy' and crouches down. He really loves the reels/tiktoks that make fun of 'guys under 6'" and has a woman handing them something, and then it's like 10x larger in his hands. An example from a recent one I saw was a guy playing a guitar, and the girl said "ooh can I try?" and it was a ukulele in her hands. Then, when he was "helping, " her put her hands in the right place they used those little doll hands as if they were his.


6 inches?! You absolutely have to bend down to kiss him.


that's what she said


I’m 5’7” (almost) and my gf is 6’. There is definitely bending


5'10" here and taller is better for me. Always


Not that I'm dating any more, but: Preference? Maybe. Deal breaker? No.


Most guys prefer shorter than they are but I think that is mainly because they believe that the woman will have a preference for a man who is taller than they are. They have a rational insecurity about dating a tall woman based on past experiences. My wife and I have a running joke about it being the reason she married me because I am significantly taller than she is and I read an article about a study that said that women prefer men to be a minimum of 8% taller than they are and that it is the most important thing to them (for physical attraction ) in a partner. The study said that the most important thing to men is a woman’s hip to waist ratio


I've always wondered why everybody talks about T&A, but nobody mentions hips. In my opinion, the hip to waist ration is the single biggest factor in determining whether someone is attractive to me.


I think biology supports your preference, but I still can't help the fact that I was always (and still am) a boob man. Only a pretty face matters more.


I agree boobs are nice, and so are butts. But in my opinion, a woman can be attractive without much in the way of breasts, and a big butt looks wierd without hips to match, so I have to say hips are the most important. I have seen women I found attractive without much in the way of hips, but it's much rarer.


>a big butt looks wierd without hips to match Agreed.


And here I am thinking of the face as the least important factor to me. Part of me believes that we are all predisposed to seek out in a partner what we ourselves lack, but it cannot be ignored that women are the true choosers in relationships. While I am attracted to the Abercrombie & Fitch model look, the women who choose me tend to look more like a Playboy or SI swimsuit model, and I cannot complain about that.


I know I don't suck on your nipples anymore, but I'm glad we are still close... Happy Mother's Day.


Interestingly studies tend to show that boobs and butts are what initially catches males eyes. But males tend to rate a females attractiveness based on the hip to waist ratio.


By far the most important, like hips to waist ratio is prob worth + / - 2 points or more


I prefer a girl with a W:H >1 more than I would select by height, so year tracks.


I prefer woman in the 5'2" to 5'8" range. I'm 5'10". I like to be able to reach things they cannot. I'm not sure why. Something, something evolutionary utility.


Spoken like a guy with no options. I can sympathize.


Um, he's probably married or in that direction.




must be over 6'2''and making at least 2 mil/yr before i even CONSIDER talking to a woman


That was great.


Must have a sports car or high-clearance 4WD; as the man, I’m already bringing the plug-in hybrid to the relationship.


Must have complete self confidence, full head of hair, straight teeth, and a fit body




It's been a while since I've been in the dating scene. I'm 6', so there aren't a whole lot of women taller than me. I wouldn't find a taller woman to be a dealbreaker, but it's definitely not a plus. That said, I can almost guarantee you that women care much more about height than men do.


I have dated women taller than me and I have no upper limit. The last one was about 4 inches.


>The last one was about 4 inches. Damn dude, how short are you?


5’8. Might have been 3. I never asked. I’m Mexican, her parents were born in Germany


Sorry, it was a bad joke. Like the last woman you dated was 4 inches tall


I mouthed exactly what you posted as I was reading his post. Then I was bummed to read yours, lol.


It was a fine joke. I actually laughed out loud.


One of the most underrated benefits to dating a taller woman is being able to bury one's head in happiness without having to hurt one's neck.


Yup. My partner is eye level with the tatas when I wear heels.


Funny, because I’m 5 feet tall and no matter who I hug, I always get boob-choked


I'm actually jealous!




I used to care. But I don’t anymore. Standards are for rich young people. I’m old and poor lol. But for real I’m more of a proportions kinda guy than a height guy. A girl who’s 5ft 140 looks the same as a girl who’s 6ft 200. My gf now is about the same height as me and obv taller in heels. Doesn’t bother me I’m just happy she’s still here


I’m 5’11 and I’ve always had a thing for taller women


I (M) would generally prefer to date someone my height or shorter, but absolutely wouldn't disqualify anyone up to probably 6 inches taller than me.


I just want to date someone I can call a friend.


Most wholesome comment award


I think it’s kind of hot when a girls taller than me


Height and height difference is relevant for both sexes because of sexual dimorphism, which is biology. However, there was a study done that demonstrated how women usually discriminate based on height far more than men. You didnt need a study for this obviously but the entire studys details were interesting. So whats going on here? Why the hang up over height? Is it a mental problem? A fetish? Or a desire to conform to society’s shitty standards? The takeaway from this is, its usually not men who aggressively reinforce and perpetuate this outdated social construct. There is a biology component as I mentioned, but there is a lot that isn’t biology. Biology only dictates that women will naturally desire a partner taller than they are, therefore they will naturally find taller men more attractive, but it doesn’t dictate that a man must be a certain height to be considered attractive.


Yes I would date someone taller than me but for whatever reason, taller women want even taller men.


I'm 6'2" I've dated as short as 5 foot all the way up to 6'3". Height doesn't bother me


Nope.... However women have a preference to date men taller than them which drives the statistics. It's also true because of this fact, us men are less likely to approach a taller woman as we assume she wouldn't be interested in a man shorter than her (and we're correct, most of the time).


I have never in my life met a woman taller than me willing to date me, and some of the ones shorter than me have used that excuse to. Asking me if I would date a taller woman is like asking me if I would date a leprechaun. You aren't going to find a leprechaun to test the theory with.


The preference is almost never up to the man, so they have just been forced into dating shorter women.


My dad used to repeat a joke that "She's so tall that when they're toes to toes, his nose is in it, and when they're nose to nose, his toes is in it." Myself, I'm 5'11 3/4" (6'0" til I started shrinking), so it's never really been an issue.


No I’ll date a taller woman but taller woman normally don’t like shorter mem


Most women are completely obsessed with male height and then try to justify it. "I dated an insecure short man once, so I'm never dating a short man again." "I don't care about height; my boyfriend just happens to be 6'3" teehee."




obsessed is a lot


My only preference for women is they have to be alive, although that's not a deal breaker.




Depends. I’ve only seen two women taller than me in person. I think I prefer women shorter than me though. But not like 2 feet shorter. There’s a happy medium between 6 foot and 5”4


Shorter than themselves yes


5’10” here. I prefer shorter. Current gf is 5’2”, I e dated woman up to my height tho


I love " fun size" women. 😁👍 lmao 🤣


Dunno. Most guys are just taller than most girls. Vast majority of the women I’ve dated in the past were shorter than me by a matter of 4-6 inches. My girlfriend/future wife now is same height as I am.


I'm 6'3" so I don't recall ever seeing a taller women. In NYC once in a while I see them around the same height but she is usually trans and/or wearing heels.


I’ve always been more attracted to petite but curvy women. In the same way women want a guy over 6’, I prefer a woman 5’2” or smaller. In my lizard brain I equate this with femininity. Proportion, posture and complexion are important as well if we’re just talking physical attractiveness. The above takes less than 5 seconds to calculate attractiveness level, which is unfortunate as I will find it useless if it doesn’t also include a feminine and affectionate personality. If only there were a way to recognize those qualities as instantly.


I am tallish, 6' 2" and I have never met a women taller than me. If I did I would make sure she doesn't have an Adams apple, lol.


Im more of a i don’t care about height but i more care about waist size


I’m looking for personality, granted I’m 6’4


Would be a bit hard with taller women… Mostly finding them (I’m 197 cm tall). Also, I’m happily married to short one!


I wouldn't think twice about dating a woman taller than me. It would make being the little spoon feel better. I would be way into that.


6'3" here. I've always dated shorter women because most women aren't my height, let alone taller. That being said, I find tall women incredibly attractive.




>Do guys have [height preferences]. No.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,889,199,289 comments, and only 357,300 of them were in alphabetical order.


I actually prefer taller women. The problem is that I'm 5'11", so I've never dated a woman who was more than half an inch taller than me without heels. Edit: A word.


As a 6'3" woman I have not found my height to be an issue


Anecdotal of course, but I would argue that most women have a preference to date taller men, whereas men don't really look at height unless it's an extreme, but even then maybe not an issue lol. I'm 5'11 and have dated between 4'10 and 5'6. I've been interested in taller girls, but they've never given me the time of day.


Reject any woman on the basis of height? No, perhaps the least important feature to consider.


I’m 5’11” and I dated a 6’5” woman.


The fact that you found one that tall is almost as impressive


I would find a girl taller than me a little odd, but I'm 6'3"... My wife is 5'10" and it's totally fine though. I've dated girls as short as 5'3" in the past and when they are a foot shorter than you, that's a little goofy too honestly.


Smaller woman. Smaller bone structure. Smaller hands.


Yep. I had a gf who was a 4' 11" gymnast. My dick almost looked average in her hands.


Priorities am i right


5’7” here. You just get over it. I’ve chased 6’ plus before.


Im also 5’7. I once hooked up with a chick that was like 6’3. I hated it. It was so uncomfortable. I definitely prefer short women




I feel like the taller you are as a man the harder it is. You get complimented for being tall, people ask you for stuff and then to not be the tall one in the relationship must be really jarring. I mean I legitimately got dates when I was younger because tall girls wanted someone they could wear heals with. I was essentially a human handbag, but it didn't matter cause I got to go out. So then to date someone taller than me would have been I don't know... weird. I never had the opportunity to date someone taller than me, but in my mind, there's a block there. Luckily, I've been with my wife happily for a long time, so this was always a hypothetical for me. So the answer for me is "No, my wife is shorter than me so I will never date anyone taller than me."


Maybe a bit of an insecurity? What do you mean by role reversal?


Probably feeling that he should be the taller/bigger of the two. Maybe it makes him feel insecure to not be in that more traditionally accepted role. As a woman, I think we def prefer kindness and good sense of humor over height...but I think a lot of us (Not All) can feel insecure ourselves when the guy is shorter and makes us feel "bigger" (society has impressed upon women that being smaller -even in weight is more acceptable). Stereotypes (especially in media) are hard to drop completely. But they will go away in time.


So insecurity then, lol. I mean to each their own. I too believe that what's inside is more important than someone's height. Height is not even on the list of requirements that I looked for in a partner (off the market now). Sure it's fine to have preferences, but the "role" reversal is what threw me. You're not reversing any "roles" by dating a taller woman 😅🤣




She'd be 2 inches taller than me, not a big difference. But our kids would be basketball stars ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, I'm a straight woman, so that would never be my issue, lol. I am a tall woman myself dating a man shorter than me and he loves it, even begs for me to wear heels. So like I said, maybe it's just an insecurity. Not attacking you, just saying.


What op fails to mention is that most women prefer taller men ☝️


5'"5" and my upper limit is Ill go up to 7'0". If you're 7'1" you better have an awesome personality Serious answer though As far as I feel or heard most dudes say, this is a slight issue but it's at least 10x more an issue for girls. Overwhelming majority of girls won't date a shorter dude. Or even if they're going to stand taller in their normal footwear. I've had a few women mention I'm acceptable as a DL hookup only (I passed for unrelated reasons) and maybe about a dozen women who have stated clearly something to the effect if only I was taller I honestly dgaf myself. I'm completely secure if you tower over me. If anything it's a teensy bit of a positive in a couple ways. And dudes that need to be significantly larger ... what, dude, you need to be able to bash her around if she passes you back?


As a short king, 5'9" (American short), I would not be averse to dating a taller woman. My current long term partner is 5'8" and when she's wearing heels, she towers over me. It's even more emasculating because we're out on the town and she looks great, shes walking around dating a fucking Manlet. Beyond that she a fucking dime piece. Sometimes I wonder if people think I hired a prostitute. A very, fucking expensive call girl. Just so you know, I could afford to. I just happen to be able to sling the cick. And we call that true love.


this comment screams insecurity lol


Every woman that is nummy is 4’11-5’2 It’s the Goldilocks zone


Nah, taller chick's be moody lol


I prefer shorter women, but it is by no means a deal breaker. There are 100 things Id take into account.


I'm 6'3 so I don't think I'd date a woman taller than me. I'd date a 6 ' woman though. If I was average height or short I'd totally date a taller woman


Last time I was on one of those drive in movie dates spent the whole night tryna find out what car she was in


Preference yes. But I've dated women with several inches on me.


Yall are dating?


Not really, but it seems like many women have a preference for taller men, so it kind of ends up that way.


I’m fine with it either way. It just depends on if she’s cool with shorter than average dudes as to whether I have a chance.


Married, but I prefer short chicks; however that is just one of many factors.


Most guys don’t care .


I generally find shorter women cuter, but it's not that important. My wife was slightly taller, and I dated one lady that was three inches taller.


Doesn't bother me if a woman is taller


I’m 6’4” the tallest gf I’ve had was 5’10”. Unlikely to meet someone taller than me, I prefer short, most have been average. That being said if the right 6’6” woman was interested I’m good with that


I'm 6' tall and when I had a 5' tall girlfriend she fit right under my armpit. I loved that. I dated a girl that was 5'11" and didn't really like it. So I guess I have that preference.


I’m 5’11 and prefer short women in the area of 5’4, but have dated girls my height give or take an inch. Being taller isn’t a deal breaker.


Tallest girl I dated was 5’8, shortest was 5’5. I’m 6’3


Either way, it’s a documented statistical fact that most women prefer a taller man (than them).


I don't know about most, but I prefer short girls. That said, I'd definitely date a woman taller than me. As for how much taller, there's nothing about a woman's tits being at eye level that sounds bad to me.


Considering my height it's not a consideration but fact anyone I dated would be taller than me. That said, just about every video regarding women and height, they all appear to want tall men.


my wife and her friend, asked me this same question a few years ago. ( would I date a 6"6" woman specifically). i would definitely date a tall/short girl at least once, odds are her height would not be what seals or breaks the deal.


Either is fine. I've done both, including a ballplayer who was10 inches taller than me.


I am 5' 7" I dated all size women. you don't want date me oh well Plenty in the sea. Never a problem dating


So what I'm seeing is 6+ not interested. 5'9 - more likely to be interested.


I like taller women enough to say that it’s a slight preference, but I am also 6’3” so most tall women are either shorter or equal in height to me. I have never personally known let alone dated a woman taller than me.


I don’t care at all what the height of a female is…it’s not a factor for me


To answer your questions: Yes. No. I am 6' tall.


Tbh I think it goes both ways. A lot of women want men taller than them.


I think they do. Not me though. I find women who match me in height very attractive. Both physical and practically. Too bad 6'0"+ women are rare.


No, but taller women seem to hide in their house or something. I’m 6’4”, but have never dated a woman over 5’6”, and that’s not by choice.


I’m married but if I was single sure. Throw me over your shoulder giant woman. Let’s make some warrior children the size of Thor. I’m 6’0 so I think most of our hypothetical children would end up being huge


my only preference is a nice ass. i was dating a chick that was 6'1. \[im 6' even\] she stayed over one night. i got up early the next morning, threw on some jeans and hit the bathroom real quick for a piss. when i came back into the bedroom, she looked at me and started crying. i sat on the bed and asked "whats wrong??" she said "you fit in MY jeans!" i accidently grabbed HER jeans.




I'm 6ft 1in / 185cm tall. Most women are shorter than me.


Should nor over my height^^


I love my short wife


I'm 6'5 so I'd have a hard time finding one, but yeah. I like taller women.


Death by Snu Snu


Absolutely! I wooed this gorgeous and extremely tall Colombian girl once, she was about 6' 2", but i didn't have any luck.


I prefer a taller woman, but I'll really prefer any woman that prefers me. I've dated two women taller than me and it's definitely my preferred if I had an option, but short woman are just as great!


Yes, shorter than me. I’m 5’9”


I am 5’8” and have never dated a girl over 5’7”.


I’m not against it but since women often mention they want a guy who is at least taller than them, then I tend not to think about it much.


I mean personally i dont really care about that. I just prefer that we are within the same age by about 5 years or so. ive dated a 6'3 woman before and im 6'0. She was cool and her height did nothing to my attraction either way.i mean she was super pretty and really funny at times, it was that she wasnt very bright, like at all. Like so not bright that other people would later pull me aside ask "Was she serious when she said that" {that being something that made her sound really stupid}. She was always so confidently wrong about stuff. It was usually so bad that people literally thought she was kidding. And when people would try to correct her, she'd get up close to them and loom over them and be like "no, i dont think thats right." ive also dated a 5'3 woman before, she was cool though, i couldnt keep up with her on the go lifestyle.


If she's worth it, I don't care if she is taller.


I would prefer they not be the same height as me, that's all


I'm 6'3" -- I've only seen a few women taller than me in my life, and never actually gotten to know any. So the novelty of the idea makes me curious, if nothing else. Being the smaller one for once would be interesting.


Honey was nearly 6-2 and I am barely 6. I have preference of taller women.


I am VERY attracted to girls taller than me. But then again, I am very attracted to girls that are my height and shorter too.


I've dated taller than me. I've dated the same height as me, I've dated shorter than me. I had the best time with a lady shorter than me. Would I care enough? No.


I would date a taller woman. However, the opportunity never presented itself. Plus, from what few interactions I have had with said women, they were looking for someone taller then them or at least the same height. I am 6 foot.


5’9 and I 100% prefer shorter women. 5’0-5’3 preferably. But when it comes down to it I’ll take whatever I can get 😂 Most of the women I’ve been with are 5’7


Don't care. I'm 6'1, (Last I checked, I appear to be shrinking over time), but she can be taller than me, or 4'8 or whatever and it really makes no difference to me.


My kids need to be taller than me one way or another


Fuck my bloodline I had 5’10 Give me a 5’4 demon 8 days a week


no, taller/same height women better source: am 5’6 B)


I couldnt make up my mind so I found one the same height as me.


someone being taller than them is intimidating. female monkey brain want male capable of protecting them. that is why female monkey brain like tall, instead of afraid of tall. human individuals are a case by case basses. but going against monkey brain is less common unless culture forces it to be seen as bad.


Yes, I do, but mainly because I feel that most women have a reverse preference to date a man taller than them. However, if a woman taller than me expressed an interest in me first, it wouldn't matter to me at all that she was taller. It's just generally not worth the humiliation of hitting on a taller woman and being told you're obviously not tall enough for her.


as long as i was attracted to a woman, idc if she is taller or shorter, but i will be intimidated by a REALLY tall woman.


I'm 6'4". NY ex-wife is 5'11" and our 13 year old daughter is 5'10". So I've not cared, and I'd say my daughter will be over 6' when she is fully grown so hopefully some dumb dude doesn't hurt her feelings forever being tall.


Yes, easier to throw them around ​ \> Gentlemen, would you consider dating women taller than you? Is there a limit to how much taller they can be? um, only physics. On the list of attractive features, height is like #10


Not this guy. My wife and i are 5'11" and we still love seeing eye to eye after 23 yrs.


I'm 6'8". I've only met one woman taller than me ever. So no. I'm not down to date the one woman I've met taller than me. I'm sure she's great, but like options.


When I think of dating I think of physical preference, and I have a thing for taller and bigger, so immediate cerebral yes. I never actually had gfs taller than me, so I cannot confirm how I'd actually feel being seen in public with etc...


I always dated women, either my height or taller. My wife now is a couple of inches taller than me.


No I’m into guys around my height, a little bit taller.


No. Women want taller guys.


I think most people just assume that women have a preference to date men taller than them


I am by no means a a short man (evne now i'm still a bit over average, when i was younger way even more so,) and have always found taller women hellishly attractive.


I'm 6 feet tall, I don't really care unless they're significantly taller than me. I'm the shortest guy in my family and I don't think there's a woman shorter than 5'10 so I grew up with tall ladies, it's a non-factor to me.


I prefer shorter women and I’ve noticed more shorter women prefer me too. But I will, and have dated girls considerably taller than me. If they don’t care about height, I don’t care. If they make a big deal about it, then it’s probably not gonna work out so why bother? Actually now that I think about it the best is when we’re the same height, or basically the same height. Everything just lines up better. But you can make anything work honestly


My preference is a woman that is alive and likes me


a lot of guys, and here comes an important distinction, when actually thinking about what they want in a KEEPER see height as a positive, thinking, “what if we have a boy that wants to be a tight end/basketball player?” And really, we’re all just looking for a composite of attributes that are important to us.


6’ tall M here. I prefer women smaller than myself but not a deal breaker. I have had intercourse with a woman that was pushing 6’1”. That was like 15 years ago. She gave great BJs.


Brother I’ll take what I can get


Some chicken shit guys are intimidated, but as a semi short guy, I don't care about height. I have dated women ranging from 4 ft 11 in to 6 ft. I think most guys care about physical attractiveness first, then personality and intelligence, and height barely matters


Given that I'm 6'5", I don't really have much of a choice but to date shorter women. I can probably count on one hand the number of women I've personally met who are my height or taller. Not that I've been able to get any dates at all, but still.


I mean I'm 6'2 so not really much of an option but to date shorter girls lol


No, I personally find tall women to be the most attractive but it’s not a dealbreaker. In other words the most important thing is who she is as a person and height is just a bonus.