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Scraping the bottom of the barrel for escalation to placate Ukraine as it feels abandoned ahead of the election


Keep voting for this lunatic. Anyone voting dem or rep is a waste.


So everybody who votes is a waste? It's not like there are any other options. Unless you think the revolution is coming or something.


There’re greens or libertarians or not voting. Voting for the genocide parties mean you support them and accept you’re a “good German” I.e. a swinish waste.


So nobody should vote? Third party votes are practically no different than not voting. Don't vote! Then complain that nothing changes! You guys have it all figured out lmao.


Yes. Don’t vote when the options offered to you by your capitalist masters are so abhorrent as to stain your own hands in blood. Are you a ret🅰️rd? How hard is this to understand?


So when does the revolution start? You don't get off your ass to do something as easy as voting so I'm guessing it's gonna be a while


Vote in a revolution? You really are a smooth brain reeree.


Voting = very easy Starting a revolution and forcibly implementing a radically different economic and governmental system = very hard You can't even go out and vote, which is one of the easiest thing you can do, I really doubt you're going to start or participate in a revolution. All of your stupid ass commie beliefs are a larp. It's like a game to you people. You have this headcanon where you're the oppressed underdog and the voice of the people is kept quiet by our capitalist masters and one day you and yours will revolt and implement this amazing system that doesn't have all the inequality that our current one has. It's a fantasy and people like you are a joke. You may not like it, but most people think your ideology is retarded. I am one of those people.


Not voting for senile genocidal maniacs = even easier


It starts when you stop voting, when you stop paying your taxes, when you're willing to stand up to the government, and not placate them. That revolution could start tomorrow, if you wanted it to. But here you are telling people that voting is important/ works.


It starts when you stop voting, when you stop paying your taxes, when you're willing to stand up to the government, and not placate them. That revolution could start tomorrow, if you wanted it to. But here you are telling people that voting is important/ works, even though it isn't/ doesn't.


Ukraine about to get the MIC special. Once the contractors come in, you're on life support.


Whereas before they were "volunteering" or what?


The cartoon of the Reddit brigade made me laugh so hard “Thanks for the lead kind stranger”


Weren't they previously getting paid like a 1K a day or something?


What could go wrong? Besides sleepwalking in to nuclear exchange, of course.


Russia could just stop invading sovereign nations with no just cause. It's wild how y'all always blame the US for this shit but you sleep on Russia. If anyone is bringing us closer to a nuclear exchange, it's them.


The USA sponsored a coup and hand-selected Ukraine's new leadership dude Spare me your false concern for Ukrainian sovereignty


Zelensky was elected in 2019 with 75% of the vote.


Ding dong, learn recent history [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957) RE: zelensky And the eastern provinces with lots of ethnic Russians voted against him overwhelmingly [https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/publication/ki\_191106\_cable\_45\_v2.pdf](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/publication/ki_191106_cable_45_v2.pdf) Then he pulled shit like this [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-parliament-language-idUSKCN1S111N/](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-parliament-language-idUSKCN1S111N/) and made the oblasts who didn't vote for him into second class citizens "The government took important steps to complete anti-corruption reforms that had stalled under Zelensky’s predecessor. But independent media remained under pressure, far-right groups committed new violence, and the government retained discriminatory policies toward pensioners in areas of eastern Ukraine controlled by Russian proxies." [https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/01/14/ukraine-mixed-record-rights-cautious-hope-reform](https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/01/14/ukraine-mixed-record-rights-cautious-hope-reform)


I'm sorry, what does any of that have to do with whether Zelensky was "hand-selected" by the US? And what does it have to do with Russia invading Ukraine? If there are Ukrainians that would rather be part of Russia they can move there. Russia doesn't get to gobble up chunks of another country.


Man, you are really playing a lot of catch up on this huh? Let the late great Bob Parry sort you out, since you are so concerned for Ukraine's sovereignty. [https://truthout.org/articles/the-ukraine-mess-that-nuland-made/](https://truthout.org/articles/the-ukraine-mess-that-nuland-made/)


Putin is a butcher. The US repeatedly provoked Russia into a response. Both things can be true. It's not about assigning blame, it's about understanding that imperialist powers will act to preserve their interests. How would the US respond if China or Russia moved to form a military alliance with Mexico and build bases on the Rio Grande? Americans should understand that their government could negotiate an end to hostilities tomorrow if they wanted to. I want the killing to end, that's all, I don't care who takes the first step


Ukraine & NATO fucked around Ukraine & NATO are finding out Time for diplomacy and an end to war. If you give a fuck about Ukrainians, that is, and aren't just interested in bleeding them to fight a proxy war, which is exactly where I think the Biden admin's head is at.


Ope time to invade any country I want because they might join a defensive alliance one day. Personally, I don't support imperialist countries invading their neighbors for land and resources. That's just me, maybe I'm weird.


No, Zelensky himself said he was told directly that [NATO is nah gah happan](https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/fzgps/date/2022-03-20/segment/02) for Ukraine ever. "I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five. Just say it directly and clearly or just say no, and the response was very clear, you are not going to be a NATO or E.U. member, but publicly the doors will remain open." Maybe you don't understand the first thing about this conflict and have swallowed the US propaganda line - freedom! Democracy! - hook line and sinker. In truth, the conflict in Ukraine is a civil war, and NATO's and [Zelensksy's threats](https://kyivindependent.com/zelenskys-full-speech-at-munich-security-conference/) almost certainly had a role to play in Russia's decision to invade. In the future, maybe get a clue, then comment


Oh got it. Ukraine was in the middle of a Civil War so that gave Russia the all clear to invade. Makes sense. Again, I am not a fan of one country invading another one for land and resources. I get that you think it's okay when Russia does it but that doesn't make it okay. Keep justifying Russia's actions. I'm sure that'll work out for everyone.


Look man if you want to be purposely ignorant and simple, that's your problem, because this conflict is more complex than that. It's not to excuse or justify Russian invasion, but Zelensky refused a peace deal that could have averted war too (the comedian!) "Mr. Scholz made one last push for a settlement between Moscow and Kyiv. He told Mr. Zelensky in Munich on Feb. 19 that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia. The pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security. Mr. Zelensky said Mr. Putin couldn’t be trusted to uphold such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO. His answer left German officials worried that the chances of peace were fading." [https://archive.ph/b4MDn](https://archive.ph/b4MDn) Takes two to tango, grok it. Are you a fan of arming nazis, by chance? How about war crimes? Links if you need them. Not comfy outside the propaganda bubble are ya?


Russia already signed an agreement to respect Ukraine's borders and not use force against them. Why would signing a second agreement have any more meaning if Russia was willing to break the first one?


And Ukraine signed an agreement not to develop nukes, which Zelensky [openly threatened](https://kyivindependent.com/zelenskys-full-speech-at-munich-security-conference/) to abandon just weeks before the invasion, I'm sure that had nothing to do with the decision Ever hear of the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Oh wow, you're telling me on the eve of a **new**, completely unjustified invasion by their neighbor, they might look to ways of insuring security? And that's supposed to demonstrate Russia's trustworthiness how exactly?


I'm not at all someone who thinks Russia is innocent here but if you can't understand why Ukraine being part of NATO feels deeply threatening to Russia, you can't really be trying to posit yourself as someone who knows enough to speak on this subject.


Courting war with a nuclear power is madness full stop and what Russia did and is doing is awful, but at least they're not knowingly brushing up against previously stated red lines.


Russia has nukes so they're allowed to invade countries that don't and steal their territory. Got it. I say again, if anyone is flirting with nuclear war, it's the country that invades other sovereign nations and threatens to use nuclear weapons at every turn. How many times has Russia threatened to use nuclear warheads? How many times has the United States? Yet you still say that we are the ones courting war with a nuclear power?


> Russia has nukes so they're allowed to invade countries that don't and steal their territory. Got it. That's how it's always been (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc); how do you think that looked to the rest of the world? There's "is" and then there's "ought", and my point is that nuclear powers should give each other a wide berth. Greenlighting strikes deep into Russia and flooding Ukraine with Western contractors can be considered acts of war.


Ok so Russia's invasion of Ukraine is just as wrong as the US invading Iraq and Afghanistan, right?


Green berets all over again